Monday, February 24, 2025

Former President Jawara’s grandchild Papa Faal annouces he will take a shot at presidency next year

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Papa Njie admitted the road is going to be tough as he announced he will be taking a shot at the presidency next year.

The country will hold presidential election next year and former US army officer Papa Faal is the latest to announce his intention to run for president.

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Speaking at Brikama Wellingara on Saturday Faal insisted the road will be tough after laying out how the country relapsed into underdevelopment following the end of Sir Dawda Jawara’s rule, his grandfather.

Faal said he will running under an independent ticket dubbed, ‘Papa Faal – 4 – 2021’ – and in a manifesto seen by The Fatu Network, the team will be selling five key issues to Gambians among them citien reorientation, citizen welfare and corruption.

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