Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Gov’t Completes ‘Discussion’ on Faraba Report

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Minister of Justice Abubacarr Tambadou has said that the government has concluded its discussion on the Faraba Banta commission report.

“The discussions have gone very well, they were very engaging and cabinet has taken a unanimous position on the recommendations that the report made and those will be reflected in the white paper that is to be published together with the report very very soon,” Mr Tambadou told journalists at State House on Thursday.

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Kombo east village Faraba was in June 2018 thrown into a state of pandemonium following violent clashes between protesters and the police.  At least three people died from the clashes.

And Mr Tambadou told reporters on Thursday that “today’s cabinet session was a special one, exclusively devoted to consideration of the Faraba Banta report and the draft white paper that I submitted to cabinet today.”

“We intend to share the report, as I said in the past that this government has every intention of publishing this report. We intend to do so together with the white paper that we are currently finalizing following cabinet discussions,” he said.

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