Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Former Vice-President BB Dabo receives rousing welcome

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By Kaddijatou Jawo, Point Newspaper



A former vice president in the first Republic, who also served briefly as finance minister under Yahya Jammeh’s regime, has finally returned home from exile in the United Kingdom.

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Speaking to journalists shortly after landing at Banjul International Airport, Bakary Bunja Dabo said he is more than happy to reunite with family, friends and associates after being in exile for years.

“This is a very unique experience and a lot of feelings all over me, as I am very happy to be back to my own country which I have not been able to visit for quite a long time now. I am also looking forward to seeing friends, family and associates.”

BB Dabo also said he has come with a lot of expectations and happiness, and was very much touched by the unexpected rousing welcome he got.

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Commenting on the change in The Gambia, the former vice president said: “What I feel about the change is that it is something that is historic and of great importance to our country. But what makes me more proud is particularly the efforts of Gambians coming together to make this happen, and they sacrificed tremendously as they did everything possible to see that it happened.”

Mr Dabo urged Gambians to support the efforts of the new government in enhancing the country’s social-economic development.

Having served as ambassador to Senegal, minister at the ministries of education, tourism and Information under the PPP regime, Mr Dabo currently works as a national management consultant.


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