I am flabbergasted by the number of adverts on the newspapers seeking to wish you a Happy Eid. In itself, [wishing the President a happy Eid], it is not bad. Indeed it is good to pray for the President because praying for him is praying for the nation.
What I find unfathomable is the length at which Gambians – the companies and parastatals in this case – will go to praise sing and create a sort of a cult around the president. On inquiry, I have been reliably informed that one full page advert costs about seventeen thousand dalasis [D17000]. If one multiplies this amount with the number of adverts and then with the various newspapers in the country, one is talking about close – or more than – two hundred thousand dalasis. Ridiculous!
These people only wish to be seen to be in the good books of the President. It is not genuine at all! It is only intended to get undue favours from the government. This is how we turn a gentleman into a demigod, and then dictatorship crops in.
Mr President, let no one use this or any other form of sycophancy to maneuver his/her way into the government. Many a time, when people do this it reeks of hypocrisy, either they want something from the government or they have something to hide. Say no to such cheap tricks to win favours or absolution.
Mr President, in my humble opinion, you should issue a directive to stop people and companies from making these adverts purporting to wish you a Happy Tobaski, Happy Koriteh, or even on your birthday.
This poses a danger to our democracy. Democracy requires citizens to understand their rights, roles and responsibilities. If these people genuinely wish you good luck, let them work diligently in their various departments. Let them fulfil their responsibilities as good citizens. That is more patriotic thanvseeking to sing the praise of the president.
Have a Good Day Mr President….
Tha Scribbler Bah
A Concerned Citizen