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The transition must take place immediately

By Lamin J. Darbo


As argued elsewhere, Gambia’s 01 December 2016 presidential election was a referendum on governance, governance as goes to liberty and dignity of the person under the rule of law. The seven-party Coalition ‘movement’, supported by an electorate dehumanised and enervated by state lawlessness and brutality, and yearning earnestly to be free, delivered a resounding ‘revolution’ that rivaled any in terms of its legitimacy.


When the announcement finally came that the Coalition’s Adama Barrow was elected president, the immediate general perception, and understandably, was that he was headed for his official residence at No.1 Marina Parade no later than next week. The message is unmistakable that Gambians conclusively rejected the endemic state lawlessness that was the order of the day leading to and beyond 01 December 2016. What shock to be told the president-elect must wait an interminable sixty days to relocate to his three-year presidential abode as the number one occupant of the State House in Banjul!


Is there a legitimate basis for this reported sixty-day wait to assume office?


Section 63(2) of the 1997 Constitution of The Republic of The Gambia (the Constitution) states: “The person elected President shall assume office sixty days following the day of his or her election, and in any case where the candidature of a person contesting the election is unopposed, such candidate shall be declared unopposed and elected to the office of the President on the day following the making of such declaration”.


This provision was part of a huge number of illiberal, repressive, and personal amendments to the Constitution via Act No. 6 of 2001 without a commensurate democratic mechanism to implement it notwithstanding its inbuilt national security and other concerns. Its only purpose, now as in 2001, was to hijack the will of the people by a calculating president. True to form, the rubber-stamped National Assembly endorsed and enacted a dangerous measure without a word of debate, a measure that now poses a clear threat to national security.


The failure to put a transitional mechanism in place was deliberate and what the country is confronted with is nothing short of an imminent national security crisis. Babil Mansa’s propensity for systemic mis-governance is legendary with the inevitable consequence that fear continues to pervade the public space of The Gambia. That fear is still somewhat present, and understandably so. The incoming government must be protected, its public mandate safeguarded, but it has a commensurate responsibility to reassure Gambians regarding issues of liberty and personal security, and that reassurance would ring hollow unless it acts decisively in nipping the emerging threats from a defeated government.


In the circumstances, and considering Sheikh Professor Alhaji Dr Yahya AJJ Jammeh Babil Mansa, comprehensively and decisively lost the mandate to govern, he must vacate power immediately notwithstanding section 63(2) of a Constitution he flouts with routine disdain.


Now that this absolute dictatorship has spectacularly collapsed in broad daylight, no citizen or resident of The Gambia should suffer unlawful arrest, detention, abduction, torture, threats, forceful disappearance, or extra-judicial execution. It is not enough to say that the government is defanged and that there is no legitimate basis to fear anything. I repeat the general and public demand that on national security considerations, Babil Mansa must vacate power immediately notwithstanding section 63(2) of the Constitution!


Indeed there is every legitimate basis for fear given the long interlude between 01 December and 31 January. With the police power still in the hands of Babil Mansa, it would be suicidal for an antidemocratic measure that was merely inserted, nay, sneaked into law without debate to thwart even the unequivocally expressed wish of the people.


Standing alone without any implementing legislation, and given the significant nature of what the amendment, i.e., the sixty-day transition provision must achieve, it has no capacity to assist in furthering accountable government within the rule of law. Due to Babil Mansa’s perpetual self-succession agenda, there was no informed opinion from his constitutional minions to put in place such a vital legislation.


Instead, the Gambian people were made to believe that Babil Mansa is a ruler for eternity and no elections could see him packing, a delusional rendition that comprehensively succumbed to the overriding will of the people. In the circumstances, this hollow provision must be honoured in the breach by Babil Mansa stepping aside by Friday next at the very latest.


In line with democratic convention and principles, the incoming Coalition government, having lawfully obtained the legal authority through the electoral mandate to wield the executive power, must be fully engaged with the business of running the state. What truncated version of the civil service there is should have the capacity to assist the incoming executive authority in implementing a credible transition process.


The Coalition’s Transition Team must begin to act as a Government, having been given the full constitutional mandate by the electorate. Should Babil Mansa stay at all – and the people vehemently reject this – he may only do so in a caretaker capacity with all major decision making in the hands of, and exercised by, the president-elect and his team.


Further, the incoming government must have the inherent executive authority to consult any government entity for information, and this extends to all ministries, parastatals, the revenue authority and the Central Bank. It must act to preserve the reserves if any!


More significantly, this cannot be done from home, be it that of the President-elect, or any of the Coalition leaders’. The incoming government must have a fully-equipped office staffed by appropriate personnel and fully paid for from the public treasury.


In line with the thinking of the electorate, there is a moral imperative for Babil Mansa to surrender office within the coming week consistent with his promise to cooperate with incoming administration by showing good faith and relinquishing power as an inevitable consequence of the withdrawal of the consent of the people, a consent that was consistently subverted through endless tinkering with the Constitution with a complicit National Assembly which acted as a mere an extension of the Executive.


Babil Mansa’s government was conclusively rejected and no one should entertain the suicidal foolishness that the will of the people can be thwarted by the barrel of the gun. For the Gambian people there is no turning back.


An utterly lawless era is over and any attempt to resuscitate it will fail dismally, and with heavy consequences for those bent on subverting the popular mandate so compellingly articulated on 01 December 2016. The Gambia and the world are watching!

Gambia: Post victory

By Bakary B Sanneh

The outcome of the just concluded elections has made me very proud of Gambians.

Today I can lift my head up with pride and majestically say that I am a Gambian for the profound victory against tyranny, injustice and political slavery.  Kudos to those brave men and women who have in one way or the other consistently and acidulously fought for this new Gambia.


Although the victory brought so much euphoria but after careful study and analysis of the post victory events, I am beginning to develop mix feelings – on one side elated for the change but rather concerned about the possibility of a Jammeh come back or interference.  Jammeh’s demeanor during his concession call to Barrow and even his commanding tone proves to me that he is neither apologetic nor remorseful of any of his actions or inflammatory rhetoric.  He is still full of hatred, disappointment and disgust for certain groups of Gambians and would do anything to wipe them out if he has a second chance.


For those advocating total amnesty for Jammeh, forgiveness comes with two conditions; remorse for your wrongs and resolve to abandon forthwith with the intent not to repeat same again.  I am not very much interested in that tangent, but let the leadership of the new government and team decides on amnesty or justice for him.  However, I am greatly concerned about Jammeh’s cynical motives.  He preyed on Jawara for years in order to be able to hatch a successful plan to topple him, preyed on our naivety for 22 years and while we are busy merrymaking for the victory now, he continues to take advantage of our same naivety and kindness.


Fellow Gambians, a believer is not bitten in the same whole twice.  I am now convinced that Jammeh’s victory concession is strategical and tactical as it offers him the opportunity to resettle in Kanilai with his weaponry, loyalist, junglers and more so maintaining his command of a certain fraction of the Casamance rebels.  I don’t want to pre-empt what the new government should do, but allowing Jammeh to remain powerful is going to be a recipe for disaster and subversion.  The security implications of this must be thoroughly evaluated and the risks adequately mitigated. I couldn’t agree more with Essa Sey in his post victory analysis that Jammeh (government) is gone but his system is still in place which we need to neutralize come January.  We all agree that Gambia cannot afford another Jammeh come back or even similar.


I therefore urge one and all to tread cautiously when dealing with Yaya Jammeh.


The man cannot be trusted and would to continue to be cynical.  The prophet peace Be Upon Him said in a Hadith (on the Authority of Salman (RA) ‘Allah will not speak to three people, neither will he bless them and a severe torment awaits them’; “one who makes Allah’s name as his merchandise by frequently swearing without no cause”.  The other two are not relevant for our purpose here.  It is also mentioned that too much swearing also makes a person a liar: this is very salient in Jammeh so do not trust or believe him.


Finally, I advise the new leadership to be careful and ensure Jammeh is contained even if he is granted amnesty.  I also remind President-Elect Barrow to ensure that he lives by the spirit and letter of the coalition MOU and not allow anyone to turn him into a dictator.  We don’t need the cities of the Kombos full of his portraits, self aggrandized accolades etc.


We expect him to serve The Gambia and its people selflessly so we can also make GAMBIA GREAT AGAIN.




New Gambia: Building a Cabinet

By Madi Jobarteh


The Gambia faces both a promising and an uncertain future at the same time as we prepare to usher in the administration of Adama Barrow. We face a promise because of the incredible enthusiasm and determination of our people demonstrated in this election in which we managed to peacefully save a nation from the brink of violent conflict. That enthusiasm and determination come against the backdrop of a longstanding brutal dictatorship for which the people were determined to crush to and never to rise again. It is safe to say indeed that the people now want to transition from dictatorship to democracy. The people are looking up to a leadership in which they have entrusted so much confidence. At the same time the people have huge expectations, which can only be measured against the huge damage that has been inflicted on the nation over the years.


It is in view of both these huge expectation on one hand and the damage caused on the other that we also face incredible amount of uncertainty. That is, how well the new leadership would be able to mobilize and organize this incredible energy of the people and manage their expectations such that we are seen to utilize every opportunity efficiently and effectively. This is a delicate exercise, which requires the full and active participation of the people on the one hand. On the other hand, it also requires leadership that is full of wisdom, smartness and strategy. Thus there is the need to balance the hunger of the people for solutions and real change in their lives with the effectiveness of the leaders to make the right choices and deliver promptly. This is no easy task.


In my view, the key to this balance, to enable us to harness the opportunities and fulfill the promise and therefore prevent the uncertainty lie in the kind of administration that Mr. Barrow and the coalition will create. Essentially, it is about what kind of Executive he will compose such that if it contains the right people, there is every opportunity for them to fulfill that promise. Failure to do that then we risk spiraling into everything except democracy. Let us bear in mind that just because a country emerged from dictatorship does not mean it could not go back to it again pretty soon. Uganda is one classic example where one dictatorship under Idi Amin came to be replaced by another dictatorship under Yoweri Museveni from 1986 to date. The Cabinet of Adama Barrow is therefore the key.


What kind of Cabinet?

For his Cabinet, I would suggest that Mr. Barrow and the Coalition consider bringing in individuals who are not politicians, but experts who have the scope and experience of policy and development with an international touch. We need a set of smart and progressive technocrats with the scope and capacity to create the necessary tools, be they policies, laws, institutions and processes that will modernize our governance system and the economy. For example in bringing the economy anywhere near viable, it is urgent we review the necessary laws and policies, change, abolish or create new ones altogether.


It will be those laws and policies that will come to strengthen our institutions and processes, which will feed into strengthening our macroeconomic fundamentals. These are about the interest rates, which must be set at levels to enable local entrepreneurs to access credit and make profit from their investments while at the same time enabling the banks to conveniently recoup their loans. It also means looking at our tax laws because currently the Gambia has one of the highest total tax rates in the world. While taxes are an indispensable source of revenue for government, yet high taxes also stifle the economy as it breaks the backs of potential entrepreneurs and investors, and causes rise in cost of doing business hence raise prices without the requisite profits.


Also we need new policy makers and economic thinkers who realize that government borrowing kills the economy, as is the case in the Gambia now. Our domestic debt is already more than 900 million dalasi per annum. This is not sustainable as it also eats into our external reserves, which are currently less than two months secure. Above all we need to wipe out corruption, inculcate a culture of efficiency on the basis of transparency and accountability. Thus given the juncture at which the nation is, the least distraction it needs is to have a Cabinet saturated with partisan politicians. We need smart technocrats.


As a three-year transition regime, I am of the view that Barrow’s main pre-occupation should be to conduct constitutional, legal and institutional reforms in order to cleanse our governance environment to ensure level playing polity. In this process he would have also strengthened public and democratic institutions and processes, which would enhance efficiency, transparency, accountability and performance of the state to ensure quality service delivery and revitalization of the economy. When he includes the career politicians in the Cabinet the tendency is to give rise to political jockeying in which these politicians would be repositioning themselves and for their parties in preparation for the 2019 elections. Consequently, the urgent task to transition from dictatorship to democracy will be severely weakened hence we would have missed the great promise of ushering in a new viable democratic third republic. It is typical of politicians to always seek to promote their political objectives by any means. Hence in this transition period, we do not wish partisan issues to derail or delay the nation from conducting an overhaul of the vestiges of dictatorship totally in order to create a new society.


New Role for Politicians

Therefore, I would suggest that members of the Coalition as politicians should have a new role in the transition period, which would enable them to help the nation build stronger foundations for democracy, civic empowerment and popular participation. Thus I would suggest that the new administration consider creating what I would call ’Council of State’. This is going to be an institution in which I foresee it having members like Ousainou Darboe, Fatoumatta Tambajang, Isatou Touray, Omar Jallow, Hamat Bah, Halifa Sallah, Sidia Jatta, Bolong Bojang, Mai Fatty, Hendry Gomez and Mama Kandeh among others. The Council of State would be a transitional institution, which shall serve as the conscience of the nation. It shall play an advisory and social mobilization role for the promotion of republican values and civic education. This is necessary to build the culture of democracy and develop and strengthen the sense of sovereignty of the people. At the same time it will be an instrument that will provide the necessary guidance to the new government especially given the arduous task of cleansing the ship of state after so much damage by the dictatorship.


We must bear in mind that the transition period would have to establish some commissions of enquiry to bring out the truth of the dictatorship and ensure justice. In countries where such endeavors were undertaken, it sometimes generates some vibrations for which independent, respected and recognized personalities and voices are necessary to calm the waters. While it is true that there has been so much pain over the years, yet in the urge to correct the wrongs, we cannot afford to burn the country. We need some voices, institutions and personalities to serve that role of pacifiers, mediators and confidence and assurance builders that would calm down everyone until we reach our objectives. This is where these seasoned politicians would become quite useful as they play the role of the elders of the society.


At the end of the day, we have every opportunity to usher in a new democratic society. We have the capacity. There are hundreds of competent Gambians at home and abroad with the requisite capability who should be in the Cabinet to steer this nation to safer shores. We also have many wise personalities who should rise above partisan politics by now to focus on the wider national goal of moulding this nation into a beacon of democracy, further cement national cohesion and reconciliation. They should be in the Council of State.


Finally, Mr. Adama Barrow must bear in mind that it is also his own personal legacy he is now building. He is taking leadership at a very delicate time in a society that is just emerging from a brutal experience and severely impoverished. Not only did AFPRC/APRC damage our institutions but this regime also polluted moral values and undermined the social cohesion of our society while inculcated a shameless culture of corruption and dishonesty. Hence Barrow will receive all sorts of individuals and proposals some of whose sole purpose is to secure their own selfish interests because we cannot change attitudes immediately. Therefore he must shield himself from any bias, control and influence from any quarter but to stand his ground to ensure that he pursues only the best interest of the Gambia knowing full well he has very limited time.


He has only three years to make or break the Gambia. If he allows parties and individuals to misdirect him and the state of ship crumbles down, all of these stakeholders will wash their hands off and point to him as the man in charge. In that case Gambians and history will judge him as the man who messed up a historic opportunity and failed his promise to his people. He must bear these in mind. He must look beyond the coalition and seek more information and engagements with all Gambians in order to enable him make the right choices and take the right actions. Failure to provide the leadership we deserve, rest assured Gambians would never forgive him until the end of time. At least I will not forgive him as I will not ever forgive Yaya Jammeh.


For the rest of us as common citizens, our role must be to stand for our country. To share our ideas with each other and to let the leaders know that we cannot accept anything les than success, unity and national development under a democratic dispensation. We must shun all ideas and practices that will bring back dictatorship, but to stand together to support the new administration in doing the right thing. We must be prepared to criticize them where they go wrong and applaud them to continue where they go right. We must change our perception and approach to leadership and governance to realize that Allah or God is not making decisions here; rather it is you and me who are making the choices. Every choice, good or bad has a consequence, good or bad. If we fail to play our role, Adama Barrow will fail, and if he fails, the Gambia will fail. But if we succeed in standing for our country and giving Adama the necessary support, and he also opens up to that genuine support, he will succeed. And if he succeeds, we succeed.

Forward Ever. Backward Never.

Jammeh should no longer dictate the narrative

By Ousainou Mbenga


From this moment on wards, we, the voices of victory on the ground and “diaspora” must dictate the narrative of the 22 year storm we just came out of and the transitional plan to straighten up our beloved Gambia. We must be willing to assert authority over Jammeh and his Alliance for Patriotic Reorientation and Construction (APRC). Under normal conditions, the approach would have been different but conditions in the Gambia remain abnormal, therefore require appropriate action.


The masses of Gambian voters have spoken decisively at the ballot boxes and everyone should listen, especially Jammeh. I strongly believe that the downtrodden masses have now discovered the “power of the people” which lay dormant and suffocated by neocolonialism, particularly the tyrannical Jammeh regime. Furthermore, the masses must take part in the cultivation of the new leadership required to construct the proud -future Gambia we have fought for since flag independence.


A new era has dawned upon us. This is the era of not leaving things to chance and wishing for a better life without struggle. Any life worth living must be created by the sweat of our brows, our intellect and unshakable determination to hold leadership accountable to our livelihood.


We must break with the notion of “give them a chance”. Most of you agreed to give Jammeh and AFPRC – APRC a chance and look at what it cost us; 22 years of abject barbarism: disappearance, detention without trials, gruesome murders, assassinations, rape, plunder and pillage. Leadership from now onward will be tested and not “given a chance”. We didn’t come all this way only to succumb to “business as usual”.


Liberation without social transformations is meaningless.


This election is unprecedented in Gambia’s history in particular and Africa in general. All eyes were on Gambia on December 1, 2016. Voter turnout and enthusiasm superseded that of “flag independence” day, 51 years ago. A people fed up with a gangster regime and its willfully ignorant sycophants said enough is enough and that they were “fired up and wouldn’t take it no more”. In my view, the best protection to ask for is the people’s protection. And I have no doubt that the Gambian masses will defend the December 1, 2016 victory in the event of any provoked vertical violence from the departing regime. This was an extraordinary achievement for Gambia and Africa in general; we must preserve and protect it with our lives. The whole world is impressed with the outcome of the elections contrary to the senseless violence that usually punctuate elections in Africa.


We won a mandate from the mighty Gambian people, a force that must be reckoned with and not easily intimidated. The jinni is out of the bottle and nothing can put back into the bottle.


What is being manifested on the ground is a crisis situation in which the “old order changed, yielding place to the new” but under hostile conditions. The “old order” doesn’t relinquish power just like that. But this is part of the process to restore normalcy. Wherever tyranny is uprooted, its fear mongering machinery has to be in full throttle to derail the resistance and reverse the VICTORY of the people. We must remain vigilant!

                                                                              ONE GAMBIA ONE NATION! LONG LIVE AFRICAN UNITY!

Magistrate Surahata Danso released

By Lamin Sanyang


Magistrate Surahata Danso of Brikamaba Magistrates’ Court has been released from detention last Friday, December 2nd 2016 after the election results were announced, The Fatu Network can reveal.


Mr. Danso was first arrested and detained at Brikama-ba police station on Tuesday, November 1st, 2016. He was later transferred to the Serious Crime Unit at the Police Headquarters in Banjul where he has since been detained.


“They have released him without any charge,” said a family source.


Meanwhile, Magistrate Danso could not be reach for comments.


Detention without charged and bail contradicts the dictates of the Constitutions of The Gambia and a total violation of his rights. The 1997 Constitution of The Gambia says a person should not be detained for more than 72 hours without been charged before a competent court of law or granted bail.


The Gambian magistrates and judges are pruned to arrest and detention when they fail to heed to executive directives by President Jammeh to jail innocent people. Each time they deliver verdicts and it doesn’t go down well with the State they are arrested, detained, charged and dismissed and subjected to emotional torture.


In August, 2016, the country’s first and only visually impaired Magistrate Muhammed Krubally was dismissed. His dismissal letter came after he already left the country to attend The World Blind Union Conference in the United States of America. He was accused of ruling against the state in a case that the President personally had interest in.


In early September 2016, Gambia’s youngest Magistrate Omar Jabang of the Banjul Magistrates Court also fled the shores of The Gambia to the United States. He was arrested and detained at the Serious Crime Unit in Banjul following his ruling on a no case to answer where he acquitted and discharged one Yusupha Saidy, a businessman.


After his arrest and detention, Jabang was later dismissed and later reinstated on condition that he must heed to the wishes of the Presidency and jailed anyone that the regime wants or risked being arrested, dismissed, charged and prosecuted for abuse of office.


The Gambian Judiciary lacks independence and dances to the tune of President Yahya Jammeh.


Meanwhile, the dictator has now fallen and Gambians expect rigorous judicial changes to ensure that the law is violated anymore and Gambia people’s rights are respected.

After 20 years, it is almost surreal when you stop & thinking the regime is finally breathing their last gasps of fresh Smiling Coast air

By Habib Drammeh


Although the cocktail of discontent is different in every country, but the pattern of political earthquakes across the western world has continued in West Africa and uprooted the repressive regime of Dictator Yahya Jammeh.


Yahya Jammeh and his gang of elves who ruled Gambia with an iron fist of repression and over the years got away with anything found themselves on December 1st in an unexpected dotage. The suddenness with which the regime fell, became evident half way into the night of the elections after prolong paused in releasing the rest of the constituency results. On the surface, the answer was clear that they lost after the pattern — the results were released from previous elections changed.


In the fortnight following the Dec. 1 election, Yahya Jammeh showered the IEC with all kind of laws favorable to his victory.  With their vow to win the election no matter what the world thinks about the results, other looming midnight-regulations and executive actions include schemes to seize the internet and shut down power to block the world away from happenings in the Gambia followed. He went as far as printing victory celebrations T-Shirts.


The newly emboldened Gambian people in a rare stand got united to kiss his agenda of 2017 death upon arrival. Sure, our confidence on the IEC was all time low — but maintaining the status quo’ with its own intolerable costs baked into each Gambian’s future — was not an option to live with. The force of that logic in our minds and the heroic fight of all Gambians, couple with the defiance of the IEC chairman to deliver nothing but true verdict, gave us victory non-to history.


Phew!  let take a step back and touch a little on the conspiracy theories and events that gave our hopes a severe “Black eye”.  I received a message from someone that the old men at IEC, earlier on painted his gate green color and his son either penned an article or released a Face book Video —predicting victory for Yahya Jammeh.


The fall-out from his piece made international headlines around online media and gave our hopes a black eye. In so doing, he eventually later apologized in another lengthy piece I saw on some online newspapers. Many began having mixed feelings but Gambians on the ground very confident of victory. They started making homemade signs “IEC BE FAIR” campaign. Then the state media GRTS TV broadcast the arrival of 400 Mauritanians— who claimed to be Gambians, but where speaking in Cassamance accent and housed around green tents. And celebrities’ especially powerful Nigerian Nollywood actors were all supporting the dictator at tax payers expense.  Others began downsizing their optimism and started changing their slogan to “Plan B”. Idealists, myself included, wrote many pieces encouraging people to go vote for change.


However, public reactions became more supportive and victory plausible because all the online radio presenters came together to raise funds for GDF. The intense campaign online radio and social media appealing to voter discontent and projecting strength and leadership in a time of political chaos —including rolling electricity and internet blackouts by the dictator’s enablers, in many ways, give people more hope to carry on the fight. It was Gambian politics gone wild with red carders, and it has proven effective. However, most importantly, a packed, colorful and disjointed slate of candidates from seven parties to form the Coalition, helped in unifying Gambians a great deal.  But there was also GDC party— whose leader was very skilled at using his celebrity status to attract voters from APRC regime.


However, they sometimes used outlandish statements occasionally that frustrated many. Metaphorically speaking, they politically married all the APRC single voters with far more compelling political narrative Yahya Jammeh’s political strategist couldn’t share with their disfranchised voters.


Then came the faithful day of December 1st. Gambians waited in lines to cast their ballots. Frustrations ran high as more conspiracy theories and propaganda. However, the young Gambians turnout appeared consistent with heavy in-person crowds reported by elections officials at polling sites and young coalition poll watchers. Social media and WhatsAPP messages were being recorded constantly to encourage Gambians to go vote and debunking regimes propaganda machinations. People were determined and excited enough to vote for change. Euphoria among some voters over IEC itself as an organization, come as no surprise but people’s last silver lining of hope rested in the hands of IEC chairman.


In fact, many Gambians who knew him undoubtedly feel the same sensation of an honest man who will call the elections results truthfully. More interestingly, though, the IEC chairman delivered in the face of severe inter-mediation from dictator Yahya Jammeh. Boom shakala! Gambians gave the dictator the shellacking he needed to fall from power to disgrace.


Metaphorically speaking, the unattractive tag team of Gambia’s repression is now breathing their last gasps of fresh smiling coast air before they get shoveled out the doors of Gambia. As we patiently wait for the transition period to end for the regime to pack off Gambia, but the current political landscape sure feels like déjà vu again because Yahya Jammeh is still in charge.


More importantly, they turned to Social media – making fake profiles to create so much confusion of coalition position, trying to worsen polarization they started in the country and attacking groups of people to divide Gambians, which is odd because Yahya Jammeh and his regime unanimously accepted defeat.  It is now an undeniable fact that they created a fake profile of President elect and another fake profile to stir tribalism sentiments. It’s just baffling that people whom have such an uneven record of throwing empty expressions and a knack for disastrous decision-making could, ascend to such political heights today and be regarded so highly at a national stage as the good guys. But, they are busy foot chasing every statement on social media with their snap shot camera, ready to cut and paste “anything” to make a point about tribalism, Instead of working together on ideas to build our country.


Worst still, his men continue indulging political brinkmanship in dangerous ways, instead of focusing to how they can best address society’s myriad problems their regime created. The fall of the dictator created a shocking resonance that immediately cuts of every scheme, poured cold water over large lumps of coal fire they ignite and put an end to all their shady business deals. The regime’s last holdouts die-hard miscreants have been blowing things out of proportions and throwing avalanche of tribalism statements on social media to distract people. The same pictures from fake profiles have been circulating around the web. Unfortunately, it’s working to distract Gambians. Conversely, what’s also worst is the people unknowingly helping these people spread their messages.


Chances are, Gambians should get used to encountering so many wired false accusations on social media on daily basis. It is sad that Cheerleaders for Dictator Jammeh’s imperial presidency are still seeking ways of preserving their own dictatorship ideological bubble. Yet in reality, their colleagues whom the dictator illegally detained are being released by the winds change effect. Conversely, what’s the worst thing they could do again apart from what they are known for twenty two years? The problem we have is —dictatorship ideology has locked many Gambians mind into a gated community. No one wants to think outside the box and we easily fall for any trap. The footprints are typical of Jammeh loyalist. Twenty two years it’s – “Coup”, ” tribalism “, “Mandinka” , “bad citizens diaspora ” and embarrassing our elders. Why are we surprised then if they repeat the same things?

The Gambia: What Next?

By Sait Matty Jaw


Two days ago, I read an article from the Guardian Newspaper describing the electoral outcomes in Gambia and what lesson the continent, especially countries under dictatorship can learn from the Gambian experience. It was a well-written article with very important points. However, I could not stop staring at a line from the article that put into perspective “The Gambia is one of Africa’s smallest and least important countries”. I didn’t know if I should have been offended or that I should just accept the fact that we are indeed too tiny to matter in international or regional politics. I then tweeted the same line and the link to the article with a short response: “not to me as a Gambian”.


My response was more about boosting my ego than denying the fact that indeed Gambia is small and not really important. It is also evident that we are poor when it comes to resources and have been under a dictatorship for more than two decades. I refused to be offended and took that line for what it was — a challenge. It is not about been important in the eyes of the others but in our own ways as Gambians. And how we do this is very important. In fact, it is what counts for me.


We have decided. We have made history by democratically voting out a dictator who had sworn to rule for one billion years “if God willed it”. One, who has tortured, killed, maimed and overseen a very corrupt regime. A man who employed divide and rule tactics to grip onto power; gone against all that it takes being a Gambian — our socio-cultural diversity.


He, out of greed for power, declared Gambia an Islamic state pushing out Christian brothers as minorities in their homeland. All the evil things he did in the name of Gambians are for his own interests and not that of the ordinary Gambian.


On December 1st, we finally put an end to this brutality. But most importantly this very man conceded and respected the wishes of the people. I won’t be bothered to discuss why he conceded. I might do that in a subsequent blog.


For me, ending dictatorship and getting freedom is one thing. The other is what one does with that freedom.


I have read and even shared Umaru Fofana’s assessment of how Gambians made history. Fofana’s Facebook post was so heartwarming, it would make one think we have reached that period where we need to relax. I say to you and to every Gambian, that we are at a point where our country needs us more than ever before. We are at a point where anything we do can break us, or derail this historical moment and plunge us into an abyss we never intended to be.


We are on a transition and transitions are the most critical phase for peace, stability, socio-economic and political progress. If anything, by this election, we have shown the world how peaceful and stable Gambia is. Our stability and peaceful ways is not because we are scared of the armed military or the police that have been used to brutalize peaceful protesters, but because peace is our norm.


We have proved this to the colonialist when they came and divided us. We said: “yes, you can divide us between rural and urban, educated and not educated but you cannot divide us on the line of ethnicity or religion.”


If our ancestors could not accept that we will never allow anyone to put a knife between us. Where do we go now from here? This should be the question that every Gambian should be asking.


I have already seen many people on social media suggesting to the transitional government what should be done. Some of us want vengeance, others justice and others advise that we heal the wounds of the nation by having a truth and reconciliation commission. I am part of those that prefer a truth and reconciliation commission (TRC) immediately power is transferred.


Jammeh’s divisionary attempts have a dire impact in our country. Today, our country is way more divided than ever before. People are angry and want vengeance. Some want justice.


Myself, I want some sort of justice for the fact that my right was violated. Thousands of Gambians want the same thins. But what this provides us, if at all we pursue it, at this critical juncture, would be to not only derail our progress as a nation, but possibly put it at risk. I am not in for risking anything. For 51 years we have been struggling to survive economically and politically.


Now that we have the chance we should be very careful not to abuse or make the wrong impression. We must be united indeed in word and action; we must give utmost support to the current transition government. This coming three years will be the hardest period that our country will ever go through. It is the most decisive period. I know some people are too close to US politics and other politics that they will start counting the first hundred days etc.


Our case is different and as such must be treated that way. We have a state that was virtually collapsing. It means right now this new transitional government will be starting afresh. They will not only inherit a divided nation but a poor and highly indebted nation with very limited resources. We must be patient and supportive.

The challenges that the transitional government will face is written all over the walls. But the biggest challenge that all other challenges are connected to is how to unite a divided population.


The new government need to realise that they are a government for every Gambian whether they voted for them or not. I will suggest at this point like many have said before me the need to institute a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. This will help address the anger, the quest for vengeance or even the witch-hunting. We must heal the wounds. We must have conversations. Some victims want justice and some people want to know what happened to their family members that have been abducted. I know this is one primary task you promised to engage in during the campaign.


It was made clear by the President-elect Barrow that this coalition transition government is not out to witch-hunt anyone. It was also very clear in the manifesto that TRC is a priority for the government to address the anger and heal the wounds that the APRC regime inflicted on many Gambians. This should be the bottom line. It should be the foundation of New Gambia. Without such, it will be practically impossible for the government to do anything moving on.


For Gambians we are blessed. No matter how tiny and less important in international politics we are, we have shown the world that our nation is important to us. We have stamped our mark in African politics like we did years after independence. Gambia is back. Yes, we are back. And what we make of this should matter to each one of us. We yearned for freedom for two decades and now we have it. Let us be careful before our people start asking “when is freedom going to end”.


This was a common thing to ask few years after independence. Let us not abuse the freedom we have. Let us respect and put the human rights of the individuals first. We have a nation to build and the work must start now. It must start from us individually. It must start with attitudinal change.


I will end by saying: “Never again shall we live under dictatorship.” The dice has been rolled and it is up to us to count our steps to a brighter and beautiful Gambia.

Ousainou Darboe & Co freed

By Alhagie Jobe

Gambia’s opposition United Democratic Party (UDP) leader Ousainou Darboe and eighteen other party members including the entire executive who were jailed for three years have finally been freed on Monday, December 5th, 2016.


The Gambia Court of Appeal granted the unconditional bail to Mr Darboe while the other nineteen other co-accused were granted light conditional bail of only relinquishing their National ID Card or Passport and a Gambian national to act as a surety.


The others are Kemeseng Jammeh, Femi Peters, Lamin Dibba, Lamin Jatta, Babucarr Camara, Fakebba Colley, Ismaila Ceesay, Momodou Fatty, Dodou Ceesay, Samba Kinteh, Mamudu Manneh, Nfamara Kuyateh, Fanta Darboe, Lamin Njie, Juguna Suso, Momodou LK Sanneh, Yaya Jammeh and Masanneh Lalo Jawla.


Mr Darboe and Co where on July 21st, 2016, convicted and sentenced to serve 3 years in prison consecutively by Nigerian machinery judge Justice Eunice O Dada.


They were all charged with seven counts of unlawful assembly, riot, incitement of violence, riotously interfering with traffic, holding a procession without a license, disobeying an order to disperse from an unlawful procession and conspiracy.


After been freed on Monday, Mr Darboe and Co were escorted back to the Mile II prisons for administrative paper works and then finally released to reunite with their families.


Thousands of people lined up the streets from Denton Bridge to West Field to welcome Mr Darboe and Co. He was accorded a special welcome with a full convoy to his home.



It could be recalled that Mr Darboe and Co were arrested on April 16th after staging a peaceful protest demanding the release, dead or alive of the party youth leader Solo Sandeng.


Solo Sandeng was arrested in an earlier April 14 protest for demanding electoral reforms. He was allegedly tortured and died under state custody.


Mr Darboe and Co have since been charged, denied bail and remanded in the state central prison of Mile II. The international community had denounced the action of the government and called for their immediate release and for the government to launch and immediate investigation into the death of Solo Sandeng.


After for long been mute over the dead of Mr Sandeng in state custody, President Jammeh in an interview with the French Magazine Jeune Afrique in May 2016 confirmed the death of Mr Sandeng and rubbished the call for investigation.


Again, the state prosecutors also admitted in court on Thursday, June 16th that Ebrima Solo Sandeg ‘indeed’ died in state custody. The confirmation was contained in a reply by the State’s Director of Public Prosecution SH Barkun to a Habeas Corpus filed on behalf of the late Sandeng at the High Court for the Gambia government to produce him dead or alive.


During the three month trial, the accused persons where been represented by a team of defense lawyers led by Senior Counsel A.A.B. Gaye and included A.N Bensouda, Hawa Sisay-Sabally, SM Tambadou, B.S. Touray, OMM Njie, Mary A. Samba, Rachel Y. Mendy, Neneh Cham, Musa Bachilly, Abdoulie Sissoho, Yasin Senghore, Hajum Gaye, M. Touray, Sagar Jahateh, and Dayoh Small.

Pan African Election Observers OKs Gambia’s election

The Pan African Electoral Observer Mission has expressed satisfaction with the recently concluded presidential elections in The Gambia.


The Gambia went to the polls on December 1st, 2016 and elected a new president Adama Barrow bringing an end to the 22 years rule of Yahya Jammeh.


At a press briefing on Monday, Mr. Mahamat Souleymane Doukhane, Chief of Mission of the Pan-African Corps of Election Observers described The Gambia’s election free and fair.


“We have noted with great satisfaction the results issued from the polls, which are the fruits of maturity of sovereign Gambian people that have expressed freely their will without pressure and discrimination,” he said.


According to him, as international election observers, they were satisfied with the concede of defeat by the incumbent before the announcement of results. He hailed the manner in which the results were officially declared adding that the election was conducted according to international standards.


He urged the political stakeholders to jealously safeguard the peace and national unity that prevail in the country.


“It was a win-win situation for the gallant sons of The Gambia mapping a positive point in the democratization process in the Gambia,” he said, calling on the country’s political actors to work together for the new era in the country.


Doukhane encouraged the values of dialogue in any reform in order to consolidate peace. He also made recommendation to open up the electoral process for Gambians in the diaspora to participate in future election.

UN Africa envoy calls for Truth & Reconciliation Commission in Gambia after downfall of Yahya Jammeh

By Alhagie Jobe

The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General for West Africa and the Sahel has called for a Truth & Reconciliation Commission in The Gambia after the fall of the long time ruler Yahya Jammeh.


Dr Mohamed Ibn Chambas was speaking on Saturday in the country as the first foreign dignitary to visit since the historic election which unseated the country’s strong man who has ruled the small West African nation for the past 22 years.


During his visit, Mr Chambas held discussions with President-elect Adama Barrow and representatives of the Gambian Opposition for Electoral Reform (GOFER) as well as those of the Alliance for Patriotic Re-Orientation and Construction (APRC), the CSO-Coalition on Election/Situation Room and members of the Diplomatic Corps but could not meet the outgoing President Yahya Jammeh.


These interactions offered him the opportunity to discuss with the various stakeholders the way forward following the declarations of the results of the just ended presidential election, which will cause the Gambia to experience for the first time an alternation of political power through peaceful democratic means.


He called for accountability but quickly made it clear that it should not be characterized by witch-hunting, calling on the coalition opposition parties to be magnanimous in victory, to be moderate in their celebrations and to appeal to its cadres to eschew all acts of violence directed at APRC supporters.


“Likewise, it is expected state security institutions to play their roles by adhering to all the principles and practices of the civilian control of the armed forces in accordance with both the national and international conventions” he said.


This is the third visit of the UN envoy in the country this year. In May, he visited The Gambia as a member of the ECOWAS-AU-UN Joint High Level Mission and another visit in November. The main objective for those missions was to reiterate the support of the United Nations and indeed the international community at large to the people of The Gambia during the election process.


They have been urging all political stakeholders including the institutions and political parties to play their respective role in ensuring the delivery of peaceful and credible elections as well as the resolution of electoral dispute through legal and constitutional channels in a pacific manner.


“The United Nations reiterates its commitment to accompany the people of the Gambia in its uncharted first journey to peaceful transfer of political power through elections. What happened has ushered in a democratic alternation of political power and therefore the spirit and practice of democratic conduct should govern every consideration of all Gambian political stakeholders. Accordingly, I would insist that the way forward should be characterized by the ideal of national reconciliation, the quest for harmony and the respect for the rule of law in accordance with the Gambian Constitution and the international laws” he said.


He congratulated the Gambian people for organizing a peaceful, transparent and credible election and President-elect Adama Barrow and team for the victory. He also commended outgoing President Yahya Jammeh for the gracious manner in which he conceded defeat and for his pledge to work for a smooth transfer of power to his successor.


According to Chambas, political parties should continue to have a responsibility to defend not only the interests of their own party and supporters but also to safeguard the unity of the whole nation. He called on the Gambia Civil Society Organisations to stay actively involved with the people of The Gambia and to contribute to safeguarding the principles of good governance and acting to continually enhance the conscience of society.


For the UN diplomat, the results of the elections and the change in government will not alter the appeal of the United Nations for the respect of human rights and rule of law in The Gambia. According to him, for only the respect of rule of law can strengthen national unity and ensure a solid foundation for the challenges ahead.

He then reiterated his call for incoming authorities to exercise their responsibilities in full adherence to the ECOWAS Protocol on Democracy, Election and Governance, among other international instruments that uphold basic freedoms and civil liberties for all.


The top UN diplomat reminded his continued called for the Gambia government to commit to the respect for human rights and request that the government conduct an independent investigation into the deaths of Ebrima Solo Kurumah and Solo Sandeng while they were in police custody. He also called on the government to reconsider the sentencing of the thirty protesters involved in the demonstrations of April 2016 as well as the continuing detention of fourteen people who are still awaiting trial in relations to the demonstration in May 2016.


Mr Chambas concluded by calling on Gambians to forge ahead in unity, conciliation, peace and harmony for the development of the great country.

UK Government congratulates Gambia on presidential elections

The Foreign Secretary congratulates President Elect Barrow on victory in Gambian presidential elections.


Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said:

I congratulate Adama Barrow on his victory in the Gambian presidential election on 1 December and President Yahya Jammeh for his statesmanship in respecting the will of the Gambian people and conceding defeat.


I also want to praise the Gambian people for conducting the election in a calm and peaceful manner.  This presents a new dawn for The Gambia and is a momentous day for democracy in Africa. It is essential that all parties work together and ensure an orderly and peaceful transition.


Britain has an enduring relationship with The Gambia and we stand ready to assist the work of the new President and his government.

Statement by NSC Spokesperson Ned Price on Elections in The Gambia


The United States congratulates the people of The Gambia on a peaceful and democratic presidential election that has the potential to mark a new beginning for all Gambians. We congratulate President-elect Adama Barrow on his victory, and we commend The Gambia’s Independent Electoral Commission for administering a credible election.


We welcome President Yahya Jammeh’s concession to President-elect Barrow and welcome President Jammeh’s respect for the will of the Gambian people. The Gambia’s first democratic transfer of power is a moment of great opportunity, and the United States looks forward to being a strong partner in efforts to unify the country, promote inclusive economic development, and advance the vital work of strengthening democratic institutions so that the Gambian people can enjoy the bright, peaceful, and prosperous future they deserve.

Yahya Jammeh finally concedes defeat

By Alhagie Jobe


Gambia’s incumbent President Yahya Jammeh who has been defeated in Thursday Presidential election late Friday phoned the President-elect Adama Barrow to concede defeat and congratulated him and his team on the victory.


Mr Jammeh’s comments came almost ten hours after votes where counted and results announced.


The results of the elections as officially announced by the electoral commission gave Mr Adama Barrow – 263,515 votes; Incumbent President Yahya Jammeh – 212,099 votes and Mama Kandeh – 102, 969.


During the phoned call conversation, Mr Jammeh first of all, thanked Almighty Allah for everything. He also thanked the Gambian people for the support over the past 22 years of his rule.


“I came on a Friday, 22nd July 1994 and today Friday 2nd December 2016, you Gambians have decided that I should take the back seat. You have voted for somebody to lead your country. This is our country and I wish you all the best” Jammeh said.


Mr Jammeh assured Mr Barrow of his total support and guidance at all times. He also assured him of a smooth transition process saying he has started working on it and by January 2017, Presiden-elect Barrow will take over the State House.


According to Jammeh, the outcome of the election is clear and transparent.


“The election results are the will of the people and as a Muslim who believe in God, I accept it in good faith. The Gambia is our country and we should all work together for its development” he said.


In a surprising announcement, Mr Jammeh said he is heading to his home village of Kanilaio immediately after the transition.


Mr Jammeh 51, seized power as a young army officer in a 1994 coup has rule the small West African nation for the past 22 years during which he has maintained his control over Gambia in four subsequent elections despite growing international concern over his government’s deteriorating human rights record.


His defeat comes as a huge surprise to him and many of his surrogates. Despite a surge of support for an opposition broadly united behind one candidate, most people expected the status quo to prevail.


The unseating of an incumbent president is not the usual way politics goes in this part of the world – but it’s becoming popular in West Africa at least. The news of the opposition victory came as the internet came back online.

ECOWAS, AU & UN congratulate Gambians, commend Jammeh for conceding defeat


By Alhagie Jobe


The ECOWAS Commission, the African Union Commission and the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) have jointly congratulated the people of The Gambia for a peaceful, free, fair and transparent presidential election held in the country on 1st December 2016 which was in line with the provisions of the ECOWAS Supplementary Protocol on Democracy and Good Governance and the AU Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance.


The President of the ECOWAS Commission, the Chairperson of the AU Commission and Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General to West Africa and Sahel also commend incumbent President Yahya Jammeh for gracefully conceding defeat. They also congratulated Adama Barrow for winning the presidential election.


Below is the full statement they issued;

The ECOWAS Commission, the African Union Commission and the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) congratulate the people of The Gambia for peaceful, free, fair and transparent presidential election held in the country on 1st December 2016, which was in line with the provisions of the ECOWAS Supplementary Protocol on Democracy and Good Governance and the AU Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance.


The President of the ECOWAS Commission, the Chairperson of the AU Commission and Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General to West Africa and Sahel commend His Excellency President Yahya Jammeh for gracefully conceding defeat, and also congratulate Mr. Adama Barrow for winning the presidential election.



The President of the ECOWAS Commission, the Chairperson of the AU Commission and the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General to West Africa and Sahel further commend the Independent Electoral Commission, the people of The Gambia and the international community for their relentless efforts to ensure a successful and smooth electoral process.


They wish to express their satisfaction with the maturity, calm and dignity with which the Gambian nation has conducted a peaceful, credible and uncontested presidential election.



The President of the ECOWAS Commission, the Chairperson of the AU Commission and the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General to West Africa and the Sahel stand in solidarity with the government and the people of The Gambia to ensure constitutional and legal transition and peaceful transfer of power.


It is the wish of the International Community that the newly elected President will engage the citizenry to combat poverty by putting in place the needed programmes necessary for creating jobs for the teeming youths for a sustainable economic development.

Uniited States Congratulates Gambia on Peaceful Elections-US Department of State


We congratulate the Gambian people for their commitment to a peaceful democratic process and the rule of law. We can confirm that the Gambian Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) declared on Gambian television that Adama Barrow of the opposition United Democratic Party (UDP) party has won the presidential election as an Independent running on behalf of a coalition of seven opposition parties.


According to the Chairman of the IEC, President Jammeh has conceded the election and spoken with president-elect Barrow. This peaceful transition would be an historic achievement for The Gambia – never before has power changed hands through the ballot box – and contribute positively to a significant legacy for President Jammeh.


We encourage all Gambians to respect the election results, and we urge the Government of the Gambia to respect the rights of citizens to freely assemble as they respond to the results of the election.


We applaud the Gambian population for participating in the election with a high voter turnout and generally peaceful conditions, albeit with a high security presence.

IEC Chairman Njai prove critics wrong

By Alhagie Jobe


Alieu Momar Njai, the chairman of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) had proved critics wrong by ensuring a free, transparent, credible and fair election in The Gambia which ended in a surprise move.


Mr Njai who has ever been defending the body saying it is credible and will ever remain fair, manifested it in the just concluded Presidential elections in which he boldly declared the incumbent President Yahya Jammmeh as looser.


Declaring the final results, Njai said “It’s really unique that someone who has been ruling this country for so long has accepted defeat”.


Njai who had to read it out in full 53 times as he announced results from all of the Gambia’s electoral districts throughout the night to the following day says the  voting system is second to known in the world. He rubbished claims that its not fair and credible saying what makes it more credible is the counting on the spot introduced this year.


At the end of a night long announcement, Mr Njai declared the opposition candidate and coalition leader Mr Adama Barrow as the winner of the 2016 presidential election.


The results were: Adama Barrow – 263,515 votes; Incumbent President Yahya Jammeh – 212,099 votes and Mama Kandeh – 102, 969.


President Yahya Jammeh has conceded defeat.


Mr Jammeh has rule the small West African nation for the past 22 years. His defeat comes as a huge surprise to him and many of his surrogates.


Despite a surge of support for an opposition broadly united behind one candidate, most people expected the status quo to prevail.

The marbles have spoken: Jubilation all over Gambia after historic opposition win

By Alhagie Jobe


Emotional Gambians all over the country have stormed the streets in their various towns and villages celebrating Adama Barrow’s victory.


Mr Barrow who led a coalition of parties defeated incumbent President Yahya Jammeh in a historic election on Friday, December 1st, 2016.


The results were: Adama Barrow – 263,515 votes; Incumbent President Yahya Jammeh – 212,099 votes and Mama Kandeh – 102, 969.



Mr Jammeh’s defeat comes as a huge surprise. Despite a surge of support for an opposition broadly united behind one candidate, most people expected the status quo to prevail.



Emotional Gambians have taken to social media to describe their joy at Yahya Jammeh’s surprise election defeat.


Jammeh has brought a lot of pain to Gambians, but we will deal with him later.



For those in the diaspora, many of whom fled repressive policies or fear of been arrested, tortured, killed or even made to disappear under Jammeh rule, the result of the elections represents a long-hoped for opportunity finally to visit their families back home.



There is absolutely overwhelming emotions on the diaspora radios at the moment with Gambians from all walks of life calling to express their opinion.

History made in Gambia: Coalition’s Adama Barrow unseats incumbent Yahya Jammeh

By Alhagie Jobe

The head of The Gambia’s electoral commission (IEC) has declared opposition candidate and coalition leader Mr Adama Barrow as the winner of the 2016 presidential election.


The results were: Adama Barrow – 263,515 votes; Incumbent President Yahya Jammeh – 212,099 votes and Mama Kandeh – 102, 969.


President Yahya Jammeh has reportedly conceded defeat in a recorded message to the nation which is to be aired shortly on the national television, GRTS.


Mr Jammeh has rule the small West African nation for the past 22 years.


The chairman of the electoral commission, Alieu Momar Njai declaring the final results described the election as free, fair and transparent saying the incumbent President Yahya Jammeh has conceded defeat prior to final results.


“It’s really unique that someone who has been ruling this country for so long has accepted defeat” he said.


Meanwhile, prior to the announcement of the results, Mr Jammeh’s Gambia’s minister of external affairs and Inspector General of Police (IGP) appeared on national television calling for calm.

Mr Jammeh’s defeat comes as a huge surprise. Despite a surge of support for an opposition broadly united behind one candidate, most people expected the status quo to prevail.


Hopes weren’t high for a peaceful transfer of power, with a crackdown on opposition leaders months before the polls, the banning of international observers or post-election demonstrations and then the switching off of the internet on eve of election day.


But in a place where glass beads act as ballot papers it seems the marbles have spoken.


The unseating of an incumbent president is not the usual way politics goes in this part of the world – but it’s becoming popular in West Africa at least. The news of the opposition victory came as the internet came back online.


Yahya Jammeh, 51, seized power as a young army officer in a 1994 coup and has maintained his control over Gambia in four subsequent elections despite growing international concern over his government’s deteriorating human rights record.


Long known for his eccentricities, including a snap decision last year to declare Gambia an Islamic republic, international attention has increasingly focused on the repressive nature of his rule.


Mr Jammeh has rejected outside criticism and last month announced Gambia’s withdrawal from the International Criminal Court, a body he says is biased against Africans and which his spokesman dubbed the “International Caucasian Court”.


In April, small protests in Banjul calling for electoral reform led to dozens of arrests, including that of the leader of the main opposition party, UDP, Mr Ousainu Darboe.


Two other UDP members have since died in custody while others remain in jail, but the almost unheard of act of defiance has helped galvanize Jammeh’s opponents.

Who is Adama Barrow?

  • Born in 1965 in small village near the market town of Basse, eastern Gambia
  • Moved to London in the 2000s, reportedly working as a security guard at Argos department store in north London while he completed his studies.
  • Returned to Gambia in 2006 to set up his own property company
  • 51-year-old wins nomination to lead coalition of seven opposition parties against President Jammeh
  • Criticises the lack of a two-term limit on the presidency and condemns the jailing of opposition politicians
  • Promotes an independent judiciary, freedom for media and civil society
  • Says he will introduce a three-year transitional government made up from members of the opposition coalition if he wins .


Polls closed in Gambia’s Presidential election

By Alhagie Jobe


Polls have officially closed in The Gambia’s presidential elections and counting at the spot has begun immediately.


Polls opened as early as 08:00 GMT in the small West African nation with a total of over 880, 000 Gambians registered to vote in this year’s election in a country of less than 1.5 million people.


Incumbent President Yahya Jammeh who has ruled the tiny West African nation since 1994 is facing perhaps the biggest political challenge throughout his 22 years in power.


After casting his vote, Mr Jammeh told journalist that he will win in a landslide and with a majority that has never happened in the history of elections in The Gambia.


He is been challenged by Adama Barow who is leading a revitalized and united opposition coalition and Mama Kandeh of the Gambia Democratic Congress who was a former National Assembly member of the ruling Jammeh APRC party.


Mr Barrow also renewed his confidence today after casting his vote saying he is going to win.


“I am confident that I will win. There is no way we going to loose. With the support we have and the change Gambians need, there is no way I will loose” he said.


During the day, it was reported that the turnout was massive and the process was running smoothly. Long queues were reported in almost all polling stations despite little information coming out of the country.


The government shut down the internet gateway and blocked international calls on the eve of the elections raising concerns and fear of election rigging by the incumbent President Yahya Jammeh who has ruled the country for 22 years.


There are no international observers for the election. Only the African Union has sent an 8-man mission to observe the election.


The sub-regional grouping, ECOWAS did not turn up as the government said their request was late.


Thursday’s poll comes at the end of a turbulent year that has given hope to opposition supporters that change may be on the horizon.

Massive voter turnout in Gambia’s election

By Alhagie Jobe


Long queues with massive turnout of voters are reported in Thursday presidential election in The Gambia despite little information coming out of the country.


The government shut down the internet gateway and blocked international calls on the eve of the elections raising concerns and fear of election rigging by the incumbent President Yahya Jammeh who has ruled the country for 22 years.


Despite, The Fatu Network is able to obtain latest pictures from one voting center in Sukuta, in Kombo North as voting progresses.


Polls opened as early as 08:00am GMT in the small West African nation of The Gambia.


A total of over 880, 000 Gambians are registered to votes in this year’s election in a country of less than 1.5 million people.


Incumbent President Yahya Jammeh who has ruled the tiny West African nation since 1994 is facing perhaps the biggest political challenge throughout his 22 years in power. He is been challenged by Adama Barow who is leading a revitalized and united opposition coalition and Mama Kandeh of the Gambia Democratic Congress who was a former National Assembly member of the ruling Jammeh APRC party.


Voting closes at 18:00hrs GMT after which countring takes effect. The results are expected early Friday, December 2nd, 2016.

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