Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Breaking News: NPP reacts to APRC’s press conference

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The National People’s Party(NPP) issued a statement on Sunday welcoming the announcement of a successful NPP/APRC Alliance talks for the December 4th Presidential election and subsequent election cycles by the APRC Party Leader Fabakary Tombong Jatta.

A statement read by NPP deputy spokesman Seedy Njie in Mankamang said: “The announcement will undoubtedly help immensely in healing, reconciling and uniting our people on the basis of National Development, cohesion and unity. As a legally registered political party by the Independent Electoral Commission, the National People’s Party, which is founded on the basis and principles of democracy, respect for fundamental rights and the rule of law, and its commitment to political pluralism, intends to work with all political entities, organizations and individuals with common objectives of delivering services beneficial to the Gambian People.

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“The Secretary General and Party Leader of the NPP, His Excellency President Adama Barrow, is committed to building a strong foundation of democracy where citizens’ rights, liberties and freedoms are respected under strong State institutions for effective checks and balances under a vibrant democratic space.

“The now formidable alliance of several parties:NPP, NRP, PPP, NCP, GPDP & APRC will undoubtedly usher in an emphatic election victory and a new dawn of a Gambia for all Gambians.

“The NPP represents and embraces peace, hope, tolerance, development and the rule of law as opposed to fear-mongering, intimidation and divisive politics.

“The National People’s Party hereby notifies all its membership and supporters of our great Party of this development and instructs that, we work together with all our partner parties at all levels.

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“While wishing you a successful election cycle, the Party Leader is committed to the conduct of free, fair and transparent elections and urges all members and supporters of these political parties to conduct themselves appropriately before, during the campaign and post-election period for a peaceful landslide victory. Long live The Gambia.”


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