Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Access To Gunjur Mosque Denied

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Sources have informed The Fatu Network that, soldiers from The Gambia Armed Forces today, Friday, 17, February walked into Gunjur’s ‘Keh Nye Keh Nye Jamango’ and took away the keys. This happened shortly before Friday prayers when the Imam and his congregation were about to head to the mosque to perform Juma prayers.

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The reason and where the directive came from is still unknown, but the people The Fatu Neywork contacted disclosed that such an order can only come from former President, Yahya Jammeh for he is the one who claims to own the mosque.

Whether this is in connection to the return of Imam Baba Leigh back home is unclear. It could be recalled that Imam Baba Leigh, a descendant of Sheikh Omar Futi Taal was few years ago banned from performing any religious ceremonies at the site which is considered to be the place where the great Sheikh Omar Futi’s Taal footprints were found.

The Fatu Network is trying to find out who ordered for the keys to be taken and why. We will keep you posted.

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