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By Omar Wally
On the afternoon of Thursday, September 7, a Lorry coming from Brikama ran in to a herd of cattle between the villages of Serrekundading and Mandinaba, killing six leaving scores wounded.
Last week a similar incident happened in Mandinaba village, when a Truck loaded with goods rammed the village mosque, destroyed the minaret killing 17 cattle.
An eyewitness said the caused of the accident was as a result of speeding.
The exact accident scene is a designated cattle crossing point with signs erected, as can be seen in these photos, says Amadou Jallow, a journalist and resident of Mandinaba village.

Jallow said on Thursday August 31, a day before the Muslim feast of Tobaski, a similar accident happened involving a Truck which ran into the Mandinaba mosque and caused collateral damages.
In Thursday’s accident, one of the cows was killed with an unborn calf.
“The driver was coming at a very high speed, in fact when he hit the cattle, he couldn’t brake for more than 1 kilometer, ” said an eye witness.
A representative from The West Coast Region cattle owners association who visited the scene said they are not going to let the matter go-off like that.
“ It was a clear act of irresponsibility, every driver knows this place is a designated cattle crossing point and he refused to slow down when he saw the cattle crossing.”