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Lifestyle Example post


Cras vitae augue suscipit, aliquet nisl sit amet, pulvinar sem. Nam luctus gravida felis, lacinia euismod neque dignissim ac. Vestibulum tincidunt arcu nec ipsum eleifend dictum. Sed pellentesque lacus massa, interdum placerat lacus tincidunt eget. In ultricies libero sit amet metus volutpat varius. Proin eu ipsum ac metus efficitur lacinia. Morbi luctus purus dignissim, vulputate lacus ut, dapibus nisl. Proin rhoncus mauris nec arcu accumsan rhoncus. Quisque sodales aliquet sem, ut dignissim dui gravida posuere. Nullam malesuada velit non elit facilisis, et interdum justo rutrum. Suspendisse vitae tempor eros, sed porttitor velit. Vestibulum vulputate eget quam at vehicula. Suspendisse imperdiet a lorem non vestibulum. Sed at mattis felis, quis bibendum ipsum. Vivamus a dignissim sapien.

Lifestyle Example post


Cras vitae augue suscipit, aliquet nisl sit amet, pulvinar sem. Nam luctus gravida felis, lacinia euismod neque dignissim ac. Vestibulum tincidunt arcu nec ipsum eleifend dictum. Sed pellentesque lacus massa, interdum placerat lacus tincidunt eget. In ultricies libero sit amet metus volutpat varius. Proin eu ipsum ac metus efficitur lacinia. Morbi luctus purus dignissim, vulputate lacus ut, dapibus nisl. Proin rhoncus mauris nec arcu accumsan rhoncus. Quisque sodales aliquet sem, ut dignissim dui gravida posuere. Nullam malesuada velit non elit facilisis, et interdum justo rutrum. Suspendisse vitae tempor eros, sed porttitor velit. Vestibulum vulputate eget quam at vehicula. Suspendisse imperdiet a lorem non vestibulum. Sed at mattis felis, quis bibendum ipsum. Vivamus a dignissim sapien.

Lifestyle Example post


Cras vitae augue suscipit, aliquet nisl sit amet, pulvinar sem. Nam luctus gravida felis, lacinia euismod neque dignissim ac. Vestibulum tincidunt arcu nec ipsum eleifend dictum. Sed pellentesque lacus massa, interdum placerat lacus tincidunt eget. In ultricies libero sit amet metus volutpat varius. Proin eu ipsum ac metus efficitur lacinia. Morbi luctus purus dignissim, vulputate lacus ut, dapibus nisl. Proin rhoncus mauris nec arcu accumsan rhoncus. Quisque sodales aliquet sem, ut dignissim dui gravida posuere. Nullam malesuada velit non elit facilisis, et interdum justo rutrum. Suspendisse vitae tempor eros, sed porttitor velit. Vestibulum vulputate eget quam at vehicula. Suspendisse imperdiet a lorem non vestibulum. Sed at mattis felis, quis bibendum ipsum. Vivamus a dignissim sapien.

Who is Seinabo Sey? Introducing the Swedish-Gambian singer inspired by her dual identity


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Since the mid-2000s, it seems as though we’ve been stuck in a perpetual cycle of cultural revivalism, calling on the strongly coloured characters of the past to define and celebrate how we interpret the present.

Which is why emerging artists like Seinabo Sey (pronounced Say-na-bo Sea) are so exciting. Her influences, largely formed by her dual Swedish and Gambian upbringing, are unique.

Her sound, just as interesting – a fascinating, accessible blend of Swedish pop noir, African rhythms and down-tempo RnB.

At 23, she’s already scored No.1 hits on Hype Machine and Shazam with her debut single “Younger”. And she looks set to do the same when releases her next single, “Hard Time”, on Monday 14 July.

She’s currently in the studio in Stockholm recording her debut album with Magnus Lidehäll (Mapei, ‘Don’t Wait) – a producer she met via some pretty deft Facebook stalking. It’s out later this year.

Until then, here’s everything you need to know.

She found being a cultural ‘outsider’ was a creative blessing, but a social curse…

“We moved to Gambia from Sweden when I was six years old, because my dad was from there. It was definitely a culture shock.

“I’ve always been a little bit of an outsider where I am and I’ve had to kind of learn to understand people in order for them to understand me. To make them understand me, speak their language, or understand their culture. So it perhaps made me a little bit over-analytical about how people feel. But it helps me with my music and writing because I like to think of lots of different ways to get my message across.

“I had a hard time when I came back to Sweden and started school, because I looked different. And we moved to a really small town on the west coast of Sweden and there were no brown people around. It didn’t really get any better until I started music school at about 10 years old.”

Her earliest memory is the stuff of child nightmares…

“I went to school in this really ghetto part of Gambia, and we didn’t have any doors or things like that. I remember taking these vaccine shots [injections] and I was scared. And I remember getting the vaccine, and getting out of that room, and everyone was applauding and really proud of me. I must have been, like six years old.”

Her dad is the famous West African musician, Mawdo Sey…

“I think his career was a rollercoaster, but when I lived in Gambia as a kid he was quite famous there. I just remember maybe taking the back seat because he was sort of the star. I was around musicians all the time but the spotlight was never on me. No one really cared if I was sitting about in the corner wanting to sing or not. I was kind of shy, so nobody thought about it.

“I’ve always been very impressed by him. He had a vibe and an aura and I remember thinking, ‘People listen to him’. He’s really funny. He’s definitely my biggest idol. I wanted to be like him.”

Her school days shaped her future sound… Well. Apart from the physics.

“I got along with mostly everyone, but music school does that to you. We had to sing in a choir all the time, so we had to get along with everyone. I was really good at English, because I started school in Gambia in English and so I was ahead of everyone else for a while. Physics, weird enough!”

“I remember Alicia Keys and Usher had released a song called “My Boo” and my music teacher got me to sing a duet with a friend of mine and I remember being so nervous, because I loved to sing but I could never fathom singing by myself. And when I did that I remember how proud I was of myself. I was 12.

“I tried to push away the whole dream and thought I had to do something serious, I’m going to be a lawyer, until I was 15 or something. But then I realised I couldn’t really live in that small town so I moved to Stockholm and started music school.

She used to be a rap side-kick…

“Meeting this guy called Frank Noble, and we started this little group called Death Chronic. It was really like experimental, RnB , soulish. We made a couple of songs and got a little bit of attention here in Stockholm on all the blogs and stuff like that. And I remember tagging all the musicians I wanted to hear the song in on Facebook. And there was this rapper that picked up on it and we became friends. I went on tour with him, I became a rap sidekick for a year, it was really random. And then he had a group with the guy producing my record with (Magnus Lidehäll), and he’d produced Britney Spears before. It was a very organic thing.”

If she wasn’t on stage, you’d find her in a museum… Or in a kitchen.

“I love artistry and I’d love to run an art gallery.

“I’m quite an amazing cook, actually. I won’t even be humble about it. It’s not very classical but I can improvise. I make a mean Gambian stew with peanut butter, that you can put meat into if you want. You can convert anyone with that.”

She’s serious about her debut album. And a little concerned…

“I’ve been trying not to be too worried. But I guess a little worry and a little pressure is good. I’m trying to break genres, and not really think about it, putting in as many influences from my life and things that I’ve heard as possible and just keeping really true to my idea with the lyrics. And write about all the important aspects of life. And be quite serious about it as well because I think you need some serious music.”

She’d be a really great Indy People writer, because she loves…

“Speaking to people. How things always seem to fall with bad communication and not being able to express your emotions and I struggle with that every single day. It seems like everything is always alright if you speak up and say what you really feel.”

Arts Example post


Cras vitae augue suscipit, aliquet nisl sit amet, pulvinar sem. Nam luctus gravida felis, lacinia euismod neque dignissim ac. Vestibulum tincidunt arcu nec ipsum eleifend dictum. Sed pellentesque lacus massa, interdum placerat lacus tincidunt eget. In ultricies libero sit amet metus volutpat varius. Proin eu ipsum ac metus efficitur lacinia. Morbi luctus purus dignissim, vulputate lacus ut, dapibus nisl. Proin rhoncus mauris nec arcu accumsan rhoncus. Quisque sodales aliquet sem, ut dignissim dui gravida posuere. Nullam malesuada velit non elit facilisis, et interdum justo rutrum. Suspendisse vitae tempor eros, sed porttitor velit. Vestibulum vulputate eget quam at vehicula. Suspendisse imperdiet a lorem non vestibulum. Sed at mattis felis, quis bibendum ipsum. Vivamus a dignissim sapien.

Arts Example post


Cras vitae augue suscipit, aliquet nisl sit amet, pulvinar sem. Nam luctus gravida felis, lacinia euismod neque dignissim ac. Vestibulum tincidunt arcu nec ipsum eleifend dictum. Sed pellentesque lacus massa, interdum placerat lacus tincidunt eget. In ultricies libero sit amet metus volutpat varius. Proin eu ipsum ac metus efficitur lacinia. Morbi luctus purus dignissim, vulputate lacus ut, dapibus nisl. Proin rhoncus mauris nec arcu accumsan rhoncus. Quisque sodales aliquet sem, ut dignissim dui gravida posuere. Nullam malesuada velit non elit facilisis, et interdum justo rutrum. Suspendisse vitae tempor eros, sed porttitor velit. Vestibulum vulputate eget quam at vehicula. Suspendisse imperdiet a lorem non vestibulum. Sed at mattis felis, quis bibendum ipsum. Vivamus a dignissim sapien.

French press review 19 February 2016


By Jack Fereday

Border control occupies the opening pages of Le Monde this morning, as several European countries move to restrict the influx of migrants. Le Figaro asks whether the government will manage to pass its planned labour reform in parliament and Libération dwells on the pitfalls of massive surveillance.

Le Monde is extremely preoccupied with borders this morning.

Its article on page two reminds its readers that if the United Kingdom leaves the European Union it will probably see its border control on the French side of the Channel move back to England, bringing the migrant camps in Calais a lot closer to home.

Le Monde says that local politicians on the French side are frustrated with the treaties which have left France to do all the dirty work in dealing with the thousands of asylum seekers trying to enter the UK.

But as the Brexit scenario becomes more realistic by the day, Le Monde says the prospect of migrants being able to cross freely over to the UK is becoming an important argument for British politicians keen to remain in the EU.

On the opposite page, Le Monde reports that borders in the Balkans are becoming more and more difficult to cross, due to the increasing amount of controls and quotas being introduced.

Since January 65,000 people travelling from Greece to Germany have passed through the region but many states are now worried that thousands of people will be left stranded on their territory if their neighbors suddenly decide to close their doors.

This week Serbia sent back 200 migrants from Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan who were on their way from Croatia.

And, for the first time since the migrant crisis began, Austria has announced the use of quotas to control how many people can cross its border.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is now worried about a chain reaction threatening the Schengen zone and has called for a common policy on the question, according to Le Monde.

The conservative newspaper Le Figaro is more interested in France’s plans for labour law reform.

Just hours after Labour Minister Myriam El-Khomri released the first version of the bill aimed at simplifying the country’s hefty code du travail (labour code), many MPs are already up in arms.

Le Figaro quotes Socialist MP Pascal Cherki as saying that the text looks as if it was written by the Medef, France’s biggest employer federation.

The government plans to allow more space for negotiation between companies and their employees regarding working hours and salaries.

But? according to Le Figaro, many dissenting voices are starting to be heard within the ruling Socialist Party and it remains unsure whether the government will be able to pass the bill in parliament.

Le Figaro hints at large-scale demonstrations which could rattle the government in the coming months, a frightening prospect for François Hollande a year away from the next presidential election.

Pascal Cherki has called the bill an “electoral guillotine”, according to Le Figaro.

Left-wing Libération boasts a dramatic front page devoted to surveillance.

The software company Apple is refusing to collaborate with the FBI by letting them retrieve data from equipment used by suspected terrorists.

For Apple this could put it on a slippery slope, as the technology could then one day be used to spy on any of its customers.

In his editorial, Laurent Joffrin asks whether anyone will be able to guarantee security services will work within the legal framework, and answers with a quote from the English writer and politician Lord Acton: “Power tends to corrupt people, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

African press review 19 February 2016


By Jack Fereday

The presidential elections in Uganda is the subject of most east African editorials today. They continue to raise questions about the electoral process. Some 40,000 tonnes of consigned Pakistani rice and a man stripping down to his underwear in a Nigerian bank complete our press review.

The presidential election in Uganda has made the headlines in many east African newspapers this morning, with many of them worried about the electoral process, as well as the shutdown of Uganda’s social networks.

As voting got underway yesterday, authorities announced that access to social media platforms such as WhatsApp or Facebook were temporarily blocked over national security concerns.

But the East African says its sources indicate that the shutdown was in fact ordered by officials in the ruling NRM party, to silence the avalanche of negative messages aimed at the incumbent president Yoweri Museveni, who is seeking a fifth term after 30 years in power.

In its editorial Kenya’s Daily Nation calls the switch-off “disturbing” and says that “open access to the media is a cardinal pillar in a democratic process”.

It adds that in the context of recent events, such as the detention of opposition candidate Kizza Besigye, the decision “feeds into a feeling that there could be a plot to manipulate the outcome of the election”.

The Daily Nation also calls on Uganda’s Electoral Commission to ensure peaceful and fair elections.

The commission owes it not only to the people of Uganda, but to east Africa and the whole continent, its editor writes.

Uganda’s Daily Monitor says it is willing to give the Electoral Commission the benefit of the doubt, despite questions raised about its integrity, and asks that the EC grasp the opportunity to redeem its image in the public eye.

In a moving editorial, the paper also condemns the acts of violence perpetrated in recent weeks, by “those who prefer to stand still as the wheel of history revolves”.

The paper implicitly blames the authorities for the violence, saying Ugandans had lost their lives at the hands of those who should instead have been protecting them.

As for the elections themselves, the editor prays that those who have planned to tamper with them fail in their endeavour, and says the country “has had enough of those who think it is theirs to do with as they please.”

“18 February,” the editorial reads, “may be recorded in history as the day when Ugandans were able to renew their faith in themselves.”

Business Daily reports that 40,000 tonnes of Pakistani rice are currently locked up in two container freight stations in Mombasa, which the Kenyan Revenue Authority has shut down over alleged dealing in contraband goods.

The Pakistan High Commission in Kenya has asked the country’s Ports Authority and Revenue Authority to release the rice, insisting the consignment was legally imported.

The stand-off is now threatening to affect bilateral relations between Pakistan and Kenya, and their leading exports of rice and tea, according to Business Daily.

Punch tells the story of a video trending in Nigeria that shows a man stripping to his boxers in a Guaranty Trust Bank to get his problem resolved.

Sat on the floor of the banking hall in a pair of underwear and a neck chain, the man tried to share his story with whoever cared to listen.

He said 150,000 Nigerian Naira (680 euros) had been illegally deducted from his account and that nothing had been done about it.

According to Punch, the trending video has elicited strong reactions from social network users, with some criticising the bank for failing to resolve the issue swiftly.

But if you get frustrated with customer service at your local bank you might want to consider other options, as in the course of the five-minute video, banking activities went on around our poor fellow without anyone paying a bit of notice.

French press review 30 November 2015


By Michael Fitzpatrick
One single story . . . today’s opening of the heads of state at the UN Climate Conference . . . dominates every French front page this morning. It’s hard to tell if the news is good or bad.

“Can we still save the planet?” asks the main headline in Le Monde.

“There’s a glimmer of hope,” say the optimistic Catholics at Le Croix.

The communists at L’Humanité assure us, with a dubious handling of metaphor, that “The world has its back to the climatic wall.”

Press Review Example


By Clea Broadhurst
This week the French magazines continue to dig into the aftermath of the attacks in Paris and they offer different points of view regarding how to fight the Islamic State (IS) armed group, which many French call Daesh, but also how to understand the deadly organisation. Several ask, what are the secret services doing?

Gambian Diaspora Leader Welcomes Alleged Coup Attempt


Source : VOA –

The Gambian government has denied reports of an alleged attempted coup against President Yahya Jammeh.

Gunfire erupted early Tuesday in the capital, Banjul, and residents awoke to find government buildings and the main bridge into the city sealed off by soldiers.

A government statement described the reports of a coup as rumors and said peace and calm continue to prevail in the West African country.

Pa Samba Jow, the spokesman for the Democratic Union of Gambian Activists in the Diaspora, said his organization wishes the attempted coup would have been successful. Jow said Gambians want to get rid of Jammeh, who his group accuses of abrogating the rights and freedoms of Gambians for 20 years with impunity.

“I think, for this time, it was a genuine attempt to definitely get rid of this regime that has abrogated the rights of Gambians for over 20 years. I think the regime has denied Gambians all avenues, legally and constitutionally, to change the manner of their government. People are left with no other choice but to try to end it by any means necessary,” he said.

Jow described the alleged coup plotters as freedom fighters who, he said, are determined to restore democracy to The Gambia.

Jammeh came to power in a coup in 1994. His government has been heavily criticized abroad for what Amnesty International called its iron fisted repression and widespread human rights violations.

In its 2013 Human Rights Report, the U.S. State Department said The Gambia’s most serious human rights problems included government interference with the electoral process, harassment and abuse of its critics, and torture, arrest, detention, and sometimes enforced disappearance of citizens.

The rights group Civil Society Associations Gambia criticized President Obama for hosting Jammeh at the White House during the U.S.-Africa summit in August, which drew dozens of African heads of state to the U.S. capital.

Jow said everything has gone wrong under Jammeh.

“When Jammeh came to power, the reason he claimed was corruption and overstay in power by the previous regime. Jammeh made the claim that he will never introduce dictatorship in the country, that nobody will ever rule the country for more than 10 years. As we speak, he’s been in power for 20 years. As we speak, Yahyah Jammeh, who came to power a poor man, is now one of the richest people in the country, if not the whole of Africa,” Jow said.

The African Union and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) have both frowned on coups.

Jow said that had the alleged coup succeeded, the AU and ECOWAS would have no choice but to support the restoration of democracy in The Gambia.

“Gambians have not been accorded any opportunity to change the manner of their government in a peaceful, democratic way. What is important is for sure that the international community support the Gambian people and to install the restoration of democracy and to make sure that nobody in the history of that country takes the government of the people from the back of the people,” Jow said.

Jow said the Gambian media is under constant attack under Jammeh and that the government does not allow for the free exercise of democratic rights.

The French News Agency quoted an unnamed military officer as saying three suspects were killed in the violence, including the alleged ringleader, whom the officer described as an army deserter.

A US State Department spokesman said the United States strongly condemns any attempt to seize power through extra constitutional means.

Butty interview with Pa Samba Jow

Here’s what the U.S. came up with to stop a Gambian exodus: pop music.


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How do you stop a historic flow of migrants to Europe?
With pop music, according to the U.S. Embassy in Gambia.

As thousands of migrants left Gambia, one of Africa’s smallest, poorest and least democratic nations, the embassy put on a concert aimed at deterring young men from making the journey to Europe. The concert, held in November, was called “No to Backway,” referring to the Gambian term for illegal migration across the Mediterranean.

As European policymakers deport migrants or debate how to disrupt smuggling networks, other efforts are being made to discourage young men and women from leaving in the first place. Banners have been hung in small villages across West Africa. Television and advertising spots have been purchased. The United Nations has been actively engaged in those campaigns around the developing world.

But the American attempt in Gambia is certainly one of the more creative. In addition to the concert, the United States paid twelve Gambian artists to write and record songs about illegal migration that would be performed live and disseminated across the country by radio and cellphone.

The singers were each paid around $270. The gross national income per capita in Gambia is $500, according to the World Bank.

“They called me and explained the motives involved. They said ‘It’s about enlightening people about the dangers involved,’ ” recalled one singer, Fattoumatta Sandeng, 21. “It sounded noble.”

The songs and the concert don’t appear to be dissuading anyone. Massive numbers of Gambians have continued leaving for Europe this year, many of them dying on the way.

“These are the kinds of things you do even though they have minimal impact,” said Demetrios G. Papademetriou, president emeritus of the Migration Policy Institute, a Washington think tank devoted to the study of migration. “They give governments a sense that they’re doing something.”

Attendance was poor at the concert. Even the performers couldn’t persuade many of their friends to come. As part of the campaign, U.S. diplomats spoke to Gambian media outlets about the opportunities for young people in the country. But even by the standards of sub-Saharan Africa, those opportunities are limited.

“A lot of people are planning to go the Backway, and they didn’t see the reason to go to a concert like that,” Sandeng said.

The songs are in four languages: Wollof, Mandinka, Sarrahule and English. They range from soulful ballads to anthemic hip-hop songs. Some touched on the reasons many are leaving.

“It’s hard to survive off of $50 a month,” sang one artist, Killa Ace.

Africa exodus Tiny Gambia has a big export: Migrants desperate to reach Europe


DAMPHA KUNDA, Gambia — The village was losing its young men. Hundreds had left their thatched-roof huts and tiny squares of farmland for the promise of Europe. About 40 had died on the way.

Susso knew nearly all of them. He had prayed at the funerals after their boats capsized or their smugglers stranded them in the desert, ceremonies with mourners but no bodies. The grim toll complicated his plan, turned it into a secret he hid from almost everyone.

He, too, was preparing to join the exodus from Dampha Kunda.
Africa has never seen such a flood of young men heading for Europe. The number of migrants crossing by sea to Italy, a top entry point, nearly quadrupled from 2013 to 2014, reaching about 170,100. Sub-Saharan Africans made up a growing percentage of the total, with around 64,600 arriving last year. This year, the figure is expected to be even higher. Gambia, one of Africa’s smallest nations, is a big contributor to that flow.

To deter the arrivals, European policymakers have proposed reinforcing their naval forces in the Mediterranean, conducting mass deportations and destroying smugglers’ boats. When Susso turns on the radio in the bedroom he shares with his wife and six children, he hears all the ways Europe is trying to dissuade him from leaving.

But it has never been so alluring — or so easy — to begin the trip. Over the past two years, sub-Saharan Africa’s smuggling networks have expanded, as Libya has descended into chaos, leaving its coasts unguarded as migrants set out for Italy, a few hundred miles away.

Stories of Gambians arriving on Italian or Spanish shores now reach even remote Dampha Kunda via Facebook and text message, like rumors of a gold rush. Most men keep their plans a secret until they leave, fearing an outcry from worried relatives or arrest by the country’s authoritarian government. Susso asked that only his last name, common in eastern Gambia, be used in this article.

In the weeks before his trip, he veiled himself in routine, waking every day at 5 and working on the rice farm of the village’s richest family. He played on the floor with his children, most of them half-clothed in torn shirts and underwear, telling them nothing of his plan.

Then, one day in May, Susso opened a drawer hidden under a yellow blanket and removed a small metal box with a silver padlock. He counted the money: 17,000 dalasi, about $500. It had taken him three years. It was enough to begin the journey north.

Twice a week, a bus called the “TA Express,” full of young men wearing sandals and carrying small bags, clatters past Dampha Kunda on its way to Agadez, a desert city in Niger that smugglers use as a way station on the route to Libya and Europe.

Soon, Susso told himself, he would be on it.

“The Western Route,” experts call the web of migrant trails from Gambia, Senegal and Mali that now lead to North Africa. But Gambians have a different name for the dangerous path to Europe: The Backway.

“Say No to the Backway,” reads a government banner near Susso’s village, with a picture of a boat capsized in the ocean.

“Backway bad way,” says a song funded by the U.S. Embassy in Gambia and played on the radio here.

Across Africa, there are different paths to Europe and different reasons for leaving. In Somalia, refugees flee the brutal al-Shabab rebels, following an “Eastern route” winding through Sudan. In Eritrea, they escape a harsh military regime.

And Susso’s reasons? He walked by them one day in the scorching heat shortly before he would depart, homes in sandy lots with numbers painted on the walls.
House number 1027, a mud-baked hut, was getting a cinderblock addition, thanks to money from a relative in Spain. House 301 boasted a flat-screen television, thanks to remittances from Germany. And House 311 had a big red tractor.

“So much money,” he sighed.
Poverty had once imposed a kind of uniformity here — every house with a thatched roof and dirt floor, every meal a small portion of rice and okra, every job tending to patches of rice on a small subsistence farm.

Then the wealth gap that had always separated Europe and Africa began to insinuate itself here. If you had a relative in Europe, you were rich. If not, you remained stuck on the edge of survival.

It filled Susso with an envy that bordered on anger. He was 39, broad-shouldered and sleepy-eyed, older and wearier than most of the men making the journey north.

Susso could afford only two meals a day for his family. He knew he would have to pull his four sons out of school in their early teens, so they could work his small rice field or make money elsewhere. He shared his two-room home with 12 people, including his brother, nieces and nephews, a bedsheet hanging where the front door should be.

Like so many Gambians, no matter how much he was willing to work, his ambition yielded almost nothing.

A growing number of Gambians are literate, but with “little chance at employment that matches their skills, just like China by the 1960s and India by the 1970s,” said Joel Millman, a spokesman for the International Organization for Migration. “So they do the rational thing and they leave.”

The Gambian government hasn’t helped. Its longtime dictator, President Yahya Jammeh, has preached a life of subsistence. He has created a bizarre mythology around himself as a man who could cure AIDS and threatened to personally slit the throats of gay men. He has brushed off the thousands of young men fleeing his country as failures and bad Muslims.

But even the farmers of Dampha Kunda knew migrants were the true success stories. Twenty percent of Gambia’s gross domestic product now comes from remittances, according to the World Bank, one of the highest percentages in Africa. It’s a nation with almost no industry or valuable natural resources, where the government dominates what little private sector exists.

“The only people who can make any money in The Gambia are those very close to the president. If not, you’re making $100 a month, if that,” said C. Omar Kebbeh, an economist and expert in Gambian migration, now at the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis.

Not far from Susso’s house, there was a massive billboard with a picture of Jammeh, smiling in a white cap.

“Grow what you eat and eat what you grow,” it said.

For Susso, that policy had one palpable impact.

“We’re hungry,” he said. “We’re always hungry.”

Susso had memorized the way Dampha Kunda looked from eight feet off the ground, as he bumped through the rice fields atop a big red tractor. The new two-story houses rose above the old, mud-colored huts. Across much of the village’s cropland, plants were ailing. With the rising prices, few people could afford fertilizer.

The tractor was an extraordinary luxury in a place where almost no one owned a car. But it didn’t belong to Susso. Its owner lived in Europe.

The first major wave of Gambians left villages like Dampha Kunda in the 1990s, mostly for Spain. By 2010, there were 65,000 Gambians abroad, around 4 percent of the population. One of the men sending money home was Alagi Ceesay, the owner of the tractor.

Full story here :

Interview example


Cras vitae augue suscipit, aliquet nisl sit amet, pulvinar sem. Nam luctus gravida felis, lacinia euismod neque dignissim ac. Vestibulum tincidunt arcu nec ipsum eleifend dictum. Sed pellentesque lacus massa, interdum placerat lacus tincidunt eget. In ultricies libero sit amet metus volutpat varius. Proin eu ipsum ac metus efficitur lacinia. Morbi luctus purus dignissim, vulputate lacus ut, dapibus nisl. Proin rhoncus mauris nec arcu accumsan rhoncus. Quisque sodales aliquet sem, ut dignissim dui gravida posuere. Nullam malesuada velit non elit facilisis, et interdum justo rutrum. Suspendisse vitae tempor eros, sed porttitor velit. Vestibulum vulputate eget quam at vehicula. Suspendisse imperdiet a lorem non vestibulum. Sed at mattis felis, quis bibendum ipsum. Vivamus a dignissim sapien.


“You teach the youth that the pirate Jammeh is a great man”. The youths are awakening from the “dream life” of accountability, transparency and probity and find their future entangled in a nightmare of horror and terror. You don’t owe apologies to anybody, especially Jammeh. Here is April 10 and 11 2000 all over again. Those who don’t have anything to offer you and the nation in general want you to “calm down” and continue to be Jammeh’s “blind patriots’. The choice is yours. Do you want to continue on the “road to hell” that Jammeh has paved for you, or do you want to chart a new path for a proud-future Gambia without military terror?

I truly want to believe that the Gambian youths have learned their lessons well after 21 years of empty promises. He transformed some of you into “blind patriotic” killers (Green Boys) to keep him in power with total disregard for social justice, “rule of law” and above all, our “national security”. Many of you have expressed your regrets for participating in his drag net of terror but you must redeem yourselves with utmost sincerity to the Gambian people.  Jammeh has no one’s interest but his greedy – selfish interest.

Here are the undeniable facts about the youth and Jammeh.  The vast majority of you who were 20 years old in 1994, in your prime of life, have never been gainfully employed in 21 years. Now you are 41 years old and most likely still unemployed, under employed or hustling (“taff – taff”) to survive. Jammeh and his erratic policies deliberately destroyed 21 years of your youth. He shut the “windows of opportunity” and opened the “back way” for you to seek “greener pastures” with tragic consequences along the Atlantic Ocean. Those of you that survive the horrors at sea, end up in concentration camps in Europe.

Equally but sadly enough, those of you who were born in 1994, the year military tragedy befell our beloved Gambia; you have no other period to make a relative comparison with the Jammeh regime. You only know the horror and terror of the National Intelligence Agency (NIA), army and his other hoodlum torturers. You are now 21 years old and set to travel the same path as the previous youths,  20 years ago.

Some of you have been convinced to believe that “sharing crumbs” and bribes by other unscrupulous methods will secure you a promising future. A much brighter future; a proud –future Gambia is within your reach but in order to realize this future, you must abandon the AFPRC –APRC camp and build the revolutionary resistance movement from Kartong to Koina.

Finally, the signs of betrayal as it was on April 10 and 11 2000 are raising their ugly heads again. Cowards, opportunists and traitors alike want to maintain this dying but not yet dead filthy regime for their narrow selfish interest and sacrifice our long term national future for short term gains (crumbs) for one lone tyrant. This is the time of decision and we want to assure you of our unwavering support. Your demand to stop the illegal mining isLEGITIMATE, not only for Kartong but the surrounding towns. The demand is for our national interest to protect our environment from unscrupulous adventurists bent on EXPLOITATION. We demand the unconditional release and an end to the harassment of all the detained villagers of Kartong.


                                 HANDS OFF THE KARTONG YOUTH!



                                                   WE WILL WIN!

Baby Muhammeh Jammeh’s Birthday Celebrated in Grand Fashion But Birthday Boy Was Missing in Action!


Hundreds of kids have been rendered fatherless thanks to President Yahya Jammeh’s brutality. However, this sad state of affairs did little to convince Jammeh that hosting public celebration of his own son, Muhammed Jammeh’s birthday in grand style is insensitive and an act of cruelty. On November 26, Kanilai was the scene of a jamboree organized by the Dictator to celebrate Muhammed’s 8th birthday. Musicians, businessmen, Cabinet Ministers, APRC stalwarts, Green Youths, they were all there to grace this disgraceful occasion. Nigerian comedians were not to be outdone this time – building on their current streak of milking the juice out of the “benevolent” Dictator’s “Allah’s Bank”, they made sure their presence was felt at this event.

Interesting to note though that Muhammed himself wasn’t present at the party even though he was supposed to be in the country at the time. The First Family’s only son is homeschooled. The mother was also noticeably absent, her whereabouts are currently unknown – not that she is keen on attending these events anyway.

As the Dictator cut the cake, in a sign of desparation and seriousness of the hunger situation in the country, throngs of school kids came rushing to get a piece. One cannot help but be saddened by the destitute attitude being inculcated into the current crop of future leaders by Yahya Jammeh and his current regime.

After watching the GRTS episode, one observer raised issue with the lavish spending in the midst of economic disaster the country is currently facing. The money spent on this occasion could have been utilized to help the thousands youths that are currently risking their lives trying to get to Europe through the “Backway” acquire skills and tools to become productive members of the society instead. This they say is why the country is in the mess that it is in – the irresponsible attitude with which this impoverish nation is being governed.

In the meantime, Alagie Mamour Ceesay, Ebou Jobe, Kanyiba Kanyi, and Deyda Hydara’s kids are forced to watch the man responsible for denying them those sweet memories between father and son, celebrate his son’s birthday to a cheering crowd of thousands of sycophants. If this is not the ultimate insult upon injury, we don’t know what is. God does operate in funny ways though because the reasons for Muhammed’s absence at what is supposed to be his special occasion are beyond Yahya’s own control despite all his claims of possessing supernatural powers – the kid has a medical condition that doesn’t allow him to be among a big crowd. So the many victims can all find comfort in the idea that in the end; history will render its verdict.

Uneasiness Runs High At the State House as Rumors of Another Attack Circulate! Yahya’s Health Not Helping the Situation!


The Gambian Dictator, Yahya Jammeh seems to be facing yet another major security threat.   This information came to him in the form of a disclosure made to the iron fist leader by his Security agents detailing credible information they received that arms have been shipped into the impoverish country but that they have no idea where the weapons are or how they have been sent into the country. According to security sources, men and women of The Gambia Armed Forces and NIA operatives have all been informed about the development and have been asked to be on high alert. General Saul Badjie is said to have frequented the Banjul Ports trying to find out if the said arms came through the Ports.

Observers say this could be a mere paranoia by a dying regime that is not prepared to take the slightest chance knowing that its time is up. It could be recalled that Yahya Jammeh has not left the country for a year now since the December 30 attacks on State House, which was aimed at taking him out of power. That incident saw the arrest of many security personnel; among them, Col. Sarjo Jarju, a very close confidante of Dictator Jammeh.   After that incident, family members of alleged attackers were arrested and detained for several months despite no proof of their involvement.  Many Gambians because of the oppression and callous brutality they have faced in the hands of Yahya for the last 21 years, at the time felt disappointed that the attacks failed.

Meanwhile, Yahya is stuck in Banjul despite what inside sources reveal to Faturadio is a far more lethal threat against him – he is gravely ill and urgently needs overseas medical attention.  HIV/AIDS, Cancer, Diabetes, Syphilis, High Blood are all suspected to be affecting him.  Recent photos of Jammeh with lesions on his skin were published by the government mouthpiece, The Daily Observer Newspaper but later withdrawn and deleted from the paper’s website.  Jammeh has been afraid to leave town to seek this treatment because he believes he will not be allowed to return back into the country by the security forces according to reliable sources.  His wife, Zaineb Jammeh on the other hand is said to be pushing the President to go get the medical treatments and though unconfirmed, there are reports that Jammeh could be evacuated to Saudi Arabia for treatment in the coming days or weeks. The fact that The Gambia’s Ambassador to Saudi, OG Sallah is currently in The Gambia has validated this suspicion, sources say he is in the country to brief Jammeh about arrangements made in The Kingdom country.

How all this plays out, we don’t know.  Our sources say Jammeh is in a lot of pains but he seems to be doing a good job downplaying the seriousness of the situation.  His health is severely failing and we are keeping our fingers crossed as to how this ultimately affects this suffering nation’s security and future.  We remain hopeful.

Premature Celebration for Gambia’s FGM Ban

The Gambia was thrust into the spotlight this week after the country’s longtime president, Yahya Jammeh, announced a ban on female genital mutilation (FGM). This pronouncement surprised many, especially after the country’s National Assembly rejected a similar proposal in March of this year, claiming that Gambians “were not ready.” Activists who work closely on the issue say that over 130 million girls worldwide have undergone FGM, mainly in Africa, where it is reportedly practiced in 29 countries. In The Gambia, the prevalence of FGM is relatively high and apparently growing in popularitywith infant girls. Overall, UNICEF estimates that nearly 8 in 10 Gambian women have experienced the procedure.

Since President Jammeh made the announcement on Monday, one media outlet has particularly trumpeted this victory. Anti-FGM groups, which have done tremendous work by providing a much-needed voice and care to victims have also praised the decision while highlighting their own involvement. Interestingly, international journalists have left out the fact that local media in The Gambia have been silent. Why? Because a free press isnonexistent, and most of the country’s independent journalists have either been killed by the Jammeh regime, live in exile, or are currently languishing in prison.

Lost in all the celebrations, particularly on social media, is the fact that FGM is not banned in The Gambia, at least not yet. There is no enforceable law on the books. And recall that Jammeh is prone to making outlandish,bizarre, and one-off statements. The last time Jammeh actually lived up to a promise was when he publiclyvowed to summarily execute death row inmates, which was  carried out in August 2012.

Also missing from the articles that highlight Gambia’s supposed ban on FGM is that Jammeh is likely only trying to improve his country’s image. Soon, the European Union will decide the fate of a multi-million dollar aid package that was initially suspended due to increasing human rights concerns. The Gambia’s treasury is broke and Jammeh needs all the assistance he can possibly muster.

In regards to The Gambia, observers often have a hard time understanding how utterly deplorable the situation truly is, and human rights violations there go unreported, or at best underreported. At the same time of the FGM announcement, for instance, 33 activists protesting illegal sand mining in their community were detained, allegedly tortured, and are now being held at the country’s Mile 2 maximum security prison. This incident has thus far failed to make the pages of any international media outlet.

As a human rights activist, I strongly encourage celebrating small victories – it undoubtedly helps to keep us sane – and the announced ban on FGM is surely one of them. However, given Jammeh’s track record of abuse and erratic behavior, let us hold off on popping the champagne until this “ban” amounts to more than just rhetoric.

JaKarrLo Ak Juka On Fatu Radio


Jakarrlo to talk about real issues affecting each Gambian.


Kartong Youths Brought To Court With Marks Of Torture


The situation in the coastal village of Kartong in the West Region of the Gambia is still tense two days after Gambia’s trigger happy security forces landed on the village with heavy weaponry to quell a peaceful protest against illegal sand mining.

In the ensuing clash with security forces, about 45 young people including women have been arrested and taken to different police stations. This morning, they were hurriedly rushed to Brikama Magistrates Court.

Fatu Radio is able to confirm from credible sources both within the Gambia and in the diaspora that all those brought before the presiding Magistrate have visible marks of sever torture. Some of the youths sustained injuries and were denied access to medical care.

The youths who were brought before the court said during the torture season, the torturers asked them to insult their own mothers. One prominent diaspora activist Mr Suntou Touray who is based in London, said the practice of asking victims to abuse and insult their own mothers is routine in Gambia used to break down the will and confidence of the victims.

Two defence lawyers in the persons of Lawyer Lamin J Darboe and Iddrissa Sissoho are now engaged to defend the Kartong youths in the court.

Kartong which lies about 50 km from the Gambian capital Banjul has been badly affected by sand mining activities on the coastlines. Gambia government’s own geology department in collaboration with the National Environment Agency in a joint impact assessment survey of coastal sand mining identified the practice as one of the biggest threat to the country’s environment.

The study also warned that coastal sand mining poses a dangerous threat to Gambia’s tourism industry which mainly relies on the long unspoilt sandy beaches to attract more holiday makers from mainly Western Europe.

Since the submission of the findings of the environment impact assessment report to the government in 1996, an embargo was placed on coastal sand mining. The sand mining activity was then shifted to inland but by year 2001, coastal sand mining started again this time in a more aggravated manner by a company named KGI which is owned and operated by Gambia’s brutal dictator, Yahya Jammeh. By this time, President Jammeh and his company had elbowed all of the local sand miners and brought in his own trucks painted green.

In addition to sand mining, President Jammeh also entered into secret contract deals with Australian and Chinese companies where they are involved in heavy mining of precious minerals which Gambians are to be informed of.

In addition to shipping tons and tons of coastal sand packed into containers to China and Australia, aggravated sand mining for construction also meant that new coastlines have to be encroached upon to meet the demand. This is how Kartong and other adjacent villages in the Kombos in Western Gambia became target of President Jammeh’s sand mining activities.

As a result of the mining, hectares of farms lands that the villagers rely on for peasant farming have been completely destroyed. Villagers have been disposed of their livelihood and their environment completely destroyed.

And sadly though the villagers are not only displaced, but the funds accrued from the mining activity is also pocketed by Gambia’s brutal dictator Yahya Jammeh who continue to shamelessly steal from his impoverished population with glee.

Below is the list of the people so far arrested and arraigned before the court:

Habib Touray, Pam Jarjou, Ousman Jatta, Solo Manneh Amadou Jarju, Modou Kuto Manneh, Jerreh Touray, Buba Jabang, Omar Jabang, Buba Bojang, Omar Manneh, lamin Jatta, Famara Jatta, Ousman Jabang, buba Manneh, Yama Jarju, Jerreh Manneh, Baba Ceesay, Abdoulie Touray, James Gibba, Malang Jaiteh, Lamin Jaiteh, Muhammed Jabang, Bakary Jammeh, Omar Jammeh, Abdou Jallow, Tutu Jaiteh female, bakary Badjie, Ebrima Badjie, Abdoulie Jaiteh Kebba Touray

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