Friday, September 20, 2024

The man who stained Gambia with albatross scandals wants another 5 years

Yaya Jammeh, a rock-ribbed divisive dictator who rules Gambia with a clench fist accordingly, with mysterious spiritual ideology and brilliantly fooled many of his platoon of armed...

NIA detains procurement officer at AG Chambers!

Officers from the National Intelligence Agency have arrested the procurement officer at the Ministry of Justice one Mr. Mboob after being accused by the Solicitor General Saffie...

Unsettling Judgement: A chilling tale of Mercenary Judge interpreting existing laws

  The conviction of Fanta Darboe and rest of tortured women by a very unprofessional unelected judge Nigerian mercenary judge without empathy, using false narrative regardless of the...

Writer says Isata Jawara is not procurement officer at AG’s Chambers

  Dear Editor   Following my investigations on the misappropriation of the 6 million dalasis budget for the just concluded colloquium by Justice Ministrysenior employees, I have just been reliably...

Veteran journalist Kebba Dibba dies

By Alhagie Jobe A veteran broadcaster and senior Gambia journalist at the state TV of GRTS, Alhagie Kebba Dibba died Tuesday aged 51, at a hospital in Dakar,...

Gambia will never reach its potential heights with Dictatorship

The concern of our founders worst fears for our nation falling in the lurches of dictatorship, is where we are at this moment in history. And, yet...

Getting Gambia’s education system under stress back on track

  Governing a country requires more than a slogan and so does educating our children requires more than rhetoric of free education. The education department and the regime...

The UDP Must not File a Presidential Candidate

By Lamin Gano For a moment, let us envision the UDP as a Boeing 707 plane which from 1996 until early 2016 had a very good pilot (Honourable...

Where have APRC make positive mark after 20 years

  It has been a tumultuous year for Gambians this year. It is impossible for any Gambian to say their heart is filled with serenity and peace at...

Bakary Nyassi Resigns As GIA Managing Director

  The Managing Director of The Gambia International Airlines (GIA), Bakary Nyassi, has tendered his resignation to the GIA board Monday afternoon. Nyassi's resignation came few days after...

Press Statement: Alhaji Boye (Gambian Sniper) To Appear in Court Friday

PRESS RELEASE   Mr. ALHAJI BOYE Case in Raleigh, North Carolina   Date: August 9, 2016   The December 30 Gambia Freedom Foundation (D30 GFF) wishes to inform the public that we are...

Gambia Democratic Congress (GDC) Extends Frontiers in the Diaspora

  GDC Press Statement Gambians, friends of the Gambia, and the International Community:   The Gambia Democratic Congress (GDC), a newly formed Gambian political party led by Hon. Mamma Kandeh, here...

Writer Asks How Six Million Dalasi Budgeted For A Seminar Was Spent By The...

Dear Editor   This is your new investigator in Gambia.     Your Network is the most reliable medium that informs Gambians and the world in general about events happening in the...

The Obstacles to a Coalition Formation in The Gambia: Part I

In my opinion, there are two main reasons why there is still no grand alliance of Gambian opposition parties in spite of the fact that everyone knows...

Tina Faal Detained At Mile Two Central Prison

  Ms. Tina Faal, a former nominated member of the National Assembly who was rearrested Monday, August 8, is currently detained at Mile two central prison after her...


Since the advent of ‘Athens’ as a city-state all those centuries ago, the constitutional arrangement bestowed upon the executive branch as ruler over the ruled based on...

A Yearn for some semblance of solidarity for Yahya Jammeh’s victims

Regrettably, the use of violence vulgar words and threats by Yahya Jammeh loyalist to pervert peaceful expression of our frustrations against- injustice, when mourning our dead or...

The UTG Debacle continues

  Dear Editor:   If we are going to report for the sake of laying out all he facts, then we must insist on all or nothing. The genesis of...

GDF Condemns ‘The Latest Miscarriage of Justice’ Against Opposition Leader Ousainou Darboe And Co

Gambia Democracy Fund is joining the many voices of Gambians at home and abroad to condemn, in the strongest terms, the latest miscarriage of justice perpetrated by...

Gambia continues to fall off the moral high chair

The incongruity of Gambian morals and ethics lately compared to 30 years ago does not represent who we are and is antithesis to everything we learn not...