Sunday, February 23, 2025

Mamma Kandeh asks party leaders to ask their supporters to put stop to insults and campaign peacefully

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GDC leader Mamma Kandeh has called on party leaders to ask their supporters to put a stop to insults and campaign peacefully and respectfully.

In a statement, GDC said: “It has come to the attention of the leadership of the Gambia Democratic Congress that audios containing abusive language which is very uncommon in The Gambia and our society in general.  Such act is also against everything that our party (GDC) stands for and we deem it necessary to add our voice to condemn it before the commencement of political campaign for the upcoming elections. The Gambia belongs to all of us and no particular tribe should insult each other over politics. The Gambia Democratic Congress therefore, condemns the recent politics of insults in the strongest possible terms.

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“The leadership of the GDC, under Honorable Mamma Kandeh further denounced the abusive audios and videos circulating on social media in which people use foul language regarding their opponents who are personally insulting a particular tribe or party leader all in the name of politics. This is not right and we seize this opportunity to ask all our supporters and supporters of other parties to desist from such act.

“It is in this regard, the GDC under the leadership of Honorable Mamma Kandeh disassociates itself from such act and condemns all forms of insults and character assassination targeting certain tribes in The Gambia and individuals. We are all interested in the welfare of all Gambians. Nobody, on any account, should insult and or tarnish the image of another person or tribe in the name of politics.

“Honorable Kandeh and the entire Executive of GDC are encouraging all Gambians to safeguard the strong cultural ties, use good language and relate well with their fellow Gambians and desist from politics of hate and insult especially the youth and women.

“In the same vein, the GDC leader Honorable Kandeh is urging all political and traditional leaders, CSOs, civic education personalities to continue preaching peace and enabling stability for the betterment and common good of The Gambia. Finally, Honorable Kandeh is calling on all Party leaders to advise their militants to put a stop to insults and campaign peacefully and respectfully.”

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