Thursday, October 24, 2024

Press Statement: Alhaji Boye (Gambian Sniper) To Appear in Court Friday

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Mr. ALHAJI BOYE Case in Raleigh, North Carolina


Date: August 9, 2016

The December 30 Gambia Freedom Foundation (D30 GFF) wishes to inform the public that we are aware of the recent detention of Mr. Alagie Boye, of Raleigh NC, in connection with the December 30th, 2014 heroic attempts to restore democracy and the rule of law in The Gambia. Mr. Boye had his first appearance in court today, August 9, 2016 at 10am for “Detention Hearing” in the court of Magistrate Judge Robert T. Numbers, II in Raleigh, NC.   But the “Detention Hearing” has been adjourned to this coming Friday, December 12, 2016 at 10am Eastern Time in the same before the same judge.

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We (The D30 GFF team) have had our leadership in constant touch with the family of Mr. Boye, since day one.   We have been sharing and exchanging information, and strategizing with the legal defense team, the family, and their appointed spokesperson, Mr. Omar Ann of Raleigh, NC. The D30 GFF leadership have also been speaking to Mr. Boye himself and so has Spokesperson Ann, who along with the family visited Mr. Boye in Jail over on Monday August 8, 2016. Also, the family, Mr. Ann, and some Gambian community members from Raleigh were in the courtroom this morning to render morale support. Ann is working with the community to mobilize a strong presence in the courtroom this coming Friday to show their support of Mr. Boye and in respect of he and his fellow Heroes’ immense sacrifices in seeking freedom for the Gambia.


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Over the course of the prosecution of the initial group of heroes connected with the December 30th incident whose cases were tried in Minnesota (MN), the core group of volunteers of the D30 GFF and the MN Legal team have built a tremendous and resourceful knowledge base, visa a vis the Neutrality Act and in particular the effective defense of our December 30 heroes. We know that it is because of the formidable amount of defense work, collaboration, research, advocacy, community support and donations that the initial court cases, for Heroes Mr. Cherno Njie, Captain Alhaji Barrow, Army Official Papa Faal, and Mr. Banka Manneh, received what could only be described as very lenient and favorable sentences given what they were originally charged with.



We have activated the D30 GFF team to provide guidance, advice, and support to Mr. Boye, to the family, and to the legal defense team in Raleigh. The D30 GFF Team has also been facilitating collaboration between the former Defense Team in Minnesota (MN) and the Raleigh Defense Team so they can share the legal documents and research in connection to the Neutrality Act and key defense strategy that was employed in the MN cases. We are also hoping to collaborate with the Diaspora fundraising group, Gambia Democracy Fund (GDF), to raise funds in support of Mr. Boye and his family throughout the course of the legal proceedings. D30 GFF henceforth has secured the legal services of lawyer Elliott Abrams for Mr. Alagie Boye. D30 GFF has been in contact with Mr. Abrams law firm for the past days.



As previously stated, we are pleased to inform the general public that, Mr. Omar Ann, Community Activist in the State of North Carolina, has been appointed by the family of Alagie Boye as their spokesperson. Mr. Ann is an eminent, credible, and trusted member of the Raleigh, North Carolina community, and all questions pertaining to the case of Mr. Boye, could also be directed to him.



The D30 GFF team will be supporting the efforts of Alagie Boye’s family and specially his legal team to ensure a strong and adequate legal defense. And we have been working and will continue to work with Spokesperson Ann through the course of the proceedings. Our Facebook (D30 Gambia Freedom Foundation) and Twitter (@D30GFF) pages and Website (WWW.D30GambiaFreedomFoundation.Org) will be reliable sources of information and updates on the case. We will ensure there is up-to-date information about the case available on the aforementioned platforms on an ongoing basis.
We are urging the community to show their support by attending the scheduled “Detention Hearing” for Mr. Alhaji Boye on Friday, August 12, 2016 at 10am Eastern in the court of Magistrate Judge Robert T. Numbers, II in US Federal Courthouse, 310 New Bern Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27601.



Alagie Boye is one of us and he is a hero who like all the other December 30th Heroes, sacrificed immensely in an effort to bring freedom to ALL Gambians. Let us all stand by our own and show our support now when he needs us the most.


If you would like to attend the Court case on Friday or any further information, please contact Mr. Omar Ann through his Facebook account (Omar Ann) or via email ([email protected]) or contact the D30 GFF via Facebook (D30 Gambia Freedom Foundation) or email ([email protected]).



The D30 GFF will very soon be releasing information asking you to write support and character attestation letters to the judge in Mr. Boye’s case. To donate for support of Mr. Boye and his family, please go to the following GoFundMe link: https://www.GoFundMe.Com/2H8QWY4. We are very grateful for and would like to thank all of you for the support you have been providing to ALL our heroes, and we look forward to your unfaltering support of Mr. Boye his case.  




The December 30 Gambia Freedom Foundation (D30 GFF)


For The Gambia, Our Homeland, We Strive, and Work, and Pray.


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