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Following On Dictator Jammeh’s Trail: A Sick President Who’s Afraid To Face His Populace


The whereabouts of Dictator Jammeh is still a source of misery. As we piece this story together, unconfirmed reports have been making the rounds in Banjul and indeed in the social media that the dictator is finally in Banjul receiving urgent needed medical treatment which was not possible in the provincial town of Base in the Upper River Region of the Gambia. However, so far the information Fatu Radio gathered all point to the fact that Dictator Jammeh is still in Basse. Currently, a large convoy of ministers and senior government officials have just left Basse heading towards Mansakonko, the regional capital of the Lower River Region of the Gambia.

But strangely the Presidential security are still in Basse suggesting that the Dictator is still in Basse. It is very unusual for the ministers to leave without Jammeh. In Presidential tours like this, the delegation including the President himself, cabinet ministers and other officials all move together in one convoy.

In fact one of our sources who is in the tour has just informed us that about two state ministers are still in Basse sitting at the VIP lounge waiting for the President to come out. What is not clear is whether Dictator Jammeh will leave for Mansakonko today.

If everything goes well, Jammeh and entourage are expected to have a night stop in Mansakonko today from where they will go to Kiang and in Kanilai tomorrow.

However, the complete absence of the dictator from public view is fueling the uncertainty about his exact whereabouts. What is clear though is that Jammeh is sick but by all indications, he is trying to proof otherwise.

One of our sources who came into personal contact with the President recently in Janjanbureh in the Central River Region of the Gambia told Fatu Radio Jammeh has lost considerable weight and breathe abnormally heavy. The source said the dictator looked very tired and it was clear that something serious was wrong with him.

Fatu radio is keenly monitoring the situation and will update our audience with any latest information about Dictator Jammeh.

The Secretary General of The Gambia, Lamin Nyabally Fired!!!


News just arrived at Faturadio that The Gambian dictator; Yahya Jammeh has fired his Secretary General and Presidential Affairs Minister, Lamin Nyabally few hours ago.  According to sources, The President blamed Nyabally for lack of doctors in Basse.  The sources revealed that Nyabally got in trouble when Jammeh upon enquiring in Basse during the inauguration of a thirty million dalasi health centre in Sabi village, URR as to why the areas is facing shortage of Doctors, was informed by the Health Minister that he did discuss the issue with the Secretary General but no action has been taken since then.

Nyabally was said to be on his way home, kicked out of the tour convoy at the time this report was being prepared.  The health centre in Sabi is said to have 30 beds and was funded by Gambians of Sabi roots in the Diaspora.

Former Secretary General, Momodou Lamin Sabally who is currently the MD of the Daily Observer could be recycled back to his old position opined Gambia watchers.

On another development, Yahya, according to the sources has finally left Basse for Mansakonko where he is expected to have a night stop with members of his tour delegation before proceeding.



The United Democratic Party (UDP) is shocked and deeply concerned by the recent statements made by President Yahya Jammeh in Farafeni during his “dialogue the people tour” in which he ridicule past and present Presidents of Senegal.

Footage of the Gambian leader’s speech shown on GRTS Television on Sunday clearly showed him raining insults on the Senegalese leaders. The current President Macky Sall received the main brunt of President Jammeh’s insults whom he described as hypocrite and a stooge for France, among other things. Former Presidents Abdou Diouf and Abdoulaye Wade were also named and heavily ridiculed and caricatured by President Jammeh.

The UDP vehemently condemns President Jammeh’s conduct as it offends all conventional wisdom and decency. By stooping this low in insulting Senegalese leadership, Yahya Jammeh has shown his lack of respect and decorum for anything decent. The Gambian and Senegalese people are one and the same and no amount of immature rhetoric and vitriolic outbursts from the leadership in Banjul will change that.

This latest posture of President Jammeh is as usual at variance with all decent and internationally acceptable diplomatic norms and does not in any way represent the views and attitude of the Gambian people.  It is unacceptable for a sitting head of state to make derogatory remarks about his fellow heads of states, present or past. It is as crude and undignified as it is unGambian, undiplomatic and unacceptable.

In this regard, the United Democratic Party (UDP) and indeed all decent, peace loving Gambians, disassociated themselves from President Jammeh’s crude attacks on Senegalese Presidents. Unfortunate as it is, this is the kind of irrational rantings that have come to embody the persona of Jammeh all throughout his life as head of state of the Gambia.

The UDP would like to place on record that the Gambian people have always had unalloyed and untainted love for our brotherly people of Senegal. Until the unfortunate emergence of Jammeh and his rogue regime on our political scene, Gambians have lived peacefully with all our neighbors far and near.

Yahya Jammeh is a lonely, angry and dejected dictator who is despised by everyone at home and abroad and we urge the Senegalese leadership to continue to ignore a dictator who has lost relevance and credibility even in his own country. Looking around, there is failure in every aspect of Gambian public life. The economy is almost floundering and doomed to collapse. Agriculture is almost dead. The health sector is on its knees and there is mounting unemployment across the country. Jammeh has therefore clearly sensed the catastrophe he has created thanks to his bad and ill-advised policies spearheaded by his personal incompetence and ignorance as Head of State for which he wants to use Senegal as scapegoat.

If anything, the recent attacks by Jammeh on Senegalese Presidents, coupled with his misrule have given UDP renewed energy and determination to redouble our efforts in ensuring that this regime that has always been an embarrassment to Gambians becomes history once and for all. Jammeh and his regime are a collateral damage on our national conscience. They are an embarrassment and a huge liability to Gambia.

The United Democratic Party assures all Gambians and our brothers and sisters in Senegal that come 2016, Jammeh will be removed from the helm of affairs which he has held only by foul means for far too long.

Long live the UDP

Long live The Gambia.

UDP Secretariat


18th November, 2015

Student group threatens action at The Gambia College


An underground students’ movement at the Gambia College calling itself ‘The Outlaw’ has threatened to incite action against the administration of the country’s leading tertiary educational institution for its failures to live up to the responsibility of providing the needs and educational aspirations of the college’s student population.

In an underground e-newsletter that was published this week and circulated to the students body and leaked to Fatu Radio Network, the movement said their silence was “just an era [to] strengthen our arms and patiently observing the cruel acts of the evil heads, who were fooled in awe, comfortably resting on the laurels of injustice and corruption, without noticing the HD- Camera-like watchful eyes of the OUTLAW.”

Describing itself as “the satirical and invisible information entity present here on campus”, the Outlaw said it is therefore time for celebration “as we prepare to unveil the smelling wax burnt by these crooks we called leaders.

”The students’ “scramble for chairs, closure of information centers, refusal to accommodate students due to your flimsy excuses, over population on the campus due to your self-centered decisions to make PTC students regular this year, months of pending stipends, failure to commemorate the 65 years anniversary of the noble institution and lot more failures….: is apparently motivating the students to make true their threats to begin taken action unless something is immediately done to address their situation they call “unacceptable”.

“The sweet words from their venomous tongues has done enough corroding of the weak minds as students, as we are frequently fooled and unconditionally threatened to surrender the little rights we are supposed to publicly enjoy,” The Outlaw wrote.

It added that the “abuse of our rights in the endless days at the immeasurable gravity has detrimentally contributed to our dormancy in academic work, with the culprits being hierarchical from the empty barrel in the form of a principal, down to the kleptomaniac and myopic student union.”

“Therefore, our role as the voice of the voiceless is fully renewed with the greater power, as we prepare to drop atomic bombs one by one….,”they stated.

For the College’s students’ union executives, the movement said they are “a tiny broomstick we can break in seconds. The remaining bombshells are still dangling over your bald and blunt heads including your cockroach president ready to be released to immunize your negative attitudes and describe your failure for you.”

President Jammeh’s Health Conditions Worsens As The Dictator Is Quarantined In Basse Since Monday


Fatu Radio has got irrefutable news that Dictator Yahya Jammeh has been quarantined in Basse since Monday where he is currently secluded in the Presidential Guest House. Presently only the inner circle of the President’s security details are the ones having access to him including a select number of personal doctors.

As we put this piece together, almost 60% of the activities on the Presidential itinerary for the Meet-The-People-Tour have been cancelled. The President is said to be gravely ill and is bed ridden. He is said to be seriously fatigued. One source has told Fatu Radio how panic stricken trusted security guards have been ushering in doctors…. Full Story Here

One source has told Fatu Radio how panic stricken trusted security guards have been ushering in doctors in and out of the Presidential Guest House in Basse with pale faces, sometimes they doctors themselves worried about what they have seen how bad the president’s health has deteriorated.Although the Gambian President has kept tight lip over his health status, confirmed reports obtained by Fatu Radio revealed that Dictator Yahya Jammeh is suffering from advanced diabetes compounded by a very high cholesterol level.

Currently, Ansumana Jammeh, the President’s half-brother has arrived in Basse a few minutes ago. Dictator Jammeh personally requested Ansumana to be quickly rushed to Basse to be by his bedside. One of our credible sources has said that Dictator Jammeh maybe flown out of the country for possible medical treatment. Fatu Radio is deeply following the events in Base with keen interest and we will update our listeners and readers with any latest information we have. It could be recalled that just a few days ago, Dictator Jammeh was in Janjanbureh threatening to kill those he perceived as trouble makers.

He warned by swearing to the Holy Quran and invoking Allah’s names that any politician trying to fan trouble in the country would not live to witness the 2016 election. The Dictator in his usual threats said: “The Gambia needs to be cleansed of those trouble makers and irresponsible politicians who think that they can rely on hate and bigotry to get to power. I have only one word for them. Get your acts together or you will not live to witness the elections. We will kill the trouble makers and nothing will come out of it,” he said. Meanwhile as fate would have it, it is Dictator Jammeh who is now currently bed ridden said to be seriously sick.

President Jammeh’s Health Conditions Worsens As The Dictator Is Quarantined In Basse Since Monday


Fatu Radio has got irrefutable news that Dictator Yahya Jammeh has been quarantined in Basse since Monday where he is currently secluded in the Presidential Guest House. Presently only the inner circle of the President’s security details are the ones having access to him including a select number of personal doctors.

As we put this piece together, almost 60% of the activities on the Presidential itinerary for the Meet-The-People-Tour have been cancelled. The President is said to be gravely ill and is bed ridden. He is said to be seriously fatigued. One source has told Fatu Radio how panic stricken trusted security guards have been ushering in doctors…. Full Story Here

One source has told Fatu Radio how panic stricken trusted security guards have been ushering in doctors in and out of the Presidential Guest House in Basse with pale faces, sometimes they doctors themselves worried about what they have seen how bad the president’s health has deteriorated.Although the Gambian President has kept tight lip over his health status, confirmed reports obtained by Fatu Radio revealed that Dictator Yahya Jammeh is suffering from advanced diabetes compounded by a very high cholesterol level.

Currently, Ansumana Jammeh, the President’s half-brother has arrived in Basse a few minutes ago. Dictator Jammeh personally requested Ansumana to be quickly rushed to Basse to be by his bedside. One of our credible sources has said that Dictator Jammeh maybe flown out of the country for possible medical treatment. Fatu Radio is deeply following the events in Base with keen interest and we will update our listeners and readers with any latest information we have. It could be recalled that just a few days ago, Dictator Jammeh was in Janjanbureh threatening to kill those he perceived as trouble makers.

He warned by swearing to the Holy Quran and invoking Allah’s names that any politician trying to fan trouble in the country would not live to witness the 2016 election. The Dictator in his usual threats said: “The Gambia needs to be cleansed of those trouble makers and irresponsible politicians who think that they can rely on hate and bigotry to get to power. I have only one word for them. Get your acts together or you will not live to witness the elections. We will kill the trouble makers and nothing will come out of it,” he said. Meanwhile as fate would have it, it is Dictator Jammeh who is now currently bed ridden said to be seriously sick.


You had 21 pages in 21 years to write onto and leave an admirable legacy in the history of the Gambia but you chose to write on those pages with our BLOOD. You have no more pages left to open; not in the Gambia.

After 21 years of pomposity, tyranny and outright looting of the meager resources of our beloved Gambia, the once aspiring king (“Babili Mansa”) has been jolted out of his delusions of grandeur into submission for “bogus reconciliation”. From his trademark of insults and threats: “go to hell, heads will roll and six feet deep”, Jammeh has gone into a deeper tucked –tail retreat in fear of his own shadow.

In a desperate act to survive this catastrophe, Jammeh wants to “open a new page”. But a new page to do what? He has unleashed his home grown propaganda engine to win sympathy while equally trying his desperate best to sanitize his international “image” to no success, mainly due to his mediocre diplomatic representations. We must unleash our own contending propaganda to suffocate every breathing space the regime attempts to secure.

If you notice; even the social media propaganda (Facebook and tweeter) is in effect. When have we ever seen Zainab Jammeh, the “first lady”, ever took pictures with “locals” and posted on social media? Is this the “new page” being opened? The Zainab segment of the AFPRC-APRC propaganda will show its “blow back effect” momentarily.

All these attempts are typical of dying tyrannical regimes; they all go out on a limp. The history is there for all to see from Mobuto, Bokasa, Amin, Campaore and now Jammeh. We must not relent in our offensive to push Jammeh and all those still wanting to climb the “slimy pole of success” over the cliff. There can be no revolutionary progress in our beloved Gambia with Jammeh “opening a new page”.

Instead, we the people for a proud- future Gambia have opened a new page to stamp our indelible national hand print and narratives onto this page and subsequent pages to prepare future generations,  never to allow any monster to raise their ugly head in this land of ours again.

The massive “prisoner pardon”, “amnesty to all those who wronged him” and all his bogus reconciliatory gestures impresses us the least.


In his campaign to “open a new page”; magistrates, Imams, journalists and citizens at large are still being arrested, and illegally detained on trumped up charges. Jammeh is fully aware of being at the end of his rope. His disastrous “sympathy tours” to win “sympathy votes” reveals how fed-up the people are with his buffoonery. In desperation for “sympathy”, he resorts to his old foolish tricks of blaming and hauling threats at Senegal. Adding insult to injury, Jammeh continue to mislead himself and his herd of willfully ignorant sycophants that he is “anti – imperialist”. Jammeh is a feudal neocolonialist.

In our quest to effectively fight neocolonial tyranny, we the people must stop accepting the arrogance and reckless behavior from these impotent elites that have gotten so comfortable in their reckless abuse of Africa and dare us to do something about it. We have allowed the most reactionary and brutal monsters to rise to power and in constant rivalry for neocolonial dominance at the expense of African lives. These monsters like Jammeh fester and wreak havoc within our ranks for decades with a nod and a wink from the imperialists. African lives will never matter as long as neocolonialism exists.

The Gambian people have reached their breaking point with the Jammeh regime; many have come to despise gatherings with his presence and despise more his foul mouth piece, GRTS (Gambia Radio and Television Services).

What is missing in the midst of these crises is REVOLUTIONARY leadership willing to lead and not tail the people. Jammeh cannot rule in the same old way he used to; the neocolonial regime is on its death bed, let’s deliver the final blow to relief our beloved Gambia of this tape worm once and for all time.




You had 21 pages in 21 years to write onto and leave an admirable legacy in the history of the Gambia but you chose to write on those pages with our BLOOD. You have no more pages left to open; not in the Gambia.

After 21 years of pomposity, tyranny and outright looting of the meager resources of our beloved Gambia, the once aspiring king (“Babili Mansa”) has been jolted out of his delusions of grandeur into submission for “bogus reconciliation”. From his trademark of insults and threats: “go to hell, heads will roll and six feet deep”, Jammeh has gone into a deeper tucked –tail retreat in fear of his own shadow.

In a desperate act to survive this catastrophe, Jammeh wants to “open a new page”. But a new page to do what? He has unleashed his home grown propaganda engine to win sympathy while equally trying his desperate best to sanitize his international “image” to no success, mainly due to his mediocre diplomatic representations. We must unleash our own contending propaganda to suffocate every breathing space the regime attempts to secure.

If you notice; even the social media propaganda (Facebook and tweeter) is in effect. When have we ever seen Zainab Jammeh, the “first lady”, ever took pictures with “locals” and posted on social media? Is this the “new page” being opened? The Zainab segment of the AFPRC-APRC propaganda will show its “blow back effect” momentarily.

All these attempts are typical of dying tyrannical regimes; they all go out on a limp. The history is there for all to see from Mobuto, Bokasa, Amin, Campaore and now Jammeh. We must not relent in our offensive to push Jammeh and all those still wanting to climb the “slimy pole of success” over the cliff. There can be no revolutionary progress in our beloved Gambia with Jammeh “opening a new page”.

Instead, we the people for a proud- future Gambia have opened a new page to stamp our indelible national hand print and narratives onto this page and subsequent pages to prepare future generations,  never to allow any monster to raise their ugly head in this land of ours again.

The massive “prisoner pardon”, “amnesty to all those who wronged him” and all his bogus reconciliatory gestures impresses us the least.


In his campaign to “open a new page”; magistrates, Imams, journalists and citizens at large are still being arrested, and illegally detained on trumped up charges. Jammeh is fully aware of being at the end of his rope. His disastrous “sympathy tours” to win “sympathy votes” reveals how fed-up the people are with his buffoonery. In desperation for “sympathy”, he resorts to his old foolish tricks of blaming and hauling threats at Senegal. Adding insult to injury, Jammeh continue to mislead himself and his herd of willfully ignorant sycophants that he is “anti – imperialist”.Jammeh is a feudal neocolonialist.

In our quest to effectively fight neocolonial tyranny, we the people must stop accepting the arrogance and reckless behavior from these impotent elites that have gotten so comfortable in their reckless abuse of Africa and dare us to do something about it. We have allowed the most reactionary and brutal monsters to rise to power and in constant rivalry for neocolonial dominance at the expense of African lives. These monsters like Jammeh fester and wreak havoc within our ranks for decades with a nod and a wink from the imperialists.  African lives will never matter as long as neocolonialism exists.

The Gambian people have reached their breaking point with the Jammeh regime; many have come to despise gatherings with his presence and despise more his foul mouth piece, GRTS (Gambia Radio and Television Services).

What is missing in the midst of these crises is REVOLUTIONARY leadership willing to lead and not tail the people. Jammeh cannot rule in the same old way he used to; the neocolonial regime is on its death bed, let’s deliver the final blow to relief our beloved Gambia of this tape worm once and for all time.


With Inevitable Economic Collapse, President Yahya Jammeh Resorts To Senegal Bashing Blaming It For The Gambia’s Economic Woes


The Gambian President, Yahya Jammeh has come heavily on Senegal and its leaders for causing what he called “the Gambia’s economic problems.” In a rather blistering speech punctuated by scornful and disrespectful words directed at past and present Presidents of Senegal. President Jammeh who was speaking in the provincial border town of Farafeni in the North Bank Region of the Gambia as part of his Meet-The-People-Tour, accused Senegal but more so it’s Presidents of harbouring serious grudges against the Gambia.

He particularly accused current President Macky Sall of masterminding sinister plots to, in his own words, “not only to cripple Gambia’s economy but to ferment trouble in the country.” Jammeh who did not tell his audience what kind of trouble President Sall is allegedly planning against the Gambia could only say that Gambia is fully prepared for the eventuality. He added “let Macky Sall be warned that we are not afraid of any nation on the face of this earth. Whatever they are planning, they will find us here. We will deal with them mercilessly.”

The Gambian leader further accused Macky Sall of being a “hypocrite and a stooge” for the West saying Macky is one of the few Presidents in Africa where the West constantly engages to ensure that Africa is perpetually trapped in a bondage and in abject poverty. “The Gambia will never be part of such schemes,” he said.

He accused President Sall of lacking in vision and tenacity to develop what he called “a backyard much more a country.” Jammeh said he has even been helping Senegal to attain its development objectives. “We have so far pumped in more than 250 Million US dollars into Senegal in terms of contracts given to Senegalese construction workers,” he said adding “I wonder how Senegal could elect someone like Macky Sall as President?”

Jammeh who appeared and sound wired all along his speech, rambled over his seeming mythical powers where he said he once confronted former President Abdou Diouf and made it categorically clear to him that he Diouf was going to lose the 1997 general elections. Jammeh said “I told Diouf if you got elected then he Diouf should go round the entire Africa and name every dog after me Yahya Jammeh” adding “in fact I also told him that he Diouf would come to know who Yahya Jammeh is when he leaves office which would have been too late for him.”

Jammeh also accused Diouf just like he did with Macky Sall of also constantly closing the borders to sabotage the Gambian economic progress.

In an apparent show of disrespect but which has come to be an embodiment of Jammeh’s traits, the Gambian leader greatly demeaned the personality of former President Abdoulaye Wade with a mockery unbecoming of a statesman.

Jammeh said it was in his first meeting with President Wade that he knew he Wade was not up to anything good for the Gambia. “But I warned him and put it flatly on his face that the fact that he Wade’s head does not have hair spell doom for the region.” Jammeh then continually taunted Wade’s name, his personality and his appearance. In a remark that sent his audience into heavy laughter of mockery President said this of former President Wade: “how can someone whose head could not bear the weight of human hair be tasked with the responsibility of shouldering the affairs of a country.”

He said when President Wade came to power, his first pronouncement was that he did not need the Gambia to mediate in the armed conflict in the Southern Senegalese Province of Cassamance. “And he Wade went further as part of his deliberate policy of confrontation with the Gambia not only to close the border but also to give sanctuary to dissidents and enemies of the Gambia,” Jammeh said.

According to Jammeh, all throughout the presidency of President Wade, he never referred to him Jammeh as Mr President. “Instead, Wade in his policy of provocation always belittled Gambia and its leadership. Even me, he was always calling Yahya Jammeh not His Excellency or Mr President. I refused to accept that and I refused to be belittled,” the erratic Gambian dictator who loves titles said.

President finally made it clear that he is not against Senegalese but their leaders who are always looking for all means possible to wreck our economy and to destabilize our country.

With Inevitable Economic Collapse, President Yahya Jammeh Resorts To Senegal Bashing Blaming It For The Gambia’s Economic Woes


The Gambian President, Yahya Jammeh has come heavily on Senegal and its leaders for causing what he called “the Gambia’s economic problems.” In a rather blistering speech punctuated by scornful and disrespectful words directed at past and present Presidents of Senegal. President Jammeh who was speaking in the provincial border town of Farafeni in the North Bank Region of the Gambia as part of his Meet-The-People-Tour, accused Senegal but more so it’s Presidents of harbouring serious grudges against the Gambia.

He particularly accused current President Macky Sall of masterminding sinister plots to, in his own words, “not only to cripple Gambia’s economy but to ferment trouble in the country.” Jammeh who did not tell his audience what kind of trouble President Sall is allegedly planning against the Gambia could only say that Gambia is fully prepared for the eventuality. He added “let Macky Sall be warned that we are not afraid of any nation on the face of this earth. Whatever they are planning, they will find us here. We will deal with them mercilessly.”

The Gambian leader further accused Macky Sall of being a “hypocrite and a stooge” for the West saying Macky is one of the few Presidents in Africa where the West constantly engages to ensure that Africa is perpetually trapped in a bondage and in abject poverty. “The Gambia will never be part of such schemes,” he said.

He accused President Sall of lacking in vision and tenacity to develop what he called “a backyard much more a country.” Jammeh said he has even been helping Senegal to attain its development objectives. “We have so far pumped in more than 250 Million US dollars into Senegal in terms of contracts given to Senegalese construction workers,” he said adding “I wonder how Senegal could elect someone like Macky Sall as President?”

Jammeh who appeared and sound wired all along his speech, rambled over his seeming mythical powers where he said he once confronted former President Abdou Diouf and made it categorically clear to him that he Diouf was going to lose the 1997 general elections. Jammeh said “I told Diouf if you got elected then he Diouf should go round the entire Africa and name every dog after me Yahya Jammeh” adding “in fact I also told him that he Diouf would come to know who Yahya Jammeh is when he leaves office which would have been too late for him.”

Jammeh also accused Diouf just like he did with Macky Sall of also constantly closing the borders to sabotage the Gambian economic progress.

In an apparent show of disrespect but which has come to be an embodiment of Jammeh’s traits, the Gambian leader greatly demeaned the personality of former President Abdoulaye Wade with a mockery unbecoming of a statesman.

Jammeh said it was in his first meeting with President Wade that he knew he Wade was not up to anything good for the Gambia. “But I warned him and put it flatly on his face that the fact that he Wade’s head does not have hair spell doom for the region.” Jammeh then continually taunted Wade’s name, his personality and his appearance. In a remark that sent his audience into heavy laughter of mockery President said this of former President Wade: “how can someone whose head could not bear the weight of human hair be tasked with the responsibility of shouldering the affairs of a country.”

He said when President Wade came to power, his first pronouncement was that he did not need the Gambia to mediate in the armed conflict in the Southern Senegalese Province of Cassamance. “And he Wade went further as part of his deliberate policy of confrontation with the Gambia not only to close the border but also to give sanctuary to dissidents and enemies of the Gambia,” Jammeh said.

According to Jammeh, all throughout the presidency of President Wade, he never referred to him Jammeh as Mr President. “Instead, Wade in his policy of provocation always belittled Gambia and its leadership. Even me, he was always calling Yahya Jammeh not His Excellency or Mr President. I refused to accept that and I refused to be belittled,” the erratic Gambian dictator who loves titles said.

President finally made it clear that he is not against Senegalese but their leaders who are always looking for all means possible to wreck our economy and to destabilize our country.

Child beggars’ issue in Senegal worries African CSOs


The issue of child beggars in Senegal, locally called “Almud’ or ‘Talibeh’, has become a worrying subject for African civil society organisations as it is said to deny children to education, healthy life as well as encouraging child trafficking.

According to organisations that met in Banjul last week on the sidelines of the ordinary session of the African Commission for Human and People’s Rights, led by the African Assembly for the Defense of Human Rights (RADDHO), such acts against the children contravenes articles 4, 7, 5, 12, 14, 15, and 21 of the African Charter on Rights and Welfare of the Child.

Aged between five to fifteen years, these children are almost exclusively boys who study in ‘daaras’ (Wolof for Quranic schools) under Quranic teachers.  Most of these schools do not charge the students for their studies, food or accommodation.  Instead, the children are compelled to spend several hours each day begging in the street, on top of several other hours of learning the Quran by memorization.

RADDHO, a Non-Governmental, non-partisan and secular organization established and operating from Dakar since 1990, met other human rights institutions to “seek for reinforcement of ideas and recommendations to make a stop to the trend of child begging in Senegal.”

RADDHO enjoys a Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations, observer status with the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR), the human rights arm of the African Union.

The organisation’s secretary for external relations Mr. Sadikh Niass, described child begging as an act that is in “total violation of the rights of children.”

Niass told fellow civil society activists that despite a decision passed by the concerned committee of African Commission to stop such act, the situation is still remains unabated in Senegal, and its government has not done enough to stop it.

“The committee prefers local remedies to the situation but the international law is preferable to the situation when the local remedies are inefficient,” Niass told colleagues.

Among such recommendations include the return of such children back to their families; that international organisations should facilitate their union with families; that they should be educated, that the state of Senegal to ensure all such religious learning places comply with the proper standard or be closed.

These recommendations are meant to stop child trafficking and impunity, RADDHO said, noting that such enforcement of decisions should involve stakeholders such as marabouts, teachers, police and that the government of Senegal was urged to submit report on the situation.

Madam Mame Couna Thioye, Coordinator at the Department of Women and Children Unit of RADDHO, said her organization decided to step in the matter “because the issue of child begging in Senegal is becoming a big phenomenon.’

She said this begging is having a big impact on children’s abilities and described these issues as ‘frightening’.

In response to these submissions, and giving some guidelines on litigation procedures, Mr Gaye Sowe, Secretary General of Institute of Human Rights and Development in Africa (IHRDA) informed the RADDHO team the existence of African Children Charter Project (ACCP) which he said, would address the situation.

Sowe said his office has two cases similar to the issue which are pending at the committee involving Malawi and Cameroon.

“In Malawi, we are challenging the law on definition of a child as child is considered from 16 of age which is a violation while private actor raped a child in Cameroon. It is our responsibility as CSOs to change such situations,” he said.

The issue accoding to Mr Sowe is a concern not only for Senegal, but also its neighbours as children from the Gambia, Mali and Guinea Bissau are all part of it, hence it was apt for other CSOs to partner with RADDHO to solve the issue through collaborative ideas.

Magistrate Jaiteh Finally Released on Bail


Magistrate Ebrima Jaiteh of the Brikama Magistrates’ Court who was picked up at his residence in Madina Salam on the night of November 6th has been released from Police custody. Jaiteh was kept in police custody for over week in apparent violation of the 72 hour limit in the constitution that suspects could be held before they are released on bail or taken to court. Fatu Radio had confirmed that Jaiteh was held at the serious crimes unit of The Gambia Police Force, at the Force headquarters in the capital Banjul.

His arrest, according to sources, is in connection with land case he struck out from his court and transferred to Bundung Magistrate’s court on the basis that his court lacked the jurisdiction. Although he acted professionally, the government still became dissatisfied with his actions and ordered for his arrest immediately after the word got out to The Dictator.

Magistrate Jaiteh has presided over many high profile cases, among them, the case of the Calipha General of Dasilameh, Sheikh Muhideen Hydara and the Alkalo of the village, Buya Touray. Magistrate Jaiteh freed both Hydra and Touray after a long and protracted legal case which was handled by several magistrates. His judgement to free both men stemmed out what he called “prosecution’s lack of credible and compelling.

He further stated that the prosecution has failed flat to proof that the announcement over the national Television sanctioning the Eidul Fitr on a specific day was from The President. He thereby acquitted and discharged the accused persons on counts one and two respectively.

Another case that he presided over was the case of Lamin Waa Juwara, former minister for local government and regional administration, whom he also acquitted and discharged in May 2015.

Magistrate Jaiteh was granted bail by The Brikama Principal magistrate, Hilary Abeke at the sum of D50,000, a little over a thousand US dollars. He is charged with Abuse of office and negligence.

President Jammeh vs Detained Journalist Abdoulaye Ceesay: His Family Now Denied Access To Him


Security sources have confirmed to Fatu Radio that journalist Alhagi Ceesay has been denied access to his family for three days now. Alhagi whose family has been taking meals to him since he was remanded at the Mile II Central Prison has been told that there will no longer be any homemade meals for him until further notice.

No reason has so far been officially advanced as to why such a drastic decision has been taken but for years now the conditions at the state Central Prison has been on the radar of rights groups who described it death trap.


In addition to overcrowding, credible reports have emerged from former inmates where it is alleged that in some instances, prisoners were fed with dead animals.

Family members visiting loved ones at Mile II have also been asked not to go anywhere the main gate of the prison. They were asked to stop on the opposite side of the road and wait to speak with prison officers. Whatever is going on there at the moment is unknown, but Fatu Radio is keenly monitoring the situation.

We have also been informed that the former deputy minister for Agriculture, Ousman Jammeh is being held at the security wing of Mile II for over a month now without being charged with any crimes. He is said to coping and is held in the place as Solo Bojang and many others.

Meanwhile Alhagi Ceesay will appear before Justice Abi on Wednesday November 11, 2015. Many are wondering what will happen especially after both witnesses fled the country and said that they were asked by the state to lie against the poor journalist to implicate him in a crime he has never committed.

But facts have now emerged that after all, Journalist Ceesay is a victim of presidential jealousy after President Jammeh eyed his girlfriend who was later wrapped and employed at the State House as protocol officer to the president himself. The girl has since fled the Gambia accusing the president of sexual molestation.


Dear Gambians in the Diaspora,

First of all I would like to crave your indulgence to hide my true identity and to simply identify myself as Princess Buga Gambia. This is for the safety and security of some of my relatives who live and work in the Gambia. I am a Gambian citizen and a university student of Political Science here in North America and my particular area of research interest is African politics in general and fixed presidential term limits in particular.

My aim here is to share my thoughts with all of you with the hope of building a consensus on one way to effectively and peacefully remove Jammeh from power in next year’s general elections of our homeland.  I have a simple and very easily implementable five point plan which, if followed, would surely and definitely result in a defeat for Jammeh in 2016. However, whether he would concede defeat and get out of State House or refuse to hand over power is another issue all together.

This is the first of my 5 points theories on how Jammeh would lose the 2016 Gambian elections. My postulation is that the Gambian Diaspora has 50% of the power to effect political change in the Gambia because we can control almost 50% of the Gambian votes which could all very easily go to the opposition. This is how and why I came to this thesis:

According to the Migration Policy Institute, there were 65,000 Gambians living abroad in 2010. Going by that statistics, it is a fair assumption to say that there are at least a 100,000 Gambians currently living in the diaspora in the form of “semesters” and expatriates (working for International Organizations such as the UN, ICC, WHO, FOA, universities etc). Yes at least a 100, 000 Gambians in the diaspora!!!

And as we all know, Gambians are a shining example of a people who, not only care for our immediate family but for the whole extended family as well. This is evident from the huge amount of remittances we send home every year which could even be higher than the government’s annual budget. Even me as a student and a part-time worker, I am responsible for 9 people back home. It will therefore be very close to call to postulate that on average, each of us in the diaspora has responsibility over at least 5 voting aged people in the Gambia (say our mother, father, a brother a sister and our spouse/partner). Our responsibility naturally goes with some degree of control/influence/right/say over our families/relatives/friends and so therefore, each of us can influence at least, on average, about 5 people back home. Recalling that we are about 100,000 in the diaspora, this means that together, we can influence 500, 000 voters!!!!

According to the 2006 election statistics, 796,929 people registered to vote. Let us take population increase as a factor and estimate that the number of registered voters for 2016 at 1million. This means that by influencing 500,000 voters in the Gambia we are in control of 50% of the votes!!!!!

Based on this analysis therefore, I believe that we the people living in the diaspora can generate the greatest influence to remove Jammeh from power through the ballot box next year without even stepping feet in the Gambia to vote. Without any more coups, violence or blood shed!!!

All we have to do is to appeal, coax, instruct, threaten or do whatever it takes to get each and every single member of our families, friends and relatives above the ages of 18 to register and vote for the opposition (voter apathy/abstinence is what keeps Jammeh winning as the majority of the Gambians hate him and refuses to vote at all). It is really that simple. We get them all to register and get them all to vote for the opposition.

I think the greatest strength of my approach/point is that even if we assume that the Gambian Opposition will not unite behind one party/candidate and that we in the diaspora will not unanimously and collectively agree on a single party/leader, this plan can still work and get Jammeh out of State House. This is because the one area in which all of us diaspora Gambians are united in is that we are all fed up with Jammeh and his government and we all want to see him out of power. That is what unites us and that is our strength!!!! So by influencing 500,000 voters, we have successfully denied Jammeh of 50% of the votes!!!!

In conclusion, I strongly believe that we the Gambians in the diaspora have 50% control/influence over the results of next year’s Presidential election. This is the first point of my 5 points agenda for political change in the Gambia next year and each of my remaining 4 points adds 10% to the possibility of getting back our country from Jammeh. We don’t have to unite, we don’t have to come together, we don’t have to agree, we don’t have to contribute money for anything, we don’t have to form any coalitions, our brothers do not have to plan for any coups or assassination of Jammeh. This plan can work……. Especially if my remaining 4 points are added to the agenda!!!

The second of my five point plan to get rid of Jammeh through the ballot box will immediately follow the publication of this one in the form of an open letter to the opposition parties of the Gambia. To Lawyer Ousainou Darboe in particular and to all the opposition parties in general. Watch this space for more!!!

Child beggars’ issue in Senegal worries African CSOs


The issue of child beggars in Senegal, locally called “Almud’ or ‘Talibeh’, has become a worrying subject for African civil society organisations as it is said to deny children to education, healthy life as well as encouraging child trafficking.

According to organisations that met in Banjul last week on the sidelines of the ordinary session of the African Commission for Human and People’s Rights, led by the African Assembly for the Defense of Human Rights (RADDHO), such acts against the children contravenes articles 4, 7, 5, 12, 14, 15, and 21 of the African Charter on Rights and Welfare of the Child.

Aged between five to fifteen years, these children are almost exclusively boys who study in ‘daaras’ (Wolof for Quranic schools) under Quranic teachers.  Most of these schools do not charge the students for their studies, food or accommodation.  Instead, the children are compelled to spend several hours each day begging in the street, on top of several other hours of learning the Quran by memorization.

RADDHO, a Non-Governmental, non-partisan and secular organization established and operating from Dakar since 1990, met other human rights institutions to “seek for reinforcement of ideas and recommendations to make a stop to the trend of child begging in Senegal.”

RADDHO enjoys a Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations, observer status with the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR), the human rights arm of the African Union.

The organisation’s secretary for external relations Mr. Sadikh Niass, described child begging as an act that is in “total violation of the rights of children.”

Niass told fellow civil society activists that despite a decision passed by the concerned committee of African Commission to stop such act, the situation is still remains unabated in Senegal, and its government has not done enough to stop it.

“The committee prefers local remedies to the situation but the international law is preferable to the situation when the local remedies are inefficient,” Niass told colleagues.

Among such recommendations include the return of such children back to their families; that international organisations should facilitate their union with families; that they should be educated, that the state of Senegal to ensure all such religious learning places comply with the proper standard or be closed.

These recommendations are meant to stop child trafficking and impunity, RADDHO said, noting that such enforcement of decisions should involve stakeholders such as marabouts, teachers, police and that the government of Senegal was urged to submit report on the situation.

Madam Mame Couna Thioye, Coordinator at the Department of Women and Children Unit of RADDHO, said her organization decided to step in the matter “because the issue of child begging in Senegal is becoming a big phenomenon.’

She said this begging is having a big impact on children’s abilities and described these issues as ‘frightening’.

In response to these submissions, and giving some guidelines on litigation procedures, Mr Gaye Sowe, Secretary General of Institute of Human Rights and Development in Africa (IHRDA) informed the RADDHO team the existence of African Children Charter Project (ACCP) which he said, would address the situation.

Sowe said his office has two cases similar to the issue which are pending at the committee involving Malawi and Cameroon.

“In Malawi, we are challenging the law on definition of a child as child is considered from 16 of age which is a violation while private actor raped a child in Cameroon. It is our responsibility as CSOs to change such situations,” he said.

The issue accoding to Mr Sowe is a concern not only for Senegal, but also its neighbours as children from the Gambia, Mali and Guinea Bissau are all part of it, hence it was apt for other CSOs to partner with RADDHO to solve the issue through collaborative ideas.

President Jammeh vs Detained Journalist Abdoulaye Ceesay: His Family Now Denied Access To Him


Security sources have confirmed to Fatu Radio that journalist Alhagi Ceesay has been denied access to his family for three days now. Alhagi whose family has been taking meals to him since he was remanded at the Mile II Central Prison has been told that there will no longer be any homemade meals for him until further notice.

No reason has so far been officially advanced as to why such a drastic decision has been taken but for years now the conditions at the state Central Prison has been on the radar of rights groups who described it death trap.


In addition to overcrowding, credible reports have emerged from former inmates where it is alleged that in some instances, prisoners were fed with dead animals.

Family members visiting loved ones at Mile II have also been asked not to go anywhere the main gate of the prison. They were asked to stop on the opposite side of the road and wait to speak with prison officers. Whatever is going on there at the moment is unknown, but Fatu Radio is keenly monitoring the situation.

We have also been informed that the former deputy minister for Agriculture, Ousman Jammeh is being held at the security wing of Mile II for over a month now without being charged with any crimes. He is said to coping and is held in the place as Solo Bojang and many others.
