Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Barrow Encourages Young People to Strive for Success in the Country

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By: Alieu Jallow

The President of the Republic, Adama Barrow, has urged young people to strive for success within the available opportunities in the country, describing it as “Tekk fii.”

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He made this statement during the grand opening of the JanJanbureh bicentenary commemoration. The President said the use of perilous journeys to Europe was unnecessary.

“The use of boarded boats to cross the rough waters of the Atlantic for a better life abroad is most unnecessary. Like the Western settlers two hundred years ago, let us stay in our homeland and exploit the numerous opportunities available to build better homes, uplift our lives, and support our families,” the President appealed.

Irregular migration of Africans to Europe has recently disturbed the international community, threatening global security, stability, and peace. This issue has become a hot topic in today’s world, representing a dangerous and frightening journey. The backway syndrome in Gambia is believed to be motivated or driven by a number of factors, mainly economic, political, and socio-cultural, leading to the loss of lives and resources.

Against this backdrop, the President highlighted that his government is aware of the roles Gambia’s heritage and culture can play in job creation and the economic well-being of the youth. Thus, his government will promote the heritage and artistic sector to create gainful employment for young people.

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“Through support from UNESCO, the Ministry of Tourism and Culture has developed regulations for the National Endowment for Arts and Culture. This instrument will attract funding through grants for artistic and cultural projects. The island of JanJanbureh will also continue to receive the attention of the Gambia Tourism Board so that all the interesting heritage sites and cultural products will be fully upgraded and valorized to generate jobs through heritage and tourism, foster national unity, and project a positive image of the people,” Barrow outlined.

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