Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Incoming President Barrow responds to outgoing President Jammeh over remarks on state TV

Gambia’s President-elect Adama Barrow has condemned the remarks made on state TV by the outgoing President Yahya Jammeh during his meeting with the so-called Africa Bar Association. ...

Gambians in Belgium insist Jammeh must go!

The Gambian community in Belgium on Tuesday handed over a petition to H.E Tenneng Mba Jaiteh, Head of Mission in Brussels, calling on outgoing President Yahya Jammeh...

Benin President Talon confirms will attend Barrow’s inauguration with Ivorian Ouattara

By Alhagie Jobe: Benin President Patrice Talon has announced he will attend the inauguration of Gambia’s President-elect Adama Barrow on the 19th, January, in Banjul. The...

‘President-elect Barrow’s inauguration preparations in full gear’ – Committee chair

James Gomez, the Chairperson of the Inauguration Committee of Gambia’s President-elect Adama Barrow, has confirmed to The Fatu Network about the highest level of preparations for President-elect...

Be Patient: Government is not like running a Corner Shop (‘Bitiki Narr’)!

  By Sheriff Kora The year 2016 and the historic events leading to the elections and the political impasse that followed in The Gambia will go down deep in our...

‘Do away with tribal politics, put Gambia’s interest first,’ says OJ

The Point Newspaper: Omar Jallow alias OJ - PPP leader and Gambia’s Agriculture minister, during a political rally held at Latrikunda German organized by the PPP KM...

No third term for any Gambian president

  President Adama Barrow has said that because of the challenges and hardship Gambians endured in the past 22 years of dictatorship under former president Jammeh, no Gambian...

MASLAHA, YALLAH BAAHNA, NDOGALI YALLAH LA – The Three Retrogressive Phenomena in the Gambia

  All these phrases are rooted in religion, Islam in particular but the context in which they are used in the Gambia is not Islamic at all....

Why the level of “Hasidiya” and “Wakk Bu Seew” on Social Media?

  Alagi Yorro Jallow   When has the Gambia changed? What has happened to our values; our virtues; respect for ourselves and elders;( “Ngorr, Joom and Koleeray”): Politics always divides...

Proposal for the Creation of a Special Tribunal for the Prosecution of Gross Human...

  Building The New Gambia Open Letter to: 1. Chief Servant Adama Barrow 2. Speaker Mariam Denton 3. Chief Justice Hassan Jallow 4. Minister of Justice Aboubacarr Tambadou Proposal for the Creation of a...

Deadline extended for ministers to declare assets

  The deadline for ministers to declare their assets as announced by President Barrow has been extended, Information Minister Demba Jawo said yesterday. The initial date for cabinet ministers...


  Communication.... It was with pleasure that I read that you are planning to engage the public more next week. Indeed this is very important. We live in a...

Interior Minister Fatty Paid Courtesy Call On Senegalese PM In Dakar

Interior Minister Mai Ahmad Fatty on Thursday met with the Prime Minister of Senegal Abdoulla Boun Dione, assuring him of greater cooperation in the areas of peace and security.  Fatty was accompanied to the Primature by his Senegalese counterpart Abdoulai Daouda Diallo, as he leads a high level delegation to a landmark security cooperation summit in Dakar.  And he told Prime Minister Boun Dione that President Adama Barrow was desirous of the need for Senegal to remain The Gambia’s strongest partner in the critical area of security. He said: “I have my team here including the police and immigration - and I’ve tasked them to work closely with their counterparts here in Senegal. We have a very good stand; a very good working condition; and a very good chemistry - and this is going to help our cooperation.”   On his part, Prime Minister Abdoula Boun Dione said Senegal appreciates the traditionally cordial and strong relationship with The Gambia.  He said: “We should continue to see Senegal and The Gambia as one. Weare the same and we have common aspirations. We should continue to firmly support each other on issues concerning core  interests including security.”  Meanwhile, Interior Minister Mai Ahmad Fatty Wednesday afternoon paid a special visit to Senegal’s police academy, where he interacted with the trainee police officers. The international academy is equipped with start-of-the-art training equipment and facilities. Close to 2000 recruits are enrolled in the academy. Minister Fatty expressed admiration over the facility and said The Gambia needed one in the professionalization of law enforcement.     

HELLO MR PRESIDENT..Cooperation on Security

It is heartening to learn that our Minister of the Interior, Mr Mai Ahmad Fatty with a high ranking delegation is currently  in Dakar, Senegal, discussing security...

Special Delegation Visits Sierra Leone

PRESS RELEASE     A two-man delegation, comprising the Minister of Information and  Communication Infrastructure, Honourable Demba Ali Jawo and the  Director General of the State Intelligence Service (SIS), Mr. Ousman Sowe, has just returned from a two-day visit to Sierra Leone as special envoys of President Adama Barrow to deliver a special condolence message to President Ernest Bai Koroma on the recent natural calamity that befell the sister Republic of Sierra Leone.  On delivering the message to President Koroma, Minister Jawo, who led  the delegation, extended greetings and best wishes to President Koroma  and the people of Sierra Leone from President Barrow, whom he said was  on a pilgrimage to Mecca. He said the delegation was a follow-up to the  letter of condolence earlier sent by President Barrow to President Koroma,  expressing sadness and sorrow over the devastating mudslide that struck  Sierra Leone on August 14, resulting in considerable loss of life and  extensive damage to property.   Minister Jawo went on to express sympathy on behalf of all Gambians,  emphasizing on the close social and family bond that exists between the  peoples of the two countries, which he said developed since during the  colonial era when the two former British colonies were jointly  administered. He also recalled the vast number of Gambians that received  their higher education in Sierra Leone.   In his response, President Koroma expressed gratitude to President Barrow  for the letter of sympathy he had sent earlier and following it up with a  special delegation. He said the gesture was a clear manifestation of the  need to morally support each other during times of crises. He went on to  emphasise the closeness of the peoples of the two countries through family  ties and educational pursuits, dating back to several decades.  President Koroma went on to cite the example of a prominent Gambian  businessman who he said recently took the decision to extend his business  venture to Sierra Leone as a form of giving back to the country for giving  him the opportunity to pursue his educational career there.  The President further reiterated the on-going recovery efforts, describing    what happened as a natural calamity, which can happen anywhere at any  time. He made reference tothe recent cases in the US, China, India and  Niger that also suffered from natural disasters. He said the situation calls  for collaborative efforts and capacity building in disaster management.   The special delegation also later held private discussions with President  Koroma during which the need for close collaboration between the two  countries, particularly in the areas of security, trade and bilateral cooperation were discussed.    The following day, the delegation was taken on a conducted tour of the  disaster site as well as a camp where some of the survivors were  temporarily sheltered and being cared for by the government and aid  agencies.  The delegation returned to Banjul on September 1st, 2017.     MINISTER  Ministry of Information & Communication Infrastructure  GRTS Bldg, MDI Road  Kanifing 

Basse man in police net for sleeping with schoolgirl

Police in Basse have arrested one Mr M Secka, a businessman for sleeping with a 17-year-old schoolgirl. Secka, a married man with two wives is currently remanded at...

Proposed Friendly Between Gambia Former Prexy Host Country Cancelled

by Alieu Ceesay The Gambia Football Federation (GFF) has announced that its proposed friendly international with former President Jammeh host country, Guinea Equatorial earlier planned to take...

Democracy is a Daily Battle: To Win or Lose

There is a widespread misconception in Africa and the Gambia in particular that after election, citizens should forget about politics and work together for national development. It...

MAJaC and US Embassy Empower Gambian Change-Makers through Training Initiative

By: Zackline Colley In a significant milestone for civil society and media in The Gambia, the Media Academy for Journalism and Communication (MAJaC), supported by the US Embassy,...

FJC breaks silence, asks Jammeh to handover and go

By Alhagie Jobe: Disgraced former Speaker of the Gambia’s National Assembly, Fatoumata Jahumpa Ceesay has finally parted ways with her former boss defiant outgoing President Yahya Jammeh...