Friday, July 26, 2024

Sabally calls on followers to jump on NPP’s ‘bandwagon for Peace, progress, development’

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By: Muhammed Lamin Drammeh

Momodou Sabally, the former National Campaign Manager of the United Democratic Party (UDP), who has officially switched his allegiance to President Adama Barrow’s National People’s Party (NPP), has urged his followers to join the NPP “bandwagon for peace, progress, and development”.

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He made this call after officially declaring his membership in the ruling party after resigning from his position as a member of the opposition United Democratic Party. The Fatu Network on Wednesday published his defection from UDP to the NPP.

“I am calling [on] all those who believe in me, to join this bandwagon for peace, progress, and development. President Barrow has said that he wants the best for this country, and I have assured him that I will do my best to make sure that he delivers the best for this country,” Sabally told journalists.

According to him, he is convinced that President Adama Barrow and his National People’s Party can transform this country for the good of the country, but he cannot do it alone. He expressed his unflinching commitment to the agenda of the party.

Sabally, however, stressed that he is eternally grateful to the United Democratic Party leader, Ousainou Darboe.

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“I want to be on record to say that I am eternally grateful to Honourable Ousainou Darboe and the members of the great United Democratic Party. Words cannot express my depth of gratitude for the love, solidarity, and support that the leadership of the UDP showed to me over the past years,” he remarked.

Momodou Sabally’s move to the NPP came as a surprise to many, considering his stance against the government over the past years.

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