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Bizzare! Headmaster arrested for helping the poor


Lamin Camara, headmaster of Demfaye Basic Cycle was arrested on Friday December 17 and taken to Bansang  Police Station where he has been held in a cell without charge well beyond the 72 hours stipulated by the constitution . While the government is yet to proffer any formal charges , sources familiar with the case have indicated that it revolves around a shipment of donated items sent to his school and community that he was transporting to Demfaye after clearing it at the Port on the 11th of December.

Having gone through nearly 20 check points from Banjul without incident , Mr Camara and his team of volunteers who were carrying the donated items in two hired trucks were stopped at a checkpoint in Kaur . They were promptly ordered off the trucks and told to pack off the road . The license of the driver was then confiscated and was told a bribe had to be paid. After much delay , the facilitator of the donated items Karamba Touray was contacted to explain the situation who reiterated what he had always stressed to Lamin which is that Allah has forbidden the giving and taking of bribes and that it is also against the laws of The Gambia .

The policeman insisted on extorting the bribe and refused to return the driver’s license and instead wrote an abstract note on a flimsy piece of paper as a substitute for the checkpoints after Kaur that the driver  would encounter on the remainder of the journey to Demfaye and back. The extortion note was forwarded to Karamba Touray , who then proceeded to call the officer demanding the bribe to urge him to return the drivers license and to not insist on unlawfully demanding money from the driver .

It was understood that the police was furious that a citizen was demanding he respect the law. Karamba then proceeded to write a public note on his Facebook page lamenting the bureaucratic problems he encountered clearing the 40 foot container that drove the cost of clearing as well as the flagrant demand by this one police officer and his accomplice to be bribed. Fatu Network understands from sources the police officer in question a sergeant Bayo was arrested following the posting of the complaint and is still in custody. Principal Camara who  is an award winning educator ,  is held in very high regard by the people of Demfaye and communities throughout CRR. He is involved mosque building projects, coordinates support for religious schools and helps distribute support to hundreds of poor people from orphans to widows quietly and for Allah’s sake.

Sources have indicated that the police leadership are attempting to persecute an honest and upright citizen who refused to violate the law . Holding the rogue police officer who violated his oath and then turning around and holding Lamin for the legitimate public complaints of Karamba Touray is a travesty. The right thing is for Lamin to be released immediately and unconditionally and for him to receive a public commendation for following the commands of Allah and upholding the laws of The Gambia . Karamba Touray’s public opinions are his and trying to persecute a good servant of the people who is working tirelessly to make his community better is wrong.




Authoritative sources in government have informed Fatu Radio that the Gambian Dictator President Yaya Jammeh has given orders for the reopening of lotteries and other gambling games in The Gambia, nine months after he abruptly and unilaterally ordered for their closure. Our informant has indicated that so far the Gambia National Lottery (GNL) has been informed of the decision by the President to allow them operate effective January, 2016. GNL, the premier of betting games in The Gambia is partially owned by Banjul City Council (BCC).

Since dictator Jammeh’s office announced the banning earlier this year, Banjul City Council has been making fruitless efforts, including using APRC political bigwigs to reach the President to make an announcement, which would have excluded them from the ban.

We have gathered information that sometimes in April this year, the Mayor of Banjul and his senior management held a meeting with the Clerk of the National Assembly with hopes he can use the Assembly to reach to the President and make him understand the amount of revenue the Council is losing as a result of the ban. Similar efforts were also made by owners of private betting games who at the time of the banning had already paid their operational licenses and tax for the year 2015, an amount which in itself is exorbitant and by all indications, they never got refunded.

Is could be recalled that on March 1, 2015, The Gambia Radio and Television Services (GRTS) in its prime news announced the economically unwise and defrauding decision by the Gambia’s authoritarian leader to ban “lotteries, casinos and all forms of gambling in The Gambia with effect from Monday, 2nd March 2015” urging all operators of those services and establishments to cease operations. The news release further said “Gambians are predominantly followers of Islam and Christianity and both religions explicitly or implicitly strictly forbid adherents from engaging in gambling”.

The new directive allowing the lotteries to start operating is simply an indication that Jammeh’s regime is feeling the brunt of the bad state the economy and is making all efforts to boost its tax revenue in 2016. The Finance Minister while presenting the 2016 budget estimates to National Assembly Members said 2016 will be a difficult year for the Gambia as it continues to grapple with public debt and a huge deficit in 2015. The economic situation is worsen by the fact that many partners including EU has given its back to The Gambia as a consequence to Yaya Jammeh’s lack of respect for humanity and his lack of accountability and respect for financial principles.

Again, the U-turn goes to show how confuse dictator Jammeh is. Two weeks ago, he unconstitutionally proclaimed Gambia ‘an Islamic State’ and turn  back to lift the ban on gambling, a practice he said is unreligious.

The Horrifying Trend Of Human Trafficking In The Gambia


The menace of human trafficking in the Gambia still continues unabated. For the past four years the Gambia has been classified as a “source and destination country for women and children subjected to forced labour and sex trafficking.” Women, particularly those between the ages of 19 and 40 are the most affected where they are trafficked to mainly Middle Eastern countries of Kuwait, Lebanon, Qatar and now Turkey to a lesser degree.

Notwithstanding legislation outlawing all forms of human trafficking, Gambian law enforcement officers are accused of dubious and also dangerous collaboration with traffickers to make fake documents to enable women travel to the Middle East under the pretext that they are provided jobs.

But investigations by Fatu Radio have revealed that immediately the girls land in their final destination in the Middle East, they are handed over to their supposed “employers” who turn them into what rights groups called “domestic slaves.”

Just one week ago, a group of girls managed to contact Fatu Radio from Dubai where they claim to be undergoing scary, traumatic conditions of treatment in their hands of their “bosses” who have been denying them food and other basic necessities.

Amid sorrowful cries of support, the girls asked for help to rescue them from their “degrading and pitiful situation.” According to one of the girls who spoke on behalf of the group, they left Banjul in September 2015 after an agent named ‘Ousu’ took their passports and sent them to Kuwait to process their visa application. She said their visa and other necessary travel arrangements including air tickets—-booked for them online, were quickly processed and then they were transported to Dakar where they took their Ethiopian Airline flight via Ethiopia and then finally to Kuwait

Typical of any trafficking ring, the girls told Fatu Radio that each of them was forced to pay about D15,000 to “Ousu” the agent even before they were taken to Kuwait. All of them where promised jobs in hotels.

However, upon arrival at the Kuwaiti airport, the person who supposed to meet them, a certain Gambian lady based in Kuwait going by the name “Jarie” when contacted on her mobile phone was nowhere at the airport so the girls were forced to sleep in the arrival hall of the Kuwaiti International Airport.

According to the girls, “Jari” who was later found out to be one of the many agents involved in the trafficking arrived at the airport the following morning. But instead of taking them to the hotel where they were promised employment, they were escorted to another agent’s office called ‘Salma’. The girls said they met Salma who introduced them to homeowners in need of domestic workers whom the girls in their interview with Fatu Radio constantly refer to as ‘madams’.

Upon arrival in the homes of their new bosses (madams), the girls were immediately told that they were bought from the agents to serve as domestic workers. From then on they said, they would be forced to wake up at 5am daily, and would only go back to bed at 1am.

Investigations by Fatu Radio revealed that most of the girls suffered tales of cruelty and mistreatment at the hands of their “madams.” These include denying them food, denying them contacting their immediate family in the Gambia or their fellow domestic maids in Kuwait, and in some extreme cases, sexual exploitation. Some of the girls narrated harrowing cases of sexual advances by the husbands of their “madams” whenever the women bosses went out.

Following Fatu Radio’s interview with six of the girls, they have been provided temporal shelter in Kuwait. Their agents in the meantime have given stern warning to domestic employers that they should watch Gambians for they are looking forward to running away. This according to girls has risen the risk factors for other girls in captivity in Kuwaiti homes working as domestic slaves.

Three Former Officers of The Gambia Armed Forces Gone Missing! Foul Play Suspected!


Three former officers of The Gambia Armed Forces have gone missing according to reliable sources who contacted Faturadio to bring attention to this urgent matter. Considering the toxic human rights environment in which they live, this could potentially turn out to be a case of yet another assassination directed at innocent citizens.

Combat Engineer Col. Arthur Gomez, State Guards officer, Captain Alieu Sanyang, and 2 BN (Farra Fenni barracks) officer, Captain Lamin Jabang were all recently dismissed from the army by President Yahya Jammeh. During the course of his career, Alieu was once promoted to the rank of Lieutenant only to be later unceremoniously demoted to the rank of Wo2 on orders of Jammeh, who is also the Commander in Chief.

What makes this matter even more troubling is the evidence, even if scanty, found in the car of one of the Jungular’s (Yahya Jammeh’s assassin team) car. Shortly after their dismissal, someone is said to have accidentally found the names of the soldiers written on a yellow sticker paper usually found in offices in this particular car belonging to the Jungular who has no prior connections to the three. This, according our sources familiar with the Modus Operandi of this illegally created group that is known for nothing other than terrorizing citizens and carrying out Jammeh’s assassination orders, points to a very worrying development in a case that continues to cause trepidation and serious concern among colleagues and family members of the three who have so far searched everywhere without success.

Some years ago, the same scenario played out when yet another three soldiers went missing from their barracks only to be later revealed by insiders that the three were in fact assassinated by the Jungulars led by Aziz Tamba, another enforcer of Jammeh’s at the time before his fall out with the brutal Dictator. The insiders revealed that the three were murdered at Bond Road, a spot on the outskirts of Banjul, the capital city. One of the soldiers murdered in that case left behind a young wife and a six months old baby.

The security forces continue to take the brunt of Jammeh’s madness. This has baffled many observers who insist that as people sworn to protect the constitution of the country, their inability to protect themselves against abuse only spells more trouble for the civilians who rely mainly on them for the protection of their sovereignty. The search for the three missing soldiers in the meantime continues.

The woman they call to prosecute the world’s worst criminals

As the current holder of one of the top legal positions in the world, Fatou Bensouda is a definite role model.

She is a symbol for girls across Africa of the great heights that can be achieved through quality education.

Born and raised in the Gambia before studying Law in Nigeria and Malta, she quickly became her home country’s first expert in international maritime law.

Her career took a significant turn when she was appointed as Legal Adviser and Trial Attorney at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, rising through the ranks in just two years to become head of their Legal Advisory Unit.

This high profile appointment soon led her to a role at the International Criminal Court (ICC), as Deputy Prosecutor and by 2011 she was sworn in as Chief Prosecutor – the first African to hold a top position at the ICC.

Of her distinguished role, Bensouda has told BBC World Service: “I have come to actually believe that this is just my calling.”

Top marks for being confident, self-assured, and awe-inspiring!

As Chief Prosecutor, Bensouda’s job is to chase down individuals accused of the most serious crimes of concern to the international community, such as genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes. It often steps in when domestic courts and prosecutors have failed.

Her appointment has been welcomed by those in the legal profession, and among NGOs. The ICC has been criticized in the past, particularly by the African Union, for its overwhelming focus on cases in Africa. Bensouda’s background and deeper understanding of the continent can be seen as an advantageous trait for someone in this position.

Last year, she opened preliminary probes into alleged crimes in Palestine, broadened the scope of an initial inquiry in Ukraine, and has asked the ICC to open a formal investigation into the 2008 Russia-Georgia war. What a list of achievements for 2015!

Bensouda is frequently praised for her diligence and compassion:

“She always struck us a very thoughtful person of great intellect,” says Human Rights Watch senior counsel Liz Evenson.

Bensouda has spoken of having a particular passion for cases which affect women and girls. She discusses her decision to go into law to help these groups in the following video:

Asked how she deals with policing the world’s worst crimes, Bensouda has said:

“You cannot completely separate yourself from what you are doing because these aren’t statistics. Sometimes you talk about 1,000 people died, 100 people died. And people just think about the numbers. But these are lives of people. These are lives of mothers of sisters or friends.”

“We should be able to do something to give them a voice.”

The story of Fatou Bensouda, her success, compassion, and humanity, should urge us all to push for the success of Global Goal #4 (Quality Education) and Global Goal #5 (Gender Equality).

Who knows what new generations of African girls can go on to achieve if they are given a voice—or a louder voice—by securing these vital objectives?

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Fewer Options For High Spending British Tourists In Gambia As Country’s Only Five Star Hotel Brand Ceases Operation


Amid concerns over its human rights record, particularly minority rights, tourist arrivals to the Gambia continue to show disappointing figures. In June 2015, the Ministry of Tourism conducted a tour across Europe promoting the Gambia as a “safe” destination which “guarantees value for money” even for first time holiday makers.

But behind the frontage of gestational peace that the Gambia government wants the world to believe, the impression about the country even from repeat tourists is one of apprehension and fear. Just last week President Yahya Jammeh declared the Gambia as an Islamic state, further adding to the anxiety of the population over human rights abuses. Even the British Foreign Office in a travel advice on the Gambia has warned that “it hasn’t always been possible for the British Embassy to gain early access to detained British nationals in The Gambia” and that  “anyone travelling independently, should make sure next of kin in the UK have details of your itinerary and keep in regular touch.”

Now Sheraton Hotel, the only international brand hotel in The Gambia has finally left the Gambia since December 11th. Two weeks ago the hotel administration had sent a bombshell memo to panic stricken staff informing them about its decision to cease operation.

Sheraton Hotel has since completely removed its flag from the magnificent edifice it built in the tourist resort of Brufut Heights some 22km from the capital Banjul. The poor economy, deplorable human rights, and fewer tourist arrivals have all been cited as reasons why Sheraton decided to disassociate itself with The Gambia.

The decision has left high spending British tourists with little options to stay in a serene environment of international standard. Of late, through a combination of Gambia’s isolationist policies and a clampdown on dissent, is forcing European tourists to move to the West African country Cape Verde known for its adherence to democratic principle as their dream holiday destination. A fewer high spending tourists choosing the Gambia as their ideal destination leaves the country’s tourism industry highly vulnerable as many of the repeat tourists spend less on things that will move the economy.

As expected, Sheraton’s decision to cease operations in the Gambia was met with shock, uncertainty, and trepidation by the employees. The hotel which has been operating in The Gambia since May 25th, 2007, had 200 employees. The fate of the employees is still not known as no immediate announcement has been made yet whether new investors have taken over the brand hotel talk less of when they will start operations again.



On 10th December 2015, Yaya Jammeh, authoritarian ruler of the Republic of The Gambia, declared The Gambia an Islamic State.

All the signs leading to this declaration of buffoonerywere clearly written on the wall for all to see. Jammeh has been flirting with this backward idea ever since he successfully crippled what is known as the Supreme Islamic Council in the Gambia.

Deep in Jammehs pocket, the Supreme Islamic Council relinquished all authority to the feudalist – buffoon to intervene and give ultimatum in matters of religious Islamic ceremonies such as Ramadan and Tobaski (Eid) prayers. A self-convert of dubious standing, following his ascension to power, Jammeh adopted the life of trickery and flattery as a “Muslim”, winning the hearts and minds of the willfully ignorant and opportunists alike.

The Supreme Islamic Council is not the only enabler of Jammehs absolute empowerment, resulting in the tyranny that is about to suffocate our beloved Gambia. The emasculated and rubber stamp National Assembly, where legislature is the law according to Jammehis equally enabling. Adding insult to injury, our nations house of justice, the judiciary, has been made a den of mercenary judges answerable only to Jammeh.

In the midst of this gross violation of our human rights such as the common practice of guilty until proven innocent, kangaroo court trials, arrests without trials and indefinite detentions, the Gambia Bar Association remains mute.

There are no functional institutions existing in the Gambia to relieve us from the criminal wrong doings of the Jammeh regime; the primary reason for his audacity to insult and impose 21 years of his feudalist rule of terror entrenched in mysticism, blind religiosity and sycophancy.

This ILLEGAL DECLARATION OF ISLAMIC STATE is the latest in a string of outrageous deeds by Yaya Jammeh. 

DUGA forcefully rejects this declaration. Christians, Muslims and others have coexisted in our secular beloved Gambia even before Jammeh’s grandparents and will continue to coexist long after Jammeh is gone and forgotten.

What more will it take to OUTRAGE the sons and daughters of our beloved Gambia to end this trail of terror by the Jammeh regime?

Beloved sons and daughters of our secular Gambia, an organized mass UPRISING from Banjul to Koina and throughout the four corners of the world, wherever Gambians live, is the logical resort to repel Jammehs continued tyranny. No mystical or military power can stop this march. Let the KARTONG resistance be our inspiration.

Join DUGA 11am on December 30th in front of Gambia Embassy, DC to commemorate the 1yr anniversary of our Freedom Fighters and to Say No to Islamic Republic in Gambia



                                                   LONG LIVE A SECULAR GAMBIA!

FGM Abolition is not Enough Without Reparation for Victims

In our society, many women have died as they give birth to life due to complications of FGM. Many homes have become battlefields as husbands despise and torment wives for not meeting their sexual desires due to FGM. Many families have been mired in turmoil as co-wives engage in life and death struggle over husbands who marry more women just to satisfy their lust. Divorces, adultery and sexual promiscuity have become all too frequent due to the prevalence of FGM in many communities and homes.

Above all, FGM has served to tame African women in communities that practice the tradition into absolute submission and disempowerment. Thanks to solemnly controlled secret societies and well stage-managed FGM rites and ceremonies in which young girls are subjected to a series of well calculated and carefully delivered messages, FGM has become an effective socialization program intended to indoctrinate women and girls to a life of subservience in their society. In these societies and ceremonies, our girls and women are taught to be contented being behind boys and men; not to aim high for their world stops in the kitchen and the bedroom, while they are constantly miseducated to belief that women are weak.

Our girls and women are taught in the FGM rites of passage to perceive themselves as objects whose value can only be manifested in how they take care of their bodies in order to satisfy their men folk. Consequently our girls and women have become far more preoccupied about their bodily looks even if they have to paint their bodies and add all sorts of artificial materials on their heads, eyes, lips including piercing their tongue, navel, ears, genitalia and nostrils just to appear like a decorated artifact in service to the desires of boys and men. It is this mindset that forces our women to seek the lighter side of life and be prepared to remain a step behind boys and men. It is such indoctrination, perpetuated by both men and women that give rise to statements such as ‘Ladies First’, which has been erroneously meant to be a compliment. But this is a terrible mindset at the back of which only confirms the persistent indoctrination that girls and women are toys without self esteem whose lives are at the mercy of their male counterparts. This is why FGM serves as an effective exploitative and oppressive tool that does not empower our women to be equal members of society.

About FGM

FGM is a gross human rights violation meted out to girls and women for centuries. It is neither Islamic nor a good cultural practice. For long though, it has been held, falsely that Islam approves of the practice. Secondly, while it is a fact that FGM is a tradition in many African communities, what is not fully understood or rather ignored is the fact that everything is culture. Human beings have culture, a set of existing yet changing way of life manifesting in practices, values, ceremonies, institutions, laws, materials, relationships, sports, food, dresses among a host of others. Our time and environment play a decisive role in building this way of life to meet our needs as we seek to dominate nature to continue to acquire and perfect a more decent and better way of life.

But in this world of culture, one will notice that there are aspects that empower and liberate individuals and communities, while some aspects also enslave and oppress individuals and communities. Thus there are good and bad cultural values and practices. Secondly in any society, there are always dominant groups who seek to define and establish the prevailing socio-economic and political systems and institutions to serve primarily the dominant class or group. In each home or tribe, as well as in organizations and institutions whether in the public and private sectors or civil society, or in instances of colonialism or foreign domination, one can notice a dominant idea and system to which all conform. In feudal and colonial societies, just as in authoritarian regimes, this dominant idea and system always serve the rulers and the powerful that are connected to them. This is why the fight for self-determination, freedom and democracy has always been imperative by all peoples everywhere in order to bring about a new society founded on the principles of human rights and dignity. Thus FGM, as an oppressive cultural practice is also an idea and a system carved by the dominant class, men with the intention to contain and control the dominated class, women. Thus the fight against FGM is a fight for cultural liberation that ultimately does not only free women, but alongside it also frees men from being oppressors and exploiters, hence the entire society.

It is extremely important that Africans understand the value and role of culture in our lives. Not only our ceremonies, values and practices are cultural, but also even science and technology are aspects of culture. The Internet therefore is not only an information and knowledge production and sharing platform, but more importantly the Internet is a cultural tool just like the balafon or aeroplane or kaftan created for the benefit of society. This is also the reason why anytime an individual or a group dominates another individual or group, their first target is to alienate the dominated from his or her culture, and then impose the culture of the occupying force on the occupied.

This is because human beings also only think and act within the confines of their culture. Hence if I impose my culture (i.e. my ideas, systems, values, beliefs, materials, etc) on you and managed to get you embrace it, the tendency for you to think and act like me becomes much easier. In that situation therefore the occupied will not anymore resist occupation, rather will become obedient and subject himself or herself to the ideas and systems of the oppressed, hence facilitate his or her own domination. This is exactly what slavery and colonialism succeeded to do to Africans that even up to today, the more an African is educated in Arabic, English or French tends to become more Arab and English than the indigenous owners of these cultural tools, i.e. languages. This is why in the context of FGM, men were able to impose their ideas and systems on women to the extent that the leading exponents and practitioners of female circumcision have been women themselves. For example, I have given up convincing my good old mom that FGM is not only harmful health-wise, but also exploitative and oppressive which is responsible for her disempowerment.

Understanding the Abolition

The Gambia Government is said to be developing a legislation to formalize the banning of FGM in the country. There have been jubilations at the pronouncement of the abolition. However a fundamental question must be asked as to why did it take a government 50 years to ban what is clearly a violation, which poses a clear and direct danger to the lives of girls and women? The pronouncement and the imminent legislation must serve as the beginning of an accountability process to ensure that justice is delivered for the damages done to the health, bodies and dignity of women and girls.

No government can and must claim ignorance on any issue that affects the lives and rights of citizens. That FGM is unhealthy, harmful and non-Islamic is clear. The government has the capacity in all ways to know whether FGM is right or not. It is clear that even without a law banning FGM, the path has been carved for the voluntary abandonment of the practice in the Gambia, sooner or later. The rate and intensity of the campaign by civil society groups including youth organizations have registered tremendous gains that it is clear that many more Gambians are rejecting FGM than embracing it. Coupled with other factors such as education and generally high levels of awareness thanks to a more open world, the move towards voluntary abolition was very assured.

The question still is why did we wait for so long as a country to ban this harmful practice?

We must recognize that the state has the resources, expertise and mandate to protect the rights of citizens. Thus since gaining independence, FGM like all other harmful traditional practices should have been banned in the country in protection of the rights and dignity of citizens. Section 17 of the 1997 constitution stipulates that the state bears primary responsibility for the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens. Thus the onus to ban FGM lies entirely with the state. It must be noted that the primary function of a state is to create and promote a liberation culture in which citizens enjoy freedoms, sustainable development and quality standard of life. This is why a state collects taxes among other sources of revenue to provide social services such as education, healthcare, good roads and other infrastructure as well as security and all other public goods and services. In providing these social goods and services, the state also makes laws and creates institutions to ensure orderliness, regulate human behavior and operations of businesses and all other aspects of life in that society. It is this process of managing resources and affairs of the society that the state then creates a new culture, hence development. Thus by failing to ban FGM since 1970 when the Gambia became independent, one must therefore hold the state to account for the reasons behind this indecision until now.

Compensation for Victims

In holding the state to account for failing to ban FGM since independence, we must therefore remind everyone that indeed FGM has produced scores of victims. Marriages have been broken by FGM. Homes have been plunged into crisis because of FGM. Lives became horrified and lost because of FGM. Rights and dignity have been bruised because of FGM. What happens now to that 10-year-old girl who was circumcised last year? What about that 35-year-old woman who cannot bear a child anymore after FGM related complications following her two previous deliveries? How about that woman living in torment and daily fights with co-wives, and shunned by her husband because of FGM? These and many more thousands of girls and women are already dead or in our homes, offices, and communities and all over the country. What about them?

I wish to state here that the abolition of FGM is incomplete until the Gambia repairs the damages caused by FGM to our girls and women. The government must open a trust fund to compensate all girls and women who have been subjected to FGM. The FGM bill must make entrenched provisions to set the modalities of this reparation. These girls and women were betrayed by their state that sat idly by to watch their humanity and dignity being marred with impunity. The state must demonstrate responsibility and compassion and ensure that justice is seen to be done for those who were not protected by their chief protector, i.e. the State, but left to suffer irreparably scars of life. We must bear in mind that abolishing FGM is not a charity or a favor provided to our girls and women. It is an obligation that must have been fully fulfilled since 1970. That, we allowed it to persist in the face of overwhelming evidence that the practice is non-Islamic and an oppressive and exploitative cultural tool intended to harm more than half of society is criminal. I demand justice in the name of the victims.

Let justice prevail. Stand for FGM Victims.

The Enigma of a Gambian Islamic State: Leadership Policy Rationale in Context

President Jammeh of the Gambia has done it once more, bringing to light his controversial and irrational state of mind. From claims that he can cure HIV/AIDS, Female infertility and his dehumanizing scheme of witch hunting, the Gambian leader at a recent political rally declared the Minuscule West African state an Islamic State. Jammeh noted that making the Gambia an Islamic State detaches the country from her colonial legacy; an enigma that has given rise to several speculations.

By making such declarations, President Jammeh has dramatically altered The Gambia’s foreign policy landscape.

After carefully listening to the contradictory declaration by the Gambian leader, two questions came to mind: First, what is the rationale behind Jammeh’s decision to declare the Gambia an Islamic State? Second, did he transcend the limits of his power as defined by the constitution?

To better put the Gambian president’s rationale into context, it’s important to look at four major foreign policy analysis that explains why irrational leaders of small states behave the way they do. Walter Casnaes (1992) looked at problems with agency structure, emphasizing the influence of international conditions and state behavior in examining foreign policy changes on the international stage. For Carlsnae (1992), the three main dimensions to examine includes, the intentional dimension (explaining the purpose), the dispositional dimension, (explaining state reasoning), a structural dimension (explaining the international environment). The linkages of these three dimensions provides a base of understanding foreign policy changes of a state

Charles Hermman (1990) provided four indicators as factors responsible for a redirection of government foreign policy. These indicators includes, leadership (influence of the leader), bureaucratic advocacy (the influence of the elite structure), domestic restructuring (internal changes taking place at the time) and the external environment (the international environment at the time). Kalevi Holsti’s (1970) seminal work on foreign policy focused on restructuring, explaining “four types of foreign policy positions to include, isolation (limited or no external involvement), self-reliance, dependence (external relations are focused with a single state), and diversification ( high levels of external activities directed at multiple actors in the international stage)”. For Holsti (1970), such behaviors includes “anticolonial predispositions and policies, the unwillingness to enter alliances, receipt of foreign aid, and practicing independent judgement on world issues” (p233).  Out of this model, Holsti developed 12 sources of foreign policy, outlining other factors such as “modernization, economics, nationalism, ideological disputes, globalization and technological change, mass education and the evolving concept of sovereignty”. Our very own Omar Touray (1995) draws on several analysis but places emphasis on security, survival, sovereignty, independence and economic interest as major determinants of the foreign policy of micro states. The conclusions drawn from these theoretical formulations can explain Jammeh’s recent policy through four main perspectives.

First, Jammeh is faced with increasing isolation and sanctions threatening his government agencies economically, socially and politically. Externally, Jammeh’s largest donors such as the European Union (EU) have increasingly withheld developmental aid as a result of the growing concerns of human rights abuses.  He also severed relations with Taiwan, a prominent financial supporter of the Gambian regime. Further, a United States (US) sanction continues to suspend The Gambia from the Africa Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA), which provides incentives for African countries to export goods to the United States subject to zero import duty.  Such a turbulent international environment is having an adverse impact on the internal governance landscape. Aid money from prominent developmental partners and foreign investors is no longer supportive of many government agencies, therefore incapacitating operational dynamism in many facets. Tourism, which is a major sector of the Gambian economy have also deteriorated considerably over the years. By openly politicizing the Gambia’s Islamic identity, Jammeh seeks to strengthen ties with some Middle Eastern to secure more aid money to stabilize declining state institutions.

Second, Jammeh may be understanding that the social structure of Gambian society is shifting away from his ideals of political, economic and societal personalization. Citizens are more aligned to values of empowerment, economic, political and social freedoms that he has muscled over the years. Today, as repressive as his regime may be, the Gambian population have come to understand how the regime have failed in its functions of guaranteeing the common good of society. A majority of young Gambians are either fleeing in search of greener pasture, apathetic or embarked on self-made ventures in the private sector at their own expense. Others are either involved with international organizations or fled the country and residing in western nations, mainly the United States, and various European and Scandinavian nations.

Third, globalization, modernization and education ensured that Gambians understand the governance framework that guarantees progress and stability in a sustainable development framework. With advances in communication technology, and the inroads of social media that empowered citizens in many quarters, Jammeh may be seeking to slowly introduce sharia law to consolidate his grip on power. It remains to be seen how far any Sharia Law Scheme will go for a leader running out of options.

Fourth, the overall policy is rooted in “security, survival, sovereignty, independence and economic interest” (Touray, 1995). With the erosion of state institutions caused by financial and professional constraints, the Gambian leader may be running out of options. His policy behavior is in line with the irrational behavior of leaders of small states faced with increasing isolation and sanction. Arguably, the policy is entrenched in reasons of sustaining eroding state institutions and a demonstration of sovereign authority and independence under increasing global isolation. It is also a misplaced political response and strategy to rally support mostly from nations with a similar identity. The declaration is unconstitutional, contradictory and threatening to the peace and stability of the state. The Gambian constitution states that “The Gambia is a secular sovereign state” and “the sovereignty of the Gambia resides in the people of The Gambia from whom all organs of government derive their authority”. As Abdoulaye Saine (2012) once noted, a culture of religious tolerance on the separation of the state and religion has flourished in the Gambia since independence. The Gambia has always been an Islamic country entrenched in secularity.

Perhaps, the best way to detach the Gambia from her colonial legacy, is to tear down the borders with the only neighboring state of Senegal, and foster better relations with her Government and people.

International pressure on The Gambia Government, as President Jammeh dispatches UN Funded Human Rights Fact-Finding mission to Nigeria.


President Yahya Jammeh`s recent celebrated prisoners release including high political prisoners and his first meeting with the US Head of Mission in over three years was as a result of persistent international pressure. Furthermore, similar pressure from the EU has seen Jammeh dispatch a United Nations funded fact-finding mission to Nigeria to see how their independent Human Rights Commission operates.This was disclosed to the Campaign for Human Rights in the Gambia UK(CHRG) by the United Kingdom government.

These revelations run contrary to what President Jammeh,his ministers in collaboration with the state controlled media wants us to believe, They have persistently been preaching to Gambians and the international community that  it was in the sprit of mercy and forgives as well as freedom and liberty that he chose to free the prisoners.

(CHRG UK) recently made a representations to the UK government about the dire situation in the Country urging the them to work with the international community to priories the Gambia to prevent further escalation of the situation.

The government pointed out that the UK plays a leading role in campaigning for human rights in The Gambia and ensuring that the issue remains prominent on the European Union`s agenda.

“Since then President Jammeh has taken steps to address our concern these includes the unconditional release of over 300 prisoners, including about 60 high political prisoners, The reinstatement of consular access to all foreign prisoners,The first meeting between the US Head of Mission in over three years in which the President express the desire to turn the page and the Gambian UN funded fact-finding mission to Nigeria to see how their Independent Human Rights Commission operates something the EU has been advocating for almost two years”.

“Nevertheless, despite these recent progress President Jammeh still has much to prove.The UK`s position on this issue is firm.Human rights are universal and must apply equally to all people”. The UK government said.

The UK government also informed CHRG that following President Jammeh`s decision to withdraw the country from the EU Article 8 Political Dialogue in November last following criticism of the country`s human rights record, as a result of UK lobbying the Gambia government has now agree to resume the dialogue.We are seeking to persuade the Gambia government to improve the Human rights situation through it regular political dialogue under Cotonour Agreement.

“The human violations that are currently taken place in Gambia are horrendous and requires international attention. More needs to be done urgently to end this wave of terror that have swept the people of the Gambia since 1994. CHRG will intensify efforts with its partner to ensure Gambia government adhere to its human rights obligations”. CHRG UK`s  Alieu Ceesay said in a statement



At the end of his political campaign, under the guise of complying with one of the codes of conduct prescribed by Section 222 of the Gambia Constitution, the President Yaya Jammeh “proclaimed” The Gambia as an Islamic State. The purported proclamation is not a surprise to the United Democratic Party as President Jammeh has on several occasions paraded himself as the champion for Islam. He has also in the past made ill advised and ill-considered statements with far reaching adverse consequences.

The proclamation made in the village of Brufut is not only ill-considered and ill-advised but is also unconstitutional and a usurpation of the functions of the National Assembly. Section 1 of the Constitution declares The Gambia as a sovereign Secular Republic. This section of the Constitution is an entrenched provision. Like all other entrenched provisions of the Constitution, Section 1 came into being by the Constitution of The Gambia Promulgation Order 1997 passed by the National Assembly on 16th January 1997.

The only authority that has the constitutional mandate to amend or repeal a provision of the Constitution is the National Assembly of The Gambia in the exercise of its legislative powers. Even then, the National Assembly, with its plenary legislative powers, cannot amend or repeal any entrenched provision of the Constitution to make The Gambia an Islamic State, as section 100 (2) of the Constitution prohibits the National Assembly from doing so. This Section 100(2) states in very clear language that:

“The National Assembly shall not pass a Bill:-

  1. to establish a one party state;
  2. to establish any religion as a state religion.

To proclaim The Gambia an Islamic State therefore, is tantamount to establishing Islam as State religion which is unconstitutional and illegal.

Secondly, Section 100 as an entrenched provision which, like Section 1, cannot be altered without a referendum after other parliamentary procedures have been complied with.

The proclamation at Brufut is therefore, a willful flagrant violation by the President of his oath to uphold and defend the Constitution as the supreme law of The Gambia. Willful violation of any provision of the Constitution constitutes misconduct by the President and the members of the National Assembly should, in keeping with their oath of office, invoke Section 67 (2) of the Constitution for the removal of the President from office.

The proclamation is also an attempt by the President to abrogate Section 1 of the Constitution. Such an attempt is, by Section 6(1) of the Constitution, treason. Section 6(1) of the Constitution states that:-

“Any person who

  1. by himself or herself in concert with others, by any violent or other unlawful means, suspends or overthrows or abrogates this Constitution or any part of it, or attempts to do any such act, or;
  2. aids and abets in any manner any person referred in paragraph (a)

commits the offence of treason……………….”.

The proclamation is ill-considered and ill-advised because the President has not adverted his mind to the impact it will have on the general governance structure.

Will Gambia continue to operate the present legal system in an Islamic State? Will the financial institutions, save for Arab-Gambian Islamic Bank and Takaful Insurance Company, continue to operate the same way as they do at present, in Jammeh’s Islamic State? What about the National Assembly, the Judiciary and the Civil Service? What is the position of the non-Islamic religions in the Gambia which have for over hundred years coexisted in peace and perfect harmony with Islam and have made immense contribution to the education, health and other sectors of Gambian life?

The reason for proclaiming Gambia as an Islamic State exposes the contradiction and paradoxes in Jammeh’s crusade to wipe out what he calls the “vestiges and relics of colonialism”. Interestingly, whilst he chides the colonialists for leaving us with only a neck tie, he has great admiration and craving for some of the trappings and relics of colonialism that boost his ego. Does the President not know that the presence of the judges of the superior courts in their ceremonial robes and wigs at “the State opening of the legislative year” is a relic of colonialism? Does he not know that this is what happens in the British Parliament when Her Majesty the Queen delivers the speech from the throne? All the Law Lords attend the occasion. In the same way, he gets all the judges of the superior courts attend his State opening of the National Assembly. Why does not President Jammeh consider this event as a “relic of colonialism” unworthy of emulation? Just on Friday 14th December, the judges of the superior courts were at the National Assembly to grace the occasion of the presentation of the budget by the Minister of Finance. Another relic of colonialism. The “relics of colonialism” in the Gambia are legion.

The United Democratic Party believes that Jammeh’s obsession with colonialism is nothing but a ploy to divert the attention of the Gambian people from his failed policies. We will not be distracted. We will continue to ask why the economy is performing so badly; we will continue to ask why our youths are perishing in the Sahara Desert and in the Mediterranean Sea; we will continue to ask why the constitution and other laws are violated with impunity; we will continue to ask why you President Jammeh by your own utterances treat our women folk with contempt and disdain.

The UDP leader in an interview with AFP on this proclamation made it clear that the United Democratic Party will resist the implementation of any proclamation or other directive that are inconsistent with the Constitution. The United Democratic Party will, as it has done in the past, challenge the unconstitutionality of such proclamations/directives and give full effect to the words in the National Anthem “that all may live in unity …………and join our diverse people to prove man’s brotherhood”

Long live the Secular Republic of The Gambia

United Democratic Party



  1. 12. 2015

The Threats of Our Times: Ownership and Leadership is The Way Forward

When the Arab Spring erupted in 2010, cities across much of the Arab world came under fire from mass protest of citizens demanding change. From Tunis in Tunisia, Cairo and Alexandria in Egypt; to Tripoli and Benghazi in Libya; Sanaa, Yemen; and Damascus in Syria, popular uprising against decade’s long authoritarian rule came with a Euphoria that hung across most of the region. Even some of the richest Gulf States such as Bahrain felt the heat when their very own citizens took to the streets in protest. President’s Ben Ali of Tunisia, and Hosni Mubarak of Egypt were forced out by tumultuous crowds that lit the night time skies.

In Libya, Mohammad Qaddafi was killed by a mob of protestor turned rebels after several months of fighting across much of Libya. In Yemen, President Saleh was forced out after narrowly escaping a decapitation. In Syria, President Bashar Al Assad is able to stand his ground as protest movement shifted into a brutal civil war.

The euphoria that came with those tumultuous events seem to have dissipated, since the only two states (Tunisia and Egypt) that experienced transitions with some degree of success have intermittently come under scrutiny. Many have charged that those changes falls within the fulcrums of the old adage; “pouring old wine into new bottle,” largely denoting the status quo welding the most power and influence.  In Libya, although longtime leader, Mohammad Qaddafi was killed and his regime ousted, thousands of citizens are displaced, and various militia groups continue to operate and battle the legitimate government with impunity. In Syria protest escalated into a civil war that has killed hundreds of thousands, displaced millions, as President Bashar, Al-Assad continue to fight for his regimes survival. Even in Iraq, the overthrow of Saddam Hussein and the elections that ushered in a new government did not stabilize the country. Iraq continues to be gripped by a violent sectarian divide, and armed militia mainly from the deposed regime and other groups roving and disrupting peaceful coexistence in Iraq and across territories in Syria.  Evidently instability in Iraq and tumultuous events of the Arab spring lit fires across several cities of the Arab world, from Tunis, Sid Bouazi,  Cairo, Alexandria, Tripoli, Benghazi, Sanaa, Damascus and Manama.

While calm has returned to most of the cities, state fragility and failure in Libya, Syria and Iraq led to the birth of a new form of threat that shifted fires from cities of much of the Arab World to Western cities – the threats of transnational terrorism. The collapse of the Saddam Hussain regime in Iraq and protest movements that left Syria into a state of volatility and fragility, gave birth to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Our failure to stabilize Syria and Iraq in the framework of an international collective goodwill to protect human dignity has emboldened the ISIS network to share disturbing video messages showing the beheading of innocent beloved world citizens. Jihad John, the notorious executioner may be killed but his tale will continue to hunt mankind for good. The anger, fear, outrage and threat that came with those videos were both enigmatic and repugnant to our conscience as a human family. Our failure to act collectively in the name of humanity, irrespective of our divergent interests and power dynamics shows the volatility and weakness of mankind in a world polarized by interest. Hence, ISIS has shifted the path of the fires that lit the skies of cities in the Middle East and North Africa during the Arab Spring to cities in the western world.

ISIS reminds us of our own failures, challenges and contradictions. In the past decade, experts, policy makers, academics and think tanks have cautioned state failure and fragility, and poverty, as an international security challenge that could have lasting consequences on global stability.   Prominent among them was the US National Security Advisor, Dr. Suzan Rice. In  her 2006 policy paper titled, The Threat of Global Poverty, published in The National Interest Journal at Brookings Institute, Dr. Rice cautioned that “Americans can no longer realistically hope that we can erect the proverbial glass dome over our homeland and live safely isolated from the killers—natural or man-made—that plague other parts of  the world” (2006,p1). She warned that in the long term, it can threaten US national security. Apparently, the underlying truth beneath the threats of poverty, state failure and fragility threatens both US national interest, and the peace and security of the modern world. ISIS has opened up training camps and occupied territory in the failed and fragile states of Libya, Iraq and Syria, recruited operatives in the west, carried out bombings, suicide missions, and indiscriminate killings in the heart of Paris, London, Beirut, and threatening to strike American and other western cities. Similarly, it is alleged that ISIS has set footprints in Afghanistan, Somalia and Nigeria.

Most disheartening of the ISIS inroads into prominence, is its ability to recruit young men and women in our very own backyards in the west. The majority of those recruited either have a polarized background entrenched in a troubled life or feeling of alienation or frustration from societies incapacity to provide an institutionalize support system. Such loopholes in modern western society, shows the unsafe nature of our very own communities. ISIS has tapped into such vulnerabilities to commit murder at an alarming rate.

On November 13, 2015, ISIS has struck hard, carrying out attacks in a massacre style that killed about 153 people and wounded hundreds of innocent citizens  in Paris, France. On November 12, 2015, it carried out suicide bombings in Beirut, Lebanon that killed up to 43 people, and wounded about 153 citizens, demonstrating its determination to strike into our very own heartlands. Prior to these attacks, ISIS claimed responsibility for the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris that killed 12 people. ISIS did not limit its operations to only continental Europe, it had continuously redouble its efforts to strike in the United States of America (USA) with limited success. In the United States ISIS operational dynamism has been incapacitated in many regards with the exception of the May 3, 2015 attacks of a cartoon contest in Garland, Texas, depicting the prophet of Islam (May Peace and Blessings of Allah Be upon Him), and the  December 2, 2015 San Bernardino massacre that killed 14 people  and wounded 17. Investigations have so far concluded that both attacks were inspired by ISIS, which shows the strength and determination of the terror group to strike under all circumstances.

The debate on Freedom of Speech following the Charlie Hebdo, Paris, and Garland, Texas attacks did not do any good either in our collective effort of empowering citizens. Instead, we used the mantra of Freedom of Speech as an umbrella to pervasively intrude in to the arbiter of human dignity, culture and customs. We disregarded the mantle of the framers of freedom of speech as an institution that comes with responsibility. No one can deny that freedom of speech constitutes an integral part of our values. However, free speech that comes with da demeaning and devaluation of human culture constitutes irresponsibility in all its forms.

Arguably, the threats of ISIS that lit fires across cities in  both the Middle East,  the West and other parts of the world  reminds us that state failure and fragility creates conditions of  poverty, international criminal activity, terrorism and weakens state capacity to prevent violent threats. The world is no longer a safe place with, poverty, state collapse and political instability that has deepened poverty and displaced populations in Iraq, Syria and Libya.

Defeating ISIS requires taking ownership of the failed and fragile states of Iraq, Syria and Libya in the framework of a collective goodwill of finding a lasting political solution, and containing pervasive poverty among the millions of displaced citizens. This means the world’s most powerful nations must take a leading role in helping resettle the millions of helpless Syrian refugees seeking security and safety. It will also require empowering the majority Muslim population in all facets of society committed to upholding the Islamic values of peace, love moderation, tolerance and respect for the people. Such an empowerment should take place at the work place and educational institutions, government institutions, community organizations, the private and public sector. Such a framework can be an effective de-radicalization mechanism, especially for the vulnerable young men and women of our communities. Perhaps the leadership role of Canada and Germany in resettling and integrating thousands of Syrian refugees provides concrete historical lessons for other nations.



The Gambia Youth for Unity (GYU) and its civil society coalition partners are deeply concerned over the sudden overtures by President Yahya Jammeh, pronouncing The Gambia an Islamic Republic without the due procedure as provided in our Constitution.

The Gambia is a secular state and the freedom of worship of all religions has been guaranteed by the 1997 Constitution of The Second Republic. Such a sudden move by The Gambian leader has the potential to polarize our peace loving, social setup as Gambians, something we cherished for lifetime.

“As a youth movement that is representing the voice of the country’s 60 percent youth population, we deem that it is only when president Jammeh steps down that the country will create a new path to a democracy, freedom and progress for the population that has been obediently living under tyranny for two decades,” said Omar Bah, Chairman of the GYU.

Failure to respect such a call will leave us with no choice but to resort to civil disobedience in line with our planned Vision 05/16 (Vision No-fifth-Term for Jammeh in 2016), Mr. Bah added.

“The GYU and its partners believe the trend that Yahya Jammeh is taking has the potential to jeopardize the peace and stability of the country and therefore calls on him to step down as a way to maintaining the stability the Gambia has been known for, said Saihou Mballow, ‎President of the Organisation for  Democracy and Justice in West Africa and Coordinator of Gambian Movement for Democracy and Development (GMDD).

President Jammeh has been in power for twenty one years and has amended the constitution that stipulates a two-term mandate leaving it to indefinite term in office.

“In today’s Africa, it is proven that such overstay in power is a recipe for instability in emerging democracies hence Yahya Jammeh should step down without contesting the 2016 presidential election if The Gambia is to avoid political instability,” said Alieu Badara Ceesay, leader of the Scotland-based Campaign for Human Rights in The Gambia.

Mr. Assan Martin, a human rights lawyer, speaking on behalf of the Gambian Diaspora Coordinating Committee (GDCC) argued that the withdrawal of The Gambia from the Commonwealth, and the threat to withdraw from the African Union by President Jammeh, as well as the lack of support of the regional block, ECOWAS, for the excess of two terms in office for presidents shows the Gambian leader has no regards for international norms in the 21st Century.

Mr Martin added that the extent of human rights violations and abuse by Jammeh, coupled with unheeded calls for electoral reforms in The Gambia by opposition and civil society groups are all indications that Jammeh is taking The Gambia on the wrong path that runs contrary to the wishes of The Gambian people and the international community.

It is therefore time that the youths start taking back our country from the clutches of the dictator, Yahya Jammeh if he frustrates all democratic means for transition of power in The Gambia, Omar Bah added.


Mr. Omar Bah, Chairperson, Cambia Youth for Unity (GYU) 

Saihou Mballow, Gambian Movement for Democracy (GMD)

Alieu Badara Ceesay, Campaign for Human Rights in The Gambia (CHRG)

Mr. Assan Martin, Gambian Diaspora Coordinating Committee (GDCC)

For more information, contact:

GYU Admin Email: [email protected]

Deyda Hydara: Eleven years on and still waiting for justice

It is 11 years since the assassination of prominent Gambian journalist Deyda Hydara, and all those who care for justice are still waiting for the Gambian authorities to take up their responsibilities and launch a thorough investigation into his killing.


While there is no hard evidence that the Gambia government or its agents are involved in Deyda’s killing, but it is quite hard for any reasonable person to explain the government’s complete lack of interest in investigating the case as if they are not interested in knowing who, killed him and why or that they have something to hide from people knowing the truth.


We can recall that Deyda, who was managing editor and co-proprietor of The Point newspaper, was killed on 16 December 2004 while driving home from The Point’s office on Garba Jahumpa Road in Bakau late in the evening. He was accompanied by two female staff of The Point; Ida Jagne and Nyangsara Jobe.


Apparently, the assassins were trailing his car and immediately it curved on Sankung Sillah Road in the Kanifing Industrial Estate, just by the perimeter fence of the paramilitary barracks on the Serekunda-Banjul highway, they struck, pumping several bullets on the driver’s side, and he was said to have been killed on the spot while his two female companions sustained various degrees of injuries. With assistance from the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the two ladies, who were virtually left untreated at the Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital, were later evacuated to Dakar by the Gambia Press Union (GPU) for specialist treatment.


However, from the very onset, the attitude of the Gambian authorities towards the case was quite bizarre. Not only was the family not invited to the postmortem but the autopsy report was also never made available to them, even when they requested for it. Up to this very day, neither the family nor the GPU, who are an interested party, know what has happened to the autopsy report or even the bullets that were removed from his body. Something is definitely fishy with the attitude of the Gambian authorities towards Deyda’s assassination.


Therefore, instead of putting in all necessary efforts to find out who killed Deyda and why, the authorities have continued to demonstrate their complete indifference to the case.  In fact every time President Yahya Jammeh comments on the case, he makes some ambiguous remarks which tend to confuse rather than clarify his government’s stand point on the issue. A case in point was an interview he had with the BBC in November 2011 in which he compared Deyda’s brutal murder to the deaths of other Gambians in road accidents, asking why anyone should be more concerned about Deyda’s death than those Gambians who have died in other circumstances, thus further dashing any hopes that his government has any intentions of investigating the killing.


We can also recall the only official report so far released on the case, dubbed ‘Confidential Report’ that was issued by the National Intelligence Agency (NIA) in June 2005 in which instead of displaying any seriousness in investigating the case, they chose to subject Deyda’s personal character to all sorts of disparaging comments, even to the extent of blaming his death on his wayward behavior. And since then, there has not been any other report on the case, as if the authorities are not interested in knowing the truth.


While there is as yet no iota of evidence to link the regime or anyone else in Deyda’s murder, but the least anyone expected from the authorities was to show commitment in thoroughly investigating the case with a view to bringing the culprits to justice. Therefore, there is a general consensus amongst those who cherish justice that the failure of the responsible authorities to do so tantamount to shirking their responsibilities to a bona fide Gambian citizen.


From the very beginning, the GPU and other civil society groups had called on the authorities to invite more competent investigators from abroad to help the Gambian security forces to unravel the case, but they always turned down the request, insisting that the security forces had the capacity and competence to carry out the investigation, and yet so far, they have failed to show any commitment and resolve to carry out any serious investigation. There is no doubt that if the government had agreed to such a proposal then, by now the truth may have been known as to who killed Deyda and why.


Therefore, even the failure of the authorities to carry out a forensic analysis of the bullets recovered from Deyda’s body, which are some of the most basic things anyone would expect from any responsible authority, can easily be interpreted to mean an apparent attempt of a cover up.


It could be recalled that during events commemorating the first anniversary of his death when the GPU and its invited guests from the sub-region and abroad attempted to visit the site where he was killed, they were met by a large contingent of heavily armed para-military forces who said they were given instructions not to allow anyone on the site. That of course was yet another clear indication that the authorities had something to hide.


The failure of the authorities to accord the case the seriousness that it deserved has not only dented the Gambia’s image as a respecter of the rule of law and provider of justice for all its citizens, but it has also strengthened any speculations that the regime or its agents may have been accomplices to the killing. Therefore, in view of the obvious reluctance on the part of the Gambian authorities to show any commitment to investigate this heinous crime, it is incumbent upon regional bodies like ECOWAS and the African Union, or even the United Nations and the rest of the international community to assume their responsibilities and ensure that justice is done in the case.


There is no doubt that all those who knew Deyda and what he stood for, and indeed all people of conscience, will never rest until justice is seen to be done in this case.

Eleven Years Of Anguish – A Tribute To A Fearless Dad

 On the eleventh anniversary of the callous and cowardly killing of a daring and fearless journalist, who never gave in to threats or intimidation and stood steadfast for his ideals, I wish to pay my respects. DEYDA knew exactly what his job entailed as he did it objectively without fear or favour. All that he did was for the good of the country. He was a true reformer and a real patriot.

To a lot of people DEYDA HYDARA was just another victimized African journalists who just made the statistics but to us he was the world and a huge part of what used to be a close-knit and perfect family which makes writing this tribute not only with a heavy heart but brings back the numbness of that fateful night.


When 3 bullets were launched into him on December 16, 2004, a lot was killed with him, including his 30 years career. He had great tenacity, passion and conviction for journalism, which never let him off the hook to be a loving granddad, a good husband and an excellent dad who listened and always defended the truth.
Thinking back brings anger, frustration and it is totally hard to grasp with the pain it brings after all this  time is excruciating, as no one can explain it  unless you have been through exactly the same thing you won’t be able to comprehend such agony.

Journalism is one of the noblest of professions and journalists are respected for the sacrifice they undergo to get information through to the masses, while risking their lives. This is the case everywhere in the world except in Africa, where all that our leaders know is to incarcerate, harass, torture, intimate and even kill those who dare criticize them.

African journalists are over-worked and under-paid, endure long tiring hours whilst generating more enemies and are treated as second class citizens, when tyranny and abuse of office is exposed. They remain the voice of the voiceless and the oppressed, with ethics and steadfastness without fear or favour, they are the masses’ eyes and ears.

That is what DEYDA was.

After 11 dastardly years it’s pointless to dwell on the Gambia Government’s flagrant disregard of the case, as well as its inhuman and degrading treatment of the whole circumstances surrounding this tragedy from the very onset. Their incompetence and inability to diligently carry out proper investigations which the Ecowas court also highlighted and concluded that the NIA was not an impartial body to carry out the investigations. How can they be, when the then head of the investigation Captain Lamin Saine admitted that he was supposed to be in that very car in which Deyda was killed, on that night as he had been doing a couple of months prior to the incident.

We have seen the bad, the worst and the ugliest sides of some Gambians, who had been transformed over-night and became monstrous like vultures after a prey. When all he was to them was generous and selfless through and through.  At the same time we have come to realise who DEYDA’s real friends were and what was real and fake in them.

With time we had to bear the pain of admitting the reality that some people are born scroungers and will always be. So when people say “we are in this together” we can now tell who really means this and the ones who don’t. We thank the Almighty Allah for blessing us with a very few people who are honest and full of integrity and have been with us in our plight for justice for the last 11 trying years.

We have been calling on the International Community, including International Human Rights Organisations such as Amnesty International, The United Nations, Ecowas, The European Union and The African Union to take up their responsibilities on the matter.

On this occasion and from the perspective of a victim’s family I thought it would be useful to reinforce once again our plight from a different dimension. We welcome all your efforts but can’t help but think whether recommendations, fact finding missions, bilateral sanctions, or condemnations are the way forward and whether this is enough for victim’s families, when the government of the Gambia continues to blatantly ignore and disregard all these decisions and findings. Such sanctions would only make it worst for the masses who have to suffer more and or these might further cause more reprisals.

We commend and with utmost gratitude the efforts that your Organisations have gone through, but we cannot help but wonder if more could be done. We appreciate the fact that it is not an easy task when the world today is filled with atrocities from all around, which may be seen as more gruesome than our plight but “nipping it in the bud” would surely prevent it from getting to the level of atrocities you can’t ignore. Also, we would like to acknowledge your dilemma of having to deal with such cases day in day out, but it is heartbreaking to know that the only thing that made my dad sacrifice his life for his ideals was the believe and trust he had in The UN system, Human Rights Organisations and The International Community.

As I said before if there was anything more than gratitude, I will send it your way as we do know how much you are owed for all your efforts, especially when there is so much that you can do,but just thought it is an insult to the Gambian people when the African Union Human Rights office is based in Banjul. That I believe to be a mockery of the very fundamental principles your Organisation is known for.

It could be argued that more strenuous measures should be put in place to eradicate the endless cycle of human rights abuses and violations which are being meted on the people.

I am pleading that you are able to understand my frustration and the horrific ordeal my family and many other families have gone through in the past couple of years.

With some families not knowing whether their sons, fathers, husbands, brothers and sisters are alive or dead, when some families are left to fend for themselves in the absence of the breadwinner, when some families are still waiting for justice which is denied for so long.

It would seem to me that probably a review of the principles or mechanisms put in place to run some of these institutions are well overdue.

Take for instance since the inception of the Ecowas court how many different cases regarding Gambian journalists have been heard at the said court, how many judgments against the Gambia government were given, and yet still over 10 years now none have been complied with. When certain other African governments have also argued why they should abide by the court’s judgments when the Gambia government does not show any respect for the court and nothing comes out of it.

How many more have to die, leaving so many more families in destitute, how many journalists have disappeared, how many more are languishing in high security prisons (when criminals and the killers of these journalists are roaming the streets of the Gambia in search of a morality check). Without any proper safeguards in place to investigate such cases, or even make any attempt to arrest or try the culprits.

As the night falls with so many enforced disappearances, extra-judicial killings, torture, intimidation, bogus charges and false imprisonment of journalists have become routine.

We have seen more journalists forced into self-exile where more journalists are now in the diaspora than on the ground with some of them being sentenced in absentia. Leaving the few on the ground some of whom are left with a very tiny number who will dare to report stories without any fear of reprisals and the rest are left to carry out self -censorship or transformed into mouth-pieces of the government to avoid harassment.

In the absence of any basic human rights and any fundamental freedoms or rule of law, the Gambia continues to silently slip into another Rwanda. When people’s silence and fear have been misconstrued as satisfaction and content to a catalogue of abuses and violation of so many fundamental human rights protocols which the Gambia has ratified.

People’s rights are abused on a daily basis without any proper intervention. We can’t help but wonder if the AU Human Rights Institutions are honoring their obligations to those Conventions or are Gambians ignored or forgotten and left to perish in the hands of a Government whose main aim and objectives are to force its people into “Utopia” where no wrong can be seen, heard, uttered or tolerated as in oblivion? Ultimately the so called Utopia promised though fictional seems real or safer to some instead of the alternative, who therefore bury their heads in the sand long enough and pray their promises would be fulfilled or they will be saved. But that then is the problem as the more they wait the worst it would be for the masses and the few who want to stand up for their rights and sensitize the masses to the reality that utopia is a figment of their imagination and can only lead to more repression and impunity making them stand out as enemies of the state.

Let us try to save our Smiling Coast before it becomes a bloody river with blood of patriots flowing on the banks of the River Gambia our motherland.

Our heartfelt gratitude and endless commendation to Article 19, and all their partners and sponsors (especially Fatou Jagne Senghore), Ndey Tapha Sosseh, Uncle D. A. Jawo, Tonton Njagga Sylla, Tonton Alioune Tine, the Senegalese media, Radho, Amnesty International and the UN in Dakar.  GPU, OSIWA, TAEF, WAJA, FAJ, IFJ, PEN, NUJ, AFP, RSF, CNN and Multi-Choice. Also our gratitude goes to all human rights activists, especially journalists, NGOs and to all who believe in good governance, free speech, democracy and justice and press freedom.

Special thanks and prayers go to all Gambian online newspapers and urge them to remain in harmony and work as one team as only collectively will we achieve our objectives. Starting first and foremost, Freedom newspaper and to Pa Nderry Mbai for your untiring support, lengths and efforts, Hello Gambia, Kibaaro, Mafanta, Gainako, FatuRadio and all other online radios that use their platform to promote justice, freedom and democracy for all especially journalists in the Gambia

I wish to take this opportunity to also wish a Happy 24th Anniversary to The Point newspaper.
We thank you all for the continued support and hard work.

Thanks to the entire staffs, publishers, friends and advertisers especially Uncle Pap Saine and Mr Philip Kotey for continuing to keep the candle alight.

To Pa,
At the risk of repeating myself a dad like you is hard to forget, you will always remain the only constant thing in our lives, as it will take more than 3 bullets to forget you.

Until we meet again you will forever be the best man in my life.

To Ma

Pa has left you in charge of his grand kids and they need you more now than ever, so please stay strong and remember what they said “Enjoy your Birthday granny that is what Papa would have wanted.” We love you, admire your courage and always thank Pa for choosing you.

Happy Birthday Aja Mariam Hydara

The History That Gambia’s Dictator Yahya Jammeh Does Not Want You To Know About Him


For over two decades now, Gambians and non-Gambians alike have been inundated with an imagery of Dictator Yahya Jammeh that on the surface presents a bravado of audacious bravery, tenderness and a history of family linage deeply rooted among the Jammeh’-s of Kanilai, his supposed “birth village.”

On our national media, on billboards, on sponsored posters and even on paid news advertorials, everything on and about Jammeh is deliberately tailored to devoid the accidentals of history that all of us are in one or the other falls victims of. But expect for Gambia’s tiny and lonely dictator.

Even in the tightly cramped rooms of the Gambia’s national museum, Gambians and other visitors to the museum are presented with an image of a dictator that shows his bravery and devotion to Islam.

Some of the historical artifacts on the dictator’s name include a pair of scandals (locally call slippers) that they claimed he wore on the day “he led” mutinous soldiers on 22nd July 1994 to overthrow the democratically elected government of former President Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara.

But weeks of investigations by Fatu Radio has revealed another side of the history of the dictator that by all accounts Yahya Jammeh and his cabal are doing everything to hide from the public or what one Jammeh loyalist referred to as “outsiders.”

The Dictator cultivates a vast empire designed for systematic abuse of citizens.

Since 1994, a number of dastardly crimes have been associated with Jammeh, his cabal, his hang-arounds, his militia, his security forces and even ordinary people seeking favours from the dictator. Most Gambians who are old enough to understand the difference between what life was like under Sir Dawda’s administration and that of Jammeh always react with puzzle response anytime they hear about the heinous crimes associated with the current Gambian government.

Many of these crimes were and are still being committed against the unsuspecting populace by a vast layer of willing mobs and volunteers, of course under the direction and control of Dictator Yahya Jammeh himself, tacitly to enforce his sadistic believe that people have to be forced to like him.

This and other reasons motivated Fatu Radio to dig a bit deeper into Jammeh, his childhood life and everything about his background including his family background. Our investigations have landed on some very interesting information that came from scores of sources from within Kanilai itself, his acquaintances, some of his batch mates in the army and of course some supposed family members.

Dictator Jammeh not from the famous Jammeh clan of Kanilai

First thing first: our investigations have revealed that dictator Jammeh’s father Junkung Jammeh travelled with his dad, Jammeh’s grandfather from a village called ‘Mundei’ in Cassamance. They settled first in a place called ‘Kanfungda’, and (Not Kangfenda) in the Gambia. Kanfungda is an old settlement between Kanilai and Unorr.

It is documented that Unor is a village where Yahya Jammeh’s militia, the junglers, used to throw bodies of people they’ve killed in a disused lined-well. By accident, Yahya Jammeh’s grandfather while in Kanfungda bumped into some old friends Masanneh and Bukari Jammeh who are indigenes of Kanilai. Both Masanneh and Bukari are brothers. Bukari was married to Kumbaring Colley and they had three children, Harona, Jalamang and Masey Jammeh

There is no trace of a Sulayman, a Jamus, and a Abdul Aziz in Dictator Jammeh’s family linage

As history would have it, Masanneh and Bukari Jammeh while coming back to Kanilai, requested their friend (Jammeh’s grandfather) to leave Junkung Jammeh with them so he can help run errands for them especially in bringing them food and water from the house to the farm land. This kind of high-minded benevolence is common in many rural areas in Gambia and Senegal where parents give their children away to other family members and or friends to bring them up.

Interestingly, our sources which include some elderly people of Kanilai have told us that there was never a time in the history of Jammeh that “a Sulaymen,” “a Jamus,” and “a Abdul Aziz” was traced in Dictator Jammeh’s family linage. A lot of people believe that the dictator added some of these seemingly recognizable Arab names as title to his long list of names to mainly attract funding from the unsuspecting Arab nations at the early stage of the coup when Gambia’s traditional partners had already stopped funding to his government.

One of our sources said “this dictator you called Jammeh has always suffered an inferiority complex from childhood. And he is good at drumming up sympathy towards him.” As part of such schemes our source said, the dictator started dressing like the desert Shaikhs in the early days of the coup in 1994/95, covering his head with a turban to appear like a religious person. It was at the same time that our source said that the dictator added “a Sulaymen,” and “a Abdul Aziz” to his name.  

Asombie Bojang (the dictator’s mother), his stepmothers and a broken history of abandonment  

As history would have, dictator Jammeh’s father Junkung was brought well by his adopted brothers: Bukari and Masanneh Jammeh, who looked after him as their own sibling from the same mother and father. According to our sources Masanneh and Bukari brought up Jammeh’s dad Junkung, took him through the rites of passage for men and gave him wives to settle in Kanilai.

By the time Junkung was old enough, the bond of fraternity between him and Bukari and Masanneh Jammeh was so strong that he decided to stay permanently in Kanilai never to return to his native Cassamance until death stroke him…which we will come to later in this piece.

Junkung the father of dictator Jammeh had three wives, Fanta Colley, Asombie Bojang and Yassin, Ansumana Jammeh’s mum. However our investigations revealed that Asombie who gave us this dictator, never loved Jammeh’s father in the first place.

Our sources have told us that the dislike for the old Junkung was so strong that when Asombie discovered that she was an expectant mother, she insisted on aborting the pregnancy but was persuaded against the idea by her relatives.

The reluctant Asombie however kept the pregnancy but as soon as little Yaya (that’s what his name used to be spelled and not as in today’s Yahya) was three months old, Asombie left him in Kanilai with her co-wives never to have any bonds of motherly relations with the dictator again. Dictator Jammeh was brought up by Fanta Colley, Araba Jammeh’s mum, a ‘kanyileng’ and his mother’s co wife.

Since childhood, the dictator is said to miss what it takes for a motherly love. One source told us that this is one of the reasons why dictator Jammeh has always been bitter. “The guy has never had a kind of parental love from the beginning so it’s been hurting him from inside. It leads him to disrespect other people’s parents and he is never happy to see people working hard to bring up a happy family.”

Around 1976/77, Jammeh’s dad fell after he was trying to tie his goats and broke bones. He was taken to ”Kunjumore a village in Cassamance, where he later died. After his death, Jammeh and his family thought he was eaten by witches hence Jammeh’s obsession with witches.

Early signs of the dictator’s betrayal schemes leading to the killing of own relatives

It is now clear that dictator Jammeh’s dad was brought up by Bukari and Masanneh Jammeh. It happened Bukari Jammeh is the father of Harona and Masey Jammeh, a brother and a sister who both disappeared many years ago after they were picked up by Jammeh’s junglers and are believed to have been summarily executed following some family feud related to witchcraft.

Other members of the Jammeh family tree especially those who have shown tenderness and kindness to the young Yahya Jammeh have also equally been treated badly by the dictator. People like Ben Jammeh, former director of the National Drugs Enforcement Agency, David Colley, Director General of Prisons Services and many others have all suffered similar fates of betrayal by the dictator. Currently as we put this investigative piece together, dictator Jammeh has arrested his half-brother Ansumana for about a week now and he is being investigated on a mining related issue. It has been confirmed that Ansumana’s mother greatly contributed in the upbringing of the dictator when his mother abandoned him in the village.

Both of the dictator’s parents are from Cassamance.

Like his father, dictator Jammeh’s mother, Asombie Bojang is from the village of ‘Suelle’ in Cassamance confirming that both his parents came from Cassamance. Jammeh was however born in The Gambia in 1961/62 and NOT 65 as he claimed. He was in Bwiam when his father died. It was at Saint Edwards Primary school where he sat to his Common Entrance Examination since that was the only primary school that had a qualified teacher, John P Bojang whom the dictator appointed Minister of Trade after the 1994 coup. Jammeh sat to the common entrance examination with one Lebach Bojang and both had a ‘pass mark’ for high school.

Jammeh’s dad was only known as Junkung and his name was spelt as YAYA. Two of Jammeh’s brothers ‘Nyandor and Senen, a qualified teacher both died of cancer after they were said to have been diagnosed by The Medical Research Council in Banjul. Nyandor died in 1987 and Senen in 1993.