Monday, February 24, 2025

Yakumba Jaiteh fires back: Nominated MP says MPs going around begging fuel from ministers or cosying up to them in order to win contracts are what equal unethical

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Yakumba Jaiteh has aimed a sly dig at fellow MPs who have criticised her loan scheme proposal for MPs.

Banjul South MP Touma Njai was quite frank on Sunday when she described the 54 million dalasis scheme as embarrassing.

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“Seeing NAMS approve a GMD54M is not only embarrassing, but contradictory to the statements most held on to and tried holding the Government accountable for,” Touma Njai wrote Sunday.

The proposal came from Yakumba Jaiteh and writing on Facebook on Monday, Ms Jaiteh fired back that unethical is when one is stealing from taxpayers or when MPs cosy up to government ministers ‘so they can award you contracts’.

“Shameful = Abandoni[n]g the most important session of the NA to travel outside the country to attend regional meetings for 500 dollars per sitting payments!; nnethical = MPs begging Ministers for fuel! unethical = not objecting to a certain procedure for one thing and objecting the same procedure for another thing just to score a political point!” Ms Jaiteh said. She did not mention anyone by name.

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