Monday, September 16, 2024

Friday 13 May 2016


May 17, 2016 : Court Day For Fatoumata Jawara And Co, Baby Aisha Was...

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Gambian democrats protesting for Electoral reforms in The Gambia

[youtube] The protesters were arrested and brutally tortured, sexually abused and still missing. This led to a nationwide ongoing protest for their release and return death or...

Gambia opposition party leaders protesting peacefully.

[youtube] UDP opposition leaders peacefully protesting against the arrest torture and allegedly murder of peaceful protesters. This noble action led to their arrest and unlawful detention.

Gambians peacefully protesting DAY 18/04/02016 Part3

[youtube] After the arrest, torture and death of peaceful protesters against Yaya Jammeh's tyranny, Gambians went to the street to protest for their release and end to...

Gambians peacefully protesting DAY 18/04/02016 Part2

[youtube] After the arrest, torture and death of peaceful protesters against Yaya Jammeh's tyranny, Gambians went to the street to protest for their release and end to...

Gambians peacefully protesting DAY 15/04/02016

[youtube] After the arrest, torture and death of peaceful protesters against Yaya Jammeh's tyranny, Gambians went to the street to protest for their release and end to...

Breaking: Justice Ottaba recuses himself from opposition leader Ousainou Darboe and Co’s case

Breaking news out of Banjul has confirmed that Justice Ottaba who is presiding over the case of Lawyer Ousainou Darboe and his Co accused and recused himself...

Bombshell: The Gambia’s solicitor Genreral removed

The Fatu Network is getting reports that dictator Yahya Jammeh has fired the Solicitor General of The Gambia, Cherno Marena. He was said to have been fired...

The Gambia/Senegal border closure: Dictator Jammeh says Guinea’s President begs him to open the...

As the  border closure continues to pinch harder and harder, The Gambia's delusional dictator, Yahya Jammeh in his usual tirade to look for relevance has told his...

Yahya Jammeh blames Senegal for border closure and said Senegalese are affected the most


Violent Response to the Protest: How Jammeh’s Final Survival Strategies Can Backfire

By Ousman Jobe Since the arrest and the subsequent detention of the executive members of United Democratic Party and its youth on April 14 and 16 respectively, there...

Mercenary Nigerian Judge refuses Bail To 25 Youth Activists Currently On Political Trial

25 youth activists who are standing trail in the Gambia for organizing a protest without permit have been denied bail by Judge presiding over their case. Defense...

Americans Accused of Trying to Overthrow Gambia’s President Sentenced in Minnesota Court

  By Kayla Ruble May 12, 2016 | 5:25 pm   Four American citizens accused of helping to plan a failed coup in the Gambia against President Yahya Jammeh more than...

4 US Citizens Sentenced for Attempted Gambian Coup

By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS MINNEAPOLIS — Four U.S. citizens were sentenced in federal court for their roles in a failed attempt to overthrow the government in the West...

Face to face with death: Female detainee catalogs systematic torture in The Gambia while...

The Gambia's horrific human rights records is once again on the spotlight as Nogoi Njie who was arrested with a group of youth activists in April explains...

Opposition Leader Ousainou Darboe and Co transferred to the remand wing of mile two...

Sources have confirmed to The Fatu Network that opposition leader, Lawyer Ousainou Darboe and five members of his executive were this evening, May 11, 2016 transferred to...

Gambian diplomat Samsudeen Sarr allegedly threatens to shoot protesters in leaked tape

  By Ludovica Iaccino   An audio clip containing controversial remarks reportedly made by Gambia's deputy ambassador to the United Nations has emerged. It is believed that Samsudeen Sarr was...

UTG, Young Magistrates and The State: Who is doing wrong?

Few days ago, I woke up to the news that Omar Jabang, a First Class Magistrate at the Banjul Magistrate Court, was arrested and held at the...

Preserving the Peace

On April 14, 2016, a small group of Gambians led by Solo Sandeng of the opposition United Democratic Party (UDP) decided to stage a protest march to...