Thursday, January 9, 2025


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The ongoing resistance to the painful but absolutely required change at the social security and housing finance corporation is partially attributable to the new MD’s lack of vision or inadequate communication of the thereof.

I have a keen interest in this institution because am using it as a test case in our transition to a “new Gambia”. The impulsive aggression, driven by prejudice and resentment for the staff is definitely not the best start in motivating and gaining their support in pushing the change agenda.

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The corruption and nonchalant norm of the institution was due to the then favourable environment characterised by a notion of a blind leading the blind. Thus, MD Manjang must start in creating a picture of where the institution ought to be in the future, how to get there and why. I could not find this anywhere.

The rule of thumb is – in any credible transformation – if a leader cannot communicate a description of vision driving change agenda in five minute or less and get reaction that signifies both understanding and interest, such leader is in for trouble.

Human being are generally selfish despite the scientific finding of altruism to be more evolutionary ancient in the human brain and costs brain less energy in comparison to selfishness. Creating an attainable vision, road map with short term wins, recognition of staff and consolidating these short term wins in pursuit of the bigger picture, staff are more likely to comply and make that extra essential effort and sacrifices.

Consider these three scenarios:. Three groups of ten individuals are in a park at lunchtime with a rainstorm threatening.

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In group 1, someone says: “Get up and follow me.” When he starts walking and only a few others join in, he yells to those still seated: “Up, I said, and now!” This is authoritarian Jammeh.

In group 2, someone says: “We’re going to have to move. Here’s the plan. Each of us stands up and marches in the direction of the mango tree. Please stay at least two feet away from other group members and do not run. Do not leave any personal belongings on the ground here and be sure to stop at the base of the tree, When we are all there . .

.” This is MD Manjang micromanaging. In group 3, someone tells the others: “It’s going to rain in a few minutes. Why don’t we go over there and sit under that huge mango tree. We’ll stay dry, and we can have fresh mangoes for lunch.” This is what Yunus wants ?

Research have shown scenario Group 1 and 2 to always fail due to employee reluctance and subversive effort in the change process. Even if successful, it is painstakingly slow in getting rid of all resistance. MD Manjang must endeavour to listen and work with his staff. He should consider their welfare and be encouraging. He must create that fresh page free from prejudice and public opinion. Create vision and lead the walk to achieve this.

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