Monday, September 16, 2024

When Will The Gambia Launch Its National IP Policy 

By: Muhamed Lamin Ceesay The Gambia has been a member of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) since 1980, after signing the WIPO Convention. This accession was done...

The Riverside and the Jolt of Memory

Essay By: Cherno Baba Jallow I keep having flashbacks of a trip I made to the riverside in the middle American city of Detroit several moons ago. It was the...

UDP leader Darboe’s statement at the launch of the party’s 5-Point Agenda and Official...

Good morning and welcome to the official launch of the United Democratic Party 2021 Manifesto; 5-Point Agenda and Official Website. Monday August 23rd, 2021 marked the 25thAnniversary of...