Friday, March 14, 2025


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In a rebuttal to the essay of BB Sanneh, I told him that his essay was intellectually dishonest and lacked credibility because he attributed some statements to the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at without providing the references. I also asked him to produce the al Kitaab al Mubeen, a book which he claimed is the scripture of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at. According to him Ahmadi Muslims have a Book which is different from the Holy Qu’an. On 30 May 2017 he wrote a rejoinder to my essay with his references. He however did not show any indication that he is going to exhibit the book of Ahmadis which is different from the Qur’an. He tried to downplay the issue by referring to it as “the brother (referring to the present writer) is trying to put a spanner on the spoke of the wheel in order to deceive the gullible and uninformed readers.”

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Before addressing the subject proper, I would like to address his self-righteous statement that I engaged in profanity and that Ahmadi Muslims always engage in profanity. If telling a liar that he is lying is indeed profanity by his definition, then I am very happy that he considered my essay a profanity. He quoted a verse of the Holy Qur’an, Chapter 16 verse 125 that instructs believers to do Da’wah with Hikmah (wisdom) and Mau’izah Hasanah (goodly exhortation) and that arguments should be done in the best manner. I am very happy that he quoted that verse. I love the Holy Qur’an. He probably thinks that Hikmah and Mau’izah hasanah means concocting falsehood because that is what he has been doing all along. Now, let us go to the subject proper.


BB Sanneh, in my last essay, I humbly admonished you to show a little sense of honesty, integrity and truthfulness because these are basic universal moral principles. In fact, you should show these qualities at a very high standard because you are a Muslim. Why did you not tell your readers that you actually literally lifted your so-called references from an anti-Ahmadiyya website? In fact you copied it word for word. If you were as honest and truthful as you claimed to be, then have the courage to tell the readers that you lifted your points literally from a website devoted to opposing us. Why would you declare that you have gotten your points from the writings of Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad? Tell me sincerely from your heart whether I am profaning when I called you a fabricator of falsehood? Tell me a better word that I can use. This is the source of BB Sanneh’s fabrications for anyone interested in knowing that his source was not an Ahmadiyya source but he rather copied from an anti-Ahmadiyya website:

I expected you to take it from the Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad’s (as) own writings. Sincerity requires you to do that. Is this your perception of Hikmah and Mau’izah Hasanah? BB Sanneh, this is very shameful and then you have the audacity to write that you “deliberately left out sources because it honestly never occurred to me [meaning BB Sanneh] that someone would take me to a challenge for it.” So, this is your source? What a shame!

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The second instance that shows his dishonesty is that he made statements that do not exist in the source he referenced; he quoted out of context; he deliberately twisted words to give them different meanings and quoted an anti-Ahmadiyya source in such a way that people would think it is actually an Ahmadiyya source. These acts are highest standards of dishonesty. I said he did these things because he has plagiarized and pretended that he actually read from the Ahmadiyya literature. He is not different from the one who first committed these crimes because he is helping in propagating the falsehood.

  1. An example of a non-existent statement that he has made:

BB Sanneh alleges that the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at writes,

He was the second advent of Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and better and superior than the first coming” (Roohani Khazain vol 16 pp.272).

This statement is not found anywhere in the above reference, that is, Roohani Khazain vol 16 pp.272 and no where in the entire Roohani Khazain. Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) never in any statement declared superiority over the Holy Prophet Muhammad Rasoolullaah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

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  1. An example of a statement that was deliberately twisted to give it a different meaning:

BB Sanneh alleges that the Founder of the Ahmadiyyaa Muslim Jama’at writes: “The basis for our claim is not Hadith but Quran and that WAHI which comes to us. Yes in support we also quote those Hadith which are according to Quran and DO NOT CONTRADICT MY WAHI. As for the REST OF THE HADITHs, I THROW THEM AWAY LIKE A WASTE PAPER.” (Roohani Khazain vol 19 p.140)

This is what is found in Roohani Khazain vol. 19, p. 140: The Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at writes:

“I swear by Allah and state that this claim of mine (of being the Promised Messiah) is founded not upon the Hadeeth, but rather upon the Qur’an and the Divine revelation that I have received. Indeed, as supporting evidence, we also present such Ahaadeeth that tally with the Qur’an and do not contravene the words of God that I have received. As for Traditions besides these, we cast them aside as valueless…”

BB Sanneh, are you saying that any Hadeeth that contravenes the Holy Qur’an should be accepted and the Qur’anic verse be rejected? You should know very well if you have basic knowledge of Ahaadeeth that even the compilers of Ahaadeeth have categorized many Ahaadeeth as unauthentic. Will you prefer such Ahaadeeth over the Qur’an? In fact, agreement with the Qur’an is the primary criterion for judging the authenticity of a Hadeeth and whether it should be rejected or not.

What is the context of the above statement by the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at? The Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at is refuting the claim of one Maulvi Sanaullah of Amratsari that the claim of the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at of being the Promised Messiah was not based on Divine Revelation but entirely on traditions (Ahaadeeth) attributed to the Holy Prophet (saw). The Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at states that contrary to Sanaullah’s allegation, his claim is founded primarily on the Word of Allah, which is the Holy Qur’an and secondarily on the Divine Revelation he himself received, again the word of Allah. And that the Ahaadeeth is also used as supporting evidence provided it does not contravene the Holy Qur’an primarily and the revelation he received secondarily.

  • Another example of twisting the statements:

BB Sanneh alleges that the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at writes: “Quran is God’s Book and the words of my mouth.” (Advertisement dated 15th March 1897, Roohani Khazain vol 22 p. 87)

The Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at was quoting the words of Divine Revelation which he received from Allah. The words therefore are not his (that is the Founder of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at), they are words God has revealed to him. Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was only stating the words he received from Allah. The word My is referring to Allah as the Speaker. Therefore what is found in Rohaani Khazain vol. 22, p. 87 is

“…Walk with grace, for your time draws near and the step of the followers of Muhammad (saw) would land firmly on the tallest minaret. God will put all your duties right and will grant you all your wishes. The Lord of all the hosts will turn this way. This sign will affirm that the Glorious Qur’an is indeed the Book of God and the utterances of My mouth…”

I most sincerely ask BB Sanneh, by virtue of his claim of defending Islam and exposing the heresy of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, to further defend Islam and its honour by invoking the curse of Allah on the liar. In the words of the Holy Qur’an, invoke the following prayer: La’natullaahi ‘alal kaazibeen (The curse of Allah be on the liars) if indeed you believe that the quotations you made are right and meant exactly what you said. Please do it out of your respect and honour for Islam. I say La’natullaahi ‘alal kaazibeen.

  1. An example of a statement quoted out of context:

BB Sanneh states that the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at writes: In one of my revelation (kashf) I saw myself as God and I believe in it. (Kitab Al-Brae P: 85. Roohani Khazain V: 3 P: 103).

The statement that you quoted above has not been fully quoted therefore giving it a wrong meaning. As your source itself has admitted, it is a state of vision that Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) was mentioning. By deliberately mutilating a part of the whole, your source has put the whole issue out of context and you being the type of person who does not go to the actual source fell for it. Now let us look at the whole quote, the verdict of the Holy Prophet (saw) on the issue and then the examples from Muslim literature.

This is what Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) writes in Kitaabul Bariyya and it is in consonance with the Hadith in Bukhari (quoted below). It is a long quotation but I have to bring it here in full in order not to mutilate the meaning.

“In a vision I saw that I myself was God and believed myself to be such. I believed that I had no will or thought or action of my own left, and that I had become like something which was being completely overpowered by something else that had absorbed me wholly so that my whole being had completely disappeared. I saw the divine spirit envelop my soul and covering my body hide me completely in itself so that not a particle of me remained. I beheld myself as if all my limbs had become His, my eyes had become His eyes, my ears had become His ears, and my tongue had become His tongue. My Lord seized me with such great force that I disappeared in Him and I felt that His power was surging in me and that His Divinity was coursing through me. The Lord of honour then set His camp around my heart and the Lord of power ground down my soul so that there was no more of me nor any desire of mine left. My whole structure was demolished and only the structure of the Lord of the universe remained visible.

The Divine [Allaah] overcame me with such force that I was drawn to Him from the hair of my head to the nails of my toes. Then I became all spirit which had no body and became an oil which had no dregs. I was separated completely from my ego and I became like something which was not visible or like a drop which had become merged in the ocean so that the ocean comprehended it in its vastness. I no longer knew what I had been before nor what my being was. Divinity coursed through my veins and muscles. I was completely lost to myself and God Almighty employed my limbs for His purpose and took possession of me with such force that nothing exceeded it. By this seizure I became non-existent. I believed that my limbs had become God’s limbs and I imagined that I had discarded my own being and departed from my existence, and that no associate or claimant had remained as an obstruction. God Almighty entered wholly into my being and my anger and my gentleness and my bitterness and my sweetness and my movement and my inertness all became His. In this condition I said: I desire a new universe, a new heaven and a new earth.”

In this full text, which has been mutilated by the source of plagiarist Sanneh, the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at repeatedly mentioned God and did not even once claim Godhood/Divinity. He said that it was in a vision that he saw himself as God. Visions are subject to interpretations. They are spiritual experiences through which Allah Almighty gives glad tidings to His dear servants. Visions are not interpreted literally. In the quotation above, in the portion highlighted in block letters, the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at has in fact used the same words used by Muhammad Rasoolullaah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)

It is recorded in Sahih Bukhari, Kitaabur Riqaaqi, Baabut Tawaadu’i:

“Abu Hurairah narrates that the Holy Prophet (saw) said, ‘Allah the Almighty says that whoever is an enemy of my friend, I declare war on him. My servant can be close to me through things that I love and that I have made obligatory upon him. By offering Nawafil My servant gets so close to me that I start loving him. When I make him a friend of Mine, I become the ears with which he hears, the eyes with which he sees, the hands with which he holds, and the feet with which he walks. That is I fulfill all that he desires. If he begs of Me, I provide for him; if he seeks my protection, I grant him protection.”

Does this imply that Muhammad Rasoolullaah (saw) meant to say that the person literally becomes Allah? Or will you also accuse Rasoolullaah (saw) of blasphemy? Why would it be a claim of Divinity for Hadrat Mirza Ghulam (as) to use the same words used by his master Muhammad Rasoolullaah (saw)?

This kind of experience is a state called Fanaa fillaah, where a person loses his own existence and identity in favour of the existence and identity of God. His personal desires do not exist anymore; only the desires and wishes of God become his desires and wishes. Ask people even in the Gambia here who are Sufi-minded about Fanau. They will tell you what it means. Examples of these type of statements can be found in many Muslim literature.

The blind cannot talk about the brightness of the sun. The deaf cannot talk about the sound of thunder. The spiritually bereft and unacquainted cannot talk about spiritual matters; they must ask the people acquainted with such matters.

I once again most sincerely ask BB Sanneh, by virtue of his claim of defending Islam and exposing the heresy of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, to further defend Islam and its honour by invoking the curse of Allah on the liar. In the words of the Holy Qur’an, invoke the following prayer: La’natullaahi ‘alal kaazibeen (The curse of Allah be on the liars) if indeed you believe that Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) literally claimed being God. Please do it out of your respect and honour for Islam. I say La’natullaahi ‘alal kaazibeen.

BB Sanneh alleges that the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at writes, “I have said several times that according to the verse (of Holy Quran) ‘wa akhareena minhum lamma yalhaqoo behim’ as Burooz I am the same Prophet, the Khatamul Anbiyyah, and 20 years ago God named me Muhammad and Ahmad in Braheen-e-Qadianism and declared me His Being.” (Aik ghalti ka azala, Roohani Khazain vol. 18 p.212)

The first fabrication to note here is that the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at has never written a book called Braheen-e-Qadianism. That is an absolute fabrication by BB Sanneh. I now tell BB Sanneh that the exact words in Eik Ghalati Kaa Izala are:

“… I have stated repeatedly that, in accordance with the verse wa aakhareena minhum lammaa yalhqoo bihim, as Buruz (reflection), I am the same Prophet Khatamun Nabiyyeen. It was twenty years ago, in Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya, that God named me ‘Muhammad’ and ‘Ahmad’ and declared me to be the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Thus the status of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) as Khatamun Nabiyyeen is by no means in peril due to my Prophethood, since the zill [shadow, reflection] is never independent of the original. Since I am Muhammad by way of zill, therefore, the Seal of Khatamun Nabiyyeen remains intact and Prophethood of Muhammad remains confined to Muhammad. This means that in all events it is Muhammad who remains the Prophet and no one else.”

BB Sanneh, where in these statements has the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at rejected the Prophethood of Muhammad Rasoolullaah (saw) and declared himself an independent and superior Prophet to Muhammad Rasoolullaah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)? He only stated that he was Muhammad Rasoolullaah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) by way of reflection which he further explained throughout the book that you have made referenced to. Without Muhammad Rasoolullah, there would not have been any Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as).

Statements like this are made by great saints of Islam. One example is Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani who said, “This [pointing to body] is not Abdul Qadir Jilani but of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him),” (Guldastah Karamat). This is called fanaa firrasool (losing onself in the love of Rasoolullaah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)

Writing about the Imam Mahdi, Hadrat Imam Baqr writes;

“The Imam Mahdi will say, “O people, if any of you wishes to behold Ibrahim and Ismael, let him note that I am Ibrahim and Ismael; if any of you wishes to behold Musa and Joshua, then let him note that I am Musa and Joshua; if any of you desires to behold Isa and Simon, then let him note that I am Isa and Simon; if any of you wishes to behold Hadrat Muhammad Mustafa, pace and blessings of Allah be upon him, or the Ameerul Mu’mineen, may Allah be pleased with him, let him note that I am Muhammad and Ali, may Allah be pleased with them all,” (Bahaarul Anwar)

BB Sanneh, you definitely have to go back and study the basics of Islam. I am surprised that you do not even understand the connotations of basic spiritual statements that are found all over in Islamic literature. May Allah Almighty guide you in understanding spiritual matters.

Before concluding, I would like to explain another statement that you have misinterpreted deliberately. You allege that Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad writes, “Whoever is not sure of our success is in fact, a bastard. He wouldn’t be a legitimate man. (Roohani Khazain; V: 18 p: 31)” and then “But only the sons of the prostitues didn’t confirm and accept me. (Roohani Khazain: V:5, P: 547-548).

Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) never called anyone son of prostitute. This is what he writes in A’inae Kamalat-e-Islam, “Every Muslim will accept me and will confirm my claim except the Zurriyyatul Baghaaya whose hearts will have been sealed by God Almighty.”

A term must be understood in the context in which it is said. First, what does zurriyyatul baghaaya mean? According to Tajul Uroos, a famous Arabic lexicon, baghy which is the singular for baghaaya means “a female slave, irrespective of her conduct.” In that case that term would mean “the sons of slaves” and a slave is “A person under another’s influence and lacks the power to use his own faculty of free choice and determination.” Tajul Uroos further states that when someone is called the zurriyyatul baghaaya, it would mean “he is deprived of guidance.” Therefore the statement of the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at is this “Every Muslim will accept me and will confirm my claim except the THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN DEPRIVED OF GUIDANCE and whose hearts will have been sealed by God Almighty.” This exactly is the meaning of the term in the context in which it is used. In that sense and context, this term perfectly fits you. You are a son of a slave because you cannot utitlise your faculty of thinking, that is why instead of reading the books of the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, you went to the website of his opponent. Your mind is being controlled by another to an extent that you cannot think. You are indeed mental slave.

I, as an Ahmadi Muslim, declare that we believe in Allah as presented by the Holy Qur’an and Muhammad Rasoolullaah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). We believe that Muhammad Rasoolullaah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is the best of creation and Seal of the Prophets and we believe in whatever the Holy Qur’an says about him. We absolutely believe in the Holy Qur’an and believe that even a single dot of the Holy Qur’an cannot be falsified. If BB Sanneh thinks and believes that these are not the beliefs of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, then:

I once again most sincerely ask BB Sanneh, by virtue of his claim of defending Islam and exposing the heresy of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, to further defend Islam and its honour by invoking the curse of Allah on the liar. In the words of the Holy Qur’an, invoke the following prayer: La’natullaahi ‘alal kaazibeen (The curse of Allah be on the liars) if indeed you believe that Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as) and his followers do not believe in the God presented by the Holy Qur’an, do not believe in the Holy Qur’an and have their own book, do not believe in Muhammad Rasoolullaah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Please do it out of your respect and honour for Islam. I say La’natullaahi ‘alal kaazibeen.


I have realized that you want to run away from the challenge by saying that why did I choose to offer D25, 000 just for this point out of all the so-called allegations and also referring to it as “…trying to put a spanner on the spoke of the wheels…” This is the simple reason: The Holy Qur’an is the essence of Islam; there would have been no Islam without the Holy Qur’an. The fundamental beliefs and practices of Islam are embedded in the Holy Qur’an. By attacking the Holy Qur’an, you have attacked the very foundations of the religion which is the acceptable religion in the sight of Allah, the religion called Islam. How did you attack it? You attacked it by saying that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was able to produce a book like the Qur’an called al Kitaab al Mubeen, contrary to the Qur’anic declaration that no one can produce even a chapter like any chapter of the Holy Qur’an. I am therefore obliged to defend the very foundation of Islam which you have vehemently attacked.

The 27th Day of June 2017 is the deadline I have given you and the challenge still stands. Instead of making unnecessary statements in order to evade the challenge, please let the world see this book al Kitaab al Mubeen. By doing that you will save the entire Ummah from the deception of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at as you called it.


You have been trying to hail your scholars as heroes and custodians of the Islam to an extent that you believe they have the mandate and authority to declare who is or is not a Muslim, among them you specifically mentioned Abdoulie Fatty, formerly of the State House mosque. Let me put it to you that those so-called scholars in the Gambia were challenged to a Mubahala (a duel of prayers wherein the curse of Allah is invoked on the wilful liars). Ask Abdoulie Fatty especially and his team of anti-Ahmadiyya scholars why they did not accept the challenge for a duel of prayers and invoke the curse of Allah on the wilful liars whoever those wilful liars may have been. For twenty years now, the challenge has not been accepted. I am now telling you, Bakary B Sanneh and whatever scholar you are referring to, that if you are so sure of your truthfulness and allegations that you have raised against the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at; if you are so sure of the falsehood of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at and Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (as), then publicly announce what you think and believe about the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at and then publicly declare that you pray for the curse of Allah to descend upon the wilful liar whoever it is. Our local newspapers will be, I believe, very willing to publish such announcement.

Please do not hesitate to do this if indeed you are defending Islam. It will definitely be a great service to Islam.

Written By: Tahir Ahmad Touray

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