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A common framework for addressing electoral reform has been reached by leaders of two major Gambian political parties and civil society groups ahead of The Gambia’s 2016 elections.

This followed intense discussions at the conclusion of the International Civil Society Forum on The Gambia held in New York from October 1-2, 2015 under the auspices of the Coalition for Change – The Gambia (CCG) and its partners. The deliberations featured Omar A. Jallow (OJ), interim leader of the People’s Progressive Party; Hamat Bah of the National Reconciliation Party; and representatives of various civil society organizations.

Though the issue of participation or boycott (if conditions are not adequately addressed) remained unresolved, participants agreed that:

  1. Opposition political parties should set minimum acceptable reforms to the electoral law that must be implemented ahead of the 2016 elections.
  2. Both the legitimacy of the Chairman of the Independent Electoral Commission’s mandate and all bills passed under his expired mandate must be challenged.
  3. Voter registration requirements, especially the attestation process, must be changed.
  4. The Gambia Government must ensure that all political parties have equal access to state media, and mechanism to track the abuse of state resources must be put in place
  5. The ruling APRC’s (Alliance for Patriotic Re-orientation and Construction) use of state resources to promote partisan political objectives must end.
  6. The law that requires the Independent Electoral Commission to issue political rally permits should be amended, as permits should be issued by the Inspector General of Police in a fair and expeditious manner.
  7. The Gambian constitution should be amended to remove the 65 year age limit for presidential candidates.
  8. The state must cease the intimidation and harassment of the opposition parties and their supporters.

Both political party and civil society representatives concluded that all legal and diplomatic/political options must be fully utilized to ensure that The Gambia Government creates a conducive environment for free, fair, and transparent elections in 2016.

Given that there is a small window of opportunity to table and agree to acceptable electoral reforms ahead of the presidential and legislative elections in 2016 and 2017 respectively, civil society groups agreed to call on the international community and the country’s development partners to withhold funding the elections until The Gambia Government implements all the proposed minimal reforms unanimously agreed to..

Participants also reiterated the need to engage with political parties that were not represented at the historic New York meeting.  Participants stated that all efforts must be made to seek input from all political parties.

Follow-up activities are planned to exert greater pressure on the Gambia Government to facilitate the full participation of all Gambians in free and fair elections.


For further information, contact:

Amadou S. Janneh – (912) 306-4423

Sohna Sallah – (301)254-9983



A common framework for addressing electoral reform has been reached by leaders of two major Gambian political parties and civil society groups ahead of The Gambia’s 2016 elections.

This followed intense discussions at the conclusion of the International Civil Society Forum on The Gambia held in New York from October 1-2, 2015 under the auspices of the Coalition for Change – The Gambia (CCG) and its partners. The deliberations featured Omar A. Jallow (OJ), interim leader of the People’s Progressive Party; Hamat Bah of the National Reconciliation Party; and representatives of various civil society organizations.

Though the issue of participation or boycott (if conditions are not adequately addressed) remained unresolved, participants agreed that:

  1. Opposition political parties should set minimum acceptable reforms to the electoral law that must be implemented ahead of the 2016 elections.
  2. Both the legitimacy of the Chairman of the Independent Electoral Commission’s mandate and all bills passed under his expired mandate must be challenged.
  3. Voter registration requirements, especially the attestation process, must be changed.
  4. The Gambia Government must ensure that all political parties have equal access to state media, and mechanism to track the abuse of state resources must be put in place
  5. The ruling APRC’s (Alliance for Patriotic Re-orientation and Construction) use of state resources to promote partisan political objectives must end.
  6. The law that requires the Independent Electoral Commission to issue political rally permits should be amended, as permits should be issued by the Inspector General of Police in a fair and expeditious manner.
  7. The Gambian constitution should be amended to remove the 65 year age limit for presidential candidates.
  8. The state must cease the intimidation and harassment of the opposition parties and their supporters.

Both political party and civil society representatives concluded that all legal and diplomatic/political options must be fully utilized to ensure that The Gambia Government creates a conducive environment for free, fair, and transparent elections in 2016.

Given that there is a small window of opportunity to table and agree to acceptable electoral reforms ahead of the presidential and legislative elections in 2016 and 2017 respectively, civil society groups agreed to call on the international community and the country’s development partners to withhold funding the elections until The Gambia Government implements all the proposed minimal reforms unanimously agreed to..

Participants also reiterated the need to engage with political parties that were not represented at the historic New York meeting.  Participants stated that all efforts must be made to seek input from all political parties.

Follow-up activities are planned to exert greater pressure on the Gambia Government to facilitate the full participation of all Gambians in free and fair elections.


For further information, contact:

Amadou S. Janneh – (912) 306-4423

Sohna Sallah – (301)254-9983

Insult Upon Injury – How President Yahya Jammeh sexually abused Alagie Ceesay’s Girlfriend, Then Arrested, Tortured and Now Prosecuting him on Fabricated Charges!!!!


Two young girls have recently absconded from The Gambia to a West African country (place withheld for their security). As it turns out, one of them had been testifying in journalist Alagie Ceesay’s case currently going on in the courts. Faturadio was in touch with both girls even before they left The Gambia because they wanted to tell their story so that the whole world knows in case something happens to them during their escape plans. Their story uncovers an elaborate scheme to frame Alagie in a case that has already raised eyebrows both at the local and International level.

The charges against Ceesay never made any sense from the beginning, but just like all things Gambia these days, none was surprised. However, even the most casual observers of the current deplorable conditions in that country will be shocked at the nature, scope, and frivolousness of this saga. It all boils down to this: journalist Alagie Ceesay, 25, was dating 23 year old girl who unknown to him was being repeatedly abused by President Yahya Jammeh according to the girl herself and one of her friends who escaped with her to a neighbouring country. Both girls were hired as “Protocol Officers” at the State House. Now that we hope we have prepared you enough for what you are about to read, here then is how the story goes:

A match made in heaven

Journalist Alagie Ceesay and his girlfriend according to their family sources have been dating for some time. The two were inseparable and had a special bond. Both being in their early twenties, they share likings and enjoyed each other’s company. Alagie frequented her home and would be mostly found hanging out with the family. Despite the occasional fights characteristic of dating relationships among young Gambians, they always seemed to easily make up and put issues behind them real quick. Their relationship was no secret – pretty much everyone in their respective neighborhoods knew how close they were.

Alhagie’s girlfriend gets hired as “Protocol Officer” at the State House

Then all of a sudden Alhagie’s girlfriend was hired as a Protocol Officer (PO) at the State House. At least that was what she thought until she found out this was no ordinary Protocol Officer Job – her role was to sleep with the President, just like all the other young girls supposedly hired as POs, whenever he wishes. She was even moved to the State House where she was given a place to stay. To sweeten the deal, her mother was also offered an apartment to stay in at no cost. According to State House sources, the mother has been served a notice to leave since when the absconding of her daughter became public.

Who is Jimbe Jammeh?

Upon her arrival at the State House to start her duty as a Protocol Officer, Alhagie’s girlfriend was introduced to a lady by the name Jimbe Jammeh. As would later find out, Jimbe was not just any regular employee at the Presidential palace, she is the main liaison acting as the person in charge of all the girls supposedly hired as Protocol Officers, attending to all their needs and being the only person allowed to mingle with them. In this role, she also acts as the main pimp, bringing the girls when needed by Yaya, intimidates their boyfriends (this lies at the crux of journalist Alagie Ceesay’s case), takes them to perform abortions when they get pregnant, and terrorizes any that is suspected of getting a cold feet or presents a risk of talking to third parties about the whole affair. Jimbe therefore is central to all the abuses going on in the compound. She is herself believed to have been originally brought there to satisfy President Jammeh’s insatiable taste for young girls, who also have to pass the virginity test in order to be accepted. She was therefore raped repeatedly prior to graduating to her current role in which she also still occasionally sleeps with the president.

Jimbe’s probing questions about the private life of Alhagie’s girlfriend

Jimbe started to quiz Alhagie’s girlfriend about her private life at the very moment they were introduced. Unbeknown to her, Jimbe was not engaging in regular BFF chitchat, but instead was gathering information that would later be used to terrorize any potential Jammeh competition. This was exactly the fate another guy who was unlucky to be dating yet another young girl who Jammeh developed interest in. This particular girl’s case was also reported by Faturadio when she absconded to Senegal after escaping from a similar situation of being used as a sex toy by President Jammeh and repeatedly abused on a daily basis. This particular girl was once the Miss July 22nd winner, another event organized mainly to lure young girls into Jammeh’s net and will be the subject of yet another exclusive report by Faturadio. Alhagie’s girlfriend confided in Jimbe that she was dating a guy by the name Alagie Ceesay and he is the Manager of Taranga FM Radio Station. During the same conversation, she told Jimbe that Alagie was in Dakar for a short visit. Upon further investigation, Jimbe found out that another Protocol Officer, who would later abscond alongside Alhagie’s girlfriend, was a good friend of this same journalist Alagie Ceesay. It seemed Jimbe had all the information she needed to chart her plot against this innocent victim.

Beginning of Alagie’s troubles

Jimbe, armed with the information that Alagie was in Dakar, immediately contacted the National Intelligence Agency, who are always her chief collaborators in this game of abuse and intimidation, asking them to interrogate Alagie when he returns from his trip. The NIA obliged and Alagie was released after a brief interrogation. Alagie as it also turned out, was on the radar of this same agency all along for a totally unrelated matter but for an issue that had incensed President Jammeh. The radio station he manages is well known for translating into local languages all the newspaper stories (including those of the Opposition PDOIS affiliated paper called Foroyaa which is mostly very critical of the regime) for each day, and was even bold enough to play a very strongly anti-Jammeh song, “KU BUKA C GETA GI” released by the self-exiled artist called Killa Ace. So there was already an unsettled matter between the two sides, this case of jealousy and effort to rape his girlfriend only added fuel to the fire.

Yahya escalates the situation

From that initial interrogation by the NIA, Alagie’s situation only got worse. President Jammeh, it seems had made up his mind to put this “nuisance” away for good. What happens next was the subject of another investigative report by You can read that here:

Insult Upon Injury – How President Yahya Jammeh sexually abused Alagie Ceesay’s Girlfriend, Then Arrested, Tortured and Now Prosecuting him on Fabricated Charges!!!!


Two young girls have recently absconded from The Gambia to a West African country (place withheld for their security). As it turns out, one of them had been testifying in journalist Alagie Ceesay’s case currently going on in the courts. Faturadio was in touch with both girls even before they left The Gambia because they wanted to tell their story so that the whole world knows in case something happens to them during their escape plans. Their story uncovers an elaborate scheme to frame Alagie in a case that has already raised eyebrows both at the local and International level.

The charges against Ceesay never made any sense from the beginning, but just like all things Gambia these days, none was surprised. However, even the most casual observers of the current deplorable conditions in that country will be shocked at the nature, scope, and frivolousness of this saga. It all boils down to this: journalist Alagie Ceesay, 25, was dating 23 year old girl who unknown to him was being repeatedly abused by President Yahya Jammeh according to the girl herself and one of her friends who escaped with her to a neighbouring country. Both girls were hired as “Protocol Officers” at the State House. Now that we hope we have prepared you enough for what you are about to read, here then is how the story goes:

A match made in heaven

Journalist Alagie Ceesay and his girlfriend according to their family sources have been dating for some time. The two were inseparable and had a special bond. Both being in their early twenties, they share likings and enjoyed each other’s company. Alagie frequented her home and would be mostly found hanging out with the family. Despite the occasional fights characteristic of dating relationships among young Gambians, they always seemed to easily make up and put issues behind them real quick. Their relationship was no secret – pretty much everyone in their respective neighborhoods knew how close they were.

Alhagie’s girlfriend gets hired as “Protocol Officer” at the State House

Then all of a sudden Alhagie’s girlfriend was hired as a Protocol Officer (PO) at the State House. At least that was what she thought until she found out this was no ordinary Protocol Officer Job – her role was to sleep with the President, just like all the other young girls supposedly hired as POs, whenever he wishes. She was even moved to the State House where she was given a place to stay. To sweeten the deal, her mother was also offered an apartment to stay in at no cost. According to State House sources, the mother has been served a notice to leave since when the absconding of her daughter became public.

Who is Jimbe Jammeh?

Upon her arrival at the State House to start her duty as a Protocol Officer, Alhagie’s girlfriend was introduced to a lady by the name Jimbe Jammeh. As would later find out, Jimbe was not just any regular employee at the Presidential palace, she is the main liaison acting as the person in charge of all the girls supposedly hired as Protocol Officers, attending to all their needs and being the only person allowed to mingle with them. In this role, she also acts as the main pimp, bringing the girls when needed by Yaya, intimidates their boyfriends (this lies at the crux of journalist Alagie Ceesay’s case), takes them to perform abortions when they get pregnant, and terrorizes any that is suspected of getting a cold feet or presents a risk of talking to third parties about the whole affair. Jimbe therefore is central to all the abuses going on in the compound. She is herself believed to have been originally brought there to satisfy President Jammeh’s insatiable taste for young girls, who also have to pass the virginity test in order to be accepted. She was therefore raped repeatedly prior to graduating to her current role in which she also still occasionally sleeps with the president.

Jimbe’s probing questions about the private life of Alhagie’s girlfriend

Jimbe started to quiz Alhagie’s girlfriend about her private life at the very moment they were introduced. Unbeknown to her, Jimbe was not engaging in regular BFF chitchat, but instead was gathering information that would later be used to terrorize any potential Jammeh competition. This was exactly the fate another guy who was unlucky to be dating yet another young girl who Jammeh developed interest in. This particular girl’s case was also reported by Faturadio when she absconded to Senegal after escaping from a similar situation of being used as a sex toy by President Jammeh and repeatedly abused on a daily basis. This particular girl was once the Miss July 22nd winner, another event organized mainly to lure young girls into Jammeh’s net and will be the subject of yet another exclusive report by Faturadio. Alhagie’s girlfriend confided in Jimbe that she was dating a guy by the name Alagie Ceesay and he is the Manager of Taranga FM Radio Station. During the same conversation, she told Jimbe that Alagie was in Dakar for a short visit. Upon further investigation, Jimbe found out that another Protocol Officer, who would later abscond alongside Alhagie’s girlfriend, was a good friend of this same journalist Alagie Ceesay. It seemed Jimbe had all the information she needed to chart her plot against this innocent victim.

Beginning of Alagie’s troubles

Jimbe, armed with the information that Alagie was in Dakar, immediately contacted the National Intelligence Agency, who are always her chief collaborators in this game of abuse and intimidation, asking them to interrogate Alagie when he returns from his trip. The NIA obliged and Alagie was released after a brief interrogation. Alagie as it also turned out, was on the radar of this same agency all along for a totally unrelated matter but for an issue that had incensed President Jammeh. The radio station he manages is well known for translating into local languages all the newspaper stories (including those of the Opposition PDOIS affiliated paper called Foroyaa which is mostly very critical of the regime) for each day, and was even bold enough to play a very strongly anti-Jammeh song, “KU BUKA C GETA GI” released by the self-exiled artist called Killa Ace. So there was already an unsettled matter between the two sides, this case of jealousy and effort to rape his girlfriend only added fuel to the fire.

Yahya escalates the situation

From that initial interrogation by the NIA, Alagie’s situation only got worse. President Jammeh, it seems had made up his mind to put this “nuisance” away for good. What happens next was the subject of another investigative report by You can read that here:

More Revelations About President Jammeh’s Sexual Exploitation Of Young Gambian Girls


Just as the world is coming to terms with the embarrassing news of President Yahya Jammeh sexually exploiting Gambian girls some as young as 16 years old, more revelations have started emerging detailing how the President uses employment into the protocol division at the State House as a bait for mainly light skin girls who are then turn into sexual slaves.

The latest victim of President Jammeh’s unusually lust sexual appetite is a certain Ms Munina Dicko, a native of Farafeni who was arrested in August by personnel of the Gambia Police Force with one Abdou Bah for allegedly hypnotizing a man before defrauding him with almost 2 million dalasi. Munina and her co-accused were in fact already indicted and appeared before the court several times when police prosecutors abruptly drop the case through directives from the State House.

No sooner had the case been dropped than President Jammeh provided accommodation to Munina in the State House where she is now staying with her junior sister. The discontinuation of the fraud charges against Munina came when President Jammeh spotted her in Farafeni in the North Bank Division of the Gambia during his last meet-the-people-tour. The President has also provided another place for Munina’s mum to stay

Like what he does to other young girls, sources say Jammeh is sexually abusing both Mumina and her sister. Many people still continue to question how the first Lady could allow to ignore all sexual claims against her husband even if they are allegations. The President housing young girls at The State House, playing with them. Chorus of respected voices both in the Gambia and in the diaspora have expressed serious concern over the First Lady Madam Zainab Jammeh’s deafening silence on her husband’s exploitation of Gambian young girls. Many people are now calling on the First Lady to walk out of the marriage if she is not interested in Jammeh, this way our young girls can be saved.

More Revelations About President Jammeh’s Sexual Exploitation Of Young Gambian Girls


Just as the world is coming to terms with the embarrassing news of President Yahya Jammeh sexually exploiting Gambian girls some as young as 16 years old, more revelations have started emerging detailing how the President uses employment into the protocol division at the State House as a bait for mainly light skin girls who are then turn into sexual slaves.

The latest victim of President Jammeh’s unusually lust sexual appetite is a certain Ms Munina Dicko, a native of Farafeni who was arrested in August by personnel of the Gambia Police Force with one Abdou Bah for allegedly hypnotizing a man before defrauding him with almost 2 million dalasi. Munina and her co-accused were in fact already indicted and appeared before the court several times when police prosecutors abruptly drop the case through directives from the State House.

No sooner had the case been dropped than President Jammeh provided accommodation to Munina in the State House where she is now staying with her junior sister. The discontinuation of the fraud charges against Munina came when President Jammeh spotted her in Farafeni in the North Bank Division of the Gambia during his last meet-the-people-tour. The President has also provided another place for Munina’s mum to stay

Like what he does to other young girls, sources say Jammeh is sexually abusing both Mumina and her sister. Many people still continue to question how the first Lady could allow to ignore all sexual claims against her husband even if they are allegations. The President housing young girls at The State House, playing with them. Chorus of respected voices both in the Gambia and in the diaspora have expressed serious concern over the First Lady Madam Zainab Jammeh’s deafening silence on her husband’s exploitation of Gambian young girls. Many people are now calling on the First Lady to walk out of the marriage if she is not interested in Jammeh, this way our young girls can be saved.

In the Spotlight: Jammeh Would Like to Thank The Academy

Over the course of the past year, the West African nation of The Gambia has attracted an outsized volume of media attention, including a recent front-page story in the Washington Post. The lion’s share of international scrutiny has rightly focused on the country’s highly erratic and brutal dictator, Yahya Jammeh, who has ruled the country with callous and brazen impunity since a July 1994 military coup. At the time, then interim President Jammeh announcedto the world: “We will never introduce dictatorship in this country.”

More than two decades later, the human rights situation in The Gambia has increasingly deteriorated to the point that the country is now referred to as the North Korea of Africa due to Jammeh’s violent intolerance for dissent and legitimate criticism of his abusive regime.

Unsurprisingly, Yahya Jammeh has registered the newfound and rising interest in his country by noticeably ramping up efforts to counteract the negative, and well-deserved, spotlight. Indeed, in recent weeks Jammeh has beenhonored by African Leadership Magazine – a widely recognized “award mill” that bestows faux honors to undeserving leaders – for his “extraordinary leadership” and for “the love he has for his people and entire humanity in general.” This “award,” which has been shamelessly publicized in Gambian state media, has coincided with a concerted social media campaign led by a shadowy new propaganda outlet called Kora Broadcasting that has been seemingly collaborating with the First Lady of Gambia Zineb Jammeh and a so-called “son of President Jammeh,” Prince Ebrahim— each have become quite active on various social media platforms, espousing the fabricated virtues of their beloved dictator and his myriad “successes.”

What’s more, I’ve been targeted myself – repeatedly – by Jammeh’s propaganda apparatus for helping to raise thelevel of awareness and for serving as a platform for citizens to voice their long-silenced concerns regarding missing and detained family members, as well the ongoing human rights violations that are routinely committed in the country. (As an aside, the outpouring of support from ordinary Gambians, as well as from activists in the diaspora, has been tremendous and will no doubt serve as additional motivation moving forward).

The new public relations campaign by Jammeh should come as no surprise— it is undoubtedly an indication that efforts to expose his illegitimate and wholly unaccountable rule are having an effect and have positively rattled the foundations of his regime. In the meantime, Jammeh and his cohorts may continue to shroud themselves in faux awards and phony accolades all they want.  For it stands to reason that the world is now onto their charade.

How The NIA Framed Alagie Ceesay Using His Own Telephone Number!


The ongoing trial of Taranga FM radio station Manager, Alagie Ceesay has been roundly condemned by the International Community and Gambian political activists as a sham. If the revelations from the two star witnesses of the State, Fatoumata A Drammeh and Zainab Koneh who absconded because they didn’t want to bear false witness against an innocent man are any indication, the world community after all has good reason to doubt the credibility of this entire case.

Both Fatou and Zainab were Protocol Officers at the State House. With the new discovery by Faturadio Investigative Team of an elaborate scheme by the National Intelligence Agency (NIA), in collaboration with Africell (the Cell Phone company with which Alagie’s phone line is subscribed) and Jimbe Jammeh, a Protocol Officer at the State House who befriended Zainab Koneh, Alhagie’s girlfriend to get information about Alhagie and passed it on to the NIA to frame him, any attempt to send this man to prison for doing his job as a journalist will represent abuse of power at its best.

Alagie Ceesay was first arrested on July 2nd by the NIA. He was held incommunicado for almost 2 weeks during which time he was also severely tortured. On July 13, they dropped him off for dead on the roadside around the Airport. His release was met with a big sigh of relief by family, human rights and journalist groups, and the media who were by now making noise around the world demanding his unconditional release since he hadn’t been charged with any crime.

However, it turned out to look like his well wishers celebrated way too soon, for just when they thought his ordeal was finally over, Alagie was rearrested on the night of July 17. What happened before and after this arrest exposes the true intent of his captors – the system is determined to put this poor guy away for good by hook or crook.

Before being picked up, the NIA went to Africell and duplicated Alagie’s cell phone number and had his whatsapp blocked temporary. Once these were done, the NIA sent via Whatsapp, a picture text image of President Jammeh with a gun and bullet pointing to his head with the heading Sniper 15. Prior to this, the same picture was circulating on the Internet where it was posted by Fatou Camara of Faturadio, who inturn received it from anonymous sources in The Gambia. According to both Zainab and Fatoumata, they both received a call from an NIA agent who would only identify himself as K as soon as they received this text. He informed them of the arrival of the text and instructed them not to delete it. When Faturadio researched who this K could be, the description could fit only one agent called Kebba Secka.

After the arrest of Alagie, Jimbe made a trip to the NIA. As soon as Jimbe left the NIA, both Fatoumata and Zainab were invited to the agency for questioning. Once they arrived, the NIA briefed them as to what was being done and the agency’s desire to lock Alagie up for good acting on a directive from the “top”. Both were told that since they were the ones who were “in touch” with Alagie, they had to cooperate otherwise they both faced jail time. They were asked to write statements which was all dictated to them by the NIA. Fatoumata would later protest to the Prosecutor, S.H Barkum during his attempt to coach her regarding how she would lie in court, but this was met with a stiff warning that she will be sent to prison for 7 years or pay a fine of D50,000 if she refused to do as instructed. Fatoumata has been testifying against Alagie since then, with plans afoot to bring Zainab next as the prosecution witness, when they both decided after some serious soul searching that they couldn’t falsely testify against an innocent person let alone someone near and dear to their hearts.

Meanwhile Alagie’s case is up for another hearing on October 8, 2015 before Justice Azumi Balarabe. It must be noted that Balarabe was recommended to The Gambia Government by S.H Barkum. Observers have expressed optimism that with these new revelations, the State has no other option but to let this innocent man go home to his family, especially in light of the fact that both star prosecution witnesses have absconded with claims of being pressured to lie against Alagie. The world is watching.

In the Spotlight: Jammeh Would Like to Thank The Academy


Over the course of the past year, the West African nation of The Gambia has attracted an outsized volume of media attention, including a recent front-page story in the Washington Post. The lion’s share of international scrutiny has rightly focused on the country’s highly erratic and brutal dictator, Yahya Jammeh, who has ruled the country with callous and brazen impunity since a July 1994 military coup. At the time, then interim President Jammeh announcedto the world: “We will never introduce dictatorship in this country.”

More than two decades later, the human rights situation in The Gambia has increasingly deteriorated to the point that the country is now referred to as the North Korea of Africa due to Jammeh’s violent intolerance for dissent and legitimate criticism of his abusive regime.

Unsurprisingly, Yahya Jammeh has registered the newfound and rising interest in his country by noticeably ramping up efforts to counteract the negative, and well-deserved, spotlight. Indeed, in recent weeks Jammeh has beenhonored by African Leadership Magazine – a widely recognized “award mill” that bestows faux honors to undeserving leaders – for his “extraordinary leadership” and for “the love he has for his people and entire humanity in general.” This “award,” which has been shamelessly publicized in Gambian state media, has coincided with a concerted social media campaign led by a shadowy new propaganda outlet called Kora Broadcasting that has been seemingly collaborating with the First Lady of Gambia Zineb Jammeh and a so-called “son of President Jammeh,” Prince Ebrahim— each have become quite active on various social media platforms, espousing the fabricated virtues of their beloved dictator and his myriad “successes.”

What’s more, I’ve been targeted myself – repeatedly – by Jammeh’s propaganda apparatus for helping to raise thelevel of awareness and for serving as a platform for citizens to voice their long-silenced concerns regarding missing and detained family members, as well the ongoing human rights violations that are routinely committed in the country. (As an aside, the outpouring of support from ordinary Gambians, as well as from activists in the diaspora, has been tremendous and will no doubt serve as additional motivation moving forward).

The new public relations campaign by Jammeh should come as no surprise— it is undoubtedly an indication that efforts to expose his illegitimate and wholly unaccountable rule are having an effect and have positively rattled the foundations of his regime. In the meantime, Jammeh and his cohorts may continue to shroud themselves in faux awards and phony accolades all they want.  For it stands to reason that the world is now onto their charade.

How The NIA Framed Alagie Ceesay Using His Own Telephone Number!


The ongoing trial of Taranga FM radio station Manager, Alagie Ceesay has been roundly condemned by the International Community and Gambian political activists as a sham. If the revelations from the two star witnesses of the State, Fatoumata A Drammeh and Zainab Koneh who absconded because they didn’t want to bear false witness against an innocent man are any indication, the world community after all has good reason to doubt the credibility of this entire case.

Both Fatou and Zainab were Protocol Officers at the State House. With the new discovery by Faturadio Investigative Team of an elaborate scheme by the National Intelligence Agency (NIA), in collaboration with Africell (the Cell Phone company with which Alagie’s phone line is subscribed) and Jimbe Jammeh, a Protocol Officer at the State House who befriended Zainab Koneh, Alhagie’s girlfriend to get information about Alhagie and passed it on to the NIA to frame him, any attempt to send this man to prison for doing his job as a journalist will represent abuse of power at its best.

Alagie Ceesay was first arrested on July 2nd by the NIA. He was held incommunicado for almost 2 weeks during which time he was also severely tortured. On July 13, they dropped him off for dead on the roadside around the Airport. His release was met with a big sigh of relief by family, human rights and journalist groups, and the media who were by now making noise around the world demanding his unconditional release since he hadn’t been charged with any crime.

However, it turned out to look like his well wishers celebrated way too soon, for just when they thought his ordeal was finally over, Alagie was rearrested on the night of July 17. What happened before and after this arrest exposes the true intent of his captors – the system is determined to put this poor guy away for good by hook or crook.

Before being picked up, the NIA went to Africell and duplicated Alagie’s cell phone number and had his whatsapp blocked temporary. Once these were done, the NIA sent via Whatsapp, a picture text image of President Jammeh with a gun and bullet pointing to his head with the heading Sniper 15. Prior to this, the same picture was circulating on the Internet where it was posted by Fatou Camara of Faturadio, who inturn received it from anonymous sources in The Gambia. According to both Zainab and Fatoumata, they both received a call from an NIA agent who would only identify himself as K as soon as they received this text. He informed them of the arrival of the text and instructed them not to delete it. When Faturadio researched who this K could be, the description could fit only one agent called Kebba Secka.

After the arrest of Alagie, Jimbe made a trip to the NIA. As soon as Jimbe left the NIA, both Fatoumata and Zainab were invited to the agency for questioning. Once they arrived, the NIA briefed them as to what was being done and the agency’s desire to lock Alagie up for good acting on a directive from the “top”. Both were told that since they were the ones who were “in touch” with Alagie, they had to cooperate otherwise they both faced jail time. They were asked to write statements which was all dictated to them by the NIA. Fatoumata would later protest to the Prosecutor, S.H Barkum during his attempt to coach her regarding how she would lie in court, but this was met with a stiff warning that she will be sent to prison for 7 years or pay a fine of D50,000 if she refused to do as instructed. Fatoumata has been testifying against Alagie since then, with plans afoot to bring Zainab next as the prosecution witness, when they both decided after some serious soul searching that they couldn’t falsely testify against an innocent person let alone someone near and dear to their hearts.

Meanwhile Alagie’s case is up for another hearing on October 8, 2015 before Justice Azumi Balarabe. It must be noted that Balarabe was recommended to The Gambia Government by S.H Barkum. Observers have expressed optimism that with these new revelations, the State has no other option but to let this innocent man go home to his family, especially in light of the fact that both star prosecution witnesses have absconded with claims of being pressured to lie against Alagie. The world is watching.

UDP Press Release On The Party Leader’s Non-Participation At The Civil Society Forum 2/10/2015


Earlier this month UDP received an invitation from Dr. Scattred–Janneh to a meeting called Civil Society Forum on the Gambia being organized to discuss matters relating to the political situation in the Gambia in New York. It was learnt that leaders of other Gambian opposition parties were also invited.

Initially, the UDP Leader accepted the invitation and had planned to attend personally. However, due to unexpected circumstances beyond his control, he couldn’t make the journey to America. The National Executive of the party nominated Honorable Momodou Sanneh as a replacement and communicated this change to the organizers of the meeting in good time, at least 10 days prior to the meeting date. In response, the organizers indicated their inability to fund Honorable Momodou Sanneh’s trip on the grounds that the nomination came “when the organization was already over budgeted”. The party leader and the UDP National Executive found this reason rather strange since there must have been a budget set aside to cover the Party leader’s participation, i.e. air ticket, hotel accommodation etc. Selective and substitutive representation of an organization at such fora is common and understandable practice, and usually accommodated.

Secondly, with the nomination of Honorable Sanneh, the UDP would have been adequately represented, like the other participating parties, by a top official, who would have been endowed with full powers by the Executive and Party Leader to speak for and act on behalf of the United Democratic Party. Thirdly, Honorable Sanneh, it should be noted, is one of the most senior members of the National Executive of the UDP and was the former Minority Leader in the National Assembly. He is therefore, in his own right ,an astute and very knowledgeable politician who would have brought immense knowledge and experience to the proceedings of the New York meeting which would have definitely enriched the discussions and widen its results.

We all know that multi-party democracy and competitive liberal electoral politics can hardly work without organized political parties. They provide the platform for like-minded citizens to participate collectively in a political process that would otherwise be left in the hands of a small elitist group, detached rom the masses of citizenry.

The UDP reiterate its long held willingness and readiness to participate at all times in any forum aimed at discussing ways and means of rescuing our country from the clutches of tyranny and decadence.

The UDP hopes that with this statement, the subject of its non-participation at the New York meeting which has led to certain innuendoes and mischaracterization in the media would be laid to rest.

Finally, we extend our felicitations to the organizers of the Civil Society meeting for organizing this encounter bringing together Gambian stakeholders and friends of the Gambia and others to discuss issues of the Gambia’s present problems and its future.




As Tajudeen Winds Up Business Activity In The Gambia, Families Fear For Desperate Times Ahead


It is now official. The Tajudeen Business Empire in the Gambia is finally winding up for an eventual close-down after Gambia’s dictator Yahya Jammeh unceremoniously expelled the business tycoon from the Gambia accusing him of selling expired chicken legs to the unsuspecting populace. According to sources, Tajudeen’s businesses including the famous Kairaba Shopping Centre are now put up for sale by a local bank.

Tajudeen whose Business Empire is named after himself has since been residing in the neighbouring Senegal. The choice of Senegal could not be a better business option for Tajudeen  because since his unceremonious expulsion from the Gambia, Tajudeen has established outlets in Guinea Bissau while he uses Dakar, a strategically located city for commerce in the subregion as his operational base.

The move to finally windup all business operations in the Gambia has been greeted with panic and fear not only among his employees and ordinary people but also among government circles as well. Tajudeen is the biggest tax payer in The Gambia and at the peak of his business activity, he was paying nothing less than D50 million dalasi as tax every month. As the biggest importer of chicken and other food items in The Gambia, he used to import up to 300 containers monthly providing the much needed income to clearing agents, truck drivers and labourers a the Ports Authority.

In a country where unconfirmed unemployment figures show that up to 65 of young people are not in gainful employment, news of Tajudeen closing down operations in the Gambia has sent shockwaves among his employees numbering up to 700. A large number of local business in the informal sector that serve as agents selling his chicken legs around the country are also worried about huge business loses.

In addition, some senior officials at the Gambia Revenue Authority (GRA), the government agency responsible for tax collection, told Fatu Radio that with the closure of Tajudeen’s businesses in the country, it would be difficult now for the GRA to meet monthly tax collection targets.

One GRA official told Fatu Radio “with his monthly tax at D50 million, Tajudeen’s annual tax contribution to the state used to be between 600 – 700 million Dalasis. This is almost a quarter of our entire annual budget.”

Fatu Radio has confirmed that Gambia’s President, dictator Jammeh has made repeated personal pleas for Tajudeen to come back but the business tycoon has refused siting the erratic behaviour of Jammeh and his unpredictability in dealing with not only his perceived enemies but even his friends and business people as well.

There are some concerns however that the erratic Gambian leader whose ego is now permanently bruised by Tajudeen’s refusal to come back to the Gambia, could use his personal ties with the President of Guinea Bissau to create problems for the business tycoon.

For now though ordinary people employed by of Tajudeen and indeed the government itself are paying a heavy price in terms of loss in gainful employment and much needed tax revenue because of President Jammeh’s erratic behaviour and greed.

A Presidency That Baits and Lures Young girls Into Sex Traps


It started almost a decade ago but only a few closed associates and female relatives of the President were aware of a rather reprehensible moral behaviour involving the Head of State where girls as young as 17 years old are escorted to the State House at the cover of the night for the sexual gratification of the President.

But as years passed by, a once highly secretive erotic activity involving the person of the President, has now become so pervasive that commenters are wondering whether President Jammeh’s right senses are intact.
President Jammeh’s pimp publicly identified
For the past couple of months, Fatu Radio has been documenting serious cases of child defilement at the State House where President Jammeh has created a special unit at the Office of the President whose main responsibility is to pimp for the President. The unit is headed by a certain Ms Jimbee Jammeh 30, from Bakau town which lies just a few kilometres from the capital Banjul.
On paper the official role of Ms Jammeh, a direct relative of President Yahya Jammeh, is a Protocol Officer in the Office of the President. But in reality, Jimbee’s main role is to serve as a pimp as for the President Yahya Jammeh. She usually picks girls for President Jammeh who act as sexual mistresses for the president especially when the First Lady travels.
Currently Jimbee heads a special division of mainly young beautiful fair coloured women at the State House. Many of these young female State House employees including Jimbee herself are housed in a guest house just a few metres away from the President’s official residence. In this guest house the young girls are kept as sexual slaves where they have to be on permanent standby to be called-in anytime but more so at night to have sex with the President. In essence, these young girls are always handy and at the President’s service to satisfy his unusually high sexual appetite.
Escaped girls narrate their ordeal
Fatu Radio has at least documented the case of four of the girls who have escaped the entrapment of President Jammeh’s sexual slavery. Their experiences are as painful as they are pitiful. All the four are now in a safe place outside the Gambia receiving support and counseling.
One of the escaped girls told Fatu radio how Jimbee the pimp, will prey on girls as young 17, by befriending and in most cases escort them to State House for a potential job offer as protocol officers to the President’s Office. “This is the first bait” says one of the girls. “The next thing you know is that you’re offered a room in the guest house at the State House” she said, adding “here anything goes…sexual orgies for the President and in some cases what I called ‘round-in one’ where the President can sleep in one night with as many girls as possible.”
Another victim told Fatu Radio that Jimbee usually get some of the girls to do an HIV/AIDS test after which she forwards the results to the president. She said President Jammeh is mainly interested in virgins girls and would later dump them after he destroys their virginity. The source also added that the President does not use protection when he sleeps with them. Some of the girls are also recruited during the annual beauty contests organized by the President.
Girls are forced to abort their pregnancies
Fatou Radio has independently confirmed that many of the girls became impregnated by the President and later forced to abort the pregnancies. The abortions are confirmed to have been done by the foreign doctors in the country’s national hospitals. Some of the abortions also took place at the office of a local NGO that works with young children, particularly young girls to empower them realise their full potentials in life. The particular NGO, (name withheld for now), is headed by someone who is half-sister to one senior female minister in the Gambia government.
One of the girls who went through a scary, life threatening abortion was said to have been kicked out of State House by Jimbee and had her cell phone confiscated from her after she started bleeding profusely from the abortion. The girl was also threatened by Jimbee to never tell anyone about her ordeal.
Jimbee usually take the girls on a shopping spree and controls their movement. She is said to also advise them on who to add as friends on their Facebook accounts. She usually asks them to take off their clothes while she inspects them before handing them over to the President.
Boy friends of the sex slaves are also targeted
The girls who live at State House are not allowed to have boyfriends and if they do, Jimbee will report their boyfriends to Gambia’s secret police, the NIA who will in turn torture the innocent men to keep them away. A classic case of such brutality directed at the boy friends of the State House girls is the case of journalist Alhagie Abdoulie Ceesay who for the past two months has been languishing in Gambia’s notorious Central Prison of Mile II on charges that he distributed internet pictures to Facebook friends which show a muscular man pointing a gun to the head of the President Yahya Jammeh. Mr Ceesay has still been denied bail in a case which in all decent jurisdictions, is a misdemeanour.
However, Fatu Radio has irrefutably established beyond all doubts that journalist Abdoulie Ceesay’s troubles started when it was discovered that one of the girls at President Jammeh’s service was going out with him.
First Lady to be targeted in the advocacy campaign
Fatu Radio conducted a live radio show on the plight of the girls. The program attracted angry reactions from callers and contributions on our social media site. Many called for serious actions against the President, the pimps and all those aiding and abetting the sexual abuse of our young girls. Many also recommend that serious advocacy be conducted to alert the international community about the alarming irresponsible sexual behaviour of the President.
Others callers and contributors also insisted that the First Lady madam Zaineb Jammeh be included in the advocacy action for her to understand the level of personal and emotional destruction that her husband is inflicting on young innocent girls.
Prominent movie stars and musicians are also victims of President Jammeh’s sexual advances
Fatu Radio has also confirmed that some female musicians in both the Gambia and in the sub region are also among the women who serve as the President’s handy call-girls once the First Lady is out of the country. In fact Fatu Radio has in its position, all the names of such women in the movie world and music who service the President once the First Lady is away. We will however keep their names from public debate for now.

The Military Establishment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Are Citizens Guarding Their Guardians?

In the past decade alone military establishments or units of military establishments in West Africa have either destabilize or threatened the state in many aspects. These units have resisted the peoples demand for change, overturned elections results or used indiscriminate force against citizens demanding more rights and freedoms. They influenced politics and left a legacy in part, which continues to shape the role of the military establishment in political transitions.

In 2008, a military junta led by Captain Moussa Dadis Camara led a coup after the death of long time autocrat Lasana Conteh. Amid growing opposition, the military cracked down on peaceful protests in September 2009, sparking widespread condemnation and increasing Guinea’s international isolation. Captain Moussa Dadis Camara was shot and decapitated two months later, and a military-led transitional government paved the way for a general election in 2010. Professor Alhpa Conde was declared winner after defeating Cellou-Dalein Diallo in a run-of.  In 2010 the electoral victory of opposition candidate Alassane outara was met with resistance by elite republican guard units of president Gbagbo who rejected results of the elections. Both Ouattara and former president Gbagbo took separate oaths of office in December 2010 and remained in a standoff over the presidency until Gbagbo’s capture in 2011.

 On March, 21, 2012, Malian soldiers under the leadership of Captain Amadou Sanogo overthrew the government of Amadou Toumani Toure and formed the National Committee for the Restoration of Democracy and State. Following international condemnation and harsh sanctions by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), The African Union (AU), The European Union (EU), the United Nations (UN) and the United States (US), the military was forced to step down and handed over to a transitional government led by Dioncounda Traore.  In September 2015, the euphoria of the popular protest that ended the 27 year rule of Blaise Campaore was short lived when Elite Presidential Guard (RSP) units led by General Diendere, arrested transitional leaders, and declared a coup. Condemnations by ECOWAS, AU, UN, the US and the European Union, coupled with declaration by the national armed forces and its support for a restoration of the transitional process forced the RSP to step aside.

As the role of the military continually shifted from one part of the pendulum to the other, the issue of civil military relations in both the developed and developing world got considerable scholarly attention. Samuel Huntington (1957) puts civil-military relations as military security policy that is an integral part of national security; it minimizes and neutralizes efforts to weaken or destroy the state by the military. Amos Perlmutter (1977) used the concept of the praetorian state/ praetorian army as “one in which the military tends to intervene in the government and has the potential to dominate the executive”. Perlmutter further breaks the praetorian army into two types: the “arbitrator army” which limits military control and seeks to influence politics from behind the scenes; and the “ruler army” that exercises military rule for long periods. Mehran Kamrava (2000) identified three types of civil-military relations: the “autocratic officer-politician” regimes, these are regimes led by former officers turned civilian politicians; the “tribally independent monarchies,” have their armies drawn mainly from tribal lines and pays allegiance to the monarchy; and the regimes with “dual militaries” mainly regimes with dual military structures or parallel military forces in addition to the army which is based on ideology. Drawing on the experiences from all the armed forces and regime types, and how they responded to given popular political situations, Eva Bellin (2004) developed the concepts of “Institutionalized Military,” and “Patrimonial Military”. Bellin (2004) found institutionalized militaries to be ruled bound and governed by clear sets of rules, have established career paths, strong links with society and promotion based on merit and not allegiance. Institutionalized militaries are willing to disengage from politics and allows political reforms. By contrast, patrimonial military apparatus is not ruled bound, have no established career paths, weak links to society and promotion is based ideological, tribal and political loyalty. With the outbreak of the  Arab Spring, Derek Lutterbeck (2013) further argued that the degree of institutionalization of an armed force and their relationship to society at-large, generally explains the armed forces response to given political situations. Lutterbeck observed the armed forces response to protest movements in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Syria.  Therefore it is clear that the puzzle about what constitutes an effective national armed force , to a large extent, lies on ‘what counts’  as Ebo (2005) puts it “the attitude of the military towards the civilian society, the civilian society’s perception of, and attitudes to the military, and the role of the armed forces in relation to the state”. For Naison Ngoma (2006), democratic civil –military relations implies the military‘s adherence to principles of conforming to accountable, legitimate democratic authorities, and the exercise of oversight over the military.

While the military had no doubt taken a forefront in the politics of several African countries, it is evident that the exponential growth of civil society and rising political maturity and consciousness is forcing the African military to be a part of progressive voices of reason and conscience. The abuse of power and the flagrant violation of rights by military governments in many Sub-Saharan African countries left policymakers, academics, researchers and ordinary citizens with skewed views of the military. Society have grown to mistrust the military in all aspects of politics.

Despite the conventional wisdom that military establishments are guardians of the state and her citizens, Sub-Saharan Africa is witnessing a reversal of the trend. It is the people who are “guarding” their very own “guardians”. For decades, the source of state fragility and failure in Sub-Saharan Africa has been attributed to the nature of civil-military relations and the “patrimonial” and “praetorian” nature of the military or the armed forces. When military institutions are formed on the basis of allegiance to a leader or a group, such institutions only protects its interest and not that of the state. It can disrupt and undermine the state when its interest is threatened, since it is well equipped and empowered with resources over other institutions. In Burkina Faso, the action of the Elite presidential guard (RSP) units led by General Diendere to disrupt the transitional process clearly exemplify  its entrenched nature as  both a “patrimonial unit” and a “parallel military force” in addition to the national army. Even in Ivory-Coast, where the opposition candidate emerged victorious, it was an entrenched patrimonial unit of the presidential guard and a parallel unit  (The Young Patriots) comprising of mainly youth from the late president Gbagbo’s ethnic group resisted to the last hour, when the Republican Forces or New Forces supported by French peacekeepers captured  Gbagbo. Amid the simmering tension, it was the voices of reason and conscience that prevail, upholding citizen’s aspirations for political reforms.

To better understand other dimensions of the “patrimonial” and “parallel military units” in Sub Saharan Africa, it is important to closely diagnose the 2008 military coup in Guinea, and the 2012 Coup in Mali. In both cases, it was other units of the armed forces and not the entrenched patrimonial presidential guards unit that seize power. On one hand both coups happen during periods of political uncertainty and polarization. On the other hand, it was a backlash of forming an army within an army, resentment against a well-resourced parallel unit as an elite presidential guard. Arguably, the degree of popular support for both the coups was largely linked to the people’s aspiration for change during those periods of uncertainty. However, when it was clear to the people that the military had different intentions, the “uniting clout and spread” of the coup forced out the military with a stark choice of succumbing to national, regional and transnational forces; the power of civil society. In the end the “Guardians” (the Military) were guarded by its very own people it is supposed to be guarding.

While many skeptics will use the most recent military coups in Burkina Faso, Mali and the Guinea’s as indicators that the “no more coup” norm adopted by ECOWAS and the AU is only a “lip sinking” norm, a new form of political order has emerged across sub-Saharan Africa; a new order that is entrenched in the power of civil society. Perhaps this new order signals the end of the “praetorian”  “patrimonial” and “parallel” military establishments that has destabilized Sub-Saharan African States for so long. In sum, even when other leaders are relying on such military establishments (as in The Gambia, Equatorial Guinea), or amend their constitutions (as in Cameroon, Angola, and Burundi) to prolong their stay in power, a furtive glance at recent events shows that citizens of sub-Saharan Africans are “guarding” their very own “guardians” (The Army).

The Military Establishment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Are Citizens Guarding Their Guardians?


In the past decade alone military establishments or units of military establishments in West Africa have either destabilize or threatened the state in many aspects. These units have resisted the peoples demand for change, overturned elections results or used indiscriminate force against citizens demanding more rights and freedoms. They influenced politics and left a legacy in part, which continues to shape the role of the military establishment in political transitions.

In 2008, a military junta led by Captain Moussa Dadis Camara led a coup after the death of long time autocrat Lasana Conteh. Amid growing opposition, the military cracked down on peaceful protests in September 2009, sparking widespread condemnation and increasing Guinea’s international isolation. Captain Moussa Dadis Camara was shot and decapitated two months later, and a military-led transitional government paved the way for a general election in 2010. Professor Alhpa Conde was declared winner after defeating Cellou-Dalein Diallo in a run-of.  In 2010 the electoral victory of opposition candidate Alassane outara was met with resistance by elite republican guard units of president Gbagbo who rejected results of the elections. Both Ouattara and former president Gbagbo took separate oaths of office in December 2010 and remained in a standoff over the presidency until Gbagbo’s capture in 2011.

On March, 21, 2012, Malian soldiers under the leadership of Captain Amadou Sanogo overthrew the government of Amadou Toumani Toure and formed the National Committee for the Restoration of Democracy and State. Following international condemnation and harsh sanctions by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), The African Union (AU), The European Union (EU), the United Nations (UN) and the United States (US), the military was forced to step down and handed over to a transitional government led by Dioncounda Traore.  In September 2015, the euphoria of the popular protest that ended the 27 year rule of Blaise Campaore was short lived when Elite Presidential Guard (RSP) units led by General Diendere, arrested transitional leaders, and declared a coup. Condemnations by ECOWAS, AU, UN, the US and the European Union, coupled with declaration by the national armed forces and its support for a restoration of the transitional process forced the RSP to step aside.

As the role of the military continually shifted from one part of the pendulum to the other, the issue of civil military relations in both the developed and developing world got considerable scholarly attention. Samuel Huntington (1957) puts civil-military relations as military security policy that is an integral part of national security; it minimizes and neutralizes efforts to weaken or destroy the state by the military. Amos Perlmutter (1977) used the concept of the praetorian state/ praetorian army as “one in which the military tends to intervene in the government and has the potential to dominate the executive”. Perlmutter further breaks the praetorian army into two types: the “arbitrator army” which limits military control and seeks to influence politics from behind the scenes; and the “ruler army” that exercises military rule for long periods. Mehran Kamrava (2000) identified three types of civil-military relations: the “autocratic officer-politician” regimes, these are regimes led by former officers turned civilian politicians; the “tribally independent monarchies,” have their armies drawn mainly from tribal lines and pays allegiance to the monarchy; and the regimes with “dual militaries” mainly regimes with dual military structures or parallel military forces in addition to the army which is based on ideology. Drawing on the experiences from all the armed forces and regime types, and how they responded to given popular political situations, Eva Bellin (2004) developed the concepts of “Institutionalized Military,” and “Patrimonial Military”. Bellin (2004) found institutionalized militaries to be ruled bound and governed by clear sets of rules, have established career paths, strong links with society and promotion based on merit and not allegiance. Institutionalized militaries are willing to disengage from politics and allows political reforms. By contrast, patrimonial military apparatus is not ruled bound, have no established career paths, weak links to society and promotion is based ideological, tribal and political loyalty. With the outbreak of the  Arab Spring, Derek Lutterbeck (2013) further argued that the degree of institutionalization of an armed force and their relationship to society at-large, generally explains the armed forces response to given political situations. Lutterbeck observed the armed forces response to protest movements in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Syria.  Therefore it is clear that the puzzle about what constitutes an effective national armed force , to a large extent, lies on ‘what counts’  as Ebo (2005) puts it “the attitude of the military towards the civilian society, the civilian society’s perception of, and attitudes to the military, and the role of the armed forces in relation to the state”. For Naison Ngoma (2006), democratic civil –military relations implies the military‘s adherence to principles of conforming to accountable, legitimate democratic authorities, and the exercise of oversight over the military.

While the military had no doubt taken a forefront in the politics of several African countries, it is evident that the exponential growth of civil society and rising political maturity and consciousness is forcing the African military to be a part of progressive voices of reason and conscience. The abuse of power and the flagrant violation of rights by military governments in many Sub-Saharan African countries left policymakers, academics, researchers and ordinary citizens with skewed views of the military. Society have grown to mistrust the military in all aspects of politics.

Despite the conventional wisdom that military establishments are guardians of the state and her citizens, Sub-Saharan Africa is witnessing a reversal of the trend. It is the people who are “guarding” their very own “guardians”. For decades, the source of state fragility and failure in Sub-Saharan Africa has been attributed to the nature of civil-military relations and the “patrimonial” and “praetorian” nature of the military or the armed forces. When military institutions are formed on the basis of allegiance to a leader or a group, such institutions only protects its interest and not that of the state. It can disrupt and undermine the state when its interest is threatened, since it is well equipped and empowered with resources over other institutions. In Burkina Faso, the action of the Elite presidential guard (RSP) units led by General Diendere to disrupt the transitional process clearly exemplify  its entrenched nature as  both a “patrimonial unit” and a “parallel military force” in addition to the national army. Even in Ivory-Coast, where the opposition candidate emerged victorious, it was an entrenched patrimonial unit of the presidential guard and a parallel unit  (The Young Patriots) comprising of mainly youth from the late president Gbagbo’s ethnic group resisted to the last hour, when the Republican Forces or New Forces supported by French peacekeepers captured  Gbagbo. Amid the simmering tension, it was the voices of reason and conscience that prevail, upholding citizen’s aspirations for political reforms.

To better understand other dimensions of the “patrimonial” and “parallel military units” in Sub Saharan Africa, it is important to closely diagnose the 2008 military coup in Guinea, and the 2012 Coup in Mali. In both cases, it was other units of the armed forces and not the entrenched patrimonial presidential guards unit that seize power. On one hand both coups happen during periods of political uncertainty and polarization. On the other hand, it was a backlash of forming an army within an army, resentment against a well-resourced parallel unit as an elite presidential guard. Arguably, the degree of popular support for both the coups was largely linked to the people’s aspiration for change during those periods of uncertainty. However, when it was clear to the people that the military had different intentions, the “uniting clout and spread” of the coup forced out the military with a stark choice of succumbing to national, regional and transnational forces; the power of civil society. In the end the “Guardians” (the Military) were guarded by its very own people it is supposed to be guarding.

While many skeptics will use the most recent military coups in Burkina Faso, Mali and the Guinea’s as indicators that the “no more coup” norm adopted by ECOWAS and the AU is only a “lip sinking” norm, a new form of political order has emerged across sub-Saharan Africa; a new order that is entrenched in the power of civil society. Perhaps this new order signals the end of the “praetorian”  “patrimonial” and “parallel” military establishments that has destabilized Sub-Saharan African States for so long. In sum, even when other leaders are relying on such military establishments (as in The Gambia, Equatorial Guinea), or amend their constitutions (as in Cameroon, Angola, and Burundi) to prolong their stay in power, a furtive glance at recent events shows that citizens of sub-Saharan Africans are “guarding” their very own “guardians” (The Army).

Poverty and Misrule in Sub- Saharan Africa

It is often said that Africa is the richest continent on planet earth, yet harbors the world’s poorest people. Poverty is a menace in Africa. It is an endangering national and international security threat that is destroying the lives of millions of Africans. Hunger, disease and now the migrant deaths in the high seas of mostly young Africans fleeing conflict and poverty, is taking a human toll on Africa.

But why is there persistent poverty in Africa? What has gone wrong in Africa? These are some of the questions that we all continue to grapple with. The poverty phenomenon got considerable attention in an international attempt to provide durable solutions. Intergovernmental organizations in collaboration with African governments, policy makers, and Nongovernmental organizations launched conferences, programs and convened meetings to understand the dilemma. While significant number of proposals emerged from these initiatives, poverty entrenched in exclusion, corruption, and mismanagement is persistent across most of Sub-Saharan Africa.

By the dawn of the 21st century and globalizations consequent effect that led to the growth of civil society and emergence of new paradigms of development, the dominant narrative is that leadership and governance failures are the root causes of poverty and misrule in sub-Saharan Africa. This is in line with Seth. D. Kaplan’s (2013) theory on Betrayed Politics, Power and Prosperity by the ruling elite. Kaplan (2013) found that “the poor in Africa are poor because they are deliberately excluded from opportunity by the elites in control of government; in cases where the poor are not entirely excluded, they are included in terms that makes it impossible to compete with other groups politically or economically. Under such circumstances, Kaplan (2013) contends that the poor are subjected to bad education and low paying jobs. For Kaplan (2013) the African elites don’t let prosperity out of their sight and reach. Since they weld the most power, they provide opportunity within their own cycle to continually give them prosperity. The leaders who control these governments are often very rich, corrupt and uses power to serve their own interest. These systems are entrenched in exclusionary social, economic and political policies, protecting only a selected few – along either ethnic, tribal and other forms of allegiance. These leaders and elites in power steal, kill and destroy anyone obstructing their “dubious” and “ambitious” stealing schemes. They can pay criminal gangs hundreds of thousands of dollars to silence voices of dissent. That is the sad African reality.

Arguably, leaders and elites in power bear an important responsibility to the people. Even Africa’s diverse traditional leadership systems share a common platform of delivering the common good for the people. They were responsible for addressing the social, economic and political well-being of the people. Traditional African leaders understands that when equitable and inclusive government policies are absent or when leaders fail to bridge divides in society, then it becomes a betrayal of the people. And the roots of modern poverty in Africa exemplifies such leadership challenges.

Amid the global progress made in reducing extreme poverty rates by half ahead of the 2015 deadline set under the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), poverty continued to be prevalent in Africa, notably in some of the richest nations of the continent.The African Development Bank Group cautioned that poverty and inequality remains high as six of the 10 most unequal countries of the world are African. Official figures of the International Office of Migration (IOM) (2015) shows that between January – May 2015, most of the migrants arriving at Italy from Sub-Saharan Africa are from Nigeria, Guinea, Gambia, Niger, Mali, Mauritania and Somalia. Even smaller resource poor nations with the potentials of doing well have also stalled in providing economic opportunities for the people. Drawing on the examples of resource rich nations as Angola, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, and Nigeria, and poor nations with potentials as Liberia, The Gambia, and Guinea Bissau, the thesis on leadership and governance failures as driving forces of poverty provides the most compelling argument.

In Angola, three and a half decades entrenched authoritarianism has reduced the economy to a standstill. President Dos Santos ruled Angola with an iron fist under exclusionary policies that enriched his family and selected groups for decades. With its mineral riches, a majority of the people in Angola are subjected to pervasive poverty and appalling living conditions. It is estimated that about 68 percent of the Angolan population lives below the poverty line (15 percent of households living in extreme poverty, 38 percent of the population not having access to safe water, 30 percent of people have access to government health facilities). Poverty is more widespread in rural areas where 94 per cent of households are categorized as poor. Since 2012, the activities of several Angolan officials came under formal investigations for corrupt practices with foreign companies. Prominent among such scandals was the launching of formal investigations by US authorities into “whether the Angolan activities of Nazaki Oil & Gaz, had breached the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, which makes it a crime to pay or offer anything of value to foreign officials to win business” (Burgis, 2015). Angola is currently a political minefield that can rupture – the people are divided; political and economic grievances has led to a state of uncertainty and small scale protests. The African economic output analysis warned that Angolan “ economy will suffer from significantly lower oil prices, with GDP growth expected to decelerate to 3.8% in 2015 and 4.2% in 2016, down from the 4.5% registered in 2014” (African Economic Outlook, 2014).Economic progress is undermined by corruption and a lack of judicial independence because of political interference continue. This has led to growing unemployment, inflation and foreign exchange crisis.

With a wealth of natural resources, almost half of Cameroon’s 20 million people live in abject poverty, with poor healthcare, appalling transportation infrastructure, and declining education opportunities. Corruption is endemic in Cameroon. Revenues from Cameroon’s vast natural resources (Oil, Gas, and Mining) are not transparent. President Paul Biya, who came to power in 1982 continues to rule with an iron fist with a government cabinet of ministers mostly from his Beti ethnic group. Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index, ranked Paul Biya’s regime as one of the most corrupt in the world. It even received the title of “world’s most corrupt country” in 1998 and 1999. In a report on “Ill-Gotten Assets”, the Catholic Committee against Hunger and for Development (CCFD) estimates Biya’s wealth to approximate over 100 million dollars (Chalude, 2009). President Paul Biya’s foreign assets are believed to include castles in France and Germany and the Isis villa on the Cote d’Azur. In Cameroon, economic growth has stagnated and government has failed to make improvements in opening markets to integrate fully into the global economy, and to provide more opportunities for citizens.

Similarly, citizens of Equatorial Guinea continue to live under extreme conditions of poverty, lacking basic’s such as clean water, effective healthcare facilities, roads and education as an autocratic leadership continues to plunder national resources. The World Bank indicated that poverty headcount ratio at national poverty lines is up to 76.8% of the population. Equatorial Guinea is one of the World’s top 30 oil producing countries, but the wealth seems to be in the hands of a few on top and not trickling down.  In 2011, a United States Department of Justice (DOJ) legal action “sought to forfeit assets belonging to Teodorin Obiang including a $30 million Malibu mansion, a $38.5 million jet, seven luxury cars worth almost $3 million and valuable Michael Jackson memorabilia, such as “one white crystal-covered ‘Bad Tour’ glove” (DOJ, 2011). Further, in August 2012, French authorities seized a Paris mansion worth $186 million mansion and several luxury vehicles worth a total of $4.1 million belonging to Theodoric Obiang, Vice President of Equatorial Guinea and the son of the country’s president (Mailey, 2015). In March 2014, a French court convicted Vice President Obiang in absentia of embezzling state funds to procure the confiscated goods.

Despite the oil riches and small population of 1.6 million, most of the people of Gabon are poor. It is estimated that about 35 -40 percent of the population in Gabon live under abject poverty. Corruption is rampant in Gabon and government has failed to use its vast oil riches for the progress and prosperity of her people. Instead revenue from resources encourages rent-seeking and graft, and the judicial system continues to be arbitrary and used for political end.  A United States (US) Senate Permanent Subcommittee investigation report (2010) indicated about $130 million in former President Omar Bongo’s personal bank accounts at Citibank, originating from Gabon’s public finances in 1999. A French investigation into the Giant oil company, Elf Aquitaine indicated that former president Omar Bongo was paid  50 million euros [$67-million] a year from the oil company (Ghosh, 2013). Similarly in 2013, French Police in the city of Nice raided and searched a villa belonging to President Omar Bongo in connection with an investigation of graft and corruption. This was followed by other inquiries that confiscated fleets of Ferraris, Lamborghinis and limousines in France, along with huge real estate holdings. Omar Bongo rule Gabon for 42 yrs before his death in 2011. He was succeeded by his son Ali Bongo. As the noose continues to tighten on the Bongo family’s orchestrated grand state robbery scheme, President Ali Bongo has pledged to give his share of the inheritance from his father to charity. He also said that the family will hand over properties including a villa in the capital and two homes in Paris to the state.

Three to four decades of failed leadership in Nigeria reduced the majority of the people into an abysmal state of poverty. As one of the world’s leading producers of oil, Nigeria harbors some of the world’s poorest people. Private and public sector growth is inhibited by corruption, security issues, political instability, and high levels of government spending and pervasion of the oil sector. It is estimated that 60-65 percent of Nigerians live on less than $1 a day as most of the country’s national treasure are looted into foreign accounts.  The United States is helping to recover over $150 billion stolen from the oil sector alone. Further, efforts are underway to identify accounts where money has been deposited. It is alleged that some former ministers sold as much as 1 million barrels a day.  Notably among the cases under scrutiny is the case of Former Nigerian Vice President Mr. Abubakar from 1999 to 2007. Over the years, questions have been raised about the source of Mr. Abubakar’s wealth. Mr. Abubakar was the subject of corruption allegations relating to the Nigerian Petroleum Technology Development Fund. A United States Senate Permanent Subcommittee Report on Keeping Foreign Corruption out of the US has linked Mr. Abubakar to several illegal financial transactions involving wire transfers in the millions. The World Bank noted that 80% of Nigeria’s oil wealth benefits only 1% of the population. Nigeria is gripped by an insurgency that is globally categorized as a religious crisis. Little did most know that poverty and inequality is a major driving mechanism of the group Boko-Haram. The group (Boko-Haram) has exploited poverty in Nigeria to gain support and unleash a reign of terror by indiscriminately targeting government institutions and civilian populations.


In miniscule resource poor Gambia, poverty is widespread and pervasive across its 1.9 million population. Rampant government corruption and patronage are exacerbated by the judiciary’s lack of independence. Despite recent reform efforts, inefficiency in business and labor regulations continues to inhibit entrepreneurial growth. Taxes in the Gambia, including municipality tax, corporate income tax, social security contributions, a national education levy, a municipal business license and a Value Added Tax (VAT) are continually increasing (Corr &Vadsaria, 2013). It is generally speculation that money from these taxes are mismanaged and not used to improve national services. There are also allegations that President Jammeh used Tax payers money to purchase a 3 million dollar Manson at Potomac, Maryland and other luxury items. Similarly, it is alleged that the president owns a lucrative national business in rice, flower, cement, sugar, cattle, and a vibrant transportation network. President Yaya Jammeh came to power in a 1994 military coup as a junior lieutenant and is today one of the richest African Leaders. President Jammeh amassed so much wealth that he openly confirmed on Gambia Radio and Television Service (GRTS) that he will never poor again and his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will never be poor as well. A  February 2015 report by the Robert Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights calls on the US to freeze Jammeh’s assets and review all foreign assistance to the Gambia. The Gambia is a crippling poor state under the rule of fear.

Guinea–Bissau is one of the world’s poorest countries. It also is a major transit point for illegal South American drugs bound for Europe. Several of its senior military and government officials are allegedly involved in the drug trade. The majority poor population continues to be subjected to endemic poverty, pervasive corruption and exploitation by power hungry elites in all domains of government. After several months of been a Drug Kingpin, the United States Drug Enforcement Agency arrested the former head of the Guinea-Bissau Navy Americo Bubo Na Tchuto and six others for narcotic trafficking offenses – Jose Americo Bubo Na Tchuto, former head of the Guinea-Bissau navy; Manuel Mamadi Mane; Saliu Sisse; Papis Djeme; and Tchamy Yala – arrived in the Southern District of New York on April 4, 2013 (DOJ, 2013).  Guinea Bissau continues to be under develop with poor healthcare, and education and transportation infrastructure. Corruption is pervasive and has been aggravated by Guinea-Bissau’s prominent role in narco-trafficking and political instability. The economy remains closed to outside investment and trade, and the financial sector operates largely informally. Poverty in Guinea-Bissau is largely a result of failed leadership entrenched in the greed for power and riches.

Even in post conflict Liberia that suffered decade’s long civil war, the glimmer of hope that came with donor support and successful democratic elections dissipated into thin air. Millions of Dollars in aid money and its vast natural resources continue to be mismanaged. Liberia is rich in natural resources including rubber and iron ore. About 70% of the population lives under abject poverty. A US Federal Bureau of Investigation has probed into a US$2.5bln asset belonging to Robert Sir leaf, a son of Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sir leaf. Post war reconstruction efforts have failed considerably in Liberia. The country remains fragile. Endemic corruption, high unemployment, and widespread illiteracy continue to pose serious developmental challenges. Political instability and international sanctions have destroyed most large businesses and driven out many foreign investors. In 2014 the outbreak of Ebola virus in West Africa caused several deaths.

No one can deny the progress made to end poverty and misrule by other states of Sub-Saharan Africa. Economic and political advancements in Namibia, Tanzania, Ghana and Senegal provides some glimmer of hope for the untapped potentials of sub-Saharan Africa. Arguably, those success cases are linked to the strong institutional foundations that gave people opportunities to shape their political and economic well-being. Making progressive sustainable change in a country is quite an enduring task. Africa needs leadership with determination and commitment to the well-being of the people. Such a leadership must decentralize power,  end the neopatrimonialism  state system and its entrenched patrimonial institutions, build institutions that enables broader citizen participation in decision making, embark on economic reforms, and increase spending in underdeveloped and under privileged parts of the country. Perhaps such policies can end entrenched poverty, exclusion, corruption and mismanagement. Leadership entrenched in exclusionary policies limiting opportunities is a flagrant betrayal of the people in all its form.



Few hours after Judgment in the economic crime case involving Momodou Sabally, former Secretary General and Minister for Presidential Affairs was deferred at the Special Criminal Court in Banjul before Justice Amadi, the state filed a ‘Nolle Prosequi’, a prosecutor’s decision to voluntarily discontinue criminal charges before a verdict is rendered.

The decision by the state made Sabally a free man as the case against him have been withdrawn.

According to sources, Sabally was in court yesterday with members of his  family including his wife. His lawyer, senior counsel Antouman Gaye, was also present in court.

Momodou Sabally was first arraigned on 11 August 2014, before Justice Makailu on a three-count charge of economic crime and abuse of office, which he denied.

On 22 October 2014, prosecutors filed an amended additional eight-count charge, which included economic crime, abuse of office, neglecting official duty and giving false information to a public servant, which he again denied.

Senior defence counsel Antouman Gaye filed a bail application before Justice Amadi of the Special Criminal Court in Banjul, and Sabally was granted bail of D1.5 million on 25 November 2014.

During the trial, the prosecution led by the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Barkun, called ten witnesses and tendered exhibits. One of them  was Alassan Ndoye whose cars were presented to President Jammeh as gifts.

At the closure of the prosecution’s case, Momodou Sabally entered into defense and testified as a lone witness.

The unanswered question now is, why did the State put the man through such a trial and wasted everybody’s time, when Sabally actually had no case to answer?

Senegal’s TV Commentator Becaye Mbaye and the Hypocrisy of Adventurist Materialism

Ever since July 22nd 1994, haa, that dastardly accidental embarrassing event in our country’s history, when a section of the Gambia’s armed forces stroke a crushing torpedo on our flourishing democracy, imperfect as it were, we have been observing with keen interest, a growing line-up of self-serving gold diggers crawling before a rather dejected and disconsolate leader all in the name of polishing his brushed image to the unsuspecting audience.

And it does not matter who and what type of audience they’re spewing their propaganda to so long the targets have the energy to listen.

The chorus, notwithstanding its boring content, were and are still carefully designed to depict a situation of hope, happiness, progress and normality. But in reality the cherished choir singers and directors always crash head-on even before they land because they always have to lie so hard to fake a situation of catastrophic proportion that the Gambia finds itself in. But the dictator, who we all know is the chief architect of such self-ballooning image building projects, even though is ever scared to be seen to be directly associated with them, is never deterred to paint an image that is otherwise him.

If it is not an award of a new Doctorate Decree from a fake institution of learning, it will be a rather bizarre title added to his long lists of names that have now become imbecilic of our nation state and to the personality of the president himself.

And the people spearheading these projects all have one thing in common: line-up their pockets with our public loot through material adventurism with the utmost of disregard to our plight….in fact to them our plight never matters.

They range from big names in Nollywood; the cockroaches, the fetish and starved musicians; the religious fundamentalists and the willfully ignorant (to borrow a quote from Ousainou Mbenga); and now we have seen the maggots in the types of Becai Mbayi who think that Gambian blood and tears are less significant so long their breads are buttered by our President’s dirty money.

Hey Gambians have blood running in our veins and we feel pain too. So to Senegal’s 2SS TV presenter Becai Mbayi who insulted the dignity of Gambians in an interview this week, we say: if you are a door mat, allow Jammeh to trample and roll on and over you but leave us alone because this fight that we are engaged in with Jammeh is legitimate and we shall uncompromisingly pursue it to the very end.


The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) held its 47thordinary session in Accra, Ghana on May 19, 2015 as the region is roiling in crises such as the most recent rebellions in Burkina Faso and Burundi. In fact, the entire continent is entangled in the contradictions of its “neocolonial states” with escalating uncertainty for social justice and peaceful existence. This critical period in Africa, marvels Kwame Nkrumah’s prophetic words: “neocolonialism, the last stage of imperialism”.

Nkrumah was right and the rest of them undoubtedly wrong. Even the great Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, at a conference in Ghana gave an apologetic speech to Nkrumah with great regrets for not sharing Nkrumah’s foresight at that critical moment of struggle for the union of African states. Nkrumah saw neocolonialism in the making and warned against the profound consequences that continue to haunt Africa to this day.

The historical conditions and circumstances under which these “institutions” were created will help us understand the behavior of these creatures called “presidents” – “heads of states” and why they will never be at the service of Africa and African people.

The ECOWAS, inaugurated on May 28, 1975 celebrated 40 years of its existence on May 28, 2015 as the institution tasked with charting the path for the economic cooperation and development among the West African states. Its counterparts, Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) inaugurated in 1983, Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) inaugurated 1980 and Arab Maghreb Union (AMU) inaugurated in 1989 all hinge on the imposed economic structures of “mal-development”. And for the maintenance of sub regional solutions to conflict, the ECOWAS inaugurated the ECOMOG in 1990 – the military monitoring group tasked with “conflict resolution” in the region. The military deployment of ECOMOG into Liberia and Sierra Leone was a catastrophic “experiment” with a high cost of innocent civilian lives, particularly in Sierra Leone. It was in March 1998 that the ECOMOG criminal soldiers, predominantly Nigerian soldiers bathed Freetown, Sierra Leone with African blood by bombs, bullets and rocket propel grenades (RPG); again at the behest of the imperialist U.N. Would this same ECOMOG show how well they could fight against the former “white settler” Apartheid army to repel the invasion of Angola? Never! All of these institutions are sanctioned only to kill, starve and humiliate Africans.

Colonialism doesn’t want anything in Africa that would benefit Africans, therefore: the neo-colonial states – colonialism in black faces. And the O.A.U/African Union (AU) celebrates half a century of humiliation, evident in the mediocre functions of its “institutions”, be it regional or continental.

No amount of lavish – wasteful annual conferences and the creation of impotent institutions will rescue Africa from the wretch conditions of the neo-colonial states. Yet, we are offered the likes of Jammeh and his ilk as the solution. There must be a revolutionary willingness to break with the ruinous ideas and practices of the neo-colonial states in order for Africa to emerge out of the swamps of misery and “mal-development”. Colonialism destroyed our self-determination while neo-colonialism gives us the illusions of restoring self-determination.

                                                                 AFRICAN UNITY BETRAYED

The seeds of betrayal for genuine African unity were sown a little over 50 years ago at the height of the most promising period of resistance to overturn the colonial relationship of exploitation and degradation. This was a period when the hearts of the vast majority of Africans were won to the revolutionary insights of pioneers like Nkrumah, Sekou Toure, Modibo Keita, Patrice Lumumba, Ben Bella and Abdel Nasser who became known as the Casablanca Group. On the opposite pole of “post-independence” struggle was the Monrovia Group which included Liberia, Nigeria and most of the Francophone or the reactionary French speaking governments. Those poisoned seeds gave growth to the O.A.U which morphed into the A.U, in imitation to the European Union (E.U), the rot that these neo-colonial states represent.

Before the creation of the O.A.U, Ghana and Guinea were the first to initiate the Union of African States after which Mali later joined and it became known as the union of Ghana – Guinea – Mali. The mighty E.T. Mensah, “king of highlife” music composed a song in praise of this lofty ideal of African unity. Mensah in his lyrics called it the “nucleus of the great union” and that “Africa’s strongest foundation has now once been laid forever”. Furthermore, “only unity can safe us”, concluded Mensah. To this day, African unity remains the biggest threat to neocolonialism and its imperialist masters.

The O.A.U was structured to fiercely antagonize Nkrumah and other pioneers who profoundly understood that attaining independence alone was not enough for our complete economic and political liberation from colonial domination. Fifty years of humiliating dependence on the “colonialists” begs the question. Where is the “independence”?

In stark contrast to the O.A.U, which was erected on termite infested colonial pillars, bound to crumble; the union of African states that the great pioneers (Nkrumah, Toure, Keita and Lumumba) envisioned was to be constructed from the bottom up by our own African hands, our blood if necessary, by our sweat and for our absolute benefit and not for Europe or America.

The slanderous attacks on Nkrumah and his subsequent overthrow, the savage assassination of Lumumba and the trail of terror unleashed across the continent was ample evidence that the neocolonial states were in the making. The European administrators need not be on site for the united looting of Africa to continue. The newly created neocolonialists (colonialists in black faces) will assure the parasites of their feed.

This crushing humiliation of mother Africa has never gone unchallenged inside and outside the continent. The only drawback to this challenge is that it happens in isolated pockets of resistance which favor the treacherous guardians of imperialist interests. This fighting in isolation is a thing of the past. We have grown to know Africa better, including all her scattered children around the world.

On May 24, 1963 at the founding meeting of the O.A.U, Nkrumah and others by then knew fully well that the creation of the O.A.U represented the beginning of the neo-colonial era and its willingness to drag the continent into the swamps of misery and humiliation for decades to come. In his speech Nkrumah said: “Our people supported us in our fight for independence because they believed that African governments could cure the ills of the past in a way which could never be accomplished under colonial rule. If therefore, now that we are independent we allow the same conditions to exist that existed in colonial days, all the resentment which overthrew colonialism will be mobilized against us”.

And indeed, it is this fed – up resentment against colonialism and neo-colonialism that is being mobilized and furiously unleashed against the impotent “African ruling class”. Rebellions have become the order of the day across the continent, the most recent being the rebellions against the Blaise Campoare regime in Burkina Faso and Pierre Nkurunziza in Burundi. These rebellions cannot be contained within these colonial borders any longer. It is a “historically determined necessity” for the neo-colonial states to be uprooted for Africa to take her rightful place among nations.

Life under neo-colonialism is grinding into a halt for the vast majority of Africans, while presidents and their “sharers of crumbs” amass unscrupulous wealth and worst still “invest” it in the imperialist countries. Trade among African countries is virtually non-existent.



At the May 19, 2015 ECOWAS summit in Ghana, one of the agenda items was “term limits” for West African presidents, apparently suggested by Macky Sall of Senegal. The “term limit” issue was dead the moment it was brought up for discussion. As was expected, the Gambia (with Jammeh in a tuck-tail retreat from travel) along with Togo vigorously opposed it. Out of the 15 neo-colonies that make up the ECOWAS, it is said that all decisions by this body must be voted on “unanimously” for it to become binding. An abstention or a no vote nullifies the majority vote. This is the typical “hand in glove” relationship these presidents have among themselves in ECOWAS and the A.U. The likes of Jammeh throw periodic petite bourgeois radical temper tantrums against the European colonialists and homosexuality to win sympathy from his religious sycophants and the ill-informed masses. The neo-colonial state was created and trained to show total disregard for “law” with their “bayonet constitutions” exactly as the colonialists ruled their colonies.

On September 7 – 9 2015, the ECOWAS Council of Ministers and Chiefs of Defense yet again met in Dakar, Senegal to discuss security issues and institutional reforms among member states. These wasteful and futile exercises are nothing but distractions to further erode the on –the –ground challenges against the “bayonet constitutional” reforms against “term limits” and the entrenchment of the neocolonial state.

Next year 2016 is election year in many African countries, the most violent period (horizontal violence among the masses) in “third world” countries. All of these actions are preparations to support each other’s regime to maintain the status quo at the expense of the vast majority of our people. The neocolonial states can never provide solutions to our problems; the only solution is to declare revolutionary war against the neocolonial elite and restore our beloved Africa’s dignity once again.

As we go to press, the entrenched “presidential guards” of the deposed Burkina Faso tyrant, Blaise Campoare waged another coup d’etat to restore the status quo and possibly impose Campoare again. Only a revolutionary resistance movement can overthrow the neocolonialists permanently, never to return.

                                ONE AFRICA! ONE NATION! TOUCH ONE!  TOUCH ALL!


The notorious dungeon cum prison of Mile 2 Central Prison in The Gambia is situated six minutes’ drive from the capital, Banjul.  The national institution is the most dreaded place of abode for not only its ill-fated inmates but also the unfortunate wardens who find no alternative engagements than sign up for a job that involves the enforcement of a madman’s incarceration scheme.

To the eyes of the passers-by, who ply the Banjul- Serekunda highway, Mile 2 is just a mystery place – a small camp with floral decors and a high wall with seemingly nothing out of the ordinary in the world beyond it.  However, to my shock and horror, I confirm the worst fears of many who suspected there was more to this place, that on the whole, there is indeed another world behind those high and thick walls.  I have placed a huge warning signboard at one of its entrances. On the the board, it is written:  STAY AWAY!!!

Here is a brief but maybe comprehensive description of what President Jammeh used to boast of as his five star hotel (Hotel Jammeh Yaa), which is divided into four different quarters bordered by 15 meter high six inch block fences.

* REMAND WING:- This is where more than 300 inmates are housed in a space meant for a hundred. It is where the suspects who are undergoing trial are kept.  However, there are more than one hundred of them who have never appeared in court.  More than that number has spent up to an average of seven years undergoing trial, while the rest have had their cases adjourned indefinitely. This is also where, on average, between 12 and 18 young men and women (some as young as 14) are herded in weekly from pickup trucks from around The Gambia’s ridiculously plentiful police stations and illegal arrest points.

* FEMALE WING:- As the name suggests, this three block complex is where female inmates are kept. The cells here are short-ceiling halls paralleled on both sides of each room with a two foot tall raised platform to serve as bed.  Each of these cells has only one squat toilet and bathroom and a tap head. The cells are meant to contain only 15 but each is congested with more than forty inmates. As a male inmate, I could hear their sweet love songs but could not set an eye on anyone of them let alone dance to their sorrowful melodies. This is where I was told, a GNG sentry guard mounting on duties at the tower overlooking the female wing’s block facade, completely lost control of his emotions when he found himself face to face with an intentionally naked dancing girl. No one would have realized what transpired had his AK 47 assault rifle not slipped away from his trembling hands and landed with a clatter thud on the ground twenty meters below. From then on, till the day I left Mile 2, that particular tower was either mounted by a female soldier or by none at all.

* MAIN YARD:- This is the most densely populated part of the prison housing up to at least 980 inmates in just six blocks named by numbers. The cells are meant to house 40 inmates but each is jammed with an average of 150 forcing close to another 100 or so to sleep on the bare floor, in the toilets, and any little space they can find. I attempted to be a ‘mesh boy’ to enable me to enjoy some little privileges such as serve food, stay out during the day’s indoor hours etc but to no avail.  That would have given me more room to investigate some of the statistics and demographics of the main yard where I only peeped but never stepped into. I met one Senegalese prisoner who confirmed to me that some spend years of their terms until their release without ever sleeping on the raised platforms or even with their legs stretched.  Everyone is constricted and confined to a little space due to the congestive jamming of humans. In order to get to the toilet, one has to snake in between heads, feet and arms all through the way to the end of the cell.  Almost every night, there is always someone sleeping on the toilet floor that has to be awakened first before anyone can access the toilet.  Up to 20 inmates miss at least a meal every day.

* MAXIMUM SECURITY WING :- This is where I spent all my detention period.  Unlike the other wings of this notorious dungeon, the MSW houses mainly detainees, death row inmates, senior Government Officials and Security Officers. It is also where punishment is routinely carried out by the masked forces that come from outside and the very prison wardens themselves.  It is divided into four blocks namely:

Number One: this is the smallest of the four blocks. It has two squat toilets, one bathroom and a tap to serve twelve individual cells. This is where Sanna Sabally was.  The links used to chain his legs and the irons that were used for tethering his hands are still in the cell now occupied by a Nigerian National, Stanley, one of the duo convicted for lynching a Briton. 
Number Seven: This is just like the cells in the main yard. It is an open hall meant for housing 30 but it contains on average 45 inmates. Old and sick inmates are kept here if they’re not on death row. There’s one toilet, one bathroom and an open tap, two naked electric bulbs and the wing’s only television screen and fm radio receiver.

Number Four: Like Number One, this block contains two squat toilets, a tap and two bathrooms serving 32 cells.

Number Five: I was in this block.  It has 86 individual cells, three squat toilets, four bathrooms but only one tap. As of 21st January 2015, 84 to 86 cells were occupied. This complex was designed by a Gambian and its difference from those cells like Numbers 1 & 4 could reveal a lot about how some Gambians perceive those whom fate has ordained imprisonment. The cells here are worse in every aspect than those built by the British.

Everyday at 08:00hrs, prison officers open the locks to our individual cells and we would rush to the toilets to empty our chamber pots with bad and pungent odor all over the block. We lived constantly under this bad environment every morning. Outside the cells, another bad odor also takes precedence. It comes from the badly managed Banjul Sanatorium located just 300 meters east of the prison. Sometimes there is fire and the bad smoke from the dumpsite hangs in the air choking us to the core with acrylic plastic, and poorly disposed off medical and clinical wares. The complex is very narrow and there is nowhere to go. The walls both in and out are painted grey. There is no green plant visible from the inside. This has caused serious consequences on our eyesight as well as respiratory infections.

After a quick but well deserved bath, we would venture out to wash our basins, refill water bottles and do the normal pleasantries with our fellow inmates and the morning shift officers who had just come from the other world outside of our prison walls.

Those who had something to eat, do so and that begins the first half of the day.

Standby is at 11:15 am.  It means everyone should prepare for another lock up session in 15 minutes. By midday the camp is as quiet as the Earlington Cemetary except for the overhead 8 ohms speakers booming West Coast Radio relay of BBC Newshour.

After the one hour foreign media news on events in the outside world which to some of the inmates seem so imaginary, GRTS radio would bring us the day’s monotonously irrelevant yahya jammeh praise singsongs read by mostly a very highly untrained anchor who would be counting the syllables making the words or when (at least once) unable to recall how to pronounce a word, try to spell it instead.

At 2 pm, we are opened again for the second and final half of the day. Some go playing draft while others rush for the TV screen to make follow ups of how some films ended, match results and for some of us, this was the best time to mentally summarize the day’s events and memorize them since maintaining a diary is punishable by treason.

Shifts change is at 15:30. To mark this, every inmate is ordered to stand by their cell door for the incoming shift to confirm that they were alive and kicking. The fiesta continues till 16:45 when the Azhaan is called for prayers. Immediately after the Asr prayers, the day has ended in Hotel Jammeh Yaa. We are indoors from now till 8 am the following day. A peep through the post hole shows a line of new quarter kilo padlocks each confining someone’s father, husband, brother, or son.


In Number Five, all the cells are of the same dimension 1.80X2.10M. Each is equipped with a chamber box at one corner and a 0.75M wide concrete raised platform on the opposite to serve as bed. The only difference between these cells and a grave is the 20CM diameter hole born at the upper part of the heavy metal door and a thickly barred opening right under the concrete ceiling that serves as a window. We sometimes exhausted the fresh air and feel void of breathable oxygen. Each cell has a 5litre mayonnaise bucket to serve as toilet. Once full before 8AM, one has no option but to urinate within the cell. A 1.5 bottle of water is also provided for drinking.


8:00-11:30 first rest
12:00-14:00 indoors 
14:00-17:00 second rest
17:30-08:00 indoors


The toilets have NEVER seen even Omo (a cheap cleaning detergent) let alone any form of detergent. It is usually cleaned with ash from the kitchen. Most of the time, they are in horrible conditions as mentally and seriously sick inmates abuse them.


The format I am using here is as follows:

Day= b/fast, lunch and dinner.

S=half bread empty, meat stew and dry coos
M=Porridge. Palm oil fish stew and dry coos.
T= half bread, palasass, porridge 
W=half bread, benechin, dry coos 
T=Porridge, groundnut stew, thiouraa
F=half bread, groundnut stew and dry coos and
S=thiouraa, palm oil fish stew and dry coos.

These foods don’t conform to any recognized standard. Even the imitated “benachin” in Kanilai couldn’t be worse. The cooks who are men have no qualifications and as a result, most of us in there develop stomach complications as a result of poorly cooked or rotten condiments. The “Thiouraa” (CHUURAA GERTEH) that is served on Saturdays is confirmed to be the cause of a disease I have never heard of till I got into that hole: BIRI BIRI, which makes one look like pumped with hot air like a tractor tire. All the good fish is shared among the Senior Officers of the Prison. On Mondays, the meat served on the rice which they compelled me to call stew,  is either rotten or only joints with sharp bones protruding from the lunch basins like spikes and spears.


Types I witnessed as practiced include, drop bathing, caning, lashing, denial of food and rest, sealing, denial of bathing, kneeling with hands raised, public stripping to nakedness, physical assault, donate-the-flies drip to death and injection to either increase sexual libido in the absence of women or to increase hunger with powerful multi vitamins in the absence of food.  In Mile 2 Jammeh Resort and Spa, the waiters are usually hungrier than the customers.  Stories I could not confirm indicate that the principal torture centre is found in Tanji, where electrocutions, water budding, drowning etc are carried out by the security elements. There is also the old well where I am told people are mass-graved. To spare you some of the worst horrors you may ever imagine, my conscience compels me to euphemize the narrative to laze it with some humor to downgrade the harm I am exposing you to.  
Some of the horrors are too horrible and I am obliged to repress them in my memory for a while and some for eternity.

Momodou Sowe
Former Protocol Officer and Records Manager
Office of The President, State House, Banjul.
Now Asylum Seeker and Advocate for Rights Activism