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Report documents widespread human rights abuses in Gambia


A report that Human Rights Watch released on Thursday notes anti-LGBT persecution is among the many human rights abuses that continue to take place in Gambia. The 81-page report — “State of Fear: Arbitrary Arrests, Torture and Killings” — notes that Gambian President Yahya Jammeh last October signed a law that imposes a life sentence upon anyone found guilty of “aggravated homosexuality.” Human Rights Watch points out the new statute “had an immediate negative impact.”

The report notes that police and officials with the Gambian National Intelligence Agency “promptly rounded up dozens of men and women on suspicion of their sexual orientation.” It indicates that three men, one woman and a 17-year-old boy were held incommunicado for several weeks at the headquarters of the National Intelligence Agency where they were beaten.

The report notes “law enforcement harassment of gay men and lesbians turned into a ‘witch hunt’ after Jammeh signed the “aggravated homosexuality” law.

A lesbian woman told Human Rights Watch that she was detained twice last November at the headquarters of the National Intelligence Agency. She said she provided a list of names the authorities used to “track down and arrest supposed gay and lesbian Gambians” after two men from the Jungulers — a paramilitary force whose members are largely from Yammeh’s presidential guard — beat her.

“They wanted me to say that I am a lesbian and to tell them the names of the lesbians I knew,” said the woman, according to the Human Rights Watch report. “They said they would kill me; they took me behind the NIA (National Intelligence Agency) building and beat me with a fan belt. They forced me to say that I was a lesbian.”

A man told Human Rights Watch that he saw National Intelligence Agency agents detain a man they “suspected of homosexuality” last November. He said the man was held for eight days and was “subjected to regular abuse” before his transfer to a prison outside the Gambian capital of Banjul.

A Gambian court in July acquitted three men who had been charged under the country’s “aggravated homosexuality law.”

Human Rights Watch said more than 20 LGBT Gambians have fled the country since Jammeh signed the “aggravated homosexuality” law. The report indicates others have sought refuge in “remote areas within the country.”

Jammeh threatens to slit throats of gay men

Gambia is among the more than 70 countries in which consensual same-sex sexual relations remain criminalized.

The report notes Jammeh has “a long history of virulent anti-gay hate speech” that includes a threat he made during a May rally that he would slit the throats of gay men who live in his country. Human Rights Watch also indicates that LGBT Gambians faced arbitrary arrests, employment discrimination and other abuses before their country’s president signed the “aggravated homosexuality law.”

A gay man who said he was arrested during a 2012 birthday party with 17 other men told Human Rights Watch that police took them out of their cell and told “everyone we are homosexual.” He said a court later acquitted them of committing “unnatural acts,” but they faced continued harassment and discrimination.

U.S. urged to impose travel ban on Gambian officials

A man who asked the Washington Blade not to publish his name said Gambian authorities in late 2012 detained him for allegedly passing information from the government to foreign journalists.

The man, who had worked in Jammeh’s office before his arrest, said he was unable to communicate with his wife for the first six months of his detention. He also noted to the Blade on Wednesday during a telephone interview that he had no access to legal representation, medical care or food.

“I was treated very badly,” he said, noting he was denied access to a shower for several weeks at a time. “I was treated worse than the devil.”

The Obama administration has repeatedly criticized Gambia over its human rights record.

The White House last December announced the country is no longer eligible to take part in a duty-free trade program that allows sub-Saharan African countries to access American markets because of “the lack of progress with respect to human rights, rule of law” and other issues.

Among the recommendations in the Human Rights Watch report is for the U.S. and other countries and international bodies, such as the European Union, to impose travel bans or “other targeted sanctions” against Gambian officials responsible for human rights abuses in their country. A State Department spokesperson in July declined to tell the Blade whether Washington has any plans to implement such measures.

The man who once worked for Jammeh’s office was able to flee to a country he asked the Blade not to identify. He said the Obama administration “has done little or nothing” in response to Gambia’s human rights record.

1869 Savvy International Commercial


This video is about 1869 Savvy International Commercial

BBC On Gambia With Jeffrey Smith Of RFK Center 2015


BBC On Gambia With Jeffrey Smith Of RFK Center 2015

Hajj Tickets/Visa Brouhaha Heats Up As Imam Fatty Gets Booted Out in Favor of New Kid on The Block!!!


Stories coming from the State House in Banjul detail an embarrassing fiasco engulfing the President’s Office, Banjul City Council, the Supreme Islamic Council and APRC women’s wing called the Jek Society. The brouhaha is said to be so bad, it would have threatened the very foundation of the seat of power if not for the greed and silliness central to its causing – scramble free Hajj tickets.

Like everything Gambia of these days, this story gets more bizzare as it unravels, with seeming unrelated facets and players all meshing together to form what could best be described as a scene out of the Sitcom; Seinfeld. So do bear with us as we try our best to relate this story without confusing you, the reader.

The story begins at the Banjul City Council. As customary, 12 free tickets were given by Yahya Jammeh (in reality, they were donated by the Saudi goverment) to the Banjul City Council to be distributed among party faithfuls for this year’s Hajj. This was where the troubles began. According to sources, the Mayor, Abdoulie Bah, in violation of the rules, unilaterally decided to give one of the tickets to his second wife to perform the Hajj on behalf of his late grandmother. Another ticket was given to Ebou Colley, husband of the Deputy Mayor. The rest of the tickets were shared among members of the Jek Society and other supposed APRC sympathizers.

The Jek Society members are now raising hell about the tickets given to the supposed APRC sympathizers because they claim these are in fact not “die hard” APRC supporters and are therefore not entitled to any of these tickets. They are accusing these folks of not being loyal enough to the party to deserve any such gift. The rift according to sources brought these women to almost exchanging blows, and so the matter had to be referred to the President’s Office.

On a separate but related development, the party supporters outfoxing of each other during such matters continues – this time, over the baggage fees at the airport for the Hajj travelers.

Instead of the usual 50Kg baggage allowance, The Gambia International Airlines (GIA) is only allowing 40Kg allowance this year. The rest of the 10Kg the entity claims, will be sent through one Pa Mbye, a contractor hired by the GIA itself. Apparently, this is an under-the-table moneymaking scheme and is bad news for businesswomen in Saudi who have been benefitting from the business for many years. This too has generated a controversy of its own that the State House and the Party are frantically trying to resolve.

On yet another separate but related development, in what observers are calling a serious blow to Imam Fatty, Yahya Jammeh has angrily purged his name from this year’s Hajj list. He was supposed to serve as a guide for the pilgrims as he has done several times before. This is the list gathered to show who and how many people are leaving for the Hajj in any given year. The list is then sent to the Saudi Authorities for the required visas to be issued. Unfortunately, this list has also over the years been politicized to a point where charges of tribalism and nepotism abound – Faturadio is aware that Jammeh has a habit of scratching any non-Jola sounding last names from this list and replacing them with his own relatives and Jola sounding names. As a further blow to Imam Fatty who was once the darling of the State House Mosque, Yahya Jammeh has also confiscated his passport and instructions have already been given to the Gambia Radio and Television Services (GRTS) never to allow the Imam on either the TV or Radio. The new kid on the block who is currently Yahya’s favorite Imam, serving as the replacement for Imam Fatty according to the same sources, is Oustass Ebrima Cham. Cham will be assisting Mbye Kah, the man in charge of the Hajj affairs. A mosque has already been seized by Jammeh and given to this Ebrima Cham to manage.

As if non of these unfolding dramas are not enough, news has a few days ago arrived at the State House of the Saudi Authorities denying visas to all the 271 people on this year’s list and Jammeh is said to be furious about this. It is through this Hajj programs that he rewards supporters, sycophants, and criminals who do his bidding. So with this threat of denial of visas, he is faced with the potential for embarrassement and backlash which he cannot withstand in a time when his regime is very weak and can fall any day. The sources close to the matter believe the Jammeh Administration will make direct contact with the Saudi Government to beg for their mercy.

In the interim, the mayhem and trepidation within the party apparatus and State House continue, we will keep our eyes on them and report back to our esteemed readers accordingly.

The Green Youth are the neighborhood terrorists and thugs living among you…be forewarned…

Mama Linguere Sarr of FatuRadio Network had an impromptu and revealing interview with a former member of the so-called Youth of Dictator Yaya Jammeh, on Monday August 31, 2015. The former Green Youth has now absconded to Italy, as a refugee, through the Backway (See SoundCloud 9/02/2015 below) . The youth seems to be holding back some of the heinous activities he witnessed, in his calm voice, but he said enough scary things, and that  left the host speechless at the end.

The article below was originally published on our PPP page on September 2014, sounding the alarm of the real and vile role of the Green Youth paramilitary organization headed by AFPRC KMC Mayor, Yankuba Colley. This accidental interview further validates our story. Please read below and listen to the interview for yourself.

Who Are The Green Boys & Girls, or Green Youths of Gambia?

The Green Youths of Dictator Yaya Jammeh & the AFPRC are the most dangerous organization in the country, period! I would like to explain & and elaborate. .. The Green Youths are a paramilitary organization, deceptively paraded as a youth training program, to support Jammeh’s various illegal activities, enforce his brutish decrees, protect his illegal business dealings, and intimidate the people. It is headed by the KMC Mayor Yankuba Colley.

My friends, don’t be fooled, mark my word this day. Their undisclosed job description is to be the eyes & ears – informants – for the Jammeh’s NIA in every community, on every street, high school, club, taxi cab, Masjid, markets etc. They are trained in reporting on the activities and movements of perceived enemies of the junta, clandestinely to the NIA. They are also trained in handling light weapons, secretly, on Jammeh’s high fenced off illegal properties, spread strategically across the country. They also help secretly stash, or pre-position weapons on Jammeh’s various farms close to opposition strongholds, in especially in the Kombos, Fonyi, Jarra, and Kiang & Badibou. They are also trained to disrupt and prevent opposition rallies or activities, intimidate supporters or start fights. They also follow Jammeh around the country to enhance his aura of mysticism & control, mind you, they are trained dancers & entertainers, all to enhance Jammeh’s image.

Was it a coincidence that the Green Youths were at the border near Basse recently  ( in 2014) , to assist the military in denying the body of Buba Baldeh entry in The Gambia for proper burial…The Green Youths have been known to locate & help the NIA, Junglars,  kidnap people, whose whereabouts still remain unknown. The army and NIA routinely recruit among their ranks. The Green Youths come from the unemployed population, who, out of desperation, succumb to the seductive appeal of traveling & partying in Kanilai, & around the country for free. During the training & adventure, most of them become exposed to alcohol, marijuana & sexual promiscuity for the first time, largely against the wishes of their parents. As you well know, loose morals, lack of parental supervision, the possibility of sexual experimentation is very seductive to young people who feel trapped by poverty, and overwhelmed with raging hormones. As young men & women, many of them rebellious, high school drop outs, they seize the opportunity to also enhance their self-esteem, & elevate their perceived low social standing in their community. According, to the former Green Youth absconder, now in Italy, pregnancies are a common occurrence, and parents are intimidated to challenge their young children about it. Many men have become emasculated and timid, because Dictator Yaya Jammeh routinely threatens any husband who dares to refuse their wives to travel to Kanilai unaccompanied, to entertain him.                 The level of debauchery and sexual promiscuity of the impressionable youths taking place at Kanilai is heartbreaking and bordering on criminality and child molestation, encouraged by the Dictator Jammeh. There is a ready and abundant supply of condoms, by Jammeh, and he has publicly condemned the use of condoms as un-African! The Green Youths are the enforcers living among the people, high on drugs, sexually charged and overly aggressive and morally bankrupt, yet without skills and functionally illiterate, thanks to Yaya Jammeh.

 Unfortunately, the Green Youth organization is no substitute for an employment or training program. As the numbers grew, Jammeh is unable to sustain or maintain them, because they have totally become dependent with no marketable skills or education. He is unable to pay them anymore & many families are demanding for their kids, or outright complain that they have been kidnapped & brainwashed to defy them. Today, as we go to press, it is reported on FatuRadio site that the unceremonious divorce has finally occurred…some of the Youths have been thrown out, evicted, to face the elements on their while they are owed millions of Dalasis!

What more evidence do you need that this is another example of the failure of this junta? Please help them, the former Green Youths, your family members, to re-settle back into civilization. They need to be cleansed of all the brainwashing they have been through. Remember that Jammeh is still keeping the more dedicated thousands, to activate for 2016 election season. The Green Youths, as a paramilitary organization, has historical precedence. Hitler & the Nazis had the feared Brown Shirts, Saddam Hussein had the Feddayeen, & Laurent Gbagbo had the Young Patriots, led by Charles Ble Goude. Remember that Yaya Jammeh was the only president in the whole wide world to openly support Gbagbo during the Ivorian civil war…coincidence? I don’t think so, ah beg…By the way, both Gbagbo & Ble Goude are detainees at the International Criminal Court! So, please help rescue family members & friends who are still part of the Green Youths, help stop their abuse & militarization. This information comes from a former Green Youth. Real democracies create strong and lasting institutions to enhance strong values, promote equality, independence, and opportunity for all who want to try.

Please join the PPP, & help us tell the truth to our people as we prepare for 2016 elections. Please Like us on Facebook, and spread the word to friends & family. Stay tuned. Thanks

Profile of a Jungular – The Sanna Manjang Story!


“We once watch Sanna tie a live animal and started slitting its stomach, pulling out the intestines.  When we asked why he was doing that instead of just killing the animal first, he said he wanted to see how the animal dies a slow death. In another instance, we were sitting by the market at night when a dog came walking towards us.  Sanna quietly and calmly walks over to the approaching dog pulling a long cable wire we used to make a weapon out of, he slams the dog with it just once.

The whipping was so severe, the poor dog just walked around in a circle before finally dropping dead.  All the while he watched with pleasure and gratitude, marveling at how the innocent creature made his last breath.  Growing up with Sanna, and now looking back, this guy committed the most horrific crimes against animals one can imagine, and hearing about the crimes he is committing on behalf of Yahya Jammeh against innocent Gambians now, the man truly has a penchant for abusing any living breathing creature – he enjoys watching the cruel dying process”  A Faturadio Caller.

Such was the description of one of the cruelest members of Gambian President Yahya Jammeh’s renegade security force called the Jungulars.  This group is responsible for most of the most brutal killings of innocent Gambians.  Since when he first unleashed these beasts on the defenseless population, they have been responsible and bragged about the killing of renown journalist Deyda Hydara, Daba Marena, 44 Ghanaian migrants whose boat drifted onto the beach in the Brufut and mistaken by Yahya for mercenaries on a mission to invade, and countless others – a list too long to enumerate here.  Even newspaper offices are not off limits – The Independent Newspaper was burnt down by this group, Sanna headed that mission; even burning his own hands in the process.  Mostly high on drugs and alcohol when he is dismembering his victims, Sanna’s killing method is the subject of discussions on a frequent basis on the Gambian online radio – most of the details too grueling to elaborate on.  One has to take him seriously when he brags to friends that their group is in reality the one in power and they can even take Yahya out if they want to.  So it is no surprise that he remains Yahya Jammeh’s most trusted when it comes to carrying out such terror.

Sanna Manjang hailed from a village called Kanmamudu in Fonni Jarrol District.  His father, Saikou Nduro Manjang, who died around 2006/7 was so independent minded, he was nicknamed Manjang Kunda Toubabo (the Manjang Kunda Westerner).  Saikou made a living repairing bicycles and motor bikes in Brikama, next the old Court house.  He always made sure Sanna and his siblings had everything they needed, even gave Sanna a motor bike to ride to Brikama Secondary School also known as Alpha Khan that Sanna attended.  Despite all the efforts of his dad, Sanna only graduated with 1 Credit, 2 Passes (a very poor score by Secondary School standards) from Alpha Khan.  His mother’s name is Maymay Sambou.  His mother’s brother Lieutenant Edrissa Sambou, a Medic in the Army, was the one who helped enlist Sanna in The Gambia National Army.  Those who know the parents, lamented the fact that they will be devastated if they ever knew the crimes their son has been committing – they are the most humble, kind, and generous parents one could wish for.  The dad according to one of the acquaintances, must be rolling in his grave.

The interesting pattern that has also emerged about the Jungular’s, unlike their cruel counterparts in N.I.A, is that their gruesome killings do have a very profound effect on their emotional wellbeing and social life – they are always drinking a lot, abusing drugs, marrying and divorcing girls on the fly, mostly hiding during the day, and have no emotional feelings whatsoever.  Sanna’s life epitomizes this condition.  Someone who knows him so well recalled an incident in which he “lost his finger while trying to jump into his girlfriend’s home in London Corner, Serre Kunda.  An iron on the fence caught his finger and almost cut it all off. He drove himself at night to Military clinic in Banjul.  At first, doctors wanted to stitch the fingers but he ask them to cut it all off.  I was a living witness to this incident.”  Another person present even said “While the doctors were working on his finger, he was singing a male circumcision song like there was no pain in his body.”  All his marriages ended in divorce, in one instance, marrying two women and divorcing both on the same day.  The only constant in his life is his parrot he named Oga.  This poor bird is forced to inhale marijuana that Sanna himself smokes a lot, forcing it to make a lot of weird noises that he (Sanna) loves to enjoy and laugh at.

A special acknowledgement is due to Bai Lowe who was among the first to alert the world to the cruelty and brutality of Sanna Manjang and his colleagues.  The terror that this group has inflicted on The Gambian population will be the subject of a lot of investigations, litigations, and prosecutions once Yahya Jammeh is gone.  With so many killed, disappeared, and tortured, one can only hope that the misery ends soon – sooner enough to allow this battered nation to heal and get itself on a course to providing safety and security to a deserving population.  We must keep alive.


Based on a picture taken of me and Omar Faye, the ambassador of the Republic of the Gambia at the commemoration of Father Anthony Gabisi’s 30 years of service to the Catholic Church in the Gambia, the Freedom online newspaper posted an editorial titled: “DUGA, what’s the difference between Omar Faye and Yaya Jammeh”? Well, I will leave that to Freedom’s editorial board to answer. But I will pose my own question: what’s the difference between the Freedom Newspaper editorial and me?

Let me reaffirm my position once more. I am a revolutionary. I am not a “head hunter”.

I am in this fight for the long haul to ultimately transform our beloved Gambia in particular and Africa in general into a new society with revolutionary insights and foresight.

We have come a long way to allow a mere picture to take us off our path of resistance against tyranny and our “eyes off the prize”. I honestly don’t need to defend myself or DUGA but rather drive home the necessity of attaining political maturity in this period and into subsequent generations. In order to build a proud future Gambia, we need a highly sophisticated citizenry capable of exhibiting political maturity. The picture can only sway the politically naïve and those who choose to remain willfully ignorant.

I have always abhorred injustice and repression, wherever it raises its ugly head. My abhorrence spans the African world, from the Gambia to Washington DC and beyond. That invitation was an honor by the Gambian Christian Association, which I gladly attended. The picture is just a picture, nothing more.

Putting the Omar Faye issue aside; was it not my own flesh and blood that served as the first Minister of Agriculture in the Jammeh regime? Didn’t my niece serve in the Jammeh regime? Didn’t a comrade of mine join the Jammeh regime? In all these instances, did I give up the fight against the neocolonial Jammeh regime? Absolutely not! I have maintained my unwavering stance against the Jammeh regime since their “lift onto the saddles of power”.

The fight against Jammeh’s tyranny to me has nothing to do with family, friends and neighbors (waa Banjul). But also, Jammeh cannot in any way destroy my principled relationship with family, friends and neighbors.

It reminds me of when comrade Fidel Castro and Bill Clinton crossed paths in the corridors of the United Nations and shook hands. The incident achieved “breaking news” status and got highly debated in the US media for days on end. Many willfully ignorant republican and democratic leaders chastised Clinton for shaking hands with their “enemy” and a “dictator”. Fidel exhibited absolute political maturity and shook Clinton’s extended hand.

We are in this fight to win on our own terms; not Jammeh’s. Therefore, we will not leave any arena or terrain the APRC operates within goes uncontested, even within his support base. The Jammeh regime is standing on a “two legged stool”, we have broken two legs of the stool, which explains the balancing acts to keep steady from falling, such as the “massive prisoner pardon”, the subtle signs of “meaningless reconciliation” and “meaningless peace”. Even though the regime is dying but not yet dead, we will continue to fight for a politically conscious proud- future Gambia as oppose to a country of “blind patriots” at the service of one tyrant, Jammeh. We must win the vast majority of the people to eradicate the social backwardness that came with the AFPRC – APRC regime. Most of his support base knows the end is near; you have nothing to lose but Jammeh and your chains. Discard him into the dustbin of history and redeem yourselves.

I want to thank all the sons and daughters of our beloved Gambia who refused to be swayed from reality and keep their “eyes on the prize”, particularly my comrades Pa samba Jow and Ngange Demba Njie, likewise the Gambian Outsider, who weighed in on the matter. We must cultivate the terrain for political maturity and social responsibility. A proud – future Gambia is on the horizon, let’s build it from the bottom – up. Gambia cannot coexist with Jammeh.

The Gambia: Three years on, nine Mile Two Prison executions; but were 26 prisoners executed

On the third anniversary of the heinous Mile Two Prison executions, Gambians solemnly remember one of the most the tragic days in the Gambia’s history. The oldest inmate, Lamin Darboe, had his death sentence commuted to a life in prison years earlier by former President Dawda K Jawara. The youngest, Buba Yarboe of Busumbala village, suffered severe mental illness and was totally incapable of making rational decisions, much less have the capacity to understand his surroundings.

And beautiful Tabara Samba, the only female in the group, with little children at home, tried and sentenced for murder in an apparent manslaughter case, was first gang raped by her captors and her breasts cut off in human sacrifice rituals. This is not a preamble of the opening chapter of an Agatha Christie crime novel; it is real, and it happened in the Gambia. What all three individuals had in common was their cruel, mind-numbing execution at Mile Two Prisons on orders of Yahya Jammeh; an act of brutality so unimaginable, it left an entire nation numbed by utter disbelief. On that fateful August night two years ago, when nine inmates were led out of their concrete-walled and steel door cells and executed in cold blood with willful disregard for human life, the Gambia descended further into new depths of mindless barbarity. But this time around, Yahya Jammeh’s fate will not be determined by primitive superstitions and devil worship, which have hitherto dictated the way he ruled the Gambia with bewildering ignorance.

Moving forward, his life will rests in the hands of the Gambian people. For the first time in twenty years, Gambians both at home and abroad, cry out their deadly rage with a determination never before seen in two decades of tyranny and political madness.

For the past twenty years, Yahya Jammeh has ruled the Gambia with an extraordinary cruelty and mean-spiritedness, in the process, turning himself into an object of hate and scorn, but it is his vexing detachment from reality that has locked him into a perpetual state of delusion and illusions of grandiosity. Today, the relationship between Yahya Jammeh and Gambians is a marriage that has never worked well; consequently the time for it to end came and went with each extraordinary abuse of power, which has included the frequent murders of fellow citizens. But the recent execution of as much as twenty-six helpless prisoners is the straw that broke the camel’s back and sealed Yahya Jammeh’s fate for the rest of time. The executions in Mile two Prisons of so many innocent Gambian prisoners is more than anyone can imagine, and if Yahya Jammeh thinks this egregious act of violence will be unremembered a year from now, he is underestimating Gambian’s resolve to keep the memory of the executed alive. More baffling still, while the regime admitted to the execution of nine inmates, the real number executions on Yahya Jammeh’s orders could be as many as twenty-six people, and unless the regime can produce evidence to the contrary, Gambians and the international community will continue to assume that twenty-six; not nine inmates were executed. This case is similar to the Ghanaians’ massacre a decade ago when the regime admitted to eight murders instead of the real number of forty-four executed according to eye witnesses. But to make matters even worst, rumors are rife of the use of the victims body parts in ritual human sacrifice and devil worship.

The fact is, Yahya Jammeh’s extreme dependence on primitive African belief systems, make the rumors not all that far-fetched. If the ritual sacrifice rumors are revealed to be true, it will further aggravate the Gambian people and animate an even more violent outrage among Gambians and the international community. Two years after the execution of as much as twenty-six Gambians and Senegalese; lost in the conversation is the issue of burial of the dead. So far, families of the executed have not received the bodies of their loved ones in order to give them decent burials according to local customs and Islamic tradition. The relatives of the dead are urged to never give up demanding the remains of the dead relative in order give them the decent burials they deserve.

In the same vein, the Gambian public is urged to support the quest by family members to retrieve the dead bodies of their relatives from Yahya Jammeh, no matter how long it takes. In the same vein, the Senegalese community in Gambia should also demand the surrender of the remains of Tabara Samba and Gibbi Bah for repatriation to their villages in Senegal for burial. This effort should be supported by the Senegalese government, yet is remains a mystery why President Macky Sall has still not demanded the return of the remains of his citizens to accord them the proper burials according to their Islamic religion and African traditions. Yahya Jammeh has no authority under any law to continue to detain the remains of his victims executed under a false pretext. Family members of the nine executed have the rights to demand the return of their dead relatives without letting the irrational fear of Yahya Jammeh force them to abandon their obligation to their deceased relatives.

This week, Gambians across the globe will express outrage with remembrances and radio programs that bring back to life that sad day two years ago. While the Senegalese violently demonstrated the execution of their compatriots, the stark contrast in Gambia, where even the media appeared timid to report the executions, was so glaring. But it was the tepid protest letter by the group of six political parties that many found so aggravating and incredulous. And more puzzling still, the group of six’s letter to Yahya Jammeh, arguing the legal basis for the executions, was completely misguided, out of line and irrelevant to the situation. The illegality of the executions is an established fact; besides Yahya Jammeh does not respond to the Gambia’s Constitution or simple common sense. Time and again, he has shown his unwillingness to respect the Constitution and the laws of the land, and the scores of letters from politicians over the years have been ignored with reckless for the laws of the land. The time for the politicians to overcome their fears of Yahya Jammeh is now, and what Gambians expect from Ousainou Darboe and the politicians is to call the country out in a massive show dislike for the regime. Today, hundreds, if not thousands of Diaspora Gambians are ready and willing to join nationwide anti-regime demonstrations seeking the forced removal of Yahya Jammeh. We can no longer afford to be held back by fear, and besides, if such blatant acts of violence, such as the Mile Two Prison execution of nine known and probable 26 inmates do not embolden our collective resolve; it will mean the acceptance of the devaluation of Gambian life. Enough Gambians and non-Gambians have been killed already. It’s time to force change. Meanwhile, let us remember the nine to twenty prisoners Yahya Jammeh has executed.

Inside the Last Weekend Jammeh’s FAO Award Celebration in Kanilai: The Case of a host wanting to extort money from his guests

Kanilai over the weekend was host to hundreds of people from different sectors of Gambian societies including civil servants of different categories and from all the three arms of government. Due to an inescapable directive from the office of the Secretary General and Head of Civil Service, most of us in the civil service had to close our offices last Thursday to join in weeding Jammeh’s numerous farms in and around his home village.

We were joined by other individuals and groups such as APRC political structures, Islamic groups, musicians and cultural groups in answering to the ‘call for help’ by the man at helm of Gambia’s affairs, who instead of acting humble as a servant of the people, poses himself as a master or demi-god who should be worshipped and praised at all times.

Days leading to the weekend’s extravaganza in Kanilai, the national television (GRTS), which Jammeh’s has since personalized ran an advert calling on Gambians and Non-Gambians alike to join the President in Kanilai to celebrate an award given to Gambia for “success in agriculture and fighting malnutrition”. The open invitation was voiced by his longest serving interpreter Alhaji Modou Joof, who himself has been on multiple times, a victim of Jammeh’s sheer egotism that he manifests in almost all his public appearances.

Yaya Jammeh has after inviting people failed to attend most of the activities lined up for the celebration. He was absent in the official ceremony despite the attendance of Heads of UN Agencies and was instead deputies by his Vice President Isatou Njie Saidy. Again, Jammeh failed to show up at the ‘bantaba’, an event held with farmers and stakeholders to discuss the Vision 2016.

However, in his pompous manner, the Kanilai boss appeared in the Saturday night musical and cultural jamboree despite the heavy rains. GRTS was ready and its transmission van, which they moved from its headquarters in Kanifing to Kanilai was visible on the ground ready to relay the fanfare live to the viewers. The event was however a complete failure due to the fact that the musical system could not be used as the rains refused to subside thus allowing for only cultural groups to entertain the President who has a special liking for pageantry and must find reason to organize event occasionally.

Known for his appetite to be surrounded by celebrities, Yahya Jammeh again wasted tax payer’s money by inviting and footing the bills of a group of Nigeria delegation led by actor Francis Duru to join the so call celebration of award. Shamelessly, our only television was on the ground at the Banjul international airport to cover for the news the arrival of Francis giving him an undeserved treatment and attention.

While in Kanilai, drama unfolded on the first night as so many individuals and groups that made the journey to the small village of Kanilai, located a few meters from Cassamance, the Southern part of Senegal were left stranded without rooms to sleep, neither food to eat. The reason being that the erratic President Jammeh, has given orders to soldiers to lock the Kanilai Festival Village which use to lodge several groups of people in dormitory-like facilities unless they pay for use the houses. In addition to paying for housing, some of these loose groups that didn’t come under any Municipal Council or government institution were expected to be feeding themselves by either visiting the local restaurant or go to ‘Sindola’ lodge and buy food

Funny as it sounds, the President who in this instance was the inviter has turned back and asked his invited guests to pay for housing for an amount D 300 = USD 8 per night as well as be buying plate of food for the 3 nights they expected to stay in those facilities. Unable to meet the new regulations imposed by Jammeh for the use of rooms in the festival village, people resorted to appealing to families in the village to host them. This caused a lot of dissatisfaction and anger but only discussed in corners due to fear.

Prior to the start of the weekend’s farming activity and celebrations, reports emerged that President Jammeh had requested gamcel to donate towards the event, a request that could not be honored due to the company’s ailing financial situation.

As a Gambian who has followed with skepticism the actions of President Jammeh, seeing the amount of money he spends on such events and comparing it with what I saw last weekend, I am compel to believe that indeed Yahya Jammeh is broke, the cooperate institutions that used to bankrolled his endless parties are getting red and the economy of the country is indeed in the verge of collapse.

Putting a Face To the Criminals – Profile of An NIA Agent! Leese Under The Spotlight!


Continuing our series dubbed “Profile of An NIA Agent”, we bring you the profile of Louis Gomez AKA Leese, the current Director of Operations at the NIA.  A very powerful man within the bureaucracy of this entity that has made a name for itself enforcing the abuse orders from Yahya Jammeh, Leese has been implicated in many tortures, extortions, and cruelties inflicted by this terror outfit.  Prisoner after prisoner have detailed the beatings and humiliations meted out on them – each instance exposing Leese as one of the chief culprits.

Looking at the agents that form the backbone of this terror machine, one cannot help but be baffled by the contrast between the mild mannered nature of these people growing up and their current attitude towards their own fellow citizens; even their own friends and former classmates.  Many who knew these individuals before they started life in the security forces cannot reconcile the two personalities.  One would have thought the trend is an aberration but there seems to be a consistent pattern among all the current members of The Gambia’s security forces – once good young men have turned into a mirror of their current boss, Yahya Jammeh – monsters.  Louis Gomez is one such individual.

Leese is the son of Sang Gomez and Mariana Gomez, he was born in New Jeshwang area of Serekunda.  He is 45 years old.  He attended St. Theresa’s Primary School from where he proceeded to St. Peter’s High School.  Married to Michele Badjie Gomez, a Prison Officer, the couple just celebrated their 8 year marriage this past April.  The two and their kids used to live behind New Jeshwang Primary School commonly called Kandiba School (near the SDA School) until recently when they moved to Mariama Kunda.

His dad, Sang, was a well-known guitarist in the Jeshwang area, especially among the Manjago community.  He played Manjago music entertaining crowds in New Jeshwang and Ebo Town neighborhoods.

Being a Roman Catholic, Leese’s current profile belies his church upbringing – he was literally a Choir boy.  Growing up, he was very active in his Church and very well liked by the parishioners.  When Faturadio reached out to one of those former members of the Church Leese attended as a child, he expressed shock and dismay at what had become of this once promising well behaved young man.  “I just cannot believe that the Leese that we all used to know and love is the one being talked about in these evil schemes of deceit, extortion, torture, and humiliations”  He said with a sad tone.  Coincidentally, Leese came from the same neighborhood with the notorious Yankuba Badjie.  Yanks will be the subject of our next “Profile of An NIA Agent.”

So just like Seedy Camara, Louis Gomez has lost his way, thanks to Yahya Jammeh.  He has pretty much abandoned the mantra of compassion, love, and honesty that the Church and his humble family taught him.  He now acts like a heartless beast with total impunity, and with seeming lack of any remorse.  In the meantime, the countless victims of his are left to hope for justice one day, a day when he will face them in shame, ready (or not) to take the consequences of his actions.  History will be the judge.

The Slow Death of Banjul…thanks to a vengeful and shortsighted Dictator – Yaya Jammeh.

Nyang Njie, in his article, Eulogy to Banjul, ( beautifully captures the slow and painful demise of Banjul as this once political, economic and cultural capital of Gambia, in a beautiful, poetic, heart wrenching, yet nostalgic revelation.

Banjul is simply the victim of a deliberate, systematic and vindictive policy of neglect and abandonment, by an irresponsible and corrupt junta of Dictator Yaya Jammeh – plain and simple!! While Banjul crumbled, Kanilai was being built up as the parallel and lateral capital, in the middle of nowhere. Kanilai serves no economic, strategic, or cultural significance, and never will, to the development of Gambia. It is far flung and closer to Casamance, than to any place of significance in Gambia.  It is not a riverine or coastal town, no access to any waterway, not directly lying on the Trans -Gambia highway, yet our meager resources are being disproportionately, and discriminately diverted towards building Dictator Yaya Jammeh’s home village?

Banjul still has all the qualities to become a regional economic, political and socio-cultural hub in West Africa, better positioned and suited than any other town. Banjul has, (can have) a deep sea port to attract global trade, as a transit point for re-export trade. Any future export based development program will have to start in Banjul! It connects the northern and southern part of Gambia and Senegal, and rest of West Africa.  It has an airport ( 15km), to support revitalization of the tourism industry, and a road network to connect to the beaches. It has access to a pool of educated and talented work force, industrial areas and resources.  With all of that in mind, why should Banjul be in the abysmal and advanced stage of neglect ad dilapidation, so bad that both the mayor and president do not spend their nights there!

Dictator Yaya Jammeh seized power with a grudge with a chip on his shoulder, to settle scores on perceived wrongs against him and his people, he said this himself, repeatedly To accomplish his agenda he had to destroy the established socio-political, economic and intellectual  class, and rebuild one based on his agenda , image and view of the new Gambia. So inevitably, Banjul became an easy target, and his first victim. He destroyed the economic class, that way Banjul lost it patron sons and daughters. Banjul was the cultural capital because of its generous, endowed economic and intellectual class, and not just the political class, contrary to what he thought.

As the neglect deepened, and became more blatant, many Banjulians just quit and migrated to Kombos, once their children left for mostly Europe or the Americas. As more and more people left, government functions also moved to Kanilai, businesses followed them, or just closed up shop altogether, thus decreasing Banjul’s tax base. This demographic shift became a reality by 2000, precipitated by a vengeful regime in Kanilai, as many properties and family homes fell into disrepair.  Today Yaya Jammeh has become the biggest property holder and hoarder in Banjul. Why? He is confiscating properties that belong to notable families for generations, owns the coastal open space that the writer grew up in, all the way to the bridge.  To add salt to injury, Mayor Bah recently announced the banning ofZimba cultural events on city streets because it “affects” traffic. What affects traffic is the fact the streets have become impassable under the best of conditions, because Independence Drive has become off limits to the citizens who actually live there, restricting traffic a couple of thoroughfares, in and out.  Zimba has been part of the cultural landscape and mystic lure of Banjul from the beginning, but the Mayor found a solution to a problem that does not exist, while failing at his first duty, which is to make sure the residents of Banjul have their rubbish collected and streets passable in the rainy season.

The question is: what are Banjulians willing and prepared to do about it to take back there city?  The list below is not exhaustive, but it can be a starting point.

  1.       Electing an independent, accountable and answerable (like Pa Sallah Jeng ) Mayor who lives in the city, and ready to work for it will be a good start. Removing the current Mayor Bah, who is semi-literate, and more subservient to Dictator Yaya Jammeh ( after being voted in as an independent)  should be the first order of business to revive Banjul to its former glory.
  2.       Registering the citizens of Banjul to vote in their own interest, turning the city into a formidable voting bloc.
  3.    Demanding for Banjul to have its fair share of tax revenue, and make sure that the taxes are spent on restoring services and repairing the    drainage system, or building one where necessary.
  4.      Making sure that private businesses and properties pay taxes, including properties under the control of the Dictator.

Many short sighted folks cheered for the junta, prematurely, and danced in the streets, but today Banjul has become a case study of the criminal failure of Dictator Yaya Jammeh and the AFPRC junta. Twenty one years later, Banjul has no passable streets, still has bucket toilets and open air trash heaps that routinely mix with rain water that gets deposited into households, increasing the despair and sense of abandonment.  It’s time for the people of Banjul to take their rightful place in this people’s revolution in taking back the whole country, from Banjul to Koina. Suffering in silence and praying is no longer enough or a solution, and accepting the current worsening situation will ensure the permanent death of Banjul.  Thank you


This article is an improved version of the one posted on PPP Facebook page.



Offices within the civil services have not operated efficiently on Thursday 27thAugust, 2015. Visitors of many government offices could not get their needs addressed by the suppose staff of those institutions due to absenteeism of many staff. The absence by majority of staff as our informant indicated, was due to a directive these institutions received ordering them to mobilize their staff and facilitate their travel to Kanilai with the purpose of helping in the farming activities currently taking place in vast farmlands of President Yahya Jammeh in Kanilai and surrounding villages.

The directive as gathered came after the country’s autocratic ruler Yaya Jammeh made an open ‘request for help’ from Gambians in his farming activities. Over the years, Yaya Jammeh and his group of sycophants made Gambians believe that providing free services on his farmlands, many of which he grabbed from people, is a matter of duty as proceeds are given back to Gambians. The reality however, is that Jammeh uses money from the sales of his farm harvest to finance some of his endless and lavish parties and donation to foreign artists amongst other non-important self-satisfying things.

Our analysis indicated that the closure of almost all government offices on Thursday and asking functionaries to travel to Kanilai to help Yaya Jammeh is another clear indication of enslavement of Gambians by dictator Yaya Jammeh and a proof that he prioritizes his personal interest over that of the nation.

The farming activities will be followed with what dictator Jammeh calls a ‘celebration of an FAO Award’ on reducing malnutrition. The festivity which starts today, Friday evening and expected to run through the weekend is said to include cooking competition, wrestling, musical and cultural performances.

“The organization of another weekend of merrymaking by Gambia’s ruler in the midst of economic downturn that The Gambia is currently undergoing shows the immaturity in him”.  Said a source. It has been gathered that apart from the millions of dalasis Jammeh will spend in Kanilai over the weekend, the Banjul and Kanifing Municipalities have also dipped into their already empty accounts to hire vehicles to ferry people to Kanilai and shop for their feeding for the entire weekend.

First Lady Zineb Jammeh Caught in a Big Visa Scam!!


Information reaching Faturadio from the Foreign Ministry sources exposed an elaborate scheme being used by First Lady Zineb Suma Jammeh to illegally settle family members in the United States.   The sources have revealed that Zineb just recently put in a visa application for two of her so-called adopted kids in yet another scheme to settle people in the U.S.  The two were denied visas on the grounds that the Consular could not identify enough ties the First Lady could possibly have with these two.

She was therefore asked to bring more documents which she later brought, but the authenticities of which according to our sources, are questionable.  The visas were granted in the end after a great degree of push and pull.  According to the sources, both Yahya Jammeh and Zineb are very angry at the U.S Embassy in Banjul after the latest saga.

Faturadio has gathered that these sorts of visa scams by Zineb are not new – she has already made a name for herself in these sorts of crimes.  She has been taking a lot of people to the U.S under the pretext that they are part of her delegation, only to leave them behind once her trip is over and leaves for Banjul.  Her brother, Mohammed Suma, his wife, and many other members of her family were all brought to the U.S through this way.  They all eventually filed for asylum and have since settled in various parts of the U.S.  Zineb has opened businesses in the U.S and they are being run by the same Mohammed Suma.

Sources have disclosed that Zineb has been the subject of a State Department investigation regarding her US visa schemes.  She is already been put on a visa ban because of it.  The reason the ban hasn’t gone into effect is because she is traveling with a Diplomatic Passport, hence the ability to go in and out of the U.S whenever she likes.  But once she loses the Diplomatic privileges, which will automatically happen once her husband leaves office, she is not allowed to enter the United States for over a hundred years – essentially her life time.

Despite Yahya Jammeh’s constant rhetoric railing against the U.S, both he and his wife have an expensive taste for U.S products.  On every trip, they are both seen buying anything from food items to clothing, to furniture.  Our sources at the State House have confirmed that nothing that the First Family consumes is from The Gambia – even the water they drink is bought in the U.S.  Their daughter, Mariam Jammeh is currently attending a private school in Manhattan, New York to the tune of $72,000 a year.  Considering that 75 per cent of Gambians live on less than $1 a day, all these go to show the hypocrisy and callousness of Yahya and Zineb Jammeh.

The U.S is being urged to monitor the arrival of these kids she is bringing to make sure they go back according to the time period allowed, otherwise, they will not be going home anytime soon.  Faturadio will also keep an eye on the matter as it unfolds.

Gambian President “Yahya Jammeh is Gay!” Alieu Sarr Spills The Beans and Laments Unfair Treatment!


Alieu Sarr was jailed in The Gambia for being gay.  His arrest, trial and conviction generated a swift international outcry.  The very law that was used to convict him cost The Gambia membership in the development oriented United States initiative towards poor countries in Africa called American Growth and Opportunities Act (AGOA).  He was recently acquitted and discharged.  He and other members of the LGBT community were tortured mercilessly during their detention.

He sustained injuries and possible long term medical problems from those tortures, and is currently seeking medical help in neighboring Senegal where tests are being performed to determine the nature and seriousness of his medical situation.

During a recent interview with Fatou Camara of Faturadio, he lamented the use of gays by Yahya as pawns in his political game to distract from human rights demands made by the EU.  Alieu revealed that there are gays in every high position in The Gambia, they just cannot come out because of the social and security implications for them and their families.  He stressed that gays and lesbians could be found among Imams, Protocol Officers, Ministers, Government officials, security chiefs, business owners – basically in every walk of life in that country; many even married and having kids, all in an effort to hide it.  “Yahya Jammeh is gay Fatou” Alieu quipped.  He said that the only reason Yahya is so obsessed with the LGBT issue is because he is himself one of them and is afraid of admitting it.  All this cruelty is a ploy to hide that fact according to him.

Alieu emphasized that his arrest and detention was wrong, but even the way the government itself enforced the unjust law in of itself was unfair on every level.  He revealed that the First Lady Zainab’s hair dresser is gay, her uncle based in the country is also gay, and everyone including Yahya Jammeh is aware of this but those were never arrested.  He also claimed that two other men accused of being gay, arrested and detained, secured their own release by paying off one Seedy Camara, a National Intelligence Agency (NIA) agent.  “Fatou, only poor gays and lesbians are targeted” he said with indignation.  So according to him, the application of the law was based on favoritism and not based on any “moral principle” that Yahya claimed to have been his reason.

Alieu chose the interview opportunity to also raise the issue of the conditions in Mile 2 prisons and the unjust treatment being meted out against other political prisoners he left behind, and are still languishing there.  Seedy Jaiteh was the former Human Resource Director at Gamtel sent to Mile 2 for being branded a Mandinka who is not loyal to President Yahya Jammeh, and Amadou Sanneh, the United Democratic Party (UDP) Treasurer, sent there based on politically motivated trumped up charges, according to him are shining examples of the biasness of the recent prisoner “pardon”.  “If treason convicts and murderers are pardoned, why not Seedy Jaiteh and Amadou Sanneh?” he inquired.

Alieu has promised to dedicate himself to fighting this unjust system because he said Yahya Jammeh has failed The Gambian people.  He said the country is very quiet these days because all the young people are leaving for Europe through the risky “Back Way”, with many of them dying on the way.  He is ready to join the Diaspora activists to bring about Democracy and the Rule of Law to The Gambia, and he will not shrink an ink from that responsibility.  According to him, what he has seen with his own eyes and what he has experienced are enough to convince him that The Gambia is destroyed by Yahya Jammeh and his regime.

Gambian peacekeeping troops on UN and AU missions, when Human rights and rule of law are being violated in The Gambia.


As the Gambia continues to regress in all aspects of Human rights and rule of Law, the government is especially disregarding all stipulated constitutional safeguards regarding arrests, arrests illegal detentions and torture. Many are now asking questions about the suitability of Gambian service personnel serving in peacekeeping missions around the world, when they continue to disregard the laws of their own nation by carrying out the illegal orders from dictator Jammeh.

They refuse to protect the innocent citizens against Jammeh’s brutality and repression. Despite the recent prisoners pardoned and released in July by dictator Jammeh, prison conditions remain dire. Torture of those arrested continues unabated with no one being held accountable and foreign nationals are routinely denied consular access while in detention.

The British and many foreign missions have issued travel warnings for their nationals underscoring the lack of consular access to those detained in The Gambia. This makes travelling to the Gambia a very risky adventure, since the determination of one’s guilt or innocent is entirely left to the discretion of the secret police. National Intelligence Agency (NIA), as they are called, is known to have make individuals disappear. And if you are lucky, they will force you to confess to a crime that will equally make your life a miserable one.

It is disappointing that The United States continues to provide military assistance to the Gambian army, while the families of two US citizens Mr Alhagie Mammut Ceesay and Mr Ebou Jobe cannot account for them since they last
entered the country in August 2013. There is credible information that they were last seen when they came into contact with the notorious NIA.

Their unexplained disappearance has sparked an international outcry, and US government through its UN representative, has asked for the release of these two gentlemen.

The same Military assistance was what the likes of late Lt Colonel Lamin Sanneh (Alleged Dec 2014 coup leader) was a beneficiary of. He was trained in the USA as a professional soldier, only to return to continue to live in dictatorship. It was hard for him to reconcile the two values, and he eventually fell out of favor with the dictatorship. It was then that he allegedly, organized a group of Gambian dissidents with military background to return home and take over and end the repression.

Though the circumstances surrounding this event are still murky, it led to the deaths of Mr Sanneh, US Army captain Mr Njaga Jagne and Mr Alhagie Jaja Nyass. Therefore many people cannot help but wonder why the US would continue to provide military assistance to such a rogue regime.

The world has witnessed many instanced of peacekeepers breaking laws and committing atrocities themselves that they were supposed to be protecting the civilian populations from. This has led many to guesting if the United Nations and the African Union should accept a level of culpability for these abuses. Morally, ethically and professionally, many are asking why following various reports from UN special rapporteurs, International right groups like Amnesty International.

The Red Cross, Article 19, RADDO etc as well as international condemnation of rights abuses, both the UN and AU continue to include Gambian peacekeepers in missions when they are complicit in helping dictator Jammeh continue his reign of terror against Gambians. Many remain resolute in their belief that Jammeh is not the only one who should be held accountable for rights abuses and lack of respect for the rule of law in Gambia, as he gives orders, but it is Gambian law enforcers who implement those illegal orders in full cognizance of the law and constitution of the land and thus deserve to be sanctioned just like Jammeh.

“The UN, AU and the world cannot forge ignorance of the dire situation in Gambia, nor can they keep appeasing dictator Jammeh and Gambian law enforcers, the world has to send a strong signal and message to them that it will not be business as usual!, they cannot keep breaking local and international laws in their own country and not be held accountable”, said our ex-military source. He continued to say that “morally and professionally, how can the UN, US and AU watch while Jammeh and his law enforcers arrest and jail for more than 6months the family members including mothers, fathers, brothers, the 14yr old minor son of one of the alleged insurgents among others, whose only crime is being related to those the Gambia government accused of staging the December 2014 coup against Jammeh and not immediately demand their release, leaving rights groups like Amnesty stepping in to campaign and demand their release, yet those same law enforcers are cleared to participate in international peacekeeping missions! it is an affront and a grave travesty of justice and the US, UN and AU need to step up and take full responsibility to avoid another bloodbath like the one witnessed in Dec 2014. As Long as Jammeh and his law enforcers continue to break not just local but international laws with impunity, Gambians especially ex-military in the diaspora will continue to try stepping in to alleviate the suffering of the innocent, defenseless Gambians left to live under Jammeh’s brutality and repression”, he concluded.

Earlier this year, Saudi Arabia negotiated with the Senegalese government to send Senegalese forces into Yemen as part of a peacekeeping mission to protect the population against Islamic extremists. The King of Morocco also visited Senegal among other African countries, sponsoring a lot of projects in Senegal. What these events have in common is that neither Saudi nor Morocco consulted Gambia or visited Gambia despite Jammeh’s Islamic rhetoric, dealing Jammeh a huge diplomatic snub. If Saudi Arabia can request Senegalese troops and snub Gambia, what is stopping the US, UN and AU from also exercising not just their professional but moral duty to isolate and refuse to work with the Jammeh government in Gambia as long as it continues to deny basic human rights and disrespect the rule of law both locally and internationally.

The arresting of family members for their relative’s alleged crime is a grave incident that highlights how dangerously low the Gambia law enforcers have sunk in obeying dictator Jammeh’s deranged orders and the world should have reacted swiftly and strongly. How can any of these peacekeepers who should know both local and international laws, break them at home at a dictator’s orders and continue to be sent by the AU and UN on peacekeeping missions?

Dictator Jammeh’s trend of expelling diplomats who criticize his rights records or question his actions is another act that requires not just statements but swift and immediate response from the International community to send a clear message to the dictatorship in Banjul that he cannot silent International dissent as well by expelling diplomats, otherwise we risk not just a silent local populace due to fear but a silent International community as well due to fear of expulsion. The latest expulsion by dictator Jammeh was the EU Charge d’affaire to the Gambia, the EU was provided no explanation by Jammeh for expelling their diplomat, yet the response to these irresponsible acts by Jammeh has been slow.

The European Union’s 17 point demands are still pending and Jammeh continues to act with impunity. The latest being the arrest and torture of Gambian journalist Alhagie Ceesay, who has now been charged with sedition and transferred at the Mile two prisons.

Dictator Jammeh’s recent prisoner release falls short in terms of what is required to implement reforms and present a road map for the peaceful transfer of power after 21years of dictatorship. Major improvements need to be made to demonstrate the regime’s willingness to respect its international obligations and hold accountable those security officers responsible for torture and other rights abuses.

Thus with the UN General Assembly meeting in US around the corner, it is imperative upon the International community to send a clear message to Yahya Jammeh and his brutal security personnel that they cannot break local and international laws, and expect to be welcome at International forums or missions.