Wednesday, October 23, 2024
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As Gambia Braces For The 2016 General Elections, Is President Recruiting Guinea Bisaau Nationals Into The Army As Mercenaries?


The Fatu Network has got a disturbing news from one of our trusted sources in the security forces of large scale recruitment of Guinea Bissau nationals into The Gambia National Army (GNA). The move is causing alarm even among a usually docile and despondent GNA. A trusted source who has reached us said “for sometime now OGA (referring to the president) has been ordering the top brass of the GNA to enlist into the army people from Guinea Bissau who are mainly youths.”

Our trusted source said these new recruits are mainly based in Kaninlai….the birth place of president Yahya Jammeh. Even though our source could not assertain the reason for enlisting these foreign nationals into the army, he said the general suspicion within the GNA is that they might be used by the dictator to unleash terror on innocent civilians during the election period. He said: “I can confirm to you that OGA is definitely unsettled by the current state of affairs and he is really afraid of the elections. It is therefore reasonable to suspect that these new recruits could be the ones he may rely on to commit atrocities against the Gambian people.”

Indeed for years now President Jammeh is known to be relying on a group of militia called the “Junglers” who are mainly people from the Southern Senegalese Province of Cassamance that share the same ethnicity with President Jammeh.

Further President Jammeh for years has been interfering in the internal affairs of Guinea Bissau where forces loyal to the slained General Ansumana Mane where hosted and camped in Kaninlai which led to a deplomatic fallout with Guinea Bissau at some point prompting former President Kumba Yalla to threaten to invade The Gambia.

It is also clear that President Jammeh has lost the balance of political power he used to wield in Guinea Bissau especially since President Sall of Senegal became president. It is not clear whether these new circuits are also being trained to cause political disturbances in Guinea Bissau which has witnessed a series of military coups.

Whatever the case, our security source said the army is gravely concerned about the latest trend.

Our source also said that for two weeks now, the APRC nominated member of parliament, Hon Babou Gaye Sonko has been visiting the main military barracks campaigning openly and urging all newly recruited members of the army to get registered to massively vote of the ruling APRC party.

Our source said the army as an institution is typically concern about this politicization of the institution which suppose to remain above partisan politics.

Zineb Snubs Jammeh!!! The Bubble Could Explode any Day!!!


A couple of months ago, President Yahya Jammeh’s sexual escapes and rape of under-age Gambians girls was the subject of intense coverage by the Fatu Network, with revelations that created a firestorm of criticism and anger towards the Gambian iron fist dictator.  Jammeh, concluded everyone, is a pervert who needs to be stopped – the crimes were too pervasive and horrible to ignore.

Well; it seems his wife, Zineb Jammeh was listening and paying close attention.  According to our State House insiders, she moved to make sure some of the pimps masquerading as Protocol Officers in presidential mansion were all either fired or moved, issued stern warnings to the guards, and made her presence more felt in the building.  These moves led many to believe that she was taking charge of affairs to finally set the house in order.  However, it seems she doesn’t think these actions were alone enough, and would not have a lasting effect – she may be moving to take more drastic decisions.

Jammeh is a very lonely man these days, thanks to Zineb – she is avoiding him and they are not on talking terms anymore.  When Fatu Network queried how come they are scene in public together, the insiders who wish to remain anonymous for fear of facing the dictator’s wrath, caution us to not be fooled by the public façade – the attitude at home is a whole different story.  “The whole public thing is fake, she is always in her room at home and wouldn’t allow Jammeh to come anywhere near her.  Poor Jammeh is always in the other room mostly watching TV till 4AM” said one of the insiders.  “As for the soldiers and the guards in the compound, they have sensed that the situation in the household is very tense and because of it, Jammeh is very pissed and unhappy, so this is not a time to come anywhere near him” continued another insider.

According our sources, Yahya Jammeh is very lonely because of this escalating situation.  He is mostly depressed and with his health condition deteriorating, he is on a downward spiral.  Despite the public persona, he is very worried and concerned for his future.  He now thinks the whole world is scheming to harm him, and these conditions are fueling his paranoia.

It must be emphasized that if any thinks that his current misfortunes has forced him to change his ways, you would be mistaken – Jammeh, according to a source, has only switched venues for his rape of Gambian girls.  Two young girls were seen going into his room at different times in Kanilai last Saturday night.  State House is off limit, so he has decided to smuggle the girls to Kanilai instead now since Zineb refuses to go to his home village, and therefore will not be quick to find out what happens there.

Everyone is now contemplating Zineb’s next move.  The bubble could bust any day according to observers.

Meanwhile, Zineb on January 21, 2016, hosted Senegalese Musician Youssou Ndour, Cabinet Minister and other dignitaries to a breakfast meeting at The Coco Ocean, to launch the five year strategic plan of her Foundation, Operation Save The Children.

We Are Ready To Face President Jammeh In The Streets But……UDP Leader Lawyer Darboe


The leader of Gambia’s main opposition United Democratic Party, Lawyer Ousainou Darboe has said that his party is not afraid to mobilize it supporters and face President Jammeh in the streets as part of broader demands to open up the democratic space. Lawyer however said any such action has to be measured and well calculated where the people themselves are ready for such action.

In a wide ranging interview lasting more than three hours with The Fatu Network where thousands of listeners tuned in to the program, the UDP leader swore that he was not afraid to lead people in the street. “But you have to know that from experience, the populace needs to be fully prepared for any eventual showdown because the opposition is dealing with a callous, brutal regime that is ever determined to unleash terror on defenceless civilians,” he said. Lawyer Darboe said any protest action will need to well be organized in such a way that they the organizers would not have to regret their actions afterwards.

On the contentious issue of an all-party coalition against the incumbent, the UDP leader said so far they have not held any discussions on that yet prompting many callers to vent their frustrations at what they called the lack of urgency on the part of the opposition to put aside their differences and form an formidable coalition for an electoral showdown with the ruling party.

Some of the callers even went as far as denouncing the opposition for putting in unnecessary stumbling blocks to the efforts put forward by the diaspora in seeing through a united opposition front. But Lawyer Darboe while acknowledging the concerns raised by the diaspora said they too should understand that the opposition parties are still united on several issues including the need to put their efforts together to press for electoral reform. “In politics anything is possible. So people should not be frustrated to the point of despair. I believe that what unites us is bigger than anything that could divide us,” he said.

On the issue of independent candidate, Lawyer said his party has not been approached by any group yet to suggest the idea of opting for an independent candidate. He however cautioned those pushing for such an idea to also carefully study the political dynamics on the ground so that their pronouncements would not lead to costly error that would be difficult to correct.

The UDP leader also called on the diaspora to continue the engagement because as he put it: “you are an important constituency with immense power and if you wield that power appropriately, it would surely lead to some very positive impact on the ground.”

He also pleaded with those dissenters in the diaspora who are calling on people not to register in the ongoing supplementary voter registration to “please reconsider their position because the sure way we can defeat this callous system is when people get registered and then also vote for the opposition.”

Following the interview, a number of callers have also suggested the need for the diaspora to also get organized to prepare for the task ahead.

Mystery Solved!!! Jammeh’s Headscarf Directive Had Nothing To Do With Islam And Everything To with Money!!!


A month after he declared The Gambia an Islamic State, President Yahya Jammeh sent a directive to all government departments instructing women to cover their hair at all times during working hours to the amazement of Gambia observers who thought he will remain true to his promise that the declaration will not affect dress codes or how people live their lives.

But unbeknownst to Gambians and the International community, the headscarf directive had nothing to do with imposition of Islamic dress code, but everything to do with yet another sinister agenda of Jammeh’s – money.  In Jammeh’s true style and Modus Operandi, he neatly tied the directive to Islamic edict and tied the timing right into the declaration window so as to mask his true intentions and game plan.

When Jammeh declared The Gambia an Islamic State, Turkey thought it gesture of goodwill and show of appreciation of the move to send container loads of hijabs (headscarf) to the country to be distributed among women who would want to comply with the new environment being imposed.  As soon as this information of Turkey’s offer arrived, Jammeh put his criminal mind to work.

The gift that was supposed to be distributed for free to deserving poor women ended up being earmarked by Jammeh for a huge payday for himself.   It was at this point he wrote the directive that instructed all women to cover their heads during work hours.  As part of the package, every woman in these departments will be given a headscarf on credit basis and the payment will be deducted from their paychecks.

The imposition of the headscarf rule was met with stiff resistance from activists in the Diaspora who mobilized to insist it be rescinded.  The Christian leaders in the country led by Fr. Edward Gomez also strongly criticized the move in a sermon that was heard throughout the world; thanks to the video posted by a Facebook user and shared by activists.  Other Christian leaders like Rev. John Loum and Muslim Imams like Imam Baba Leigh joined in the chorus to condemn what they termed “an effort to draw a wedge between Muslims and Christians in the country.”  President Jammeh having sensed the anger the move was generating both locally and internationally, capitulated saying in a statement released to the media “Women are (Mr Jammeh’s) best friends, they are his sisters and he is here for their wellbeing and happiness at all times,”.

The sad truth is; it is evident now that Jammeh thinks governing is a joke, and therefore engaging in such blatant schemes of deception is perfectly okay.  The Gambia is in big trouble.

The Voo Jingle


Killa Ace live in the Voo on Fatu Network


President Yahya Jammeh Declares War on “Witches”, Mass Arrests Under Way!!!


People are being rounded up and taken away to no one knows where – their crime?  They are being accused of being “witches.”  As we speak, residents of this sleepy town of Sintet are running helter-skelter for their dear lives, some have already arrived in the Cassamance village of Sankandi, located in Senegal.  No, we are not talking about the movie Harry Porter, and this is not a movie script.  All this is unfolding in The Gambia, part of a catastrophic human rights regime not seen in this world for generations.

Apparently, medical doctors in the Gambia can diagnose witchcraft, if a disease or ailment of that sort exists in the first place.  A soldier recently got sick in the Western Region village of Kamfenda and taken to Bwiam Hospital where doctors diagnosed his condition as witchcraft related.  Because of this, President Yahya Jammeh sent fully armed soldiers to go around the Fonnis (the district where the village is located) to arrest “witches”. This latest act of brutality is the second episode of a similar move in the past when, due to Jammeh’s aunt’s death, he ordered soldiers to go and arrest anyone suspected of being a “witch”.  A thousand people, most of whom were elderly got arrested during that mayhem – a number of whom died due to the beatings, humiliations, rape, and forced drinking of a concoction of a disgusting liquid.

As part of his mad scheme to mystify himself, President Jammeh has been telling Gambians in this part of the Gambia that there are a lot of witches in the area, but that he will deal with them.  At a recent meeting during his “Meet The People Tour”, he declared that it was unacceptable that all good sons of Fonni are dying because of witchcraft.  He declared during that speech that all the witches should get ready because he is about to embark on a war against them.  He therefore warned them to desist from casting their evil spells on the sons of Fonnis forthwith or he will be forced to act.  He repeated the witchcraft narrative in the coastal town of Bakau during the same tour.

Observers are raising the issue that this seems to be a repeat of the last witch hunts, and that the move also contradicts Jammeh’s declaration of The Gambia an Islamic State since Islam doesn’t recognize witchcraft.  “He is on one hand sending directives instructing women to wear headscarf to work as part of the Islamic tradition, while arresting people for being “witches”, this doesn’t make any sense”  One of them said in confusion.  But this after all is The Gambia where nothing makes sense.

We will be following this story and will update our readers accordingly.

Lamin Tunkara Was Killed with The Ghanaians!!! One of the Cold Cases of Yahya Jammeh’s Killings Finally Cracked!!!


Lamin Tunkara was arrested around the same time that the 44 innocent Ghanaian migrants trying to stowaway to Europe were executed in cold blood in The Gambia, and he hasn’t been seen since then.  His family has visited every Police Station, prison, and security outpost with no luck in locating him.  The news of the murder of the Ghanaians raised no eyebrows or concerns among Lamin’s family members and searchers since no one could imagine any link he could possibly have with that case.  They were mistaken – his disappearance and eventual demise had everything to do with the Ghanaians, in fact, he was killed with them.

After an extensive investigation and enquiry, The Fatu Network has finally cracked this case that has for years been considered cold by all and sundry, thanks to a keen listener of the network who felt the time has come to spill the beans and end the agony of the family.  Here was how Lamin ran out of luck:

The former National Intelligence Agency (NIA) Director General, Daba Marena who would later himself be killed in a very mysterious circumstance, had shared an intelligence briefing with  Jammeh that mercenaries from Burkina Fasso were planning an attack against the regime in the country on July 22, 2005.  Shortly before the NIA’s so-called intelligence, the Spanish Embassy in The Gambia had sent a letter to The Government of The gambia through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs informing them about information they received that some illegal migrants were planning to join a Spanish ship docked at the Banjul Ports to stowaway to Europe.

The task of investigating the Spanish Embassy’s alert was given to the Interpol wing of The Gambia Police Force under the purview of yet another man who would later die under mysterious circumstances, Numo Kujabi.  Numo’s investigation concluded – which was later reported to the then Inspector General of Police, Ousman Sonko, that the ship in question mentioned by the Spanish Embassy had left The Gambia docks two days prior to his presentation of the investigation report.

Intelligence sharing among security agencies is standard operating procedure (SOP) in Western countries – and for good reason.  What happens next will vindicate this policy in a profound fashion.  It is unfortunate that security agencies in The Gambia operate totally independent of one and other, thanks to the paranoia of Yahya Jammeh since he wants all roads to lead to him, instead of creating a web of information infrastructure that allows for the proverbial left hand to know what the right hand is doing.

The NIA got intelligence that mercenaries were coming into the country to launch an invasion, while the Police got information that a group of migrants were heading into the country to join a ship to Europe.  The NIA didn’t know about Police information and the Police on the other hand didn’t know about the NIA intelligence, and they were both referring to the same group – a perfect storm in the making.

Then came Friday, July 22 and the celebration of that fateful day in The Gambia’s political history (it was the day Jammeh, with few other military officers staged the coup that brought him in power) was in full swing.  President Jammeh was at the July 22 Square watching a musical jamboree when Daba Marenah came and whispered in his ears information that the mercenaries he (Daba) had briefed him about some time ago had finally arrived.  You guessed it right – as it turned out, it was the Ghanaian migrants who had arrived at Barra waiting to cross over to Banjul.  When they realized the ferry had closed for the day, they decided to board small boats instead.  They had arrived in Barra from Mbour, Senegal where their agent, one Kofi gave them an instruction that one Lamin Tunkara will meet them on arrival in Banjul.  Daba’s alert to Yahya came as soon as the first group of migrants entered the boat.

President Jammeh gave orders for the Ferry to resume and also for the Navy boat to go pick the migrants up.   By the time the Navy arrived, some of them were already arrested by the Military and Paramilitary Police and taken to former Member of Parliament, Baba Jobe’s house in Kotu and killed.  Baba himself also later died under suspicious circumstances in a case that continues to baffle Human rights groups, investigative Journalists, and observers.

When the rest were arrested, they were interrogated about their mission to the country.  During that interrogation, they produced Lamin Tunkara’s contact information as their agent in Banjul to proof that they were migrants merely trying to stowaway to Europe.  This would turn out to be the catalyst for Lamin’s demise.  The Investigators contacted Lamin under the false pretense that they wanted to travel to Europe and would like him to meet with them at West Field Junction.  It was at this spot that Lamin was arrested on a Saturday at 11am, taken to the Kairaba Police Station where he was questioned about his role.  According to sources, Lamin admitted that he was dealing with the agents in Dakar during questioning.  He was later moved to Mile 2 on the Monday after that weekend and the rest is history – A credible security insider contacted The Fatu Network with information that Lamin was later killed with the rest of the Ghanaians under the orders of Yahya Jammeh.

The Network has contacted a senior police officer who was The Crime Management Coordinator at the time of the incident, but he has declined to comment.

Have too many Africans and Gambians in particular invested too much in their deen, to the point that, we are blinded to facts and became intellectually dishonest?


Last week I opened the Daily Observer (The Gambia’s main newspaper), the headline by the Min. of Transport, Works, Infrastructure and National Assembly Matters, read; “Western Powers will not dictate Gambia”. With the transformation of The Gambia into an Islamic State, can we to conclude that The Gambia is being dictated by Eastern Powers (Arabs)?

Some of President Jammeh’s rhetorics are his claim of being a Pan-Africanist and Europe’s colonialization of African for 400 hundred years. Less, he fails to inform Gambians that the Arabs enslaved Africans from the 8th to through the 19th centuries.

Today, we have rampant modern slavery in the Middle East, young African men and women are transported to gulf countries like Bahrain, Kuwait and Qatar, to name a few, under the pretext  of a temporary work program.  On the contrary, these young Africans are forced into domestic slavery and prostitution.

Intellectual dishonest does not surpass, our leaders omitting a major part of history or using a few excerpts from scriptures to brainwash their people. Since 1994 Yahya Jammeh has been lambasting the Europeans for their wrongs in the past, but has given the Arabs a free pass for both past and present wrongs. Indeed, Europeans have been trying to correct their wrong to Africa in the form of aid and education. On the other hand, Arabs efforts are mainly focused on injecting their culture and religion values on Africa to further enslave its people.  In Gambia’s case, recent economic aid from the Arabs are containers full of dates and hijabs. In education, they offer scholarship to young Gambians and radicalized them to become fanatics.  When these young minds return home, they in turn indoctrinate the masses, and today, we have the Islamic Republic of The Gambia.

The idiom “Putting all eggs in one basket “, is a dangerous thing to do in all works of life. Gambians have invested so much in religion to a point of no return. It is so bad that, it does not matter what problem we are faced with, be it economical, psychological, medical, etc.; we always call upon an Imam and ask, what does the deen say about it?, Instead of going to an economist, psychiatrist or doctor to look for answers. When someone does something bad or evil, the immediate response by a majority of Gambians is, “he or she is not a Muslim”, or “a Muslim will not do that”. We are told not to say anything negative about our deen even when it’s true. If this is not brain washing, I do not know what is.

Unless we become conscious people, Gambians will continue to be enslaved and ruled by dictators like Yahya Jammeh who disguised as Nasiruldeen. THIS IS OUR PROBLEM!!!

Sun, Sand and Sharia-The Gambia fashions itself as a kind of Islamic state


ITS arrival was less bloody, its ambitions less grand. But as 2015 drew to a close, and the world’s attention was fixed firmly on Islamic State (IS) in Syria and Iraq, the Gambia announced that it, too, was henceforth an Islamic state. The president of the tiny west African nation, Yahya Jammeh, issued the proclamation, which came with no forewarning and seemingly on a whim, on December 11th, 2015.

Mr Jammeh cited the wishes of the people (90% of Gambians are Muslim), and the need to distance the country from its “colonial legacy”. The Gambia now follows Mauritania as Africa’s second “Islamic Republic”, although the country’s secular constitution, ratified in 1996, remains unaltered.

On January 4th an executive order, leaked to the press, banned all female civil servants from leaving their hair uncovered during working hours. The national broadcaster has taken to referring to the Gambia as an “Islamic Republic” and the Supreme Islamic Council, a group of scholars, is to go around the country stirring up popular support for the decision. Legislation to enforce it will soon be introduced into parliament and the national flag will be changed to reflect the country’s new status, says the president.

But key details are still lacking. It is not clear, for instance, whether Mr Jammeh intends to implement fully-fledged sharia (Islamic law), as he was rumoured to be planning in the early 2000s, or whether he plans to put the issue to a referendum. In his original declaration in December he assured non-Muslims that their rights would be protected, and that there would be no mandatory dress codes. Such promises already look thin in light of the January 4th order.

Mr Jammeh’s government already has one of the worst human-rights records on the continent. Gay people are persecuted: Mr Jammeh has publicly vowed to slit their throats. Dissidents are brutalised in inventive ways in torture chambers not far from The Gambia’s tourist beaches. On one occasion the security forces rounded up hundreds of villagers suspected of witchcraft after the president’s aunt grew sick. During interrogations, many of the female “witches” were raped, according to Human Rights Watch.

Now that Mr Jammeh is cloaking his regime in Islam, “the non-Muslim community is beginning to get worried,” says Sidi Sanneh, a former Gambian diplomat and prominent dissident.

Mr Jammeh’s motives are difficult to discern. Some regard the announcement as mere grandstanding, in keeping with his habit of erratic policymaking and provocative public statements. In 2007, for example, he announced that he had found a herbal cure for AIDS. And in 2013 he pulled the Gambia out of the Commonwealth, saying it was a “neocolonial institution”.

“The government doesn’t even have the know-how to make the country into an Islamic state,” says Imam Baba M. Leigh, a Muslim leader in exile. As if to confirm this, Isatou Njie-Saidy, the vice-president, urged the Supreme Islamic Council to carry out research into the exact requirements of an Islamic Republic, during a meeting on January 5th.

But there is likely more than just caprice behind Mr Jammeh’s decision. The economy is in dire straits, especially in the aftermath of west Africa’s Ebola epidemic, which has crippled the tourist industry. The Treasury is all but empty. Mr Jammeh’s Islamic gestures seem aimed at winning the support of Arab Gulf states, most notably Kuwait, Qatar and Bahrain, whose cash and investment the president is thought to crave. There is little hope of him getting much support from the West. In December 2014, for example, the EU suspended some €13m ($14.2m) of development aid because of human-rights abuses.

Domestic politics may have also played a role. Since coming to power in a coup in 1994, Mr Jammeh has sought to legitimise his rule by invoking Islam, says Dr Marloes Janson of the School of Oriental and African Studies. The beginning of 2016 marks the start of a new electoral cycle, though Mr Jammeh faces little risk of being sacked by voters. He has won four elections in the past, with the help of some judicious rigging. The opposition are cowed. The Gambia is less an Islamic Republic than an absolute monarchy.

State House Head of Household and Chef Arrested, Accused of Attempting to Assassinate President Jammeh!!!


Head of Household at the Statehouse, Modou Jatta, and the Chef named Sheikh Sanyang were recently arrested, and taken to the feared National Intelligence Agency (NIA) from where, Fatu Network has been reliably informed, they were transferred to the notorious Mile 2 Prison.  Their crime?  President Yahya Jammeh suspects both tried to assassinate him through poisoning his food.

According to our sources in State House, Jammeh being the paranoid Dictator he is, has always been very worried about being poisoned.  This worry has heightened since the coup attempt of December 30, 2014 when armed men stormed his fortified palace in Banjul.  He is so scared these days that he wouldn’t touch his bottle of water again after taking a sip from it, wouldn’t take a tissue paper from a box if he is not the one who originally opened it, and would carefully try to sense any funny taste in the first bite of food in his mouth.  As it turns out, the arrest of the duo came about as a result of him feeling a funny taste in his meal recently.

This is not the first time these two guys have been arrested.  Modou Jatta was recently arrested, detained, and reinstated.  Interestingly enough, it seems Jammeh’s fear of Modou is grounded in what he knows Modou is capable of – thanks to the evil missions he (Jammeh) put Jatta in charge of regarding this food poisoning schemes.  If you could all recall, Jatta was the one to whom Jammeh gave a spiritual liquid concoction to put in former Nigerian President, Goodluck Jonathan’s meal to cast a spell on the Naija leader.  Modou was arrested when that scheme backfired to cover up Yahya’s role.  Sheikh was also arrested and removed many times but somehow always reinstated after his detention.

Observers have noted that Jammeh may not necessarily even believe that these two are involved in any effort to assassinate him, but only doing this to serve as a warning to anyone thinking of doing such to him.  As usual, there is no evidence to prove these gentlemen were involved in any crime other than food not tasting to Jammeh’s satisfaction, but the mere fact that they are being arrested and possibly tortured on such basis, goes to show the lawlessness in that country.  It is therefore about time these employees at the State House think deeply about their future and consider whether this kind of fate is what they want to resign themselves to.

Muslim Elders Again…


The Gambia is slowly drifting from what it used to be – the exemplary state that respects and protects the religious and cultural rights of every citizen. Apart from the so-called Jihads that were fought in the mid-1800s, I have never heard or seen Gambians fighting over what language one speaks or what religion or method one uses to worship God. Although a majority Muslim country, religion has never played a central part in our politics and I see no reason why it should now.

Those that tried to use Islam (Muslim Congress Party) were defeated by the forces of secularism. I M Garba Jahumpa and Sheikh Omar Faye, both Muslims, were defeated in the 1947 Bathurst Council election by Edward Francis Small, a Christian.

One may argue that the reason Jahumpa named his party the Muslim Congress Party was to attract Muslim voters. Our First President Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara was a Christian once in his life. His conversion back to Islam was seen by many as a political move, but I see it more as a personal choice. In fact, he won elections while still a Christian.

The point I am trying to make here is that our elders were never concerned with what religion one follows. Possibly, they saw both Islam and Christianity as foreign. These may explain the numerous interfaith marriages that existed and continue to exist in The Gambia.

The tradition of celebrating every feast together, be it Muslim or Christian, and the bonds of friendship and kinship that have been built between young Muslims and Christians are evident. I do not need to mention this; we all know what I am talking about.

Recently, What’s On Gambia posted on its Facebook page a picture of the Imam Ratib of Banjul and the Bishop of the Catholic Church shaking hands. The picture, to all Gambians, represents a deep inseparable bond that existed for more than a century.  Now, we will watch and see this immeasurable tradition that united our people and country be washed away by a single individual’s greed for power. One who knows nothing about the religion he claims. It is worrying.

First it was just a simple statement declaring The Gambia an Islamic State, ignoring the stipulations within our sovereign law (the Constitution). He even threatened to change the national flag that existed way before he came to life. Some of us laughed and said this will never happen. Foroyaa came up with all the legalities and the steps needed to effect these changes and concluded that it will never happen and any attempt to implement such a change will be resisted by PDOIS. UDP also made similar observations and comments.

The only reason given by Jammeh, which still seems valid to him, is that such a move will further distance us from our colonial past. The only thing that can separate us from our colonial past is economic growth and youth empowerment, respect for human rights and freedom to worship God in whatever way one chooses.

Treat citizens as what they are: citizens and owners of The Gambia. It is not by removing The Gambia from the Commonwealth; neither is it declaring The Gambia an Islamic State that can distance us from our colonial past. There are certain things in life one cannot change. Ironically, Jammeh still uses the colonial language to make all these declarations. Funny, isn’t it?

Secondly, there is now an Executive Directive forcing all female civil servants to cover their hair at work. During the declaration/pronouncement of The Gambia as an Islamic State, Jammeh clearly stated that he did not appoint anyone to be the police of the Islamic State; that no dress code would be imposed, and that the changes will not affect non-Muslims in The Gambia.

Barely three weeks later, a directive contained in a Memo is being circulated, forcing all female civil servants (non-Muslims included) to cover their hair while at work. What would follow this? All men, to cut their trousers, no more jeans or “changals” for ladies, no boyfriend or girlfriend business, no more parties, no music, no school for girls, no women drivers, no more work for the women (only to stay at home and to be provided for by the men) and every other thing.

In fact add no December party and close the airport for tourism. Forget about the thousands of people employed by the tourism industry. All these might sound funny and utopian, but one thing I have come to realize especially watching ‘The Game of Thrones’ is that no one should take the word of a “Mad King” Lightly.

Presently, we are at a stage where the so-called Muslim elders are rushing to State House to support this illogical move, helping to “legitimise” it. What will follow next? The Council of Chiefs, then Governors, then Alkalos, Yai Compins (maybe not them because they will be at home), Youth Movements, then the security service organize a march pass to support (no music for them because it will be banned already).

With all the wrong things going on in my beloved country, I have never been this frustrated. Not even my arrest, detention and six months of going to court. I always say that all other challenges were just short term challenges that will be overcome in no time. Now, this one sickens me. As a historian, I see all these as a challenge to centuries of deeply entrenched traditions giving way to a new, manipulated system that might break us apart and entrench the small, poor and highly indebted country to abysmal poverty.  I am all for progress and change when necessary, but this is no positive change and it has no place in our progress as a young nation.

The visit by the Muslim elders to State House as reported by Daily Observer has clearly shown that Jammeh and his cabinet have no idea whatsoever of what they are talking about or doing. Interestingly, I was shocked when the Vice President asked the Muslim elders to do more research on what it takes to becoming an Islamic State. Paradoxically, the Supreme Islamic Council Leader said that “the dividing line between an Islamic State and a Non Islamic State is very thin…. If there will be a difference, it will be that an Islamic republic law will strengthen the other existing laws of the country.”

Now, let us assume that Imam Touray is a very learned scholar. Indeed he is. He went to State House to support a declaration and at the same time informed the sycophants that there is no difference in practice between an Islamic State and a Non Islamic State. Perhaps like other delegates, they were fascinated by the possible name change and only that.

Since 1994, the Muslim elders have always legitimized and lent credence to the actions of Jammeh by showing support and pushing them on the wrong side of history. They have ignored all the basic teachings of Islam and sided with Jammeh in every wrong step he takes.

The most recent incident is the 2012 execution of the nine inmates. They have been insulted, threatened and bribed to keep quiet. The reason could be fear or greed. I see more of greed than fear. Those leaders that were brave enough like Baba Leigh and Ba Kawsu were shunned by the same religious scholars before they were arrested and detained. If these very people will be the guardian of the “Islamic State of Gambia”, it is better we sell the country kuneka uti for deka ak lor def.

Generally, I see all this as a wider campaign to entrench Jammeh further into the presidency and serve as a vehicle to becoming a “King” ( See my upcoming blog Jammeh’s Islamic State Declaration: A Pan African Vision or a Step to Monarchism?).

The growing campaign by dissident groups in the diaspora, the continued pressure from the international community, particularly European Union, and major human rights organizations, as well as the recent proactive approach adopted by Gambian opposition parties all threaten Jammeh’s survival directly or indirectly.

Hence, the best possible approach to solidify his position and attract support from Arab donors and Gambian Muslims is by playing the religion card. Will he succeed in transforming the Gambia into an Islamic State or will his move receive the same fate as the Muslim Congress Party? It is a decision to be made by Gambians. I prefer the present condition and will do all I can to resist any change.

Religion is a matter of individual choice. Declaring The Gambia an Islamic State will not develop the country or take Gambians to paradise. A Ticket to paradise depends on the individual and not the State. The sooner Jammeh realizes his role as a mere president and mortal, the better for The Gambia.

A president must be responsible and make responsible statements that will promote unity amidst diversity. Religious leaders must always adhere to the doctrine and not be used by anyone for any purpose, especially on “contradictory issues risky to social order of society.” Young people must continue to educate themselves so as not to be used by any individual for whatever purpose. Undeniably, this whole project is not about Islam; it is about Jammeh. The sooner we realize that as a people, the better for all of us.


I know it has been ages since I posted something on this blog. Since I am not on the ground to engage in civic education as I used to do in the previous elections, I will use this blog to share my thoughts on the upcoming elections. The idea is to engage mostly young Gambians to debate and change the present narrative of our country. I will talk on all the necessities of the upcoming election from finance, youth and women engagement, political parties and election observation. I will also be on Twitter and Facebook. Let us make best use of social media to share our thoughts and help educate each other for country and God.

Without Warning, President Jammeh Uses Armed Soldiers to Kick Poor Women Vendors Out of Brusubi Roundtable!!!!


On Monday, January 11, 2016, armed men, backed up by bulldozers, garbage trucks, and public officials, descended on the Brusubi Roundabout popularly called Brusubi Turn Table and demolished any and every structures they could find to the shock of the poor women vendors and taxi operators whose daily living depends solely on incomes from these canteens.

This action was so blatant, even the government’s own mouthpiece, the Daily Observer mustered the courage to interview the distraught women affected by these demolitions.  This is an excerpt from the report filed by the paper’s own Alieu Ceesay: “Isatou Secka, Jainaba Tangara, and Sohna Secka, all food vendors said they were shocked at the demolition of their canteens. According to them, they were only aware of the exercise when they came in the morning to sell their goods.

Even though the Council’s CEO said his office has nothing to do with the victims’ occupancy of the area, these women said they used to pay D5 everyday to the Area Council. The affected individuals thus appealed to the concerned authorities to reconsider the decision because this is where they work to earn their living.”

What these women were perhaps unaware of was that this exercise was preceded by a chance visit to their market by their President, Yahya Jammeh.  According to Fatu Network’s reliable source within the State House, Jammeh happened to be driving himself on Sunday evening and upon reaching the Turn Table in Brusubi, pulled down the tinted glasses of his vehicle to observe the women petty traders and the taxi garage that serves the Tipper Garage, Sinchu, Yundum Airport Junction, and Brikama areas.  He sped off after getting a good view of the place.

What seemed like a casual observation of this busy spot turned out to be the catalyst for the doom of the place, and with it, the dreams and livelihoods of many families – the next morning he ordered the Paramilitary, Physical Planning and Housing, Brikama Area Council, and Ministry of Lands to make sure all the women are kicked out of that place immediately.

An employee at the Ministry of Lands who wishes to remain anonymous complained to Fatu Network that this whole exercise was so blatantly wrong for the simple reason that the local authorities not only never issued any warning to these women, they have also been collecting taxes from them, hence legitimizing their presence there, no matter whether their canteens were set up through the official channels not.  “What the President did to these women is so evil and it seems he just doesn’t care about their plight.  I gathered through talking to them that this is the place that puts food on the table for them and their families and pays the tuitions for their kids” The employee said with frustration

Gambian Youth and Partisan Politics: Apathy or Resistance?

“People get the government they deserve” Alexis de Tocqueville  

Since the restoration of multiparty politics in 1996, elections in The Gambia have been flawed by worryingly low voter turnout, especially among the youth. Although there is no data on the number of young people between the ages of 18-35 that voted or otherwise, one can argue that a great majority of young people in Gambia do not vote despite their demographic advantage.

The issue could be linked to a lack of interest or seeming discontent with Gambian politics and as such, resisting the whole political establishment.

The figures in the previous presidential and parliamentary elections vividly describe this phenomenon. Presidential elections usually register higher voter turnout than parliamentary elections. For instance, during the Presidential election of 1996, the voter turnout was 80%. A 9.71% increase (89.71%) was recorded in 2001.

In 2006, this figure declined to 58.58% and in 2011, it rose again to 82.55%. In 2006, a percentage larger than those who voted for the incumbent APRC did not vote. The increased in 2011 elections could be attributed to the intensive nationwide youth voter education campaigns that were carried out by youth groups such as National Youth Parliament.

The parliamentary figures on the other hand are at an all-time low. The 1997, 2002, 2007 and 2012 turnouts were 73.2%, 56.38%, 41.70%, and 19.44% respectively.  The primary explanation for the low turnout in 2007 and 2012 could be attributed to electoral boycotts by the United Democratic Party (UDP). In 2011, apart from the National Reconciliation Party (NRP), all other parties boycotted the parliamentary and local government elections.

With yet another electoral cycle in the horizon, will the trend continue or will young people vote for change?

In 2011, I presented a paper Political Apathy Amongst Gambian Youth: Case Study of Youth in Serekunda at the Senior Student Research Colloquium organized by the School of Arts and Sciences, The University of The Gambia. The paper which surveyed a group of 100 youth between 18-35 years, was presented just a day before the 2011 Presidential election. The aim was to search for better answers to identify and understand the problem of youth political apathy in The Gambia and how it affects the country’s democratization process. The idea was informed by the fact that about 65% of The Gambia’s population is made up of young people between 18-35 years of age. Yet, the same group shows all signs of “lack of interest” in their own welfare, or so I thought and concluded.

While doing the research, I was also engaged in youth voter education as part of my American Corner Project (Young Gambian Leadership Program). Within a period of two months, the program, funded by the American Embassy, was able to organize several radio talk shows led by young people targeting their peers. At the same time also, the National Youth Parliament was engaged in an intensive voter education project targeting young people across the country. The outcome of all these efforts resulted in a higher voter turnout than the 2006 Presidential elections.

The outcome of the 2011 Presidential elections, in terms of voter turnout, showed a different picture to what I had observed in my paper that Gambian youth lack interest in politics. Today, I am revisiting the same phenomenon as we approach another election year. This time, with a wider perspective and a more critical outlook on Gambian youth and politics as informed by years of interaction both online and at home. As such, I posited that the low voter turnout is not as a result of lack of interest in politics, rather it is both a conscious and subconscious strategy by young people to protest against the political system in place.

With the current political climate in The Gambia that curtails certain fundamental rights, also forcing many into self-censorship, many young people do not see the need to vote. They do not even believe that their votes count. They are convinced that voting will not change the situation nor will it remove the APRC from power. They fear that Jammeh will not step down even if defeated.

This lack of trust in our political system was not just developed in a day; it grew from perceived irregularities in the entire political machinery from lack of press freedom, APRC usage of state resources, the lack of a solid alternative to Jammeh, a weak and divided opposition, a lack of trust in the Independent Electoral Commission, unlevelled playing field, low civic education, domination of politics by older generation, lack of opportunities for young people within political parties, to the notion of rigging of election results.

However, I am not very convinced that rigging of votes takes place in The Gambia. I observed the last elections and I have seen the way ballot boxes are arranged and votes counted afterwards. Equally, the presence of party representatives makes it less likely for such to happen. Elections in The Gambia are lost and won during the voter registration process. I will discuss this perhaps in my next blog.

Young people are faced with a dilemma of who to vote for. Most of the youth that I interacted with want to see a change of government, bringing in one that protects and respects their basic freedom, one that creates an enabling environment filled with dignified jobs, accessible and affordable tertiary education among many other things.  Above all they want to see a democratic Gambia. However, they are not convinced by all the politicians in place. In fact, none has a tangible plan for all these.  President Jammeh is not good enough but who to replace him with is the predicament.

For the longest, we have focused our attention on President Jammeh and his government, and ignored the opposition. The reason why many young people do not vote is not entirely dependent on Jammeh. See, Jammeh has been in power for about 22 years and all that time, he has the same people to compete against. Ousainou Darboe has been at the helm of United Democratic Party (UDP) for 22 years; likewise, Hamat Bah for National Reconciliation Party (NRP). Although, Halifa Sallah and Sidi Jatta have been “alternating” the leadership of People’s Democratic Organization for Independence and Socialism (PDOIS) they have been in the game for far too long. Structurally, one can argue that PDOIS differ from all other parties.

However, the point here is that all political leaders have over stayed. Political parties in The Gambia are undemocratic, highly personalized and are properties of the leadership. About 90% of party finances come from party leaders. The one who foots the bill dictates the direction of the party.  Secondly, it seems like opposition parties do not understand what their role in the political process is. They can hardly initiate a program of their own; instead, they heavily depend on the blunders that Jammeh makes to eventually release simple statements of opposition. Some think the whole idea of an opposition is just to oppose anything the government does or says. That is not enough. We deserve more.

I would also like to highlight the failure of the opposition parties to unite and put forward a single candidate. Since 2001, young people both in The Gambia and the diaspora have been calling for such. An attempt was made in 2006, but failed just before nomination. Since then all we see from opposition parties is rhetoric and more of it. If the goal of contesting in election is to remove Jammeh, then a divided opposition will never succeed. I am not saying that any single candidate will remove Jammeh automatically, but I believe it will serve as a motivation factor and make life easier for the undecided youth voters.

All the points mentioned above and many other counts as deterrent factors to youth engagement in partisan politics especially during voting. I have received many questions from young people on why they should get a voters card and even vote. To me these young people do not lack interest. They are just not convinced that their votes will make a difference. I have not formulated a convincing answer yet, but I hope those that are thinking of not voting will reconsider. As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said “voting is the corner stone for political action.” If one wants a change of government, the only platform provided for you legitimately is election. Make it count.

We have been crying for far too long about the closed political space in The Gambia, the human rights violations, unemployment, illegal migration etc. December 1st  2016 should be decisive moment. It should show our concern as young people, or we can just not vote and allow the system to continue. Here is the catch. In 2006, the number of people that didn’t vote at all was way more than those that voted for Jammeh. Maybe if all the young people had voted, there could have been a change of government. 2006 is gone. 2016 is another opportunity to make changes. Not voting will keep Jammeh in power; voting and not voting for him will remove him.

The choice is yours to make. You may refuse to vote and the system continues, or choose to vote and bring about change. We can blame Jammeh all we want, we can point blame fingers to others for our own predicament. However, our destiny is in our own hands. What we should now know is that change doesn’t come on a silver platter. If we desire it, we must follow the democratic ways by voting, and voting for change. Remember “people get the government they deserve.”

The tipping point – Collateral Damage‘The Bloody reckless Driver,’


From a bloodless coup to a bloody 21 years reign filled with despair, dilapidation economic condition, poor healthcare and education institutions and lack of foresight on progressive economic strategic planning and research from 1994 to 2016. Authorizing The the Gambia Army free autonomous r ein to kill and terrify innocent civilians, killing at least 10,000 Gambians and forcing 100,000 people to flee The Gambia soil in search of peace, freedom and greener pastures, in somewhat treacherous and most times suicidal sojourns.

In the 21 odd years that the Gambia and Senegal faced off in border closures, the ‘soldiers with a difference -Yahya Jammeh and his 4 other bandit friends dressed in camouflage’ whom Gambian trusted and presumed to run the Gambia free from ‘Nepotism and corruption, according to their takeover  manifesto started with the notion that the previous Jawara regime was corrupt and too dangerous to continue ruling the Gambia, and possibly even suicidal, to allow Jawara or any of the PPP officials to continue working another day in The Gambia.

But the struggle between Senegal and The Gambia was non-fierce, and what that meant in practice was that the competition played out in impoverished places like Casamance and Bissau, where the great statesmen vied, eyed and subverted one another, and sometimes lost their local proxies, all in the name of maintaining the slippery but all-important concept known as the balance of power.The peace held, of course — that is, the larger peace within the region.

The Gambia and Senegal never came to blows, the deranged Gambia president with his ill-trained militia and military never left their bases from Yundum to Kanilai to Farafeneh Barracks. For countries like Sierra Leon, Liberia or Rwanda, where the genocide unfolded, it was another matter entirely. The lack of respect for human life spread far and wide, in toppled governments, loathsome dictators, squalid little wars and, here and there, massacres so immense that entire populations were nearly destroyed.

In “The 21 years of Blood stained Yahya Jammeh’s regime “, and a Forgotten Genocide,” Pa Samba Jow, a human rights activist, has revived the terrible and little-known story of the birth of The Gambia, and of the sordid and disgraceful statehouse diplomacy that attended it during a recent online radio interview. This is a dark and amazing tale, an essential reminder of the devastation wrought by the hardhearted policy and outright bigotry by Yahya Jammeh that typified much of the diplomacy of the casamance war.

It is not a tale without heroes, though; a number of Gambian ex-soldiers — most especially a man named Bai Lowe and co — risked their lives and even sacrificed their careers by refusing to knuckle under to the state House directives and telling the truth about what was happening on the ground in the Gambia on the fall of darkness.

The story begins, as do so many in our diaspora online radios and social media platforms with Gambia expats, with the end of the their ordeals or the beginning of their new found freedom from tyranny in The Gambia – Yahya Jammeh’s Empire. In 1994, when Jawara quit Gambia presidency, Jammeh lopped off Gambia’s’ minority Christians flanks in the Kombos and Banjul municipality. Since then, Gambia’s coexistence has never been the same, the partition unfolded in a frenzy of murder and expulsions, leaving thousands of people dead and many more displaced. A new Gambia has emerged.

As Gambia is undeniably one of the smallest and poorest countries in the world, but improbably divided by two religions Christianity and Islam and countless tribes and surrounded in parts by more than a thousand miles of Senegalese territory and the Atlantic Ocean.

When you look at a map from that time, you have to wonder what on earth were the British and French our colonial masters thinking separating the two nations -Gambia and Senegal. Gambia carried on for years

like nothing is wrong in that nation, with the more Senegalese government our god-given neighbors and blood distant relatives in the surrounding villages increasingly neglecting their Gambian brethren.

Things has evidently changed in The Gambia from that Day Jammeh forcefully took power through the barrel of the gun in 1994, promising a whole bunch of changes for the better – accountability, transparency and probity. (Whatever he wanted privately, he did not call for relinquishing of power and returning Gambi into civilian rule.) Yahya Jammeh never got a chance to acquaint himself with what Gambian people really and truly want from him as their leader.

Instead, Yayhy is bent on intimidation, arrest, jail and torture tactics, ordering the army to crush his opponent s – these are really and truly Gambian citizens he is meant to lead, treating them like enemies in a battlefield, thus, the army brutality, shooting and detention of innocent concerned citizens, religious leaders, intellectuals and anyone who opposed him.

Although today Gambia is ruled by a military dictator, a one time an American ally, now armed with an Arab brief case filled with blank checks and Iranian-equipped military arsenal; Senegal, the giant democracy, considered itself nonaligned — a neutral player in the saga between the Gambia opposition, the diaspora activist and Gambian government standoff. Given what was happening on the ground in The Gambia — the Senegalese Army acting wantonly, ignoring the plight of the Gambian citizens — you might expect the Senegalese president to restrain the Gambian ill-trained generals. So one arrives at the devastating heart of the desperation of the Gambians; reflecting on te recent youths fleeing back-way epidemic; youths fleeing in drones by any means necessary in search of better lives in the western wold.

In recent awful events of the witchcraft crackdown in the rural areas in the Gambia and the detention of Gambia Islamic state, President Jammeh and his national security advisers, the NIA, were trying to establish relations with the president, which was only then emerging from the chaos of recent times marred with intimidation and brutality coupled with maltreatment of former and active officials found in noncompliance to pleasing the dictator, they only want desperately to impress Yahya Jammmeh.

In something less than a catastrophic way and, as focused as ever on the Gambians in the dispora having tried all sorts of efforts to intensify and magnify the deplorable and inhumane plight of the Gambian people, clearly we believed that their efforts have opened a channel to the global and powerful nations that could help them overcome this cancerous Yahya Jamme’s regime, by delivering a blow to his ego and tight fist rule by exploiting and exposing his wickedness and weakness to obtaining foreign aid from western nations.

It’s hard to overstate just how earth-changing Jesse Jackson regarded his trip to The Gambia — and how important he thought his visit exposed Yahya Jammeh to the US media and beyond, this mean’t that Yahya Jammeh— a vain, shallow mediocrity — was suddenly considered indispensable, free to do whatever he wished in The Gambia.

With the Senegal and pretty much the whole world averting its eyes, the largely Muslim Gambia Army killed at least 100,000 Gambians, most of them Jolas, and forced 10’s of thousands of our youths and strong young adults into back-way suicidal journeys’ and thousands fleeing to Senegal.

Diaspora Gambians lays out their indictment of Yahya Jammeh and his cohorts spurned the cables, written by his own victims – ex-diplomats, ex-military personnel and some active civil servants, that called out Jammeh’senblers notably the Black Black boy also known as junglers are equally guilty of carrying out widespread massacres and torture to innocent civilians.

The HUMAN RIGHTS activist group called DUGA based in D.C USA sent an angry PETITION letter to the Gambia Embassy in DC that detailed the Jammeh systematic atrocities and used the word “genocide.” Those benefiting directly from Jammeh and his supporters, however, not only refused to condemn Yahya — in public or private — but they also declined to withhold their moral stance on the burning issues of the suffering the Gambian people. They regard Jammeh the dictator with genuine affection. In a recent online radio call-in forum, Malick Mbye a Jammeh die heart loyalist and speker of the APRC Jmmeh political party was heard saying “I understand the anguish those not in support of Jammeh and his regime must have felt in making the difficult decisions they have faced, but Jammeh has not tortured or killed anyone”.

The voices of Mlick Mbye and his Jammeh loyalists with similar believes not only was it insulting but mostly shocking to the ears of those that have lived through the pain and living it to this day. Most sane Gmbians listening to these online radios regard Malick Mbye as breathtakingly vulgar and hateful, especially in his attitudes toward the victims of Yahya Jammeh, most people regard is statements as repulsive, shifty and, anyway, anti-progressiveness and wicked.

These sorts of statements will probably not surprise that most sane people with some level of education and wisdom will never support Jammeh, but what is most telling is what this statements reveal about Malick Mbye’s intelligence level and how lazy and dependent he is on a dying regime for personal funds. They would do anything to milk the system under a frantic leader like Jammeh.

Jammeh’s power takeover from the Jawara regime could be summarized by any cool calculations of power grabbing opportunists- a mere luck and not by strategy or expertise military know-how experience on taking over a government. By us failing to restrain Jammeh, we would be allowing a blood bath to unfold, and then a civilian war, which is already brewing since that day Jammeh decided to takeover power in 1994.

In turn, prompted Gambians to start sectarian ideologies like tribal, regional, religious divisive attitudes in the Gambia and moreover the locals and those in the diaspora. At this point, the recklessness of Yahya Jammeh is only getting worse and beyond comprehension by many people globally. They dispatched news bulletin of the recent headscarf, witchcraft hunting and declaration of the Islamic state of The Gambia is encouraging division and secularism in The Gambia, possibly egging for a possible attack on his opponents or minority Christians — a maneuver that has already provoked the Christians in the country. Fortunately, the majority good Muslims in the country disassociated themselves and condemn his latest ignorant and disrespectful announcements.

The christian leaders proved more sober than most Muslim elders only using faith to enrich themselves and that of their families, burnishing their images as selfish and ‘highway Imams’

Mayhem and Pandemonium in Mile 2 Prisons!!!


According reports reaching The Fatu Network, there is an ongoing pandemonium in Mile 2 and many prisoners are being tortured as we speak.  The situation is so dire, even authorities at the Ministry of Interior are worried about some of the inmates losing their lives. According to a source among the guards, the mayhem came as a result of discovery of cannabis in the possession of few inmates.

True to form, instead of carrying out a thorough and diligent investigation, prison authorities gave orders for all inmates to be severely tortured until they reveal the source of the illegal substance.  As if beating the inmates mercilessly in their cells is not enough, they are being herded to the beach and tortured, part of which according to one source is “digging of grave and telling the prisoners they will just be buried there should they die during their torture” – all in an effort to “force them to confess.”

The conditions in Mile 2 have been the subject of intense International scrutiny culminating in the revisit by the UN Special Rapporteurs to monitor the prison conditions without success – the regime backed out of an agreed framework at the last minute, after the monitors having flown all the way to Banjul to do their job.

Since the refusal of access to the UN team, Fatu Network has been inundated with a steady stream of disturbing reports from insiders of this notorious prison detailing the worsening nature of conditions.  Prisoners being chained to doors, denied food, beaten into coma, left in unsanitary conditions, given unhealthy food are all part of the routine, resulting to many deaths.  As late as December 15, 2015, Fatu Network reported on the case of one Sunkari Kanteh and two other accomplices who were incarcerated on an ongoing murder case from Basse.  All three died in the Main Yard wing of the prison as a result of the ill treatments they received from the guards.

This report has heightened concern among Journalists who are keeping an eye on Alagie Ceesay, the manager of the independent radio station called Taranga FM, who is there on charges described by activists and human rights groups as bogus and intimidation related.  According to sources, Alagie is very sick and his condition is worsening as we speak.  His next court date is January 28, 2016.  The conditions in the prison are so bad according to reports; this prison is essentially a death trap.

Monday has been scheduled by the prison for more tortures to illicit confessions according to a guard insider who wishes to remain anonymous for fear of being tortured too for talking to the media.

We will keep monitoring the situation.



Aminata Manneh, fondly called Minah Manneh, a Women and Child’s rights advocate has gone missing in The Gambia for over 48hrs. Minah, also a mentorship coordinator at Think Young Women, a non profit organization, disappeared after she posted a video of a Policeman assaulting a young girl. The video went viral few hours after it was posted on her Facebook page.

According to sources, a member of Gambia Armed Forces, name withheld for now, was the last person to call Minah’s phone and told her that she was wanted for questioning. The same source disclosed that Minah immediately contacted few friends about her conversation with the said military officer. “She called and told me about the officer who called to tell her that they want to meet her, that was the last time I heard about her, her cell phone is switched off since then” the source added.

Many Gambians both young and old have turned to social media networks calling on The Gambia Government to tell Gambians where Minah is. Bakary Badjie, Program Officer at the Child Protection Alliance and Voice of The Young posted this on his Facebook page “How comes young and innocent Minah Manneh was all good over the years and going about her studies and activism and suddenly disappeared after sharing a video of what we all know is wrong. Indeed she was right when she said “since when does traffic police officer have the right to lay hands on a young school girl … ….”. Uncountable times we read about Police charging people for common assault – that’s what the police officer did and thus Minnah shouldn’t pay any prize, instead the police officer should”.

“Minah is one of our most vibrant members and her passion for promoting the respect of the rights of women and girls shines forth in everything she does. We, therefore, call on the authorities to help us in finding Minah and reuniting her with family, friends and the many people she strives to help each day”. Think Young Women posted on their Facebook page.

The last tweet Minah sent was to Jeffrey Smith, advocacy officer at the Robert Kennedy Centre in Washington DC saying to him that she planned to contact the Child Protection Alliance about the Police brutality video she posted on her Facebook.
Readers would recall that this is not the first time people have taken a stance against brutality or rights abuses and disappeared or are killed. Journalist Chief Manneh disappeared following his arrest by the notorious NIA in front of colleagues, Lawyer Ousman Sillah defended a few cases in court against the government and he was attacked in front of his house and shot in the head, he survived out of sheer luck. Journalist Deyda Hydara had his car ambushed and summarily executed in front of his employees by the notorious government killers, the Junglars. Members of the opposition have been threatened, arrested, tortured and intimidated by service personnel loyal to Yaya Jammeh.

The latest disappearance of Ms Manneh is similar to that of the two US citizens Ebou Jobe and Mamour Ceesay who disappeared after being picked up by the NIA while on holiday in Gambia.

Civil society groups and rights activists are calling on the International community to put pressure on the Jammeh regime to produce Manneh and all those reported to have disappeared after being picked up by his notorious NIA who report directly to Jammeh. The list of those that have disappeared now includes the parents, children and friends of those allegedly involved in the 30th December attempt by dissidents from the diaspora and those in Jammeh’s army, who he is currently taking to a secret court martial. The youngest arrested and held since 1st January 2015 is 13 year old Yusupha Lowe.