Friday, March 14, 2025


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By: Tahir Ahmad Touray

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On Thursday 25 May 2017, an article by one BB Sanneh captioned Fundamental beliefs of the Ahmadiyya or Qadianiyyah was published on the Fatu Network. I deem it necessary to write a rebuttal to the blatant fabrications of the self-acclaimed scholar of Ahmadiyya Muslim beliefs.


In the essay, the writer counts the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at outside the pale of Islam by attributing some beliefs to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at and also alluding to some fatawa of kufr (declarations of disbelief) against the Jama’at. As I read the essay, the question that came to mind was whether the writer was making these statements out of his audacity to fabricate falsehood or his ignorance of the Ahmadiyya Muslim literature and beliefs. Or was it out of audacious ignorance?

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As an Ahmadi Muslim, I want to share with whoever may be reading this piece the Ahmadiyya Muslim beliefs regarding some of the allegations made by the writer. In part I of this rebuttal, I will address his statements concerning the Ahmadiyya Muslim beliefs about Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta’aalaa, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and the Holy Qur’an. First of all, I would remind the writer that the Holy Qur’an which he claims to follow and defend has explicitly stated that one should not utter anything of which one has no clear knowledge. In fact fabrication of lies is akin to Shirk (association of partners with Allah). The Holy Quran has even stated that one’s enmity against a people should not make you behave unjustly towards them. The writer has clearly violated these beautiful teachings of the Holy Quran by audaciously fabricating or ignorantly making statements about the beliefs of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat. In fact, the essay was irresponsible and outrageous. The writer did not put forward any arguments or references from Ahmadiyya Muslim literature with regards to the allegations. It totally lacks intellectual honesty and credibility. The writer knows deep down himself that he has never read these statements in any Ahmadiyya literature. We know the source of your falsehoods; they are some literature written by bigots and fabricators like himself. He must however note that the best and the most source of information about a thing or person is the thing itself or the person himself. I shall now prove how blatant the fabrications are.


According to the writer, “As for their beliefs about Allah, they believe that He fasts, prays, sleeps, wakes up, writes, makes mistakes and has intercourse—exalted be Allah far above all that they say. From the above, even the most basic of Muslims would found these beliefs repugnant and unacceptable to Islam…” What an irresponsible and immoral statement. Na’uudhu billah, I seek refuge with Allah Almighty from the immoral and illicit thinking of BB Sanneh. Blasphemy is what you consider the defence of Islam? Is this how you carry out your responsibility of preaching the message of Islam? Your enmity and hatred for Ahmadiyyat has led you to blaspheme even Allah. If this is the Islam you are calling me to, I would rather remain the non-Muslim you have considered Ahmadi Muslims to be because I shall never make this obnoxious statement about Allah in the guise of calling it as someone else’s belief. When a man has become Asfala saafileen (the lowest of the low) because of moral and spiritual decadence, he is capable of doing and saying anything. You are very right that “…even the most basic of Muslims would found these beliefs repugnant and unacceptable to Islam…” It appears that you are not even a “most basic of Muslims”, that is why you have made this “repugnant and unacceptable” statement.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at believes that there is none worthy of worship except Allah. He is One and has no partner. He is Unique in His Being and Attributes; there is none like unto Him. He is the Hidden and the Manifest. He neither slumbers nor sleeps. He is Self-Sufficient and Independent. He begets not nor is He begotten.

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The Promised Messiah and Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at (as) writes:

“Relevant to a proper observance of my teaching it is essential that one should firmly believe that there is an All-Powerful, All-Sustaining Supreme Being, the Creator of everything, Changeless, Everlasting and Eternal. He does not beget, nor was He begotten. He is Holy, so that there is no need or occasion for Him to go on the Cross, or suffer in any way, or be subject to death. Belief in this God with these powers, is the foremost essential condition of our Jama’at” (Our Teaching, p 1-2)

In a poem, the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) writes about Allah Almighty:


He is One and has no partner, the Living, the Almighty

The Eternal, the Everlasting, the Unique, the All-Seeing.

The Maker of the Universe, the Holy, the Eternal

The Creator, the Provider, the Gracious, the Merciful.

The Mentor, the Teacher Who leads to the path of faith

The Guide, the Revealer of the true knowledge.

The Possessor of all lofty attributes in their perfection

Far above the need for a spouse and children

(Baraheeni Ahmadiyya (English Translation), Part One, p. 18)


This is the bedrock of our belief in Allah Almighty. There is nowhere in the Ahmadiyya Muslim literature where you can find your allegation. Let BB Sanneh provide his proof from the literature if indeed he is truthful. Lying is very hateful in the sight of Allah Almighty.


The writer further stated, “They [Ahmadis] say there is no Qur’an other than what the Promised Messiah (Ghulam Ahmad) brought…. They also believe their book was revealed. Its name is al kitaab al-Mubeen and it is different from the Holy Qur’an.” According to this statement there is a parallel book to the Qur’an in existence and that is the book of the Promised Messiah and that the Ahmadi Muslims consider it the only true book. Is the existence of a parallel book to the Qur’an, revealed to Muhammad Mustafa (saw) more than 1400 years ago, possible? As a believer in every word, letter and dot of the Qur’an revealed to Muhammad (saw), I believe that it is disrespectful to entertain such thinking about the Holy Qur’an.

Allah says in the Holy Qur’an

“And if you are in doubt as to what We have sent down to Our servant, then produce a Chapter like it, and call upon your helpers beside Allah, if you are truthful. But if you do it not—and never shall you do it, then guard against the Fire, whose fuel is men and stones, which is prepared for the disbelievers” (Surah Al-Baqarah: Verses 24-25).

In these two verses, Allah says that whatever assistance the disbelievers of the Holy Qur’an may muster, they cannot produce even a single chapter like the Holy Qur’an. No one has that ability, according to Allah Almighty, because He has taken upon Himself to protect the Holy Qur’an from such (Surah Al-Hijr: Verse 10). The writer is telling us that despite this promise of Allah Almighty, Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) was able to produce a book and over two hundred million Ahmadi Muslims worldwide are following that book. Who is showing insolence and dishonor to Allah and degrading the Holy Qur’an? In fact it is the writer himself who is assigning mistakes and forgetfulness to Allah. Allah never says one thing and another happens in the contrary. But he is telling us that that is possible because according to him Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) was able to produce a book like the Qur’an despite Allah’s promise that such can never happen. Was he not aware of this verse when he was making this serious allegation about the Holy Qur’an? Does he disbelieve this verse of the Holy Qur’an? Or was he blinded by his enmity that he could not discern the implications of this blatant fabrication? It is indeed very difficult to connect the dots in a fabrication of falsehoods.

The book that Ahmadi Muslims believe and the reading of which reverberate in every Ahmadi Muslim household is the Holy Qur’an that was revealed to the Best of Prophets, Muhammad the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon). It has 114 Surahs starting with Surah Fatiha and ending with Surah an-Naas. Its first verses revealed are the first verses of “iqra”. It was revealed to the Seal of Prophets, Muhammad the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) piecemeal in twenty-three years. The Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at writes that those who do honour to the Holy Qur’an revealed to Muhammad Mustafa (saw) shall be honoured in heaven. He said that it is the only Book for mankind until the Day of Resurrection. Describing the beauty of the Qur’an revealed to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw), the Book that we believe and follow, he said that it is more beautiful than a hundred thousand Yusufs. Imagine the beauty of Prophet Yusuf (as)!

The Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at writes: “I call Allah to witness that the Holy Qur’an is a rare pearl. Its outside is light [Nuur] and its inside is light and its above is light and its below is light and there is light in every word of it … And Allah is my Witness that if there had been no Qur’an I would have found no delight in life. I find that its beauty exceeds that of a hundred thousand Yusufs … He who drinks from it, comes to life; indeed, he brings others to life” (A’ina-e-Kamaalaat-e-Islam, Ruhaani Khazaa’in, Vol. 5, pp. 545-546)

He also writes: “God Almighty, Who knows the secret of the hearts, is Witness that if anyone is able to point out a defect in the Holy Qur’an to the extent of a thousandth part of a particle, or is able to point out an excellence in his own book, which is opposed to the teaching of the Qur’an and excels it, we would be prepared to submit ourselves to the penalty of death” (Braaheen-e-Ahmadiyya, Ruhaani Khazaa’in, Vol. 1 p. 298, sub footnote 2).

No error or defect can ever be found in the Qur’an revealed to Muhammad, the Seal of the Prophets (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). No one can compose any book that can challenge the lofty status of the Holy Qur’an. BB Sanneh has no regard for the Holy Qur’an. If he did, he would not have made these fabrications. Allah’s curse be on the liars.

He (Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as)) further writes: “Of all the current revealed Books on earth, the Holy Qur’an is the only Book which is conclusively proven to be the Word of God. Its teachings for salvation are based entirely on truth and are in accordance with human nature. Its doctrines are so perfect and firm that strong proofs bear witness to their truth. Its commandments are based upon truth” (Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya, Ruhaani Khazaa’in, Vol. 1 pp. 81-83)


This is the Ahmadiyya belief about the Holy Qur’an. This is just a drop from the ocean of references about the excellence of the Holy Qur’an in the writings of the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at. Let the writer exercise the minimum standards of honesty despite his hatred for Ahmadiyyat. One does not necessarily need religion to be honest; honesty is a universal moral principle. But the highest standards of honesty is required of a Muslim.


I hereby challenge BB Sanneh to kindly show the complete text of the book the “Promised Messiah (Ghulam Ahmad) brought” which “is different from the Holy Qur’an” revealed to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) more than 1400 years ago. I put forward a reward of twenty five thousand dalasis (D25, 000.00) if he produce this book and prove its authorship, beyond any reasonable doubt, by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at. Let him kindly exhibit this book. The onus of proof lies on the claimant. This unsubstantiated claim has been made for decades; let us now see the proof. I give you one month, starting from the date of the publication of this article, to prove your claim, if indeed you are truthful. Remember that Allah’s curse is always on the liars.

The amount is very meager but no amount should in fact be meager for BB Sanneh as far as fulfilling his “responsibility” is concerned. In fact, even without a financial reward he should fulfill this responsibility.


The writer also alleges that Ahmadi Muslims believe that there is “… no prophet except under the leadership of Ghulam Ahmad…” Nothing could be further from the truth. How was he able to muster the guts and the audacity to fabricate this statement? I challenge him once again to provide references from the Ahmadiyya Muslim literature to authenticate this statement. Let him fear Allah. Making false statements and bearing witness to them are among the most heinous sins. A person shall never attain righteousness without possessing the quality of truthfulness. Quit falsehood and you shall have the ability to do every righteous act. BB Sanneh has definitely manifested that he is not even a “most basic of Muslims” because he has shamelessly and fearlessly concocted statements about the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at.

Now, I will present some quotations from the Ahmadiyya literature (the writings of the founder, Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as)) to show how “truthful” BB Sanneh is.

Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) writes in a poem in the Persian language:

I know not of anyone in both the world; who has a station equal to Muhammad [saw].

God is utterly displeased with the person; who bears a grudge against Muhammad [saw].

If you desire that God should praise you; become a true admirer of Muhammad [saw].

Cut me to pieces or burn me to death; I will not turn away from the court of Muhammad [saw].

I know not the name of any other teacher; I have studied at the school of Muhammad [saw].

You have illumined my heart and soul with love; my life is an offering to you, O Muhammad [saw]!


(Announcement February 20, 1893, Majmuu’a Istihaaraat, Vol. 1, pp. 371-372)


The above is the translation of an excerpt from a poem by the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at.

In an Arabic poem, he writes:


He [Muhammad] surpasses all creation in his perfection and beauty; in his glory and his pleasant nature

No doubt, Muhammad [saw] is the best of creation; he is the elect of the elect and chief of chiefs.

I call Allah to witness that Muhammad [saw] is His vicegerent; through him [Muhammad] alone access is possible to the Divine court.

O my Lord, shower Your blessings upon the Holy Prophet [Muhammad]; ever and always, here and in the hereafter.

(A’ina-e-Kamaalaat-e-Islam, Ruhaani Khazaa’in, Vol. 5, pp. 590-594)

Once again, I call upon BB Sanneh to kindly provide the reference from the Ahmadiyya Muslim literature to prove the above allegation. Lying is highly immoral.

“O ye who wish to reach the castle of salvation,

Only righteousness will carry you there.

Be with the truth and let truthfulness abide your heart,

Be not attracted to falsehood like the ill-natured”



The writer states that in April 1974, the World Muslim League in a conference held in Makkah declared the Ahmadi Muslims as kaafir. The same declaration, according to him was made by the Islamic Fiqh Council of Cape Town, South Africa. Ahmadi Muslims absolutely believe in the declarations of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (saw). The writer is in essence telling us that the World Muslim League and the Islamic Fiqh Council of Cape Town are superior to Muhammad the Seal of Prophets (saw) and that their declarations overrule the Holy Prophet Muhammad’s (saw) declaration. Na’uudhu Billahi. I said this because the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said, “Whoever prays the way we do, and faces our Qiblah in Prayer, and eats our slaughtered animals, then such a one is a Muslim concerning whom there is a covenant of Allah and His Messenger. So you must not attempt to hoodwink Allah in His Covenant.” (Sahih Bukhari, Kitabus Salaat, Baab Fadli Istiqbaali Qibla). BB SANNEH IS ATTEMPTING TO HOODWINK ALLAH IN HIS COVENANT. O Allah, protect the Gambia from the consequences of such mischief.


BB Sanneh has the audacity to reject the Prophet’s statement and accept the statement of a worldly council and is bold enough to say that Ahmadi Muslims are the ones rejecting Prophetic statements. So this is your Islam? Rejecting the statement of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (saw) for a statement of a worldly council is what you consider Islam? The members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at will never accept anything that goes contrary to the noble teachings and practices of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (saw).

BB Sanneh is so proud to inform people about these declarations against the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at but I am surprised that he did not tell the public with a reference that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) has ever done that and that he has given authority to a Council or a League to decide someone’s faith. In fact he cannot find anywhere in any authentic source that the Prophet Muhammad (saw) called someone a Kaafir while the person testifies to the pillars of Islam. I want him to kindly help me with such authentic reference. Let him be a good Muslim and make references to the Holy Qur’an and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw). Further to this article, Insha Allah, shall be some articles examining more of the allegations.

I challenge BB Sanneh to provide the references for your statements that you attribute to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at. And next time please write your full name.


I will conclude my essay with an admonition in the form of a poem from the poems of the Promised Messiah (as). May this admonition be useful to Mr. Sanneh


“[Woe to you] who has turned your back on the Faith,

Nothing but enmity and malice is the gain of your life.

You are slave to your enmity and mischief,

And do not listen to reason and fairness.

You are proud of your arrogance and ostentation,

And transgress the bounds of faith.

You consider it worship to utter heresies,

And treat misconduct as virtue.”


May Allah protect the Gambia, our homeland from every form of fitna.

NB: If there are any errors in this article, it would be the full responsibility of the author; not the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at.

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