Tuesday, March 11, 2025


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Bubacarr Drammeh

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UTG Alumni


The university of The Gambia is created by an Act of parliament (see Cap 49:03 Vol 7 Revised Laws of The Gambia 2009). Section 3 of the said Act provides that “There is hereby by established a university to be known as University of The Gambia. The University is a body corporate, and shall have perpetual succession, a common seal and right to sue and be sued. “ This is a clear indication that UTG does not belong to any individual. UTG is creation of law and its functions are clearly delineated by law. Any person who is aggrieved by the management or otherwise of UTG can seek redress by initiating legal proceeding in a court of competent jurisdiction.

The senior management of UTG has been accused of misappropriation of funds. One Dr. Ceesay (a lecturer) has accused management of spending D10.5 million on 7 vehicles in a letter addressed to his colleagues. He termed the purchase of the said vehicles as “repulsive and unpatriotic move and a clear testimony of the senior management’s utter disregard for the endemic problems at the nation’s highest learning institution.”

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The senior management of the University responded to Dr Ceesay’s allegation calling it a “malicious intent and total disregard of facts.” The management admitted that some of the allegations mitted are half-truths whiles they termed others as outright lies. They accused Dr Ceesay of attempting to “to cause discord and disaffection within the UTG Community.”

I have read the letter Dr Ceesay addressed to his colleagues and the response of UTG senior management.

The issue at hand is an allegation of mismanagement of UTG Funds. Who is responsible for approval of UTG expenditure? The answer to this question is stipulated in section 19 of the University of The Gambia. Section 19 of the UTG Act provides that “ an expenditure shall not be made out of the funds of the University unless the expenditure has been approved by the council under the estimates for the year in which such expenditure is made or in any other estimate supplement thereto.” It is clear that the only body that has power to approve any expenditure of the University is the Council of the University. Management cannot unilaterally purchase anything without the approval of Council. What Management can do is to come up with a budget of things they intent to do either under the estimate of the year or other supplement to the estimate, and can only make expenditure if council approved the proposals.

Council is the governing body of the University and it is composed of the following:

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  1. Vice-chancellor
  2. Deputy-vice chancellor
  • Two members of senate appointed by senate
  1. Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Higher Education Science and Technology.
  2. Permanent Secretary Ministry of Finance and Economic affairs
  3. A representative of the private sector to be approved by The Gambia Chamber of Commerce
  • A legal practitioner nominated by The Gambia Bar Association
  • Two persons appointed by the Minister one of whom shall be a woman
  1. Two persons elected by the Administrative staff of the University
  2. One person elected by the academic staff of the University
  3. One person nominated by council and
  • A representative of the student union. See section 8 of the UTG Act

The aforementioned are the people and institutions that made up the Council of the University. Any expenditure that is not approved by council is illegal and the person responsible must face the wrath of the law.

Having explained how expenditures are approved, I will state the allegations made by Dr. Ceesay and the responses of senior management of UTG to each allegations. You make your judgment as to who is right and who is wrong (I will make mine too)

Dr. Ceesay alleged that

“I have learned with utter dismay the decision of the senior management of the University of the Gambia under the auspices of the Vice Chancellor, Professor Faqir Anjum, to buy brand new vehicles that is shared among themselves. I have learned from reliable sources that seven cars have been bought costing 1.5 million Dalalsis each. “

Senior Management responded by saying

“The machinery to acquire new vehicles was set in motion a couple of years ago. However, in 2015 the matter was revived and the Office of the President was approached with a request for the provision of 12 vehicles. The request was not granted but OP instead advised UTG to include the vehicle matter in its budget. The advice was heeded to and subsequently approved by the University of The Gambia Governing Council. The sum of D7.5 Million was approved by the UTG Governing Council for the purchase of the said vehicles. However, due to a weak cash flow situation at the time, the matter was held in abeyance. Again in 2016, a budget line for vehicle purchase was considered and approved by the Governing Council. It is misleading, and a concoction of ones imagination to accuse SMT of buying 7 vehicles each costing D1.5 Million without following due process and or recklessly spending money on misplaced priorities. For the avoidance of doubt, these are official vehicles that belong to UTG.”

It is true that vehicles have been purchased by UTG. BUT it is a lie to say it is the decision of senior management of the University of the Gambia under the auspices of the Vice Chancellor, Professor Faqir Anjum to purchase the vehicles. It is also misleading to say the vehicles are shared amongst senior management as if it is their personal belonging. The vehicles are official vehicles not personal vehicles. Interestingly the University did not deny that each of vehicles cost D1.5million. Their defense is due process has been followed. Council must be held accountable for approving the purchase of vehicles that cost D1.5 million per vehicle.

Dr Ceesay alleged that “This undeserved reward of the UTG senior management to themselves is a repulsive and unpatriotic move and a clear testimony of the UTG senior management’s utter disregard for the endemic problems at the nation’s highest learning institution, which has greatly inhibited its progress as a University.”

The above statement of Dr Ceesay is disturbing. He seems not to have any problem(s) with the purchased of the vehicles. Rather, he sees the purchase of the vehicles as an “undeserved reward of the senior management to themselves” thus leading to the attacks on the senior management. So he would have been ok if he believes that senior management deserved the vehicles. This makes me wonder if Dr Ceesay has the welfare of UTG at heart or he has a hidden agenda (for example personal grievance) that he intents to pursuit but acting as if he cares.

Dr Ceesay stated the problems the UTG is facing “Some of these problems include, but are not limited to, no opportunities for staff training, dilapidated and hazardous classrooms, no chairs (sometimes students sit on the floor), appalling toilets (that the VC could not even stay in for a few minutes when he last visited), no internet to carry out research, lack of office space, no library, lack of water supply, and the non-existence of teaching and research facilities. To add salt to injury, faculty and staff of the UTG are paid one of the lowest wages in the whole world.” 

The senior management responded to the aforesaid as follows

“On the assumption of duty of the incumbent Vice-Chancellor, a reconnaissance tour was conducted across all the campuses to get firsthand information on the problems, challenges and urgent priorities of each school. This was followed by submission of Reports to the Office of the Vice Chancellor by each School for consideration and approval. We wish to state that the implementation phase of these “urgent priorities” contained in the said reports is in progress and would be concluded before the commencement of lectures-27th February, 2017.This participatory approach afforded all the Schools the opportunity to list their needs in order of priority.

Works on improving the sanitary conditions at the Kanifing campus (SBPA, Law Faculty, and School of Journalism) have been successfully executed. A similar effort is underway at the Brikama campus.

Management recently bought over 650 chairs and 34 Ceiling Fans were distributed across the various campuses. In order to minimize the incessant furniture theft especially at the Gambia College campus, Management awarded a contract to UNCLE SAM Security outfit to provide 24/7 security on campus.

Furthermore, with unwavering resolve to address the space constraint on campus, Management in compliance with GPPA regulations signed a contract with SANTA YALLA Construction Company to add two extra floors on the PEACE BUILDING situated at the Faculty of Law premises. The project is at a cost of D10 Million. The building will cater for offices, class rooms and laboratories.

Management has finalized arrangements with QCELL GROUP for the provision of data cards, Laptops and computers. Staff and students will each be entitled to a laptop.

Barely four months in office, the Vice Chancellor in consultation with the SMT increased the retention allowances of all staff by 50% across the board. By the same token, UTG staff on study leave whose retention allowances were removed has now been restored.

In response to the urgent need for staff training, eligible UTG staffs are granted tuition fee waivers to pursue degree programmes offered by the UTG. In the same vein, MoUs have been signed with a host of institutions across the globe for closer collaborations in research, capacity building amongst others. Some of the staff who directly benefitted from tuition fee waivers to pursue graduate programmes offered by UTG as well as staff granted study leave with salary to study abroad are: [ 49 people]”

Senior management has acknowledged the problems Dr Ceesay raised. Their response shows emphatically that they have taken steps to address them.


There is no doubt that the University of The Gambia has many shortcomings in its quest to become of the best. UTG has a long way to go to become one of the best institutions in the world. The expectations on Management are high and no matter what they do people will continue to be critical. There is no doubt that progress has been made no matter how minimal it is. There is no single institution in The Gambia that did not have a UTG alumni working for them. Those who left to do their post graduate degrees have also prosper in their fields.

We the alumni of UTG will continue to be critical of our reputable institution whenever deem fit. Constructive criticism will improve the university. We must ensure that our criticisms are based on facts not speculations. Any unfounded allegation may results to a civil suit as the university has the right to sue anyone who it believes has embarked on a campaign of defaming its character.

Dr. Ceesay has highlighted important issues that need to be addressed. His allegations against senior management, I believe is unfounded and unnecessary. The allegations would have been proper if it was levied against Council. It is my humble opinion that he has wrongly accused senior management for misappropriation of funds. He should therefore do the right thing in the circumstance, which I believe is to apologies to them.


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