Saturday, February 15, 2025

Coalition is the only political landmine Gambia needs to untie the shoe strings of Dictatorship

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Gambians have been used to never ending pausing cycles of bad news such that they are prone to react to any headlines to draw their conclusions when uncertain of outcomes of much anticipated events are happening behind the scenes. Opposition leaders and party officials have indicated their willingness to participate in coalition talks, perpetuating a continual theme of interest of the Gambian population before going in the December elections. However, political chicanery by inexperience political strategist and spoilers in opposition camps leaking out narratives of incomplete statements that are overburdened by political limitations of certain party leaders are upsetting people, having negative repercussions on people’s fragile mind and causing unnecessary misdirection that could be read as purely diversionary. The protracted bloodletting of people’s characters in this consequential election year process has intensified unnecessarily. But that’s not all. Inflammatory scare tactic by the regime agents are meant to denigrate the good work in progress and to seriously antagonize people. The special-interest folks who are worried about losing their political agendas; their opposition to coalition has grown and are doing everything behind the sense to thwarts any progress that will result in unity. Primarily among those most threatened by it’s success: Yaya Jammeh and his buddies who indeed wants to see it careen of the cliff.

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There’s nothing wrong in someone voicing their concerns about a particular candidate’s position and policies. What matters is whether the outcomes they seek are reasonable to enhance coalition efforts. Behind the facade from each of the opposition camps and whatever public narrative they are trying to spin — their main goals are fundamentally about one thing and that is political power. We just hope everyone is sincere in their participations and their efforts are not just to be used as a political ploy but because it is the only way to go against the dictatorship head on and help create some certainty for the easily spooked Gambians. It is frustrating that Yaya Jammeh and his agents are engaged in daily mischarterization of events, placing in constraints of many rules on the oppositions and micromanaging details that may lead to removing dictatorship from our beloved country. Those constraints included the barring of the warm magnetism of Sir Dawda’s powerhouse from politics, whose wisdom would have been highly appreciated at this moment to harsh out policies and Yaya Jammeh made sure he knocked out other heavy-weights of intellectuals into exile, whose analysis and expertise would have sealed the deal by now or a least speed the coalition talks to new heights.


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Essentially, we are lacking someone with the warm magnetism that fits the personality of Sir Dawda and share his shame political philosophy. Someone who is a cerebral thinker in seeking solutions keenly witted much like the father of our nation and everyone will listen to when he speaks. Also, even our coach –Pa Samba of Duga would admit that his sense of humor was absolutely infectious. So far, I have identified the likes of Karamba Tourey who is very eloquent and able to foster the noble wholesome ideals of the Gambian cause. Well as the Americans say “You go to war with the army you have but not the army you wish for”. It is no secret that the impact of the toxic fruits of labor of “denigrating peoples character “ by those Gambians with chameleon tendencies whose efforts of yesterday, undermined those decent intellectual’s — by leaking unparalleled mischaracterizing of damaging misconceptions about them and exposing humiliating mistakes of their personal lives to the press. They have since shy them away from participation at this critical time. Too many of our experts or young Gambians who learn the knowledge of polical science, appear to be in retreat mode after what they view or heard being done to other Gambians character — slaughtered on the world stage and the coming peril of Facebook live video activities and beyond. Furthermore, there’s been little policy leadership on the airways on what we could be doing better –strategically to improve unity for the coalition talks. Imagine all the opposition camps and leaders converge in Dakar with the likes of Dr. Sidat Jobe, Seedy Sanneh, Dr. Amadou Janneh, Dr. Saine, Dr. malanding Jaiteh, Dr. Baba Galleh Jallow, Fatou Jaw Manneh and many more experienced Gambians with a lifetime of elective service and experience at every level of government scatted throughout the world. Such people would have sat across each other with our politicians and presidential hopefuls, hashing out issues to deliver on coaliation goals?



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Sadly, Gambians are dying from left, right, and center as results of dictatorships everywhere including in prisons. Some are matched with the description of spiritual witchcrafters wishes to be used as spiritual rituals sacrifice. The hopeless young lads are losing their lives in risky backway journey. Our sisters are sold against their consent into modern day slavery in Arab countries and political opponents of the regime are losing their lives in the new style of exterminations to extinction by — being fed to hungry crocodiles. Those kids whom the education system failed need an alternative curriculum to retake the WASEC exams like how the USA provide GED alternative course to those who fail to complete high school . Hopeless Gambians are appealing to all opposition leaders and our intellectuals to participate in facilitating the efforts to get a single coalition for the December elections. This is a unique opportunity for a worthy legacy second to none in our history since the birth of Gambia as a republic. Gambia needs all of you out there to succeed.



With that said, I will like to draw the esteem readers’ attention to three events that happened in history, with the hope that it can inspire our political leaders and all of us.



First event – Pill of Wisdom: The heart touching story of the keys of the Kaaba

When the prophet(SAW) re-entered Makka and attempted to enter the Kaaba (House built by prophet Ibrahim), the key of the Kaaba was with a non-believer by the name of Ousman ibnu talha. One of the Prophets companion by the name of Ali (RAD) was ordered to get the key from Ousman ibnu talha. He went and asked for the key but the man refused. He then snatched the key swiftly from him and the Kaaba was opened for the Prophet (SAW) to enter. After the prophet completed his prayers — precisely two raka’s, the angle Gibril descended from heavens with instructions in the verses of the Quran. “Indeed, GOD commands you to render trusts to whom they are belong to …..” ( 4:58). They immediately rushed to give the key by to Ousman ibnu Talha whom Ali(RAD) found sitting sad. He was astonish to learn that, GOD himself commanded the keys to be returned to him and it shall stay with his family until day of reckoning. He accepted the faith and eventually got known as Ousman ibul talha (RAD). The lesson we draw here is: No one can snatch the key of coalition from the oppositions and go it alone to elections with Yaya Jammeh. All the opposition have suffered a great deal under Yaya Jammeh’s hands — especially the likes of the UDP party. So the keys of trust must be handed to a candidate of one coalition- as the trust of the people to take on Yaya Jammeh.



Second event – Pill of Wisdom: There is harm in asking too many unnecessary questions and being involved in misconceptions.


We understand everyone have entrenched interest to see military dictatorship end in the Gambia and we finally lay out concrete policies to ensure it never occurs again. People are suffering in Gambia but what makes this election more interesting is; there are large networks of stridently loyal party supporters – plus other concerned citizens are who are throwing misconceptions at other party leaders and asking irrelevant questions that amounts to a cohort that ought to be easily motivated to political outrage and requires immediate action for a truce. We already see the writings on the wall that- some people will never be satisfied with a particular candidate. Party surrogates cannot answer practical questions that their candidates ought to answer. It causes endless confusion and dissatisfactions. That brings to the verse which was revealed in the Quran chapter 5 verse 101 “O you who believe! Ask not about things which, if made plain to you, may cause you trouble. But if you ask about them while the Quran is being revealed, they will be made plain to you”. It is said there was a man who kept asking the prophet about how many times can one perform a pilgrimage “Hajj” after the verses were reveal for those who can to perform it if they have the means. He kept repeating his question about thrice according to some narrations but the prophet was kept quiet. Then the Prophet uttered the words “No, but I fear that if I said yes, then it will be made compulsory”. After then, the verse of chapter 5 verse 101 was revealed. Others alluded to another time when a man inquired about details of his father to the Phophet (SAW). Anyway, the lesson we draw he is : No matter how brilliant and game changing your misconceptions might be against another candidate, it will not help us in fighting the dictator that much. This is not to say we cannot ask relevant questions, but it shouldn’t be a “catch you moment” which may unintentionally further complicate our mission. We are all ridesharing this coalition effort against dictatorship. The Gambian public lacks information about the dictatorship necessary to make crucial voting decisions and to hold them accountable for their failed promises.



Third event – Pill of Wisdom: Trust but verify and do not continue to question peoples sincerity base on their past


We must accept those who sincerely repented from dictatorship and welcome others with open arms who worked under the regime — to serve their nation but either left or were expelled. The political jockeying of bashing each other should end except when someone decides to go it alone . In all honestly, GDC coming in and joining the coalition gives us a stellar opportunity to generate substantial votes away from Yaya Jammeh to the opposition camp. Its time to dig in and built a strong coalition against the dictator by moving forward on an agreement that would not only propel the efforts of coalition, but substantially advance it in the right direction. This is a clear visible reminder that we should avoid throwing stones on a glass house. It seems peoples effort are unintentionally making us heading to the weak web house -made out of spider web- to seek shelter there. The problem is the web house does not protect us from the wet season of dictatorship and cold season as well. This draws us to the quranic lesson to learn some wisdom which would be beneficial to us. When the verses prohibiting certain food and other intoxicants were revealed, people were greatly concerned that there were some believers who died whiles prohibited things were in their stomach before the verse was revealed. So GOD then revealed the verse forgiving those people in chapter 5 verse 93. It states “There is not upon those who believe and do righteousness [any] blame concerning what they have eaten [in the past] if they [now] fear GOD and believe and do righteous deeds, and then fear GOD and believe, and then fear GOD and do good; and GOD loves the doers of good. The lesson we learn here is: let move on from judging people whom were serving their country and later parted ways with the dictator. We do not have time of going on wild rides that continues to ignite unnecessary battles because- Gambians are facing substantial challenges daily, not the least which is indiscriminate killings of our citizens and we are in need of relief from dictatorship. If GDC is able to bring in votes from the last dying breeds of the APRC voters and exert influence on the dye hard loyalist into the coalition, then the coalition will be in a much better shape.



Finally, let us remember that Yaya Jammeh has turned Gambian into a country where it’s people and businesses are fleeing out of our beloved country en masse. More native Gambians are being moved out by the dictatorship and foreigners are pouring in. These people are the folks the dictator counts on to give him the victory he needs. Lets remember that- coalition is the only typically a polical landmine that dismantles dictatorship during elections and understandably so causing sleepless nights for the dictator. There is too much at stake for Gambians in particular if our opposition leaders fail to deliver it. There will be so many headwinds giving those engage in talks a pause but be rest assured that Gambian people are behind those working on achieving a strong coalition. Let’s hold our hands together in prayers to see it succeed.


By Habib ( A concerned Gambia)

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