Wednesday, October 23, 2024
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“You teach the youth that the pirate Jammeh is a great man”. The youths are awakening from the “dream life” of accountability, transparency and probity and find their future entangled in a nightmare of horror and terror. You don’t owe apologies to anybody, especially Jammeh. Here is April 10 and 11 2000 all over again. Those who don’t have anything to offer you and the nation in general want you to “calm down” and continue to be Jammeh’s “blind patriots’. The choice is yours. Do you want to continue on the “road to hell” that Jammeh has paved for you, or do you want to chart a new path for a proud-future Gambia without military terror?

I truly want to believe that the Gambian youths have learned their lessons well after 21 years of empty promises. He transformed some of you into “blind patriotic” killers (Green Boys) to keep him in power with total disregard for social justice, “rule of law” and above all, our “national security”. Many of you have expressed your regrets for participating in his drag net of terror but you must redeem yourselves with utmost sincerity to the Gambian people.  Jammeh has no one’s interest but his greedy – selfish interest.

Here are the undeniable facts about the youth and Jammeh.  The vast majority of you who were 20 years old in 1994, in your prime of life, have never been gainfully employed in 21 years. Now you are 41 years old and most likely still unemployed, under employed or hustling (“taff – taff”) to survive. Jammeh and his erratic policies deliberately destroyed 21 years of your youth. He shut the “windows of opportunity” and opened the “back way” for you to seek “greener pastures” with tragic consequences along the Atlantic Ocean. Those of you that survive the horrors at sea, end up in concentration camps in Europe.

Equally but sadly enough, those of you who were born in 1994, the year military tragedy befell our beloved Gambia; you have no other period to make a relative comparison with the Jammeh regime. You only know the horror and terror of the National Intelligence Agency (NIA), army and his other hoodlum torturers. You are now 21 years old and set to travel the same path as the previous youths,  20 years ago.

Some of you have been convinced to believe that “sharing crumbs” and bribes by other unscrupulous methods will secure you a promising future. A much brighter future; a proud –future Gambia is within your reach but in order to realize this future, you must abandon the AFPRC –APRC camp and build the revolutionary resistance movement from Kartong to Koina.

Finally, the signs of betrayal as it was on April 10 and 11 2000 are raising their ugly heads again. Cowards, opportunists and traitors alike want to maintain this dying but not yet dead filthy regime for their narrow selfish interest and sacrifice our long term national future for short term gains (crumbs) for one lone tyrant. This is the time of decision and we want to assure you of our unwavering support. Your demand to stop the illegal mining isLEGITIMATE, not only for Kartong but the surrounding towns. The demand is for our national interest to protect our environment from unscrupulous adventurists bent on EXPLOITATION. We demand the unconditional release and an end to the harassment of all the detained villagers of Kartong.


                                 HANDS OFF THE KARTONG YOUTH!



                                                   WE WILL WIN!

Baby Muhammeh Jammeh’s Birthday Celebrated in Grand Fashion But Birthday Boy Was Missing in Action!


Hundreds of kids have been rendered fatherless thanks to President Yahya Jammeh’s brutality. However, this sad state of affairs did little to convince Jammeh that hosting public celebration of his own son, Muhammed Jammeh’s birthday in grand style is insensitive and an act of cruelty. On November 26, Kanilai was the scene of a jamboree organized by the Dictator to celebrate Muhammed’s 8th birthday. Musicians, businessmen, Cabinet Ministers, APRC stalwarts, Green Youths, they were all there to grace this disgraceful occasion. Nigerian comedians were not to be outdone this time – building on their current streak of milking the juice out of the “benevolent” Dictator’s “Allah’s Bank”, they made sure their presence was felt at this event.

Interesting to note though that Muhammed himself wasn’t present at the party even though he was supposed to be in the country at the time. The First Family’s only son is homeschooled. The mother was also noticeably absent, her whereabouts are currently unknown – not that she is keen on attending these events anyway.

As the Dictator cut the cake, in a sign of desparation and seriousness of the hunger situation in the country, throngs of school kids came rushing to get a piece. One cannot help but be saddened by the destitute attitude being inculcated into the current crop of future leaders by Yahya Jammeh and his current regime.

After watching the GRTS episode, one observer raised issue with the lavish spending in the midst of economic disaster the country is currently facing. The money spent on this occasion could have been utilized to help the thousands youths that are currently risking their lives trying to get to Europe through the “Backway” acquire skills and tools to become productive members of the society instead. This they say is why the country is in the mess that it is in – the irresponsible attitude with which this impoverish nation is being governed.

In the meantime, Alagie Mamour Ceesay, Ebou Jobe, Kanyiba Kanyi, and Deyda Hydara’s kids are forced to watch the man responsible for denying them those sweet memories between father and son, celebrate his son’s birthday to a cheering crowd of thousands of sycophants. If this is not the ultimate insult upon injury, we don’t know what is. God does operate in funny ways though because the reasons for Muhammed’s absence at what is supposed to be his special occasion are beyond Yahya’s own control despite all his claims of possessing supernatural powers – the kid has a medical condition that doesn’t allow him to be among a big crowd. So the many victims can all find comfort in the idea that in the end; history will render its verdict.

Uneasiness Runs High At the State House as Rumors of Another Attack Circulate! Yahya’s Health Not Helping the Situation!


The Gambian Dictator, Yahya Jammeh seems to be facing yet another major security threat.   This information came to him in the form of a disclosure made to the iron fist leader by his Security agents detailing credible information they received that arms have been shipped into the impoverish country but that they have no idea where the weapons are or how they have been sent into the country. According to security sources, men and women of The Gambia Armed Forces and NIA operatives have all been informed about the development and have been asked to be on high alert. General Saul Badjie is said to have frequented the Banjul Ports trying to find out if the said arms came through the Ports.

Observers say this could be a mere paranoia by a dying regime that is not prepared to take the slightest chance knowing that its time is up. It could be recalled that Yahya Jammeh has not left the country for a year now since the December 30 attacks on State House, which was aimed at taking him out of power. That incident saw the arrest of many security personnel; among them, Col. Sarjo Jarju, a very close confidante of Dictator Jammeh.   After that incident, family members of alleged attackers were arrested and detained for several months despite no proof of their involvement.  Many Gambians because of the oppression and callous brutality they have faced in the hands of Yahya for the last 21 years, at the time felt disappointed that the attacks failed.

Meanwhile, Yahya is stuck in Banjul despite what inside sources reveal to Faturadio is a far more lethal threat against him – he is gravely ill and urgently needs overseas medical attention.  HIV/AIDS, Cancer, Diabetes, Syphilis, High Blood are all suspected to be affecting him.  Recent photos of Jammeh with lesions on his skin were published by the government mouthpiece, The Daily Observer Newspaper but later withdrawn and deleted from the paper’s website.  Jammeh has been afraid to leave town to seek this treatment because he believes he will not be allowed to return back into the country by the security forces according to reliable sources.  His wife, Zaineb Jammeh on the other hand is said to be pushing the President to go get the medical treatments and though unconfirmed, there are reports that Jammeh could be evacuated to Saudi Arabia for treatment in the coming days or weeks. The fact that The Gambia’s Ambassador to Saudi, OG Sallah is currently in The Gambia has validated this suspicion, sources say he is in the country to brief Jammeh about arrangements made in The Kingdom country.

How all this plays out, we don’t know.  Our sources say Jammeh is in a lot of pains but he seems to be doing a good job downplaying the seriousness of the situation.  His health is severely failing and we are keeping our fingers crossed as to how this ultimately affects this suffering nation’s security and future.  We remain hopeful.

Premature Celebration for Gambia’s FGM Ban

The Gambia was thrust into the spotlight this week after the country’s longtime president, Yahya Jammeh, announced a ban on female genital mutilation (FGM). This pronouncement surprised many, especially after the country’s National Assembly rejected a similar proposal in March of this year, claiming that Gambians “were not ready.” Activists who work closely on the issue say that over 130 million girls worldwide have undergone FGM, mainly in Africa, where it is reportedly practiced in 29 countries. In The Gambia, the prevalence of FGM is relatively high and apparently growing in popularitywith infant girls. Overall, UNICEF estimates that nearly 8 in 10 Gambian women have experienced the procedure.

Since President Jammeh made the announcement on Monday, one media outlet has particularly trumpeted this victory. Anti-FGM groups, which have done tremendous work by providing a much-needed voice and care to victims have also praised the decision while highlighting their own involvement. Interestingly, international journalists have left out the fact that local media in The Gambia have been silent. Why? Because a free press isnonexistent, and most of the country’s independent journalists have either been killed by the Jammeh regime, live in exile, or are currently languishing in prison.

Lost in all the celebrations, particularly on social media, is the fact that FGM is not banned in The Gambia, at least not yet. There is no enforceable law on the books. And recall that Jammeh is prone to making outlandish,bizarre, and one-off statements. The last time Jammeh actually lived up to a promise was when he publiclyvowed to summarily execute death row inmates, which was  carried out in August 2012.

Also missing from the articles that highlight Gambia’s supposed ban on FGM is that Jammeh is likely only trying to improve his country’s image. Soon, the European Union will decide the fate of a multi-million dollar aid package that was initially suspended due to increasing human rights concerns. The Gambia’s treasury is broke and Jammeh needs all the assistance he can possibly muster.

In regards to The Gambia, observers often have a hard time understanding how utterly deplorable the situation truly is, and human rights violations there go unreported, or at best underreported. At the same time of the FGM announcement, for instance, 33 activists protesting illegal sand mining in their community were detained, allegedly tortured, and are now being held at the country’s Mile 2 maximum security prison. This incident has thus far failed to make the pages of any international media outlet.

As a human rights activist, I strongly encourage celebrating small victories – it undoubtedly helps to keep us sane – and the announced ban on FGM is surely one of them. However, given Jammeh’s track record of abuse and erratic behavior, let us hold off on popping the champagne until this “ban” amounts to more than just rhetoric.

JaKarrLo Ak Juka On Fatu Radio


Jakarrlo to talk about real issues affecting each Gambian.


Kartong Youths Brought To Court With Marks Of Torture


The situation in the coastal village of Kartong in the West Region of the Gambia is still tense two days after Gambia’s trigger happy security forces landed on the village with heavy weaponry to quell a peaceful protest against illegal sand mining.

In the ensuing clash with security forces, about 45 young people including women have been arrested and taken to different police stations. This morning, they were hurriedly rushed to Brikama Magistrates Court.

Fatu Radio is able to confirm from credible sources both within the Gambia and in the diaspora that all those brought before the presiding Magistrate have visible marks of sever torture. Some of the youths sustained injuries and were denied access to medical care.

The youths who were brought before the court said during the torture season, the torturers asked them to insult their own mothers. One prominent diaspora activist Mr Suntou Touray who is based in London, said the practice of asking victims to abuse and insult their own mothers is routine in Gambia used to break down the will and confidence of the victims.

Two defence lawyers in the persons of Lawyer Lamin J Darboe and Iddrissa Sissoho are now engaged to defend the Kartong youths in the court.

Kartong which lies about 50 km from the Gambian capital Banjul has been badly affected by sand mining activities on the coastlines. Gambia government’s own geology department in collaboration with the National Environment Agency in a joint impact assessment survey of coastal sand mining identified the practice as one of the biggest threat to the country’s environment.

The study also warned that coastal sand mining poses a dangerous threat to Gambia’s tourism industry which mainly relies on the long unspoilt sandy beaches to attract more holiday makers from mainly Western Europe.

Since the submission of the findings of the environment impact assessment report to the government in 1996, an embargo was placed on coastal sand mining. The sand mining activity was then shifted to inland but by year 2001, coastal sand mining started again this time in a more aggravated manner by a company named KGI which is owned and operated by Gambia’s brutal dictator, Yahya Jammeh. By this time, President Jammeh and his company had elbowed all of the local sand miners and brought in his own trucks painted green.

In addition to sand mining, President Jammeh also entered into secret contract deals with Australian and Chinese companies where they are involved in heavy mining of precious minerals which Gambians are to be informed of.

In addition to shipping tons and tons of coastal sand packed into containers to China and Australia, aggravated sand mining for construction also meant that new coastlines have to be encroached upon to meet the demand. This is how Kartong and other adjacent villages in the Kombos in Western Gambia became target of President Jammeh’s sand mining activities.

As a result of the mining, hectares of farms lands that the villagers rely on for peasant farming have been completely destroyed. Villagers have been disposed of their livelihood and their environment completely destroyed.

And sadly though the villagers are not only displaced, but the funds accrued from the mining activity is also pocketed by Gambia’s brutal dictator Yahya Jammeh who continue to shamelessly steal from his impoverished population with glee.

Below is the list of the people so far arrested and arraigned before the court:

Habib Touray, Pam Jarjou, Ousman Jatta, Solo Manneh Amadou Jarju, Modou Kuto Manneh, Jerreh Touray, Buba Jabang, Omar Jabang, Buba Bojang, Omar Manneh, lamin Jatta, Famara Jatta, Ousman Jabang, buba Manneh, Yama Jarju, Jerreh Manneh, Baba Ceesay, Abdoulie Touray, James Gibba, Malang Jaiteh, Lamin Jaiteh, Muhammed Jabang, Bakary Jammeh, Omar Jammeh, Abdou Jallow, Tutu Jaiteh female, bakary Badjie, Ebrima Badjie, Abdoulie Jaiteh Kebba Touray

GYU calls for calm and the release of Kartong’s youth


Gambia Youth for Unity is deeply concerned and condemns the arrest of over forty youths from Kartong, West Coast Region including women and children. “We condemn unethical mining taking place in Kartong and we call on the Gambian authorities to halt mining operations and release the detained youths whose action shows that they were merely protecting their lands from illegal mining,” said Omar Bah, GYU Chair.

On November 20th, a Gambian local newspaper Foroyaa issued a story headlined “Kartong Community questions the benefit of heavy metal mining”. The aggrieved youths from Kartong visited Foroyaa to lodge a complaint, questioning the benefit of mineral mining in their community.

According to one of the complainant, it’s alleged that the mining activities have resulted to the death of a 12 year old boy. On November 20th, a Gambian local newspaper Foroyaa issued a story headlined “Kartong Community questions the benefit of heavy metal mining”. The aggrieved youths from Kartong visited Foroyaa to lodge a complaint, questioning the benefit of mineral mining in their community. According to one of the complainant, it’s alleged that the mining activities have resulted to the death of a 12 year old boy. “A 12 year boy in grade 6, drowned in one of the pits on the day after the Muslim feast of ‘Tobaski’.” Mineral mining has not only resulted in loss of life but is also threatening agricultural production and the pits have cultivated an infestation of mosquitoes in the community.

According to media reports, the youths of Kartong have been protesting against mineral mining for the past three weeks. On November 22nd, reports indicated that a large gathering of villagers came out to protest against mineral miners. Kartong is located on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean and is famous for its tourism, fishing and rich ecosystems. Mineral mining has threatened the livelihood of the villagers and their community by increasing the rate of soil erosion and sea encroachment. Several metric tons are mined from the village each week over the past six to seven years.

The events of November 22nd resulted in a standoff between youths of Kartong and security forces. This ultimately saw scores of youths arrested for exercising their fundamental rights. GYU therefore calls for calm and specifically to Gambian security forces to release all youths arrested for merely exercising their constitutional right, by protesting against mineral mining. As a youth movement we feel compelled to stand up and condemn the unconstitutional arrest of such environmentally responsible youths who should not be subject to illegal arrest and abuse from security forces sworn to protect them.

“GYU Vision – Striving for a Gambia where every voice is heard in UNITY”

Gambia Bans Female Genital Mutilation But Observers raise concerns Over The Announcement!!!


It comes as no surprise that Gambian President Yahya Jammeh would try to divert attention from his current debilitating health issues (contributing to cancellation of his meetings in URR and doctors being dispatched to his bedside), the Kartong sand mining protests resulting to a mass arrests and severe injury to one protester who is being refused medical care, etc. Besides, President Jammeh standing in public and saying Gambia is ending FGM DOES NOT MEAN THE GAMBIA GOVERNMENT IS CRIMINALIZING the act. This move also serves as a diversionary tactic President Jammeh is using to deflect attention from his regime’s horrible human rights abuses. President Jammeh has been making the news for all the wrong reasons, and as usual, this is his way of trying to bring positive news to his declining presidency.

In May 2015, GAMCOTRAP made a plea to The Gambia National Assembly to vote and ban FGM in The Gambia, but those appeals fell on deaf ears. Gambians will tell you that activities and votes by the National Assembly Members (NAMs) are influenced by President Jammeh. Thus, making such a 180 degree U-turn today makes us even more cynical.

The true champion of FGM ERADICATION in the Gambia is GAMCOTRAP, an anti-FGM (female genital mutilation) organization that has spent more than three decades fighting this harmful practice. Founded in 1984, GAMCOTRAP, under the leadership of Dr. Isatou Touray and Amie Bojang-Sissoho have worked tirelessly crusading around the country speaking to FGM practitioners and encouraging them to stop the practice. Although they have faced many instances of sometimes life-threatening resistance from villagers, GAMCOTRAP has achieved huge success in getting FGM practitioners to drop their razors and in its place help develop business opportunities to provide sustainable and alternate incomes for these former adversaries. FGM has been a deeply rooted tradition in Gambian society and it is the likes of GAMCOTRAP who are tirelessly fighting day and night to bring this practice to an end. Imam Baba Leigh, a Muslim cleric who was brutally tortured and currently in exile in USA, has also made enormous contributions in educating the Gambian public against FGM. Imam Leigh’s contribution is important because many Gambians believe FGM is sanctioned by Islamic Law. It also worth noting that a recent entrant, Jaha Dukureh has been a formidable addition to the cause.

Another concern to observers though regarding this whole saga, is the fact that Gambian asylum seekers in Europe and America will face challenges in having their cases approved due to this announcement by President Jammeh, and this may lead to many deportations which will be very tragic since the enforcement of the ban will be almost nonexistent.

GYU calls for calm and the release of Kartong’s youth


Gambia Youth for Unity is deeply concerned and condemns the arrest of over forty youths from Kartong, West Coast Region including women and children. “We condemn unethical mining taking place in Kartong and we call on the Gambian authorities to halt mining operations and release the detained youths whose action shows that they were merely protecting their lands from illegal mining,” said Omar Bah, GYU Chair.

On November 20th, a Gambian local newspaper Foroyaa issued a story headlined “Kartong Community questions the benefit of heavy metal mining”. The aggrieved youths from Kartong visited Foroyaa to lodge a complaint, questioning the benefit of mineral mining in their community.

According to one of the complainant, it’s alleged that the mining activities have resulted to the death of a 12 year old boy. On November 20th, a Gambian local newspaper Foroyaa issued a story headlined “Kartong Community questions the benefit of heavy metal mining”. The aggrieved youths from Kartong visited Foroyaa to lodge a complaint, questioning the benefit of mineral mining in their community. According to one of the complainant, it’s alleged that the mining activities have resulted to the death of a 12 year old boy. “A 12 year boy in grade 6, drowned in one of the pits on the day after the Muslim feast of ‘Tobaski’.” Mineral mining has not only resulted in loss of life but is also threatening agricultural production and the pits have cultivated an infestation of mosquitoes in the community.

According to media reports, the youths of Kartong have been protesting against mineral mining for the past three weeks. On November 22nd, reports indicated that a large gathering of villagers came out to protest against mineral miners. Kartong is located on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean and is famous for its tourism, fishing and rich ecosystems. Mineral mining has threatened the livelihood of the villagers and their community by increasing the rate of soil erosion and sea encroachment. Several metric tons are mined from the village each week over the past six to seven years.

The events of November 22nd resulted in a standoff between youths of Kartong and security forces. This ultimately saw scores of youths arrested for exercising their fundamental rights. GYU therefore calls for calm and specifically to Gambian security forces to release all youths arrested for merely exercising their constitutional right, by protesting against mineral mining. As a youth movement we feel compelled to stand up and condemn the unconstitutional arrest of such environmentally responsible youths who should not be subject to illegal arrest and abuse from security forces sworn to protect them.
“GYU Vision – Striving for a Gambia where every voice is heard in UNITY”

Dilemma at Gambia College’s School of Public Health, students losing Core Courses, and stipends unpaid for three months


More information is emerging from The Gambia College’s ongoing crisis as students, particularly the final year students are frustrated by the fact that they have lost core courses in public health, alongside other administrative malpractices impacting on their academic courses.

The Gambia College had been a centre for academic excellence since its inception 65 years ago. It was primarily established for the training of teachers, agriculturist, nurses, and public health officers. The students decried that over the years, “the general performance and quality of Gambia College products have been deteriorating.”

“This was first presumed to be due to the influence of the University of the Gambia in the college campus particularly the school of Public Health premises,” the students said, noting that it became consequently clear to them that the college apparently lacks structure and administrative techniques for the smooth running of the institutions.

“We the students are not given our monthly stipends for at least three months coupled with the persistent lack of chairs and tables. We always scramble for chairs before each lecture and sometimes if there is not any, we have to perch on tables like birds,” they explained.

According to leaks to Fatu Radio Network, some of those core subjects, mostly taught by one Mr. Ebrima Fatajo at the school of public health but were withdrawn from him… “At first, when professor Kah was the overseer of the College, we blamed him for our misfortunes, but now with the so called principal, Mr. Abubacarr Jallow, we begin to see things differently, albeit worse.”

“[As a result] we do not understand anything in public health and most of our grades are very poor. [We] even heard the rumor that the principal and the head of school are fixing new results for our class in order to protect a female student called Adama Jallow and some of her colleagues who are not in academic good standing.”

According to reports, College Principal Jallow made “his proud and pompous third wife” Adama Jallow, his secretary, and even enrolled her into the School of Public Health. All the student of the school of Public Health knew the caliber and low intelligent quotient of Adama Jallow. She flaws the school rules that no one dare to speak, they added.

Mrs. Adama Jallow, as secretary to the principal, comes to school anytime she wants in any class, except Mr. Fatajo’s. According to reports, Mr. Fatajo won the respect and honour of the students for several reasons, among them a regulation he instituted that every student must attend classes regularly and punctually.

“If any student fails to attend 80% of his classes, you do not sit to his exams…. Mr. Fatajo is the only good lecturer at the School of Public Health,” the students said.

However, this was to bring a clash between Mr. Fatajo and the school principal, whose third wife, secretary and public health student fall victim to the 80% attendance requirement in 2014, May/June exams:

“When Fatajo stopped her from sitting to exams, it nearly caused a cancellation of the exams because Mr. Solomon P.S. Jatta, the Acting Head of School of Public Health, came into the examination hall and ordered that Fatajo’s paper was cancelled, and that the students should disperse. It was then then that Mr. Fatajo stood up and addressed us that the exams would continue, and we did continue…”

After that paper, the public health students were shocked that two letters were pasted on Solomon Jatta’s office door, purported to be sent to Fatajo informing him that he was demoted because Adama Jallow did not sit for those exams.

“The two letters were written by Mr. Abubacarr Jallow, the current principal and Mr. Solomon P.S. Jatta. In Jallow’s capacity as a Principal, such a repugnant communication to a colleague is a professional misdemeanor and [it shows] that he is being managed by his wife of a student, Adama Jallow. …

“Even all the students felt humiliated and disgraced by Mr. Jallow’s actions, but because he is the highest authority, we kept calm. We are even seriously considering to riot against the issue, because lecturers like Mr. Fatajo are the only right ones for the school. He never treated students unfairly and indifferently. He treats everyone as equal.

Dear Gambian creatives


Dear Gambian creatives,
Excuse my drafting this letter two years too late.

Please stop breaking my heart. I am still healing from the blow of a few young creatives who I placed so much hope on, letting me down. Differentiate between State sponsored and personality sponsored. The personality’s only objective — to dry your ink or to draw that ink in their favor. Your pen is your sword, your words your armor, the genius to string them into a heart fluttering prose, a gift. Your ink, as precious as gold is priceless. Humanity’s elevation your prize. A brighter future for our children your objective. Let your conscience guide you. Words have crushed empires. The griot can sing a King to war just as he can pacify him with his honeyed words, reminding him of his pure lineage.

Join me to turn a new tide. Please reclaim your ink. Forgive yourself and reclaim your ink. Imagine the day of recalling; your words being archived for being an endorsing element of the brutalizing system. We are young now but forever young we will not stay. Reclaim your ink and let us draw a new conscientious blueprint of truth telling.

Let the system of today not trick your senses. It can never fool your heart, for a creative’s heart is ever true. Must be so hard to fight your heart daily! Reclaim your truth.

I look forward to the gushing of your ink razing the path to liberty.


Khadijah Aja Tambajang

The Secretary General of The Gambia, Lamin Nyabally Fired!!!


News just arrived at Faturadio that The Gambian dictator; Yahya Jammeh has fired his Secretary General and Presidential Affairs Minister, Lamin Nyabally few hours ago. According to sources, The President blamed Nyabally for lack of doctors in Basse. The sources revealed that Nyabally got in trouble when Jammeh upon enquiring in Basse during the inauguration of a thirty million dalasi health centre in Sabi village, URR as to why the areas is facing shortage of Doctors, was informed by the Health Minister that he did discuss the issue with the Secretary General but no action has been taken since then.

Nyabally was said to be on his way home, kicked out of the tour convoy at the time this report was being prepared. The health centre in Sabi is said to have 30 beds and was funded by Gambians of Sabi roots in the Diaspora.

Former Secretary General, Momodou Lamin Sabally who is currently the MD of the Daily Observer could be recycled back to his old position opined Gambia watchers.

On another development, Yahya, according to the sources has finally left Basse for Mansakonko where he is expected to have a night stop with members of his tour delegation before proceeding.



The United Democratic Party (UDP) is shocked and deeply concerned by the recent statements made by President Yahya Jammeh in Farafeni during his “dialogue the people tour” in which he ridicule past and present Presidents of Senegal.

Footage of the Gambian leader’s speech shown on GRTS Television on Sunday clearly showed him raining insults on the Senegalese leaders. The current President Macky Sall received the main brunt of President Jammeh’s insults whom he described as hypocrite and a stooge for France, among other things. Former Presidents Abdou Diouf and Abdoulaye Wade were also named and heavily ridiculed and caricatured by President Jammeh.

The UDP vehemently condemns President Jammeh’s conduct as it offends all conventional wisdom and decency. By stooping this low in insulting Senegalese leadership, Yahya Jammeh has shown his lack of respect and decorum for anything decent. The Gambian and Senegalese people are one and the same and no amount of immature rhetoric and vitriolic outbursts from the leadership in Banjul will change that.

This latest posture of President Jammeh is as usual at variance with all decent and internationally acceptable diplomatic norms and does not in any way represent the views and attitude of the Gambian people. It is unacceptable for a sitting head of state to make derogatory remarks about his fellow heads of states, present or past. It is as crude and undignified as it is unGambian, undiplomatic and unacceptable.

In this regard, the United Democratic Party (UDP) and indeed all decent, peace loving Gambians, disassociated themselves from President Jammeh’s crude attacks on Senegalese Presidents. Unfortunate as it is, this is the kind of irrational rantings that have come to embody the persona of Jammeh all throughout his life as head of state of the Gambia.

The UDP would like to place on record that the Gambian people have always had unalloyed and untainted love for our brotherly people of Senegal. Until the unfortunate emergence of Jammeh and his rogue regime on our political scene, Gambians have lived peacefully with all our neighbors far and near.

Yahya Jammeh is a lonely, angry and dejected dictator who is despised by everyone at home and abroad and we urge the Senegalese leadership to continue to ignore a dictator who has lost relevance and credibility even in his own country. Looking around, there is failure in every aspect of Gambian public life. The economy is almost floundering and doomed to collapse. Agriculture is almost dead. The health sector is on its knees and there is mounting unemployment across the country. Jammeh has therefore clearly sensed the catastrophe he has created thanks to his bad and ill-advised policies spearheaded by his personal incompetence and ignorance as Head of State for which he wants to use Senegal as scapegoat.

If anything, the recent attacks by Jammeh on Senegalese Presidents, coupled with his misrule have given UDP renewed energy and determination to redouble our efforts in ensuring that this regime that has always been an embarrassment to Gambians becomes history once and for all. Jammeh and his regime are a collateral damage on our national conscience. They are an embarrassment and a huge liability to Gambia.

The United Democratic Party assures all Gambians and our brothers and sisters in Senegal that come 2016, Jammeh will be removed from the helm of affairs which he has held only by foul means for far too long.

Long live the UDP

Long live The Gambia.

UDP Secretariat


18th November, 2015

Student group threatens action at The Gambia College


An underground students’ movement at the Gambia College calling itself ‘The Outlaw’ has threatened to incite action against the administration of the country’s leading tertiary educational institution for its failures to live up to the responsibility of providing the needs and educational aspirations of the college’s student population.

In an underground e-newsletter that was published this week and circulated to the students body and leaked to Fatu Radio Network, the movement said their silence was “just an era [to] strengthen our arms and patiently observing the cruel acts of the evil heads, who were fooled in awe, comfortably resting on the laurels of injustice and corruption, without noticing the HD- Camera-like watchful eyes of the OUTLAW.”

Describing itself as “the satirical and invisible information entity present here on campus”, the Outlaw said it is therefore time for celebration “as we prepare to unveil the smelling wax burnt by these crooks we called leaders.

”The students’ “scramble for chairs, closure of information centers, refusal to accommodate students due to your flimsy excuses, over population on the campus due to your self-centered decisions to make PTC students regular this year, months of pending stipends, failure to commemorate the 65 years anniversary of the noble institution and lot more failures….: is apparently motivating the students to make true their threats to begin taken action unless something is immediately done to address their situation they call “unacceptable”.

“The sweet words from their venomous tongues has done enough corroding of the weak minds as students, as we are frequently fooled and unconditionally threatened to surrender the little rights we are supposed to publicly enjoy,” The Outlaw wrote.

It added that the “abuse of our rights in the endless days at the immeasurable gravity has detrimentally contributed to our dormancy in academic work, with the culprits being hierarchical from the empty barrel in the form of a principal, down to the kleptomaniac and myopic student union.”

“Therefore, our role as the voice of the voiceless is fully renewed with the greater power, as we prepare to drop atomic bombs one by one….,”they stated.

For the College’s students’ union executives, the movement said they are “a tiny broomstick we can break in seconds. The remaining bombshells are still dangling over your bald and blunt heads including your cockroach president ready to be released to immunize your negative attitudes and describe your failure for you.”

Following On Dictator Jammeh’s Trail: A Sick President Who’s Afraid To Face His Populace


The whereabouts of Dictator Jammeh is still a source of misery. As we piece this story together, unconfirmed reports have been making the rounds in Banjul and indeed in the social media that the dictator is finally in Banjul receiving urgent needed medical treatment which was not possible in the provincial town of Base in the Upper River Region of the Gambia. However, so far the information Fatu Radio gathered all point to the fact that Dictator Jammeh is still in Basse. Currently, a large convoy of ministers and senior government officials have just left Basse heading towards Mansakonko, the regional capital of the Lower River Region of the Gambia.

But strangely the Presidential security are still in Basse suggesting that the Dictator is still in Basse. It is very unusual for the ministers to leave without Jammeh. In Presidential tours like this, the delegation including the President himself, cabinet ministers and other officials all move together in one convoy.

In fact one of our sources who is in the tour has just informed us that about two state ministers are still in Basse sitting at the VIP lounge waiting for the President to come out. What is not clear is whether Dictator Jammeh will leave for Mansakonko today.

If everything goes well, Jammeh and entourage are expected to have a night stop in Mansakonko today from where they will go to Kiang and in Kanilai tomorrow.

However, the complete absence of the dictator from public view is fueling the uncertainty about his exact whereabouts. What is clear though is that Jammeh is sick but by all indications, he is trying to proof otherwise.

One of our sources who came into personal contact with the President recently in Janjanbureh in the Central River Region of the Gambia told Fatu Radio Jammeh has lost considerable weight and breathe abnormally heavy. The source said the dictator looked very tired and it was clear that something serious was wrong with him.

Fatu radio is keenly monitoring the situation and will update our audience with any latest information about Dictator Jammeh.



For Immediate Release, Office of The Press Secretary.

Statement by NSC Spokesperson Bernadette Meehan on Human Rights in The Gambia

The United States is deeply concerned by continued reports of human rights abuses in The Gambia. Since October, the Government of The Gambia has denied access to UN Special Rapporteurs investigating reports of torture and extrajudicial execution, targeted individuals for arrest and detention because of their perceived sexual orientation or political position, and enacted legislation that imposes a possible sentence of life imprisonment for the so-called crime of “aggravated homosexuality.”

We remain concerned about ongoing reports of forced disappearances and arbitrary arrests, including of journalists, human rights advocates, and civil servants, as well as continued calls by senior officials for the persecution of members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community. We remain deeply disappointed in the Gambian government’s failure to investigate the disappearance of two U.S. citizens missing since June 2013.

Protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms is a cornerstone of U.S. foreign policy, and we will be guided by these values as we respond to these negative developments in The Gambia. Such actions are inconsistent with international standards and deal a setback to the Gambian people and all people who value human rights. The United States calls on the Government of The Gambia to respect all human rights, repeal discriminatory legislation, and cease these harmful practices.

Dilemma at Gambia College’s School of Public Health, students losing Core Courses, and stipends unpaid for three months


More information is emerging from The Gambia College’s ongoing crisis as students, particularly the final year students are frustrated by the fact that they have lost core courses in public health, alongside other administrative malpractices impacting on their academic courses.

The Gambia College had been a centre for academic excellence since its inception 65 years ago. It was primarily established for the training of teachers, agriculturist, nurses, and public health officers. The students decried that over the years, “the general performance and quality of Gambia College products have been deteriorating.”

“This was first presumed to be due to the influence of the University of the Gambia in the college campus particularly the school of Public Health premises,” the students said, noting that it became consequently clear to them that the college apparently lacks structure and administrative techniques for the smooth running of the institutions.

“We the students are not given our monthly stipends for at least three months coupled with the persistent lack of chairs and tables. We always scramble for chairs before each lecture and sometimes if there is not any, we have to perch on tables like birds,” they explained.

According to leaks to Fatu Radio Network, some of those core subjects, mostly taught by one Mr. Ebrima Fatajo at the school of public health but were withdrawn from him… “At first, when professor Kah was the overseer of the College, we blamed him for our misfortunes, but now with the so called principal, Mr. Abubacarr Jallow, we begin to see things differently, albeit worse.”

“[As a result] we do not understand anything in public health and most of our grades are very poor. [We] even heard the rumor that the principal and the head of school are fixing new results for our class in order to protect a female student called Adama Jallow and some of her colleagues who are not in academic good standing.”

According to reports, College Principal Jallow made “his proud and pompous third wife” Adama Jallow, his secretary, and even enrolled her into the School of Public Health. All the student of the school of Public Health knew the caliber and low intelligent quotient of Adama Jallow. She flaws the school rules that no one dare to speak, they added.

Mrs. Adama Jallow, as secretary to the principal, comes to school anytime she wants in any class, except Mr. Fatajo’s. According to reports, Mr. Fatajo won the respect and honour of the students for several reasons, among them a regulation he instituted that every student must attend classes regularly and punctually.

“If any student fails to attend 80% of his classes, you do not sit to his exams…. Mr. Fatajo is the only good lecturer at the School of Public Health,” the students said.

However, this was to bring a clash between Mr. Fatajo and the school principal, whose third wife, secretary and public health student fall victim to the 80% attendance requirement in 2014, May/June exams:

“When Fatajo stopped her from sitting to exams, it nearly caused a cancellation of the exams because Mr. Solomon P.S. Jatta, the Acting Head of School of Public Health, came into the examination hall and ordered that  Fatajo’s  paper was cancelled, and that the students should disperse. It was then then that Mr. Fatajo stood up and addressed us that the exams would continue, and we did continue…”

After that paper, the public health students were shocked that two letters were pasted on Solomon Jatta’s office door, purported to be sent to Fatajo informing him that he was demoted because Adama Jallow did not sit for those exams.

“The two letters were written by Mr. Abubacarr Jallow, the current principal and Mr. Solomon P.S. Jatta. In Jallow’s capacity as a Principal, such a repugnant communication to a colleague is a professional misdemeanor and [it shows] that he is being managed by his wife of a student, Adama Jallow. …

“Even all the students felt humiliated and disgraced by Mr. Jallow’s actions, but because he is the highest authority, we kept calm. We are even seriously considering to riot against the issue, because lecturers like Mr. Fatajo are the only right ones for the school. He never treated students unfairly and indifferently. He treats everyone as equal.

Gambia Bans Female Genital Mutilation But Observers raise concerns Over The Announcement!!!


It comes as no surprise that Gambian President Yahya Jammeh would try to divert attention from his current debilitating health issues (contributing to cancellation of his meetings in URR and doctors being dispatched to his bedside), the Kartong sand mining protests resulting to a mass arrests and severe injury to one protester who is being refused medical care, etc. Besides, President Jammeh standing in public and saying Gambia is ending FGM DOES NOT MEAN THE GAMBIA GOVERNMENT IS CRIMINALIZING the act. This move also serves as a diversionary tactic President Jammeh is using to deflect attention from his regime’s horrible human rights abuses. President Jammeh has been making the news for all the wrong reasons, and as usual, this is his way of trying to bring positive news to his declining presidency.

In May 2015, GAMCOTRAP made a plea to The Gambia National Assembly to vote and ban FGM in The Gambia, but those appeals fell on deaf ears. Gambians will tell you that activities and votes by the National Assembly Members (NAMs) are influenced by President Jammeh. Thus, making such a 180 degree U-turn today makes us even more cynical.

The true champion of FGM ERADICATION in the Gambia is GAMCOTRAP, an anti-FGM (female genital mutilation) organization that has spent more than three decades fighting this harmful practice. Founded in 1984, GAMCOTRAP, under the leadership of Dr. Isatou Touray and Amie Bojang-Sissoho have worked tirelessly crusading around the country speaking to FGM practitioners and encouraging them to stop the practice. Although they have faced many instances of sometimes life-threatening resistance from villagers, GAMCOTRAP has achieved huge success in getting FGM practitioners to drop their razors and in its place help develop business opportunities to provide sustainable and alternate incomes for these former adversaries. FGM has been a deeply rooted tradition in Gambian society and it is the likes of GAMCOTRAP who are tirelessly fighting day and night to bring this practice to an end. Imam Baba Leigh, a Muslim cleric who was brutally tortured and currently in exile in USA, has also made enormous contributions in educating the Gambian public against FGM. Imam Leigh’s contribution is important because many Gambians believe FGM is sanctioned by Islamic Law. It also worth noting that a recent entrant, Jaha Dukureh has been a formidable addition to the cause.

Another concern to observers though regarding this whole saga, is the fact that Gambian asylum seekers in Europe and America will face challenges in having their cases approved due to this announcement by President Jammeh, and this may lead to many deportations which will be very tragic since the enforcement of the ban will be almost nonexistent.

A Letter To The Gambian Creatives

Dear Gambian creatives,

Excuse my drafting this letter two years too late.

Please stop breaking my heart. I am still healing from the blow of a few young creatives who I placed so much hope on, letting me down. Differentiate between State sponsored and personality sponsored. The personality’s only objective — to dry your ink or to draw that ink in their favor. Your pen is your sword, your words your armor, the genius to string them into a heart fluttering prose, a gift. Your ink, as precious as gold is priceless. Humanity’s elevation your prize. A brighter future for our children your objective. Let your conscience guide you. Words have crushed empires. The griot can sing a King to war just as he can pacify him with his honeyed words, reminding him of his pure lineage.

Join me to turn a new tide. Please reclaim your ink. Forgive yourself and reclaim your ink. Imagine the day of recalling; your words being archived for being an endorsing element of the brutalizing system. We are young now but forever young we will not stay. Reclaim your ink and let us draw a new conscientious blueprint of truth telling.

Let the system of today not trick your senses. It can never fool your heart, for a creative’s heart is ever true. Must be so hard to fight your heart daily! Reclaim your truth.

I look forward to the gushing of your ink razing the path to liberty.


Khadijah Aja Tambajang

#Jammeh On Rice Importation Back in 2013


Yaya Jammeh On Rice importation Ban in 2013
