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Dictator Jammeh’s Playboy Life Continues As Ethiopian and Turkish Strippers Brought Into The Country To Satisfy A Depraved President’s Sexual Appetite


As Gambians were out commemorating the 51st Independence Anniversary of nationhood, The Gambian Dictator, Yahya Jammeh was at his home town of Kanilai where he spent the day with young girls brought in from The Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa.

Before the Ethiopian strippers came, a group of girls were also flown into Banjul from Turkey as special guests of Yahya Jammeh. The Fatu Network can confirm that Dictator Jammeh has now stopped taking girls into the State House after The First Lady got really angry following revelations by a number of girls the President abused sexually.



Several girls who spoke to The Fatu Network over their encounter with Dictator Jammeh accused him of using them rituals as well. One of the girls who was a victim of Jammeh’s sexual abuses talking on the popular Fatu Network program ‘The Today Show,’ said the Dictator has a special baby doll kept in his bedroom that is wrapped in red clothes and anytime he goes to bed with young girls, their sperm and other ‘hangs-outs’ are thoroughly rubbed on that doll.

She said the Dictator would also force them to drink some concoctions which are kept in specially designed white bottles. She said even female soldiers are not immune from such abuse saying any female soldier who refuses the Dictator’s sexual advances is arrested and put in a cell at Fajara Barracks for days as a means to break you down to accept going to bed with the Dictator.



As it is, many young Gambian girls are becoming aware of the Dictator’s uncontrolled sexual appetite thus they are trying as much to avoid him thanks to The Fatu Network’s relentless efforts to expose the story.



The Fatu Network Uncovers Dictator Jammeh’s Elaborate Plans To Steal The Elections

The Fatu Network has landed on a credible but disturbing story of elaborate plans by Dictator Yahya Jammeh to cheat the 2016 elections. A very credible source within the corridors of power has brought this to the attention of The Fatu Network through dispatch from Banjul.



The source said: “Fatu, I want to inform you of the latest plan by the Dictator to cheat the elections. In the open it will appears that the Dictator is interested in clean elections….but in reality, everything that is being done right now is the opposite albeit subtly.”

The source continued: “currently, the APRC has mobilized Regional Governors, Area Chiefs, Members of Parliament and Village Head Chiefs who are all going round in rural areas collecting signatures. They are led by some opinion leaders who are lying to people that their signatures are being collected to document the number of people who needed food aid to be supplied by the president in the coming months.”

But according to our source, the issue which was discussed at the highest level of government, is a scheme to handicap the opposition and their ability to nominate their candidates for the upcoming presidential and other elections slated for November 2016.



How? Well according to our source the elaborate scheme is that in each village of the Gambia, the APRC wants as many as half the number of villagers to sign the so called food aid forms so that when the nomination time comes, the opposition will be starved of the right number of people to nominate them in the election.



Indeed under the new Electoral Amendment Act, Presidential candidates in particular will have to secure nomination of a specific percentage from each of the seven Regions of the Gambia. Our source said since the law does not permit one voter to nominate more than one candidate, it would a rude shock for the opposition on the day of the presentation of nomination papers to the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) that those people they’re banking on had also been duped to nominate the Dictator.



Indeed some few days ago, a member of the UDP diaspora Mr Suntou Touray had raised the alarm of people going around the country securing and collecting voters’ signatures.



The Fatu Network can today confirm this scheme. We can in fact confirm that much signatures have already been secured by the Regional Governors who will submit their handiwork to the Dictator at the APRC congress later tomorrow.

Also members of the security forces including the Army, the Police, the NIA, the Prison Services, the Fire and Ambulance Services and the Immigration Department have also been tasked to force their family members to sign the so called food aid form. The Fatu Network has got a credible news that already large amount of nomination forms have been handed over to individual security officers to execute the orders of securing nomination for the head of state.



The Fatu Network is currently working with our credible sources to send us the APRC nomination forms that are making the round in the country in the guise of food aid to a population that has already been made destitute by an insane, power hungry dictator. We are keenly following up with our sources on this story and we shall update you with any latest we get.



In the midst of all this however is what some people believe is the apparent lack of urgency on the part of the opposition to unite and or challenge some of these elaborate schemes to cheat the elections under their own eyes.



As we piece this story together, the APRC is on a congress where large chunk of the population are being ferried in trucks as far places as from Cassamance.



Neighbours At Each Other’s Throat: Gambia – Senegal Border Closed; Dictator Jammeh’s Madness Now Trickling Down On His Wet Face As The Economy Takes A Spiral Nose Dive


It seems the mistrust between the governments of Senegal and the Gambia has gone from bad to worse as the land borders between the two countries have been closed to all kinds of vehicular movement affecting thousands of small scale business operators who crisscross the open markets of both countries on a daily basis.


The current situation has been triggered by a unilateral decision by the government of the Gambia through an executive order from Dictator Yahya Jammeh to levy a compulsory fee on all Senegalese vehicles using the Gambian ferry crossing points to more than 150%.

The decision came at a time when Gambia is starved of funding from external partners pitting its economy on a continually spiral freefall. Since then, The Gambia government has resorted to domestic tax increases and even resorting to unusual measures of taking over collection of fees levied on commercial vehicle drivers from the transport union.


The Senegalese transporters and their union angered by the unilateral move by Dictator Yahya Jammeh, has swiftly urged all its members to boycott the Gambian frontiers….a typical retaliatory measure used by Senegal to force Gambia to reduce crossing fees levied on its transporters to access the Southern Senegalese Province of Cassamance.


Although previous border closures normally lasted just few days or at most two weeks, if there is anything to go by, it seems this other one may last much longer. Senegal transport union which is in the lead in forcing the border closure according to our sources, is demanding this time the Gambia should provide tangible proofs of sincerity of non-interference in the free flow of vehicular movement between the two countries.



Speaking on The Fatu Network’s popular Today Show program on Tuesday February 24th, a former president of Senegal’s Transport Union, Mr Alassane Ndoye who is also a member of Parliament and Deputy Mayor, said this time “Senegal would not be in the rush to open the borders because Gambia’s President Yahya Jammeh has continually been using increase in fee levies at border crossing points to punish Senegalese transporters.” He added: “your that President has never been a trustworthy partner when it comes to mutual agreements he signs with people.”


The border closure itself has started to pinch the Gambia more. Since Monday, prices of consumer goods have started going up and the construction industry is also greatly hit. Gambia virtually imports all of its construction materials from Senegal and now that the border is closed to all vehicular movements and goods, many of the ongoing construction works needing basalt for concrete are halted.


The already weakened local currency, the Dalasi, has also started going down further against all major international currencies. As one source in the Gambia told The Fatu Network: “Currently I want to tell you that what we are witnessing in this country is that the economy is taking a nose dive deep into the abyss and as it is, it seems there is no end in sight to this madness caused by dictator who everyone now knows has gone insane.”


At the height of the unrestricted vehicular movements between the two countries, Senegalese vehicles were pumping more than $50 000 a day into the Gambian economy through fees levied for using Gambian ferries to access the Southern Senegalese Province of Cassamance.


The Gambia Ports Authority that manages the Gambia Ferry Crossing Points is said to be losing almost a quarter of its daily revenue forecast due to the border closure. Before the border closure, the ferry crossing point in the Gambian border town of Farafeni used to bring in the economy a minimum of $15 000 a day but today that crossing point is collecting not more than $1000 a day. The other crossing point in Barra also in the North Bank Region of the Gambia which used to bring into the Gambian economy a minimum of $7 000 is only able to collect not more than $500 a day.


One source has told The Fatu Network that currently the Gambian Dictator has no money and the current border closure will only add to his woes. The Fatu Network will continue to follow the developments regarding the border closure and the impact it is having on the economy.

The Gambia is at Crossroads…

2016 is election year in The Gambia. A very interesting year for those interested in analyzing Gambian politics and a decisive one for those attached to the political happenings in the tiny country. Those that want to see a change of government or continuation of the same. Personally, I am attached to both. This makes it hard to limit biases in my political analysis. However, I will try to be as neutral as possible in my analysis. I am not asking you to be. Challenge me; make me see what I am not seeing. After all, it is for God and nation.


I promise I am going to make this post very short and straight to the point. I just want us to discuss what 2016 means to us as Gambians and what we are doing about it. It is very obvious that as small as we seem to look, we are a much divided society when it comes to politics. Is it a bad thing? I don’t think so. Do most of us see it as a bad thing? Yes, we do. However, the sad part is that our division is mostly based on personalities we like or dislike, and not based on issues. I think personalities are important, but should they determine our future? I don’t think so. I don’t think our future as a nation is dependent on Yahya Jammeh, Ousainou Darboe, Halifa Sallah or Hamat Bah. It depends on us. We who call ourselves Gambians and proudly identify with our shortcomings and are willing to push for a brighter future.


Today, what currently dominates the political discussion in The Gambia is opposition unity. Most Gambians especially those in the diaspora are calling for such collaboration as the only means possible to remove Jammeh from office. Or we may say one of many possible means. Mind you, those that are calling for such are the ones that still believe in the ballot box and not the barrel of the gun. I equally believe in the electoral process. I believe that all the changes and the reforms that have been strategically made are just stumbling blocks created by the ruling party to deter and discourage possible opponents from contesting. We all know that. However, experience in the social justice movement thought me that challenges are opportunities as well. It depends on how we wield them to our advantage. Mind you, I am not saying these structural changes are needed, but for change to happen they are necessary.


This may sound a little out of topic. However, I think it is relevant. I must say that I understand the way semi-autocratic regimes operate. I understand the fact that they control the police and the military. I also understand that they are richer and seemingly more organized based on all factors mentioned. Nonetheless, I believe, despite the poor financial status of opposition political parties they have similar power and control over the masses just like the ruling party. I am not saying the opposition should use the masses to clash with the security forces, but they should understand that they are not weak. They simply need to realize their comparative advantage and use it to check the powers of the incumbent. I think the best way to do this in our case is in the parliament.


The last time I was talking to a friend and mentor when the electoral reform bill was introduced in parliament. We know very well that the bill was going to get A+ pass within a second. We also noted that the only people that could have vehemently opposed the bill were the opposition political parties in parliament. That is if they were there or even not. So, we know that they were not in parliament because they boycotted the last parliamentary elections based on several factors. Principle, they called it. However, what prevented them from mobilizing their members for a peaceful march to the National Assembly and push forward their demands or even stopping the bill from passing? Yes, I know what you think. Why didn’t I do it? It is easy for me to be in Norway some miles away from The Gambia and suggest this. That is true. I feel like I am somehow selfish. In fact I am very selfish. However, this is not the point I am getting at. I personally, do not want to see any human talk less of someone from my community getting killed or anything. I strongly believe in non-violent means to change government. I equally believe that change takes time and that we need to invest all the time we need to create change. I was just trying to show another part of my troubled mind.


You might be asking what exactly I am trying to say in this post. I don’t even know. Just like The Gambia, I am in dilemma as well. I am at a crossroads. Confused, not knowing which way to go. If you think I am the only one thinking this way, ask the ordinary Gambian in the street. We want things to change, we want dignifying jobs, we want to feel a part of something, we want to see a democratic Gambia, we want security, and we want The Gambia to be what we have grown to love and care for, and a place we are proud to call home. You can add to the list. However, I don’t trust the politicians. I don’t trust that changing Jammeh will make things better. I also don’t trust that leaving Jammeh in office will solve issues he can’t solve and some which he created. In fact what guarantee do I have that if Jammeh loses, he will leave power? At the end I have to decide. We have to choose and like I mentioned whatever option we go with, we will live with the consequences.


A few days ago, I had a very interesting discussion with some senior Gambians. Yes, they are older than me. Way older. They are the same age with my dad but they treat me like their age mate. Since I moved to this part of the world for studies, I always look forward to meeting them. As a historian interested in post-independence Gambian history, they are the best people to engage and receive first-hand information. I am sure I will engage them in my upcoming blog series on “Everything that is wrong with Gambian Politics”. The idea is to critically look at our evolution as a country and society. Right now, I have chronicled my ideas into fifteen parts. Excuse my digression. Let us go back to the point.


One of the men raised a very important point, one worth sharing. His point was that online papers and radios have concentrated all their efforts in dehumanizing Jammeh. Now that everyone knows, we must focus on real issues confronting ordinary Gambians. His point resonated well with what I have been saying for a very long time. Jammeh is just one part of our problem. The problem of The Gambia is Gambians including Jammeh. As bloggers, journalists and writers in general interested in information sharing, we must start focusing on low salaries, increasing cost of living, growing poverty level in rural and urban areas, migration, job creation etc. These issues should decide what road we should take and who will drive the bus. For now, all we hear is Jammeh this and Jammeh that. Yes, we should blame him for some of the things and then we should look inward and see what we doing right or otherwise.

All that I have been trying to say is this. What road are we taking come 1st December, 2016?


The Campaigner ~ Musings of a young gender and human rights advocate!

Breaking News: Jato Sillah appointed deputy minister of Forestry!


The Gambia’s State Televison has announced that dictator, Yahya Jammeh has appointed Jato Sillah as deputy minister of forestry with immediate effect. Jato was first appointed into Jammeh’s cabinet in 2009 as Foresty Minister. After his removal, he served in the Foreign Service for two years after which he was removed and recalled back to Banjul. After four years of absence into Jammeh’s cabinet, Jato Sillah is back again as deputy minister of Forestry.



Jato Sillah was born in Kerewan Nyakoi, in the Wuli West District, Upper River Region on October 28th, 1962.  Minister Sillah attended St Augustine’s High School from 1975 to 1980. He joined the Civil Service in September 1980 as a Forest Guard trainee attached to the Reforestation Unit. He rose through the ranks of Forest Guard, Senior Forest Ranger, Forest Officer, Forest Management Planner, Senior Forestry Officer, until he became the Director of Forestry in the year 2000, the post he held until his new appointment as minister of Forestry and the Environment. The new forestry minister  bagged MSc in Forest Economics and Planning at the Faculty of Forestry in Georg August University, Gottingen, Germany.


BREAKING NEWS!! Dictator Jammeh’s unbridle harassment of the embattled transport association continues as the association President Mumini Sey rearrested.

The Fatu Network has received credible reports that the embattled leader of The Gambia National Transport Control Association, Mumini Sey has been reaarested by members of The Gambia Police Force shortly after he was released on court bail.


The whereabouts of Sey is still unknown, but credible sources have told The Fatu Network that he was whisked away probably to the headquarters of The Gambia Police Force where he is said to be questioned on a whole range of issues including on the suspicion that he may not be a Gambian national.


Our sources have told us that The Police are already bringing up unsubstantiated allegations that he might after all be a national of Guinea Conakry. Reports reaching us have indicated that Sey who has continually manifested defiance during his detention and subsequent court appearances is being used as a scapegoat by a Government that has willfully murdered one of his colleagues, Sheriff Dibba who died Sunday , February 21, 2016 while under state custody.


As we piece this story together, Sheriff Dibba’s dead body is still not handed over to his family. The Fatu Network has spoken to several worried relatives of the late Dibba who are still camped outside the mortuary in Banjul hoping that the State will hand over the dead body.


Earlier in the morning, the late Dibba;s relatives were hopeful of burying him at 2PM GMT but as it turn out The State still refuses to hand over the dead body. Many sources have told The Fatu Network that The Government is jittery about releasing Dibba’s body because many have altready confirmed foul play leading to his untimely death.


In the meantime, the transport association boss, Mumini Sey who is said to be deeply traumatized by the death of Dibba is currently under custody prompting fears making the rounds in town that he too could face a similar fate as Dibba.


Both Sey and Dibba together with other executive members of The Transport Association were arrested and slapped with a trump of charge of Economic Crimes. Sources have confirmed that their detention condition was degrading and inhumane. it is common knowledge that The Gambia’s detention facilities are more of a death trap where torture including beatings and other inhumane treatments as well as credible reports of poisoning are all a cocktail mix readily available to be administered on detainees. This is documented even by International Human Rights Organizations.


The Fatu Network is monitoring the unfolding breaking news from Banjul and we shall update you with the latest details.

In Journalist Alhagie Ceesay’s Case: Jammeh Busted; Runaway State Witnesses Say The Journalist Was Setup

More details have emerged about how Gambia’s spy police, the National Intelligence Agency (NIA) had setup Journalist Alhagie Ceesay which led to his arrest, brutal torture and subsequent charges of sedition and publishing and spreading false information meant to bring hatred against the President Yahya Jammeh.


Speaking openly for the first time on The Fatu Network, two of the principle state witnesses Fatoumata Drammeh and Zainab Koneh, said they were both called to the offices of the National Intelligence Agency where personnel of the Agency told them of an elaborate plan to setup journalist Alhagie Ceesay whom they said was already classified an enemy of the state.

Fear and Terror In Foni As Gambia’s Chief Witch President Yahya Jammeh Embarks On Witch Cleansing Exercise In His Birth Place

There is unease in much of Foni, in the Western Region of the Gambia, where the President Yahya Jammeh originates from. Once again, local residents in the Fonis are being humiliated through a deliberate process of harassment and intimidation accusing innocent villagers of being witches.

Just over the weekend, drama unfolded in the birth village of President Yahya Jammeh when a member of the Bojang Kunda family fell ill. President Jammeh true to his usual trait of deep involvement in superstition and superstitious believe…..among it, believe in witchcraft, immediately got security officers to assemble the entire village for force confession.

According to credible sources who spoke to The Fatu Network, innocent villagers, some of whom were accused of being witches and wizards, were asked to confess where they had taken the heart of the sick relative of the President to. Mind you, in President’s shallow mind, witches and wizards have the capacity through magic to steely remove a living person’s heart or other vital organs which are kept in some remote place…..leaving the affected person at the mercy of slow but painful death.

And much to the surprise of dumbfounded villagers, a certain Aina Bojang, who is a blind man, was immediately assigned by President Jammeh to go on a hunting spree for the organs of the supposed bewitched relative of the President in the adjacent bushes.

Escorted by overzealous military officers from The Gambia Armed Forces, Aina immediately hurried into the fallow bushes in ‘Kafenkeng,’ a village near the President’s birth village. After wondering in the bush for several hours, Aina returned with the soldiers but this time with the good news that the organs removed from the body of the President’s relative have been returned back and all was well for the supposed sick guy.

Even though Aina could not see (being blind), he still told the President that the organs from his sick relative’s body were tied on a tree in the bush and that they were only returned after he performed some rituals done only by those who could see the unknown.

After briefing the President of their successful surgeon in returning back the organs of a sick relative of the President, Aina and his team of soldiers started going round in Kanilai entering house to house warning people from refraining in witchcraft. In one house in Jammeh Kunda, Aina and his team found a sick woman whom they said was attacked by witches. The victim’s mother who for some reason remained adamant her daughter was not attacked by any witches, was left alone and Aina and his team of gun touting soldiers rushed to President Jammeh’s house to debrief him of their mission.

It is common knowledge that President Jammeh is deeply involved in witchcraft and this dates back to childhood days. In December 2015, The Fatu Network unearthed the truth surrounding the death of President Jammeh’s father which his family continue to have been caused by witches. President Jammeh grew up with such an anger against a whole society always believing that there is another power that is capable of taking people’s lives other than the living God.

With such a confused mind-set engaging the President’s daily life, it is not surprising that he is too preoccupied with issues that have no bearing on rational thinking.

December 30, 2014 Incident: Innocent Gambians Still Being Hunted For Alleged Involvement

It seems the December 30, 2014 incident which show gallant Gambians in the diaspora taking their fight to Dictator Yahya Jammeh’s backyard is still not going away. Innocent Gambians are still being hunted in what a credible source described to the Fatu Network as a deliberate attempt to especially purge the security forces of those the government does not trust.

And as it happened, Mr Ebrima Bajinka, was a member of the Gambia Police Force (GPF) attached to the training school. Being a trainer, he was also teaching at a specialist school for children with learning difficulties.

It was in this school that he met a German couple who donated a container full of materials for the children. Among the materials was a radio communication equipment (Walkie Talkies or Two Way Radios). Mr Bajinka knowing that the radio communications equipment was not going to be of any use to the school, decided to approach the Gambia National Army (GNA) to see whether they could buy it for their security use.

But as it turned out, the offer to sell the radio communication equipment to the GNA was Mr Bajinka greatest error. Shortly after the December 30th 2014 incident, Dictator Yahya Jammeh’s security militia (junglers) started looking for clues and anything that came their way it seems was good enough evidence to pounce on.

One of the soldiers that Mr Bajinka approached and gave the radio communication equipment to was alleged to have been involved in the December 30 2014 incident and since he was nowhere to be found, the “junglers” found in Mr Bajinka a convenient prey for arrest and possible torture or even unexplained disappearance. The “junglers” alleged that the wanted soldier that Mr Bajinka approached for the GNA to buy the radio communication equipment had indeed wanted to use it for the December 30, 2014 incident even though the GNA had earlier said the could not use Mr Bajinka’s radio communication equipment because its range was too short for their standard.

Mr Bajinka was invited for questioning and released. But shortly, soldiers started looking for him again. They came to his family compound in a truck full of well-armed soldiers. His terrified family told the soldiers that Mr Bajinka was out in town but that did not stop them from searching for him room to room in his family compound.

Some of his relatives were arrested but released shortly. Mr Bajinka eventually fled the Gambia into a neighbouring country but sadly his terrified mother who was gravely ill at the time the armed soldiers descended on his family compound, immediately suffered stroke which she died from.

Although Dictator Jammeh had said on the national TV that none of his security personnel were involved in the December 30 2014 incident, two weeks after the historic incident, a whole lot of soldiers and other members of the security forces were arrested, tortured and eventually court martial led. All those who went through the court martial were found guilty. The government is also still hunting alleged accomplice of the incident. Security officers who have long been eyed as trouble makers are now being purged and consequently bearing the brunt. Mr Bajinka happens to be one of those eyed for all the wrong reasons.

Momodu Sabally, The 2016 General Elections and Jammeh’s Mechanization For Aggressive Misinformation Drive

As the Gambia edges towards the 2016 General Elections, so is Dictator Yahya Jammeh also getting worried by the day to have an already fed-up population rallied around his failed policies.


But one thing that the Dictator is not short of is what one credible source of The Fatu Network referred to as the “tons of willing horses” that are lined-up to embark on a campaign of deliberate misinformation drive in an attempt to polish the already battered image of Dictator Yahya Jammeh.


One such person identified by our credible source is the disgraced former Secretary General of the Civil Service and one time Presidential Affairs Minister, Momodu Sabally, who calls himself Gambia’s pen. Even though he has the entire state machinery behind him including the Gambia Radio and Television Services (GRTS) which day in day out is only used for propaganda, yet Dictator Jammeh according to our credible sources wants even more aggressive propaganda messaging on his government’s development activities as the country gets closer to the General Elections.


Just this past Monday, February 15th 2016, Dictator Yahya Jammeh in his usual trait, demoted the Director General of GRTS Lamin Manga and have him replaced by Momodou Sabally…a move many interpret as the dictator’s desperate attempt in ensuring that the APRC so-called development projects get a deserved publicity on the both National TV and Radio.


Indeed Gambia’s dictator see the GRTS as his personal property which the opposition are denied access even in this crucial electoral season. At the very least, opposition parties are only allowed to appear on the national media during the last ten days of the election campaign period which is even heavily censored.


Momodou Sabally who has earned himself with the reputation of being Dictator Yahya Jammeh’s ball-boy ready to be kicked anyhow, has been on record for personally carrying out the dirty propaganda onslaughts of the dictatorship targeted either at Gambia’s local tribes or neighbouring countries. Momodou Sabally stunned the world in 2012 when he went on the national television to disparage the mandingo tribe…the biggest ethnic grouping in the Gambia on the orders of dictator Jammeh. Sabally also went on to verbally insult the West on the National TV for what he called their constant interference in the internal affairs of the Gambia.


The Fatu Network will continue to closely monitor Momodou Sabally’s antics and actions. Any attempt by the dictator’s old ball-boy to misinformed and or disparage the dignity of innocent Gambians, will be swiftly dealt with.

BREAKING NEWS: Transport Union Executives dies in State Custody


Confirmed breaking news coming out of The Gambia has it that Sheriff Dibba an executive member of The Gambia National Transport Control Association has died in State custody earlier this afternoon in Banjul. Dibba who was arrested and subsequently charged few weeks ago with Economic Crimes has since been under State custody alongside other executive members of the transport association.


The Fatu Network had earlier got unconfirmed reports about the death of Sheriff Dibba since around 11am GMT on Sunday, February 21, 2016, but his family was only informed of his untimely death late Sunday evening around 7PM GMT.


Credible sources within The Gambia Prison Services informed The Fatu Network how panic stricken prison officers started running helter skelter trying to cover up the sudden death of Dibba. However a quick decision was taken to remove Dibba’s dead body from State custody and dumped it at The Bakau Health Centre as a strategy to make the family believe that he died on his sick bed at the hospital.


Although it is still not clear what might have caused the death of Sheriff Dibba, it is common knowledge that The Gambia’s detention facilities are more of a death trap where torture including beatings and other inhumane treatments as well as credible reports of poisoning are all a cocktail mix readily available to be administered on detainees. This is documented even by International Human Rights Organizations.


As it is, Sheriff Dibba still has other colleagues in State custody and there are genuine fears about their well being. The Fatu Network is monitoring the unfolding breaking news from Banjul and we shall continue to update you with the latest details.

Africa’s most absurd dictator


In December, a handful of middle-aged American immigrants attempted to topple the autocratic ruler of the Gambia. They had few weapons and an amateurish plan. What possessed them to risk everything in a mission that was doomed to fail? Listen to this audio to find out :

Did Imam Fatty Abscond ?


Did Imam Fatty Abscond ?
In this show we are discussing information according to which Jammeh’s favorite Imam has left the country to find refuge in a neighboring country.

Becaye Mbaye and Elhajj Diouf’s trip to Gambia


What were Becaye Mbaye and Elhajj Diouf doing in The Gambia ? The Senegalese journalist and the famous lawyer recently paid a visit to dictator Yay Jammeh. Fatu Radio analyses the trip and reveal exclusive information.

The reckless plot to overthrow Africa’s most absurd dictator


In December, a handful of middle-aged American immigrants attempted to topple the autocratic ruler of the Gambia. They had few weapons and an amateurish plan. What possessed them to risk everything in a mission that was doomed to fail?

After the coup failed, the raids began. On New Year’s Day this year, FBI agents descended on a blue split-level house in a suburb of Minneapolis, Minnesota. In the dead of night, near Austin, Texas, they searched a million-dollar lakeside villa. Agents interrogated an activist at his house in the working-class town of Jonesboro, Georgia. At a rundown townhouse development in Lexington, Kentucky, they found the wife of a US soldier, with a refrigerator full of her husband’s favourite Gambian delicacies – dishes prepared for a triumphant homecoming and repurposed for mourning.

When the employees of Songhai Development, an Austin building firm, arrived at work on Monday 5 January, they discovered the FBI had visited their offices over the weekend and seized all the company’s computers. The company’s owner, Cherno Njie, was spending the holidays in west Africa. But Doug Hayes, who managed construction for Njie, expected his boss back at any moment – they had an apartment project that was about to face an important zoning commission hearing.

Read full story here : Link 

Listen to report in audio :