Sunday, February 23, 2025


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Manifesto 2018 – 2022





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Banjul – Since its founding has been the capital of The Gambia and the commercial gateway to the sub-region. It is the financial nerve center of our country’s economy. As such Banjul is the seat of supreme authority in The Gambia -be that Executive, Legislative, or Judiciary.  The city hosts the official headquarters of all three branches of government. Banjul is also home to our only seaport and most important historical national institutions from Antiquities, Education, Healthcare, and Maritime. Sadly, the current dilapidated condition of Banjul is nothing to be cheerful about. We in the UDP feel we can do much better!

As a successful entrepreneur – a businesswoman for that matter, I pledge to use my business experience particularly the entrepreneurial skills I have learnt and used over the years to help transform this once beautiful small city into a modern one all Gambians can be proud of again. I hope to do this by harnessing all the different resources available to us. We Banjulians must work with the government of President Barrow, Private Industry, and other relevant stakeholders -whether here or outside our shores to chart an innovative and feasible strategy to open a new chapter in the history of our beloved city.

In the 22 years of APRC rule, our city was almost turned into a ghost location – desolate, unsightly, neglected, and unlivable. Like many ordinary citizens, businesses and government institutions were abandoning the city for more livable and environmentally-friendly locations outside the island, leaving us with crumbling public infrastructure. To this day, most of our roads are pot-hole infested, our buildings generally dilapidated, and our sanitation or waste disposal system inadequate and ineffective. This is disheartening and shameful!

All candidates vying for the Mayoral seat in this election must have a very honest goal to rebuild this city. My goal is therefore -at the minimum, to restore our city’s lost glory and heritage as it was in the days when my late father Alhagi Malick Lowe served as Mayor of this remarkable city that used to be the melting pot of all Gambian cultures. At this critical period of our history, the people of Banjul must come together to find solutions to the daunting and existential challenges that confront our survival as the capital of this country. We must confront these challenges with every fiber of our being for the common good.

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On that note, we must challenge Private Industry to use the ethical principles of Social Responsibility to do better, and to collaborate with us to find solutions to the many daunting hurdles confronting Banjul. As your Mayoress, I will work with all businesses and institutions in this city – private or public, I will work with the day trader in Banjul or the next person who comes on a day visit on a business trip – to make it an obligation to act responsibly for the betterment of Banjul and her people. Each must take this commitment seriously because a better, prosperous and model Banjul means a better and prosperous Gambia.

VISION- Sunu Halat

Empowering the people of Banjul and Gambians that do business in the city to achieve and enjoy economic prosperity in the Capital City. Provide sustainable growth by maintaining a clean and safe City, revitalize our parks, beaches, libraries, Community Centres, and to setup Skills and Business Incubation Centres to help train young people and the next generation of leaders.

Our beloved city requires a total revamp that would attract people to do business. With a population of nearly 40000, our vision should be towards making sure this city becomes habitable and attractive for people to visit. Recent stories about poor sewage system and avoidable floods during the rainy season are all signs that this city needs to be revamped.

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MISSION – Legaye Jotna

To lead a historic march to the seat of Mayor of Banjul by harnessing the support of every Banjulian particularly the women and youths that would bring about the much-needed change that will enhance the lives of the people of our capital city. It is our sincere commitment to make Banjul a shining example for all by bringing together people from diverse sectors, background, and political perspectives, even if the only thing they have in common is the cardinal belief that Banjul belongs to all, and her development is a collective endeavor.

Fifty-three years after independence and currently hosting its third President, Banjul has less than forty thousand inhabitants, but a high percentage of that population are youths.  As a result, much work is needed to prepare and stage Banjul for future generations to come. I believe it will take leadership, vision, and a committed individual with capacity to be at the helm of office to ensure Banjul does not fall short of its potential.

I Rohey Lowe also believe that I have the ideas, the vision, the commitment, and the leadership qualities to make Banjul become the best Capital city in West Africa, and likewise to ensure Banjulians – especially the most disadvantaged like the women and youth to have access to their fair share of available economic opportunities.

Given the multitude of challenges faced by Banjul, and consequently Banjulians, it will take a committed individual, and a holistic approach to tackle these myriad issues which is why I have laid out some plans to take up the challenge.

Banjul City Council under my leadership will be an all-inclusive but accountable – people focus agenda-driven environment where priority to attempt and resolve problems faced by Banjulians shall be high on our agenda.  Our unique location has made Banjul a center of business attraction and my plan to tap into this Competitive Advantage has the potential to yield big dividends.  My major, (but not exhaustive) areas of focus to bring Economic development to Banjul are as follows:


The youth population in Banjul is relatively large, dynamic and does constitute the most important segment of our resource base. It is therefore our commitment to pursue every opportunity available to us, and in collaboration with the GOTG, to provide directly, or incentivize independent skills training institutions to provide training for our youths to acquire skills in Business and Finance, Computers and Information Technology, Carpentry, Auto Mechanics, Metal work, Welding, Masonry, construction, and other Vocational skills. Those who excel in High and Secondary schools will benefit from scholarship programs. My office will setup a Community Service Program that will be aimed at helping disadvantaged youngsters. Through Our “BANJUL for ALL” approach, we will endeavor to help find opportunities by initiating the following:

  1. We will focus and place priority on helping school dropouts regardless of cause. We will setup mentorship programs for students pursuing vocational training programs at skills training centers and help them with job placement once they satisfactorily complete their programs.
  2. We will coordinate with local schools and businesses to start job mentoring programs for our youth. We will explore and find opportunities where youths can enroll to become teachers or other desired professions
  3. We will initiate or assist in existing support and or counseling services for youth in their communities
  4. Endeavor to sponsor, find sponsorship, or co-sponsor computer clubs for youths without access to computers to reduce the digital divide.

With a well-trained and skilled workforce, Banjul youths will be able to network with their counterparts in the sub region, the continent and the world at large for mutually-beneficial business and other opportunities.


Women are key contributors to the Banjul economy.  They are involved at all levels in both the private and public sectors. Women are a major driving force in the private sector. They are the backbone of private sector businesses ranging from street vendors, market retail, to medium-size business enterprises.  In the public sector, women hold many important positions of responsibility both at the city level and nationally.  The Banjul public sector woman occupies a vital space where she works to make crucial decisions in the existing social and professional environment thus creating an all-new paradigm while advancing her own career at the same time. My vision is to work hard, and hand-in-hand with my beloved sisters to improve the status of the Gambian woman in the public workforce as well as in the business community.  I will work with Ward Councilors to pass legislation at the City Council to ensure:

  • Women get equal pay for equal work in both the public and the private sectors;
  • An increased rate of female participation in educational and other training programs, as well as in formal sector employment;
  • The creation of incentives for the informal sector which employs most of the female labor force;
  • The number of Maternity Leave days with full pay for pregnant and lactating mothers in the work force is maximized.
  • In collaboration with other private sector actors like Reliance Financial services, create a women’s credit Union to help small businesses access loans and startup capital.

A vibrant Banjul sitting at the mouth of the Gambia River which empties into the Atlantic Ocean can immensely benefit from spoils of the river in the forms of fishing and other aquatic activities.  The Banjul woman will be empowered to actively engage in the fishing industry not only for subsistence purposes, but to be key players in commercial fishing including the fish export business.  The goal is to have ambitious Banjul business women working in tandem with inspired Banjul youth for profitable business ventures that will create employment. Given the challenges in the fishing industry due to the high number of fishing licenses historically issued to non-Gambians, we will work with the government to put in place a new system that will protect the interest of our citizens and allow Banjulians to reap gainfully from the fishing industry. We will work for the Banjul fishing community to secure assistance in acquiring appropriate commercial fishing equipment and gear ranging from boats to nets. We will also endeavor to build supporting structures like ice storage facilities, and a modern fish market to help our fishermen and vendors sell to both local and outside customers.


The maintenance or restoration of the health of the body and mind remains a pivotal pillar in the livelihood of all people.  Providing better healthcare and a sustainable system is a key responsibility and remains one area among others that citizens look up to their national government for effective delivery. Whilst the task to ensure better healthcare service for the people is huge and complex in nature, and that the responsibility thereof lies primarily with the national government, City government participation can be of immense help.  Banjul is home to the country’s main healthcare facility (EFSH) which provides outpatient services and major operations for patients across the country. The Mayor’s office will engage key institutions and the community we serve to contribute in the following ways to ensure a cleaner and healthier environment for our people;

  1. Collaborate with the Ministry of Health so that the children of Banjul will get proper medical attention especially for required immunizations and the taking of common preventive childhood medications like drafts commonly known as NANDAL
  2. To introduce a proper Birth Record system in the City with strong follow-up scheme that will ensure all children reaching school age, are traced and enrolled in school.
  3. Support our hospital and clinics that are within the city by networking with our twin cities overseas for assistance and idea-sharing.
  4. To engage the central government to initiate a complete overhaul of the sewer and drainage system in Banjul to help curb and prevent stagnant water-borne diseases – a major source of general ill-health and the chronically high incidence of malaria in the city.
  5. We will embark on sensitization campaigns on how to keep our city clean by educating ourselves on proper sanitary practices and waste disposal.
  6. To ensure that Council allocates disposal bins all over the city to prioritize refuse collection


Garbage collection in public places will be carried out effectively under my administration especially at the market where consumables are sold. We will build enough toilets and pipe-borne water taps. We will also increase concrete vendor slabs to accommodate vendors who otherwise display their goods on the ground.

Administratively, for the market to operate effectively, we will revisit the composition of the Market Committee and the role they play in overseeing the day to day operations of the market.

The Committee will be an independent body elected by a congress comprising of members of the various sub-committees representing the market vendors.  We will set in place such practices that will help in:

  • Banjul becoming a clean and safe city for all to work, live, learn, and do business in.
  • Assuring the provision of clean and safe drinking water
  • Prevention of flooding and storm water runoff
  • Introduction of green ways- by planting trees and rehabilitating our roads in the Capital city and sprucing up our beaches for leisure and recreation.
  • Introducing a modern and effective revenue collection system with best accounting practices
  • Innovative municipal business tax breaks
  • Trash and recycle collection and disposal
  • Revitalizing our historic roots to encourage tourism

To make the city of Banjul environmentally friendly, we will do everything possible to minimize the amount of accidents and pollution caused by container-trucks coming in and out of the city.

Pollution is a health hazard that must be dealt with but only through regulation in line with the Local Government Act and the support of the police. To this end, we will carry out negotiations between Council, the community and truckers for an optimal solution.

In relation to infrastructure, we will continue the process of engaging Central Government to rehabilitate major roads in Banjul. At the same time, Council will put requisite effort in improving the quality of feeder roads especially those that have completely eroded.


Council will pay needed attention to the importance of sports and its socio-economic impact which is ever-increasing. We cannot over-emphasize the effects sports have on health and social cohesion. If given the chance, Sports will be further integrated in our urban lifestyle under my watch. We will work on having a clear and robust sports policy at the municipal level. This policy will center on devising ways of continuously upgrading sports facilities in the city and their maintenance. Council will revisit the Secondary School Sports issue with the aim of playing an active role in organizing and sponsoring competitions in this category.

The council will work with all the Banjul Sports Committee in providing the necessary financial and moral support towards developing sports in the capital. A specific budget will be catered for the local Nawettan competition and all other recognized sporting activities.


Education is a vital component of any meaningful development agenda. Banjul cannot recover from its current condition without building a viable and robust education system. Banjul City council under my leadership will partner with the ministry of education with the help from public and private business enterprises to look into our current dissolute educational institutions with the objective of finding a solution to give an immediate facelift to our schools. A simple walk from Gambia Senior Secondary School to St’ Augustine’s, St’ Joseph’s through Crab Island Junior Secondary school is all that is needed to see firsthand the kind of disservice and negligence done to those learning institutions during the past 22 years of the last government. They have become an eye-sore to the general public. But things will change! Under my leadership, the city will prioritize the revitalization of our school systems to the standard of envy within the country and outside. We have no other option but invest and reverse the current trend; it is unsustainable!  The future of this great city lies on us to ensure that our children receive the best education. Consequently, we cannot achieve this monumental objective without investing.

Here is what I intend to do to ameliorate this current situation:

  1. During the first three months of my administration, I will constitute a Task Force to be duped “The Race for Excellence Begins in our Learning Institutions.” the members of which SHALL all be residents of this City, and it will consist of five individuals. Those selected to be in this committee will have characters beyond reproach and will have the vision to do for our children more and even much better than our parents did for us.
  1. The Task Force will work with the Ministry of Education to map out a workable strategy to rebuild all the schools in the capital.
  2. The Task Force will reach out to both Public and Private Institutions to take part in the development of the schools through the fulfillment of their corporate social responsibility objectives.
  3. They will have the mandate to work with all the school administrators in Banjul from Kindergarten to Tertiary institutions to brainstorm in finding lasting and progressive solution to the current problem. We believe that if we all work together, put ideas together and focus on the development of our children and their learning environment we will undoubtedly produce future leaders capable of running the affairs of this city and the country at large.
  4. In the spirit of investing in our children for a better city, my administration will create a scholarship program to sponsor the most outstanding students from Junior Secondary School through undergraduate level. The modalities of this scheme will be worked out by the task force. We have to look into the totality of a child to be able to respond to his/her needs as productively as possible. The purpose of this scholarship scheme will be to motivate achievers by encouraging learning and scholarship for the future of Banjul depends on them.

My administration will encourage an open-door policy of ideas where citizens are encouraged to contribute whatever resources they may have to uplift the image of this great city. We would allow them to freely engage the counsel on all matters affecting the city be it Education, Health, Infrastructure, Job creation, Women and Youth empowerment etc. We will also engage the great sons and daughters of Banjul to see how best they can invest in developing the city, Banjulians like Tapha Njie can be encouraged to invest in affordable housing projects in Banjul for civil servants and others with business interest in Banjul, this will help revitalise both infrastructure and social engagement in Banjul.



Drainage, refuse collection and general infrastructure maintenance is a key priority area in Banjul, with the rains approaching it is important that efforts are made both short and long term to address these key issues. We will work with central government, key developmental institutions and investment partners to tackle the issue of drainage, street lights, refuse collection and facelift of key infrastructure. We will do the following:

  1. immediately task engineers to do a feasibility study on the drainage system that would present an informed and well costed project proposal for Gamworks, UN and other key investors to help in this area.
  2. we will empower our councillors to set up teams at ward level to organise cleaning and community sensitisation programs to help with waste disposal, rates payments etc.
  3. set up a steering committee towards ensuring the cleansing services are managed by Banjulians with the full participation from the dedicated youths.


After 22 years of neglect from the APRC, the situation in Banjul requires a sincere and committed response from any person elected as Mayor or Mayoress. My election to the post of Mayoress will always be regarded as a social contract between myself and the people of Banjul. It is for these reasons that I make the following pledge in the areas of accountability and good governance:

  • I will operate an Open-Door Policy by making sure that there are quarterly meetings with representatives of the Ward Development Committees.
  • I will publish annual report to list out the activities of the council andhighlight all forthcoming programmes.
  • In this era of Information Technology, the Banjul City Council will have a user-friendly website to ensure the easy dissemination of information
  • I will establish an effective complaints bureau charged with the task of receiving reports from the electorate about poor delivery of services
  • I will make sure that there is regular audit to show the effective utilization of the council’s financial status.
  • All elected officials will be required to declare their assets before assuming office.
  • I will maintain a Zero tolerance for corruption and maladministration by setting up a hotline for Banjulians to alert authorities about any unlawful activities.



Since my election to the office of Mayoress is one of a social contract with the electorate of Banjul, I do not intend to tolerate, entertain and anticipate a honeymoon period. Instead, it would be one of which requires immediate positive response to the prevailing circumstances affecting the people of Banjul. Therefore, the first order of business if I am fortunate to be elected will be to undertake a comprehensive independent assessment of the city’s finances to accurately establish the city’s tax base, revenue streams and expenditures. This is important because in order to address the very urgent needs of the city, we have to have a good and verified understanding of our resource position, and where we find leakages we cement them immediately and reform our entire operational structure to better deliver services and serve our community.

Secondly, on the same theme of the assessment and stabilization of our finances , I will  on my first day in office engage the central government and specifically the Ministry of finance on the urgent need for the settlement of property tax liabilities of the central government that alone stands in excess of D7million as well as press for GRA to return the truck garage back to the city which Banjul had always operated and is an important revenue stream generating millions that the city can better utilize . I will make a similar case for the NRA to let the city regain its billboard advertisement to help defray the monthly D1.5million electricity bill from Nawec a large portion of which is from the expensive street lights from Denton Bridge to State house.

The third priority will be to address the utterly unacceptable sewage and sanitation condition of the city. I will work with the newly elected council to designate the situation a “Public hazard” and mobilize resources to purchase new trucks, solicit private sector support to work with residents at the ward and home level to ensure garbage is appropriately collected and disposed off as an urgent short term measure while we draw up a longer term waste management strategy that would be built on sustainable, modern and efficient planning and operation.

The fourth priority for me as mayor will be centered on helping the youth and women get education, skills training, jobs and entrepreneurship opportunities. A modern city has to have a job base for its residents and as home to the nation’s commercial hub and central government, I intend to engage both the private sector and government in specific ways to ensure our people have the requisite skill sets to compete for and get jobs as well as create their own businesses and those already in business to grow and hire more people.

To this end, I solemnly make this pledge that my candidature for the office of Mayoress is primarily geared towards contributing towards the redevelopment of this once unique and special city of The Gambia


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