Thursday, March 6, 2025

Pristine Consulting Says It Has A Valid Contract With Government

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In response to the press statement issued by the Attorney General and Honorable Minister of Justice on Wednesday February 14th, 2018, we have the following statement to make .

“Pristine Consulting has a valid contract for the production of ID Cards and eBirth Certificates. In November 2017, we received a request for proposal signed by the Minister of Finance stating :

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” due to non-compliance with our procurement laws of the purported contracts relating to the production of national documents, we (the new government of The Gambia) have arrived at the conclusion to initiate a new tender process to award the contract to the most responsive bidder”.

Pristine complied with the request for proposal and duly submitted its bid. It is instructive to learn through the Minster’s Statement that Semlex, the other bidder in the process, declined to comply with the request and instead of being disqualified, were in fact rewarded with a re-instatement of their contract, which had been terminated in 2016.

As far as we are concerned, our contract is still valid as it has not been terminated by the Government of The Gambia and Pristine is prepared to continue to deliver services in accordance with its contractual obligations”.

To learn more about our work on biometrics, please visit

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