Friday, September 20, 2024

NPP & the Gitteh debacle: A comedy of errors

By: Dida Halake I was lying in hospital in London when I saw the news about NPP candidate selection for Brikama Chairmanship. Now, I had been warned by...

Amie’s been in it all

First, let me say this: I think Amie Bojang-Sissoho is doing a fine job as President Barrow’s press secretary. Here is a woman whose job it is...

Examining The Orientation of Public Health Practice in The Gambia: Letter to my Lecturer

Dear Mr Nget, 10 years ago this week, I was seated right in your classroom as a student at The Gambia College - School of Public Health...

This is in response to a Weekend Edition Sunday story on NPR Story on...

Opinion This is in response to a Weekend Edition Sunday story on NPR Story on March 25, 2023 “NPR's Miles Parks speaks with Ousmane Diallo, a researcher at Amnesty...

The Gambia should not follow Saudi for moonsighting

By: Kebba O On the 27th day of every lunar month, very early in the morning before sunrise, the waning crescent of the Moon is entering its journey...

A, B, C, Darboe Just Doesn’t Get It: A Commission is a Commission, Period.

Why did Lawyer Ousainou Darboe refuse to become a novelist? Because he's already a master of fiction, creating his own tales to suit his political agenda. In...

“Today Is An Opportunity To End ‘Barrowflation’ ” – Momodou Sabally Says

By Momodou Sabally The embattled UDP Commando Momodou Sabally has taking a hit on President Barrow and his NPP again, this time calling on Gambians to vote for...

Chasing After Titles: The “Honourable” That Everyone Is Becoming

  By: Honourable Toney F Mendy In my observation, the chase for titles, the delight in being considered a "relevant stakeholder" whatever it means in our society today, have...

President Barrow’s Fictive Commissions: Testing the Limits of Human Justice

By Saul Njie What happens when a State must prosecute itself? What is one to do when the State - not some foreign forces - are the tools...

Tragic Death of Isatou Chorr Demands Justice

OPINION By Bakary J Janneh Right Activist The devastating news of Isatou Chorr's untimely demise has sent shockwaves through communities far and wide. Isatou Chorr, a Gambian maid, was allegedly...

UK’s Illegal Migration Bill: The Gambia Classified As ‘Safe Country’

As the United Kingdom implements its Illegal Migration Bill, concerns have been raised about the decision to classify The Gambia as a "safe country." The UK government's new...

OPINION: United Democratic Party (UDP) needs to reform

OPINION By: Musa Bassadi Jawara This was a turbulent week in Gambian politics. The president in the provinces ranting and vociferously denigrating political opponents on one hand, the UDP issuing statements...

Anxiety Grips New National Assembly

By D. A. Jawo Many people are still trying to make sense of President Adama Barrow's choice of the five people that he nominated to the National Assembly,...

The Political Tsunami: Commando Defected

In their book "How States Think," John Mearsheimer, (the American political scientist, University of Chicago), and Rosato explore how political activists and officials utilize logical techniques to...

Will Gitteh contest as an independent candidate despite signing a pledge to support any...

By: Muhammed Lamin Drammeh “Whoever is selected here, I will be your Khalid Ibn Wali, I will do the fight for you”, Ahmad Gitteh promised when he was...


OPINION By: Momodou Ndow In August of 2021, GFS (Gambia Ferry Service) announced plans to spend 30 million euros for the refurbishment of the ferries. “The ferry management has signed...

The Hypocrisy of Gambian Parliamentarians

OPINION By: Pa Alhagie Musa Kassama (The New Pen) The issue of hypocrisy among parliamentarians is not unique to The Gambia but is prevalent in political systems around the...

KMC Youth Councillor on President Barrow & his team

Editor's note: The opinions or facts therein expressed in this publication are those of the author. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of...

Unlikely Bond: The Surprising Friendship Between Saddam Hussein and His Guards

By: Sowe Bully In his final days, Saddam Hussein found himself guarded by a group of American soldiers. They were known as the Super Twelve, and they had been tasked...

An open letter to President Barrow

Dear Mr. President,  If I write to you about the current situation of our country, will you read? If I speak to you about the direction our nation...