Friday, February 21, 2025

Brikama Natives Express 4-Hour Standing Ordeals On GTS Buses

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By: Jankey Touray

Sitting comfortably while travelling makes the journey easy and less tiring, however, natives of Brikama have expressed discontentment with the Gambia Transport Service Company (GTSC) mode of transportation to Basse.

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Travellers claim they wake up as early as 5 AM to wait for the buses only for them to be told to stand on the buses, instead of sitting, to their destination.

“Having to wake up early morning for the buses only to be caged like animals standing from Brikama to our endpoint is truly unfair,” Lamin Darboe said.

Mr Darboe said it is only in the Gambia where such occurs, he stressed that people stand on the buses for nearly 4 to 5 hours from Brikama to Basse as if they are not human beings.

Mr Darboe insisted that the GTSC should bring buses for people travelling from Brikama to Basse, he claimed that natives are being left behind when it comes to sharing the buses, which he said is not fair treatment.

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Aja Sonna is in her mid-60s and she said standing up until she reaches her destination is not good for her health, but she has no choice hence the bus is faster and safer to travel with.

“I am used to this now, if I am going to Soma I stand close to 2 hours before I have someone to give up their seat for me, and sometimes I will have to stand up until I reach Soma,” Aja narrated.

She pleaded with the government to find buses and a better bus station for the people of Brikama.

Isatou Kambie said it is the fault of the people in Brikama, pointing out that if the buses come and no one enters then the GTSC board would have found a solution to the situation.

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“We pay our fares only to stand for hours to reach our destination and that is not fair, D100 to Massenbi while standing for nearly 3 hours or more is inhuman,” Kambie underlined.

She said it is time that the people of Brikama show their anger toward the GTSC board to look into the matter of providing buses for them or stop the buses from taking passengers at the bus stop since they are not seeing the benefits. Kambie also questioned where the money they pay going has been going.

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