Monday, March 3, 2025

REVEALED: It Could Take President Barrow Up to 6 Months to Review Janneh Commission’s Report

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By Lamin Njie

It could take up to six months before President Adama Barrow and his advisers finish reviewing the details of the report of the Janneh Commission, it has been revealed.

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The Janneh Commission an investigation into the financial, assets and business dealings of former President Yahya Jammeh on Friday presented a 1600-page report to President Barrow.

The report which has been divided into nine volumes bares what Justice Minister Abubacarr Tambadou calls the alarming scale of corruption of the former president and his close associates.

“Our primary objective henceforth is to recover as much as possible if not all [funds looted by Jammeh] and we will use all legal means at our disposal including civil and criminal proceedings to achieve our objectives. All options are on the table and we are not ruling anything out,” Tambadou said Friday during the presentation of the report.

The Janneh Commission report details Jammeh’s innumerable bank accounts, his landed proporties, General Sulayman Badjie’s properties, Jammeh’s companies, Gambia government loans and grants, state-owned enterprises, Gambia government procurement activities, and policy issues relating to government institutions.

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“We now have six months to study the details of the report and advise the president on appropriate actions. His Excellency will then decide whether or not to publish the report or any part thereof,” Tambadou said of the review timeline.

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