Monday, March 3, 2025

CA joins UDP in expressing disgust at alleged Gorgi Mboob savagery

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Citizens’ Alliance has joined UDP in expressing horror over alleged police brutality involving the head of police anti-crime unit Gorgi Mboob.

CA’s statement today read;

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In recent weeks, The Gambia has been faced with a significant rise in crime and delinquency. This has provoked a sense of insecurity and an increasing lack of trust in the police.

This crisis of confidence in The Gambia Police Force is reinforced by the growing role of security personnel in security matters and the diminishing role of the state in protecting and safeguarding the citizenry.

This is most evident in the expressed concerns of the public in respect of the case of Ebrima Sanneh, who had to be hospitalized after he was allegedly physically assaulted by the head of the Anti Crime Unit of The Gambia Police Force, Mr. Gorrgi Mboob. Also noteworthy that Mr. Sanneh and his friends had not been convicted of any crimes, or even charged in a competent court of law as required by due process before they were detained and subjected to forced labor – a form of torture.

Equally disturbing is the fact that the statement released by the Police contradicts both the accounts of events narrated by Mr. Sanneh, other eyewitnesses and the account given by Mr. Mboob himself, as reported by several media houses. A culture of accountability and truth is essential in maintaining public confidence in our public institutions.

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Citizens’ Alliance condemns, in the strongest terms, the continued violation of citizens’ rights by security forces. We also call on the government to ensure that state security agents are equipped with the character, discipline and training to carry out their oaths of office to protect and serve the citizens. Those found wanting in both the previous and current regime should have no place wearing the uniform.

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