Tuesday, March 4, 2025

‘It’s not a war’: Poet Saffiyah Joof clarifies she’s only out to establish the truth

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Poet Saffiyah Joof has clarified she’s not waging a war against feminism but rather out to establish the truth.

Joof has sparked a huge debate since Friday following her comments Gambian women have to understand that the main agenda of feminism is to create a ‘destructive’ mindset into our young ladies so that they may disrespect their men.

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Joof had insisted on Friday: “Do you know that majority of the feminist women later become lesbians because they don’t want men to control them. Some uses vibrators to satisfy their sexual desires which is creating more harm than good.

“Therefore, men and women are inherently, fundamentally and irreconcilably different and Allah created that. Leadership in any Islamic jurisdiction is given to men not women( example a woman cannot be an imam). Modern feminism is illogically evil and it’s results will lead to more single mothers in the house. Feminist women hate men and they don’t want to get married but need men to satisfy them at times and that will lead women to fornication.

“Most of our ladies are into it due to lack of financial means and they gave out great grand scholarships to such women to keep the movement healthy and alive. And I observed that such women lack the proper teaching of Islam and that will take them time to understand the evil logic behind this movement.”

On Saturday Joof posted further to her Facebook: “Majority of the People are ignorant of what Allah stated in the Quran. First of all, those fighting for women rights have to understand that it’s some ignorant men and bad attitudes of culture that suppress the woman. But Allah command men’s to establish the rights of the Muslim woman. What I will accept is if we African women join together to advocate or fight for our rights without depending on an outside organization or using their laws and following their agendas in other to lead this movement.

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“There is no doubt that Islam clearly stated the position of a Muslim woman in her society. If men should follow these commands. Then women will understand that they have more opportunities and they are at peace than any other woman in this world because Islam commands the man to fully take care of the woman( shelter , clothing and feeding). And of course she had the right for education and work “when necessary”. But if we are talking about equity and equality a woman shouldn’t be example a president, an imam leading prayers etc. So there are certain positions that we can’t lead. We must understand this in our fight for our rights.

“Those people that started this movement. Their beliefs and our beliefs are completely different. We can’t take their agendas and advocate for it . Our fight should be in line with what our religion stated. There is a limitation, a boundary, a clear line that we shouldn’t skip. Violence against women Islam said No. And I do advocate for women empowerment but that goes with the teaching and principles of Islam.

“What is completely wrong or what I am against of is recruiting young women to become feminist. Telling them that they don’t need a man and they can stand for themselve. Creating a bridge between men and women to become enemies And they refuse to enlighten them that women and men are suppose to work hand in glove to establish or create a better future for the society.

“I am a poet and I do talk about the issues that happens in our society. I am not fighting only one issue or one group of people. I believe in awakening people through my pen.”

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